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Neither California Gov. Gavin Newsom nor former First Lady Michelle Obama will become the Democrats’ 2024 presidential candidate. No amount of President Joe Biden’s mental decline, forgetfulness, mumbling or stumbling can change that. If Biden can fog up a mirror come Election Day, he will be the nominee. If he cannot, Vice President Kamala Harris awaits, on deck, bat in hand.
As for both Newsom and Obama, they would first have to push Harris aside. For her part, she recently said, “I am ready to serve. There’s no question about that.” That does not sound like someone about to walk the plank. She wants to be president, ran for the job in 2020 and probably expected Biden, at some point after defeating former President Donald Trump, to hand her the baton before November 2024.
With her name on the ballot, Harris has never lost an election, winning her races for San Francisco district attorney, California attorney general, U.S. Senate and vice president. She does not believe she’s disqualified because of her so-called cackle. Nor does she consider herself having failed to determine the “root cause” of the three-year massive influx of illegal immigration when all but the hosts on MSNBC know the root cause is Biden’s reversal of Trump’s border policies.
In her identity party, she checks two boxes as a female who identifies as black. Blacks are the most loyal part of the Democratic base, with black women more loyal than the men. In a September 2023 article about its CBS News/YouGov poll, CBS News wrote, “Black Democrats are the most enthusiastic about Harris today, as they were three years ago.”
In 2020, Democrats panicked the after the unelectable, self-described “Democrat socialist” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) won the Nevada caucuses, briefly becoming the party’s frontrunner. So, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), right before the primary in his state, endorsed Biden and salvaged his meandering campaign. In exchange for Clyburn’s endorsement, Biden agreed, if elected, to make his first Supreme Court nominee a black female.
When it seemed likely that then-Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) would not complete her term, Newsom announced her replacement would be a black female. When Feinstein died, Newsom delivered. Democrats, as a reward for black loyalty, agreed to move the first 2024 primary to South Carolina, where nearly 30% of the voters are black, giving this voting bloc a greater say in the nomination process.
Newsom has another problem. Most Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, citing the economy, inflation, gas prices, crime and illegal immigration. What has Newsom said or done that would make any of this better?
As I explain in my latest book, “As Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State,” Newsom unabashedly resides on the fringe Left of his party. He supported the soft-on-crime district attorneys in San Francisco and Los Angeles. He supports cashless bail. He endorsed Proposition 47, which not only converted theft of nearly $1,000 into a misdemeanor but also took away the ability of cops to force addicts using drugs on the street to either go to rehab or go to jail.
As to Biden’s ill-advised inflation-inducing spending, Newsom wants to spend more. As to the Biden war on oil and gas and his anti-drilling policies, Newsom is an even more ferocious “climate change” warrior, having decreed an end to the sale of new gas-powered vehicles in California by 2035. Even Biden, who calls climate change “an existential threat,” has not gone that far. Newsom expanded the number of illegal aliens in California eligible for taxpayer-provided health care and brags about California’s status as a sanctuary state. Shortly after Biden’s broadly condemned abrupt pullout from Afghanistan, Newsom said, “I’m incredibly proud of President Biden.”
This brings us to Michelle Obama. For the reasons outlined above, black voters — particularly black female voters — would resent a ploy to cast Harris aside, but there is one caveat: The substitute would have to be a popular black female. Only two fit the bill: Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama. Winfrey does not want the gig and, despite the hopeful speculation, neither does Obama. She hates politics.
So, Harris it is.
Like a choice between the Evil Queen and Jaffar
Yes. Big Mike doesn’t want to lose to the mighty Trump. As an Obama, she’s an inveterate coward.
Even though she is much more butch than Barry Soetaro. Just ask in any Chicago bathhouse.
Kami (pronounced Commie) Harris is a woman who identifies as black, and Big Mike is a black who identifies as a woman. What a choice. Gov Gav is thus the long shot.
Democrats love Firsts so they’ll vote for The First Trans President.
Wouldn’t he/she then have to prove one way or the other?
We don’t want to see that up close.
Harris would be the next President if Biden fails….Newsom, Pritzker, and others think they have the Right Stuff, but they will get a rude awakening if they try to run for President.
Too bad for gov. Newsom, aka Little Fidel – he wanted to be America’s first communist President.
An East-Indian/Jamaican woman pretending to be African American, with ancestral ties as a slave owner, will be an attractive candidate to actual African American voters because……..?
Michelle in a Debