I heard only two weeks ago about a grandmother in New Orleans, Linda Frickey, 73, who was carjacked in March after taking a break from work to put something in her car. When the carjackers rushed the car and drove off, Frickey got tangled in the seatbelt and was dragged for one block as her clothes were being torn off.
According to witness Leanne Mascar, after a neighbor frantically screamed to let her go, the carjackers “slowed down and opened the door to kick her out.” Naked and with her arm severed, that grandmother bled to death in the street.
This happened as the blood of vicious murdering and random violence spills from its usual purlieu to just about everywhere in America. As anti-policing policies infect the country with gut-churning insecurity, in August monthly civilian gun sales exceeded 1 million for a recording-breaking 37 consecutive months.
A day after a 27-year-old California woman’s head was found under her car, severed with a sword by her ex-boyfriend in broad daylight; the same week jogger Eliza Fletcher’s body was found after being randomly kidnapped and raped; and the same day deranged Memphis teenager, Ezekiel Kelly, livestreamed his massacre on Facebook – the Obama’s unveiled their portraits at the White House.
The two uttered calm, “mostly peaceful” speeches atop Biden’s wreckage of record inflation, record border crossings, record crime, record racial and political division, and full-blown generalized anxiety over the deliberate torching of America’s load-bearing institutions. The Obamas gave every indication that they have no earthly idea about what’s happening in the real world.
“Joe, it is now America’s good fortune to have you as president,” Obama said in the speech, partly meant to atone for overshadowing Biden on his last visit. “You have guided us through some perilous times. You’ve built on and gone beyond the work we all did together to expand health care, to fight climate change, to advance social justice, and to promote economic fairness.”
And then he said it.
“Thanks to your decency and thanks to your strength, maybe most of all thanks to your faith in our democracy and the American people, the country’s better off than when you took office …”
In what world is that true? A make-believe one, of course.
More than a century after slavery was abolished, over a half century after the end of legal discrimination, and when blacks in America – despite it all – have become the most successful in human history, Barack and Michele Obama remain the king and queen of an enchanted Neverland where the unicorn dreams of “social justice” and “economic fairness” produce a perpetual crop of endless grievances.
But paying homage to progressive policies makes sense when you think that it was Obama, who ran on a platform to “fundamentally change the United States of America,” opened the political can of worms that has, today, made America unrecognizable.
Biden’s catastrophes are the rotten fruit of Obama’s policies.
It was Obama, in 2009, who spent his first 100 days apologizing for America’s sins on three continents. In France he said America “has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive” of Europe. He poetically seethed, in London, that the world’s financial system was created through decisions made by “just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy.” And when asked if he believed in American exceptionalism, he said yes, but in the same way “that Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks in Greek exceptionalism.”
In the end, his confessions diminished America but earned nothing from jealous friends and avowed enemies.
It was Obama who, while in Turkey that same year, said the U.S. no longer believed itself to be a Judeo-Christian nation.
“Although, as I mentioned, we have a very large Christian population,” said Obama, “we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation.”
It was Obama who repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military in 2010 and, in 2011, refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage as only between a man and a woman.
After the Supreme Court ruled DOMA unconstitutional in 2013, and in 2015 ruled that the Constitution protects same-sex marriage, it was an unusually giddy Obama who celebrated the decision by lighting up the White House in the colors of the rainbow.
After admitting he didn’t have all the facts, it was Obama who said that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly” in arresting his friend Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and in 2013, took sides in the highly publicized Trayvon Martin case.
“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son,” Obama said at a press briefing. “Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.”
After saying that he, like many black males, had been followed while shopping, heard people locking their car doors as he walked down the street, and that he saw a woman clutching her purse “nervously and holding her breath” on an elevator until she got off, Obama said the justice system is racially biased.
“The African-American community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws – everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws.”
Black Lives Matter was created that same month, a group that Michelle Obama fully supports to this day – after the riots, after the random violence and destruction, and after the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict.
“Many of us still live in fear as we go to the grocery store …” she told Gayle King in a 2021 interview. “Like so many parents of black kids … the innocent act of getting a license puts fear in our hearts. … I mean, all those Black Lives Matter kids, they’d rather not have to worry about this.”
With no more offices to run for, it’s sad to see that the Obamas have become completely irrelevant in the real world as they fully embrace their role as king and queen of perpetual black grievance. Despite the mayhem and death young blacks create in Chicago, New York and Memphis, and no matter how much their own lives contradict the deeply flawed narratives they push, the Obamas strut in the accolades of cheap royalty, with stupid pride.
