Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter has shaken the fascist Left to its core; nothing seems to be more frightening to Leftists than the prospect of free and open discourse. But the euphoria among patriots and fear and rage among Leftists may both have been premature: Musk announced early Wednesday morning that he had talked with a group of “civil society leaders” about how “Twitter will continue to combat hate & harassment & enforce its election integrity policies.”
Almost every one of the “leaders” with which Musk spoke was among the nation’s most prominent Leftists, and there was nary a critic of Big Tech censorship among them. Will the freedom of speech really return to Twitter? Maybe. But if the people Musk consulted about combating “hate & harassment” and enforcing “election integrity” are any indication, the dreary, one-sided, fascist platform will continue pretty much as it did before.
First on Musk’s list were Jonathan Greenblatt and Yael Eisenstadt of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In a December 2021 PJM article, Rabbi Michael Barclay details how Greenblatt transformed the ADL “from an organization devoted to freedom and safety into a political axe for the left.” With Greenblatt at the helm, Barclay notes, “the ADL has now partnered with CAIR in fighting against anti-BDS legislation, fought for abortion, and has entirely transformed from its original purpose into an organization that is even labeled by the respected and tolerant Jewish magazine Tablet as ‘mind-bendingly insane.’”
Musk also spoke with Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change (COC), which was created, according to Discover The Networks, in order to fight “the systemic racism pervading America generally and conservatism in particular.” Discover The Networks notes that Robinson “is also affiliated with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and the Right to Vote Campaign,” which is “a national collaboration of eight civil-rights organizations—including the ACLU, the NAACP, and People for the American Way—that seek to combat ‘voter disenfranchisement’ by lobbying for laws that would permit convicted felons, who are disproportionately African Americans, to vote in political elections.”
NAACP President Derrick Johnson was also on Musk’s list. The NAACP, says Discover The Networks, “has longstanding, deep ties to socialist and communist causes” and “supports racial preferences in employment and education” as well as “racial gerrymandering of voting districts.”
Also included on the call with Musk was Jessica González of Free Press, who explained after the meeting: “We met to make three immediate requests of him in his stewardship of Twitter. These are the tip-of-the-iceberg kind of requests around maintaining election-integrity systems until the election results are certified, not replatforming people without a transparent process and certainly not before the election, and also making sure that when he’s developing whatever content-moderation regime he’s going to do that he hear directly from people who have faced hate and harassment on Twitter and can offer some unique insight into how that shuts down free speech. He said he’s going to meet these requests. And those are words. Actions speak louder than words. We’ll be keeping track and evaluating Musk based on his deeds, not his words.”
This is ominous, considering how the Left has weaponized false charges of “hate and harassment” to silence speech it dislikes. If Musk really understood the gravity of the threat to the freedom of speech on Twitter and in the American public square in general, he would have included in his meeting someone who could at very least have challenged González on what defines “hate” and what is simply political disagreement. But there was no one on the call who represented any kind of alternative point of view at all. The closest thing to that was George W. Bush Center CEO Ken Hersch, but George W. Bush is a pillar of the controlled opposition Republican establishment that gives the Left everything it wants, and so a representative of the George W. Bush Center could hardly have been expected to make a robust case for the freedom of speech on a call loaded with fascists.
Jessica González and no doubt the other Leftists on the call came away reassured that Musk wouldn’t stray too far off the reservation. She recounted that “he talked about, in the meeting, having a broadly inclusive digital town square. I think he believes in freedom of speech for all. The trick is how to get there. And I don’t know that he totally knows how to do that.” Yes, that seems evident.
The tech world is worried about the “terrible things that are happening to the talented people in Twitter” those words from an email I received yesterday from a developer site.
The tech world is threatening to withdraw from Twitter, is this what Elon is concerned about?
Maybe if conservatives had publicly announced that they would leave Twitter because they censored Trump…?
Get to know your enemies, and you will never be defeated.
Hopefully that’s the case.
Who doesn’t know the left? Why would a man who is supposed to be a genius NOT understand that you cannot compromise with leftists because without censorship and tyrannical control, they cannot exist.
Either Twitter and other platforms do not censor conservatives (and other opinions that diverge from the left) or there is no place for conservatives and other divergent opinions at all on Twitter and so theres no free speech. I mean, duh!
Musk is no genius after all.
The tech world is worried about the “terrible things that are happening to the talented people in Twitter” those words from an email I received yesterday from a developer site.
The tech world is threatening to withdraw from Twitter, is this what Elon is concerned about?
Maybe if conservatives had publicly announced that they would leave Twitter because they censored Trump?
Understand that Spencer censors freely upon the jihadwatch.org site.
That’s different.