“For me, this day is not just about what has happened, it’s also about what could happen,” she said at the unveiling. “Because a girl like me, she was never supposed to be up there next to Jacqueline Kennedy and Dolly Madison. She was never supposed to live in this house, and she definitely wasn’t supposed to serve as first lady.”
No Michelle.
Your extremist policies of climate change, social justice, and economic fairness are creating real victims – in the real world – who couldn’t care less about your bleeping color. They’re suffering and dying, for God’s sake.
It’s long past time for the Obamas to either abdicate the throne or grow up and take whatever criticism they get, and which they so richly deserve.
Obama is the proof that America is racist, he battled his way from a mere community organizer to be president and a multimillionaire took far more corruption than Trump. That maga freak show will be behind bars soon.
Obama was the worst president ever until Biden came along.
It had been a long time in the making, but Barry Soetoro was the true beginning of the end of America as founded.
I’m not so sure of that. He continued the slide, but that slide was begun with Bill Clinton or perhaps earlier. But Dear Barry will certainly be remembered for his contribution to America’s destruction.
CNN? MSDNC? The New dork times?
Even by troll standards, your’e a hack. All you do is regurgitate the daily headlines that nobody reads.
And you take it up the ass.
Except it was a bunch of dumb-ass white people like you that voted for him—-twice. Do you get more stupid by the hour?
Yes, he took racism to the a new level… and warmed his heart and hands as American cities burned… just daring governors to step in. A mere young man, who was bought from the political slave block and groomed to the position of President… let him also enjoy his demise !
Do you think he will have a demise in his lifetime? It would be nice to see him fully discredited and excoriated, spat upon both literally and rhetorically, especially by the black Americans whom he served so badly. It would be nice to see eventually him die, old and sick, in poverty and obscurity, rejected by all of his current friends and family and utterly alone. But no doubt we will suffer these fates, which he has foisted upon us, and he will spend the rest of his misbegotten life in tinseled glory. We can only pray that when he faces his Creator his glibness will buy him no salvation.
Please don’t forget to include her, because she was, is, just as against America as he. They were, and are, in this together. They are two of the most self-entitled people ever. It is my belief that the Obamas always resented not being one of the ultra wealthy, which is where they believed they belonged more than those already in that category. I belief that, rich and powerful, has always been their their number one goal. They have no use for blacks except for a very, very few who are extremely wealthy and it isn’t just the poor, ordinary blacks they have only disdain for; they also have only disdain for educated, successful blacks such as Co.onel West, etc.
The only being he’ll face when the world is rid of him is Satan.
So well stated. Obama IS THE RACIST. His wife is the standard angry black woman seething with jealousy of white female beauty.
Obama is living in the down low and his wife is a man named Michael
Obama is a puppet of his globalist overlords. Once he’s served his purpose as POTUS (Biden is his proxy), he’ll be kicked to the curb.
You only speak as one was an opinion not grounded in any facts or truth. As an African-American woman who grew up in Chicago in home Obama claimed, in a democratically run City where African Americans were segregated. I repeat in a democratically run City where blacks were separated. When Obama became president nothing changed things got worse much worse. Why? Because Obama had an agenda, a global agenda and if you take the rose colored glasses off your eyes you’ll see that. Yes we fought for civil rights and equality and we got it. I can go get an ID or driver’s license or what have you anytime I want and there’s no problem. But the Democrats sell a lie and they haven’t selling a lie for the longest of time. It was the Democrats who started the KKK don’t believe me? Go look it up do a deep dive and go find some truth for once. I’m sick and tired of the flip of the switch where the Democrats the black Democrats who run I repeat who run major cities say that there’s racism well if there’s racism cleaning up in your city don’t perpetuate it because you are the racist.
You are still using the term teabaggers as an insult to the conservative right. Isn’t teabagging a homosexual act where two men suck on each other’s testicles? I thought that all of the progressive lefties loved homosexuality. Here you are now comparing conservatives to homosexuals. What gives? Explain yourself please.
The Osamas are pampered trash who’ve never earned a thing they have and everybody knows it.
Everyone except them knows it. They no doubt are convinced that they deserve every goody life has bestowed on them and more. That’s the way it is with pampered trash.
Good point.
Thumbs up buddy.
The Obama’s are the biggest dirtbags, racist’s and anti American (anti-white) pieces of shi* this country has see.
By far.
“For me, this day is not just about what has happened, it’s also about what could happen,” she said at the unveiling. “Because a girl like me, she was never supposed to be up there next to Jacqueline Kennedy and Dolly Madison. She was never supposed to live in this house, and she definitely wasn’t supposed to serve as first lady.”
You can say that again. The fact that you did become first lady tells us that America today is but a shadow of what it once was. Make America great again!
This reminded me of an essay by Thomas Sowell, “A Death In The Family”, “Once, when she was blaming herself for not having made more of her opportunities, she said: “I went to the same school you went to, Uncle Tommy!”
But I had to remind her that it was not the same school. It was the same building but the school had declined, like so many other schools. She never received the same education that I had. Neither would her children.”
The last laugh is on the Obamas. It’s not the same White House it’s only the same building.
This also reminded me of the “Great Oak Tree” metaphor in Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged”, “The great oak tree had stood on a hill over the Hudson, in a lonely spot of the Taggart estate. Eddie Willers, aged seven, liked to come and look at that tree. It had stood there for hundreds of years, and he thought it would always stand there. Its roots clutched the hill like a fist with fingers sunk into the soil, and he thought that if a giant were to seize it by the top, he would not be able to uproot it, but would swing the hill and the whole of the earth with it, like a ball at the end of a string. He felt safe in the oak tree’s presence; it was a thing that nothing could change or threaten; it was his greatest symbol of strength.
One night, lightning struck the oak tree. Eddie saw it the next morning. It lay broken in half, and he looked into its trunk as into the mouth of a black tunnel. The trunk was only an empty shell; its heart had rotted away long ago; there was nothing inside – just a thin gray dust that was being dispersed by the whim of the faintest wind. The living power had gone, and the shape it left had not be able to stand without it.
It was an immense betrayal – the more terrible because he could not grasp what it was that had been betrayed. It was not himself, he knew, nor his trust; it was something else. He stood there for a while, making no sound, then he walked back to the house. He never spoke about it to anyone, then or since.”
“What an unbelievably, fantastic metaphor for formerly great institutions that retain their outward glory but are nothing but hollow shells, rotted from the inside. Whether government, churches, universities or corporations, it describes exactly what happened to so many things that once held great promise but that died long before the public realized it.” – Joshua Kennon
Thank You. I will have to re-read that book. I have not read it since 1976. (James on Susan’s machine)
“The trunk was only an empty shell; its heart had rotted away long ago; there was nothing inside”
Kind of like you….just a rotted, empty, heartless, husk of a barely human being
Don’t be mean for mean’s sake, Intrepid. It does not become you. And this happens to be a beautiful post by THX, who actually has a mind and something to say but is usually awkward as to how to say it.
I am not mean for mean’s sake. He deserves everything that can be thrown at him.
Beautiful post. Thank you. For once your quote from Ayn Rand was both relevant and of reasonable length.
Eddie Willers is to my mind one of the only truly decent people in “Atlas Shrugged”. Much as I like that book and as many times as I have read it, he continues to stand out as a beacon of human goodness in a world gone mad.
Obama’s ever present chin up in the air is the perfect metaphor for the Obama’s snobbishness and vacuousness.
Reminds me of Mussolini, chin held arrogantly in the air. But Mussolini was, for all his faults (the worst of which was foolishly allying with the wrong side) a far, far better thinker and leader than Obama could ever hope to be.
His coaches told him that makes him look regal.
They couldn’t wait a week until the queen was buried? The no-class Obamas.
I’ll never see him as anything but President Oblahblah. Running his mouth, spewing “decorous” disinformation and distortion, and denigrating America were his only fortes.
THE OBAMAS: Two sociopath gamer lawyers who have spent their politial lives parasiting on America. Keep in mind it was Barack Obama of the bankster regime of OBAMA, ERIC HOLDER who perpetrated on us ‘credit card’ Joe.
On the 14th of August 2020, Politico Magazine, in a lengthy article, revealed for the first time Barack Obama’s true opinion of Joe Biden together with his warning to the people of America. During the 2020 primary Obama told a fellow Democrat: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!). BRIAN C JOONDEPH
Please keep this information top secret. Thanks.
On the day of Obamas acceptance speech in Chicago, the Illinois State Lottery’s same-day draw was the Mark of the Beast #666.
Lisa Miller, the Senior Editor of Newsweek, wrote this editorial:
Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist?
Keep it very secret please and cover it up as must be.
Sad how so many refuse to face reality and attribute merit to skin color, whichever skin color that is. The Obama’s left our country in a huge mess following his 8 years in office. He is responsible for innocent people in his Fast and Furious gun running charade and then tried to put the blame on gun store owners from which they purchased the weapons. Healthcare has essentially gone to hell in a hand basket since “Obama Care”. The debacle in Benghazi costing the life of our Ambassador and other American soldiers and then blamed on a writer…. just a very limited list of his many abuses of executive power while in office….and by the way, the so-called Arab spring he ignorantly championed resulting in the death of Khadaffi has resulted in open market slavery where many young, African men are brought in and are sold every day. It is an abomination and one the leftists in America refuse to acknowledge in their perpetual unwillingness to take their heads out of the media propaganda and face the truth. Blacks under the Obama presidency were doing worse after he left office than they were before when one looks at data and not his constant vilification of others. The leftists are masters at blaming everybody else for what are clearly their ignorant, biased, uninformed, self-centered, self-aggrandizing policies that do NOT WORK and are the cause of numerous unintended consequences that routinely have and do cause pain and suffering for others. A malignant sociopath without any moral compass who has as yet, on merit alone, to earn any thing but who is eloquent in marginalizing others, including his Caucasian grandmother, and other family members. He politicized the IRS, was part of obtaining a FISA warrant to spy on a presidential candidate by providing false information to the judge, used the DOJ as an arm of his leftist policies through Attorney General Eric Holder, was an appalling figure of submission to the Middle East, except for his anti-Semitic disdain for Prime Minister Netanyahu (whose IQ is multiple digits beyond his) and his overt submission to the Iranian ayatollah sending this hateful regime billions of American tax-payer dollars without care or concern for the impact this would have on other Arab nations. His is a forked tongue ready at any moment to vilify the innocent in pursuit of his own radical ideology.. Black’s who have taken themselves off of the Democrat slave plantation know only too well how much Black’s suffered under his malevolent presidency. It was during Trump’s 4 years as President that Black unemployment became the lowest in our nation’s history–and that is based on FACTS and not on the empty promises of Obama’s droning on of Marxist-Communist rhetoric. He is only second to Brandon and Jimmy Carter for being one of the WORST President’s in our history. For being the first Black President you would have thought he would have actually used the opportunity to help his own but all he did was foment hatred of people against one another tithe great destruction of our relationships with one another. He is a complete disgrace!
He is an embarrassment to his race. The human race, that is. Makes me half wish I belonged to some other species when I see people like him.
Sez the anti-white lunatic who rubs Aunt Jemima syrup on itself every day and prances around jerking it to old Obama videos.
That would be an image that couldn’t be unseen. Glad I never actually saw it. Hope you haven’t either.
Have a great weekend!
silly negro
Obama was the first woke president and a terrible president who had no pride in the uniqueness of A,merica. Obama destroyed the military, sold out Israel and appeased Iran and played the race card when challenged onhis policies
Obama is a Communist. The destruction of America by turning it into a third world Communist dictatorship is his plan, and he’s achieved most of his goals toward this end. He was in Atlanta on November 2, 2020 to, in my opinion, to give the go-ahead to the ballot harvesters and his foot soldiers at the SPLC and with Stacy Abrams’ election theft organization to carry out the mission in stealing a presidential election and handing the country over to a senile degenerate light weight and his Marxist apparatchik handlers because the operation to steal it in Texas in Harris County had been uncovered and thwarted. there are rumors that Frank Marshal Davis wasn’t just his mentor, but his biological father. Other posts have made mention that Obama maybe the Antichrist, I wouldn’t rule this out. I remember the earthquake in DC that toppled the spire in the National Cathedral and cracked the Washington Monument, the flies that always seemed to land on his face, lightening striking the White House when Obamacare was passed.
One thing is for certain. Obama is traitor to America and no foreign enemy – not the Soviets, not the Nazi’s, not Imperial Japan- has done more damage to the United States of America than Barack Obama. We Patriots and Freedom Fighters must make him our primary target for justice and retribution for his crimes against the Republic and our children in the same way the Left and its dictatorship has targeted Trump.
A White House transcript that revealed Obama’s loyalties early on:
Q: Tomorrow we’re leaving for the Middle East. It’s going to be your first trip there. What do you want to achieve with this trip?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’re going to be traveling to Saudi Arabia; I’ll be having discussions with King Abdullah. And then we’ll travel to Cairo, in which I am delivering on a promise I made during the campaign to provide a framework, a speech of how I think we can remake relations between the United States and countries in the Muslim world….
I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world….
Q: When I met you on the campaign, you were telling me that you wanted to organize a Muslim summit. Do you still have that in mind?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, you know, this is a start of what I think will be a long-term process.”
Barack Hussein Obama, June 1, 2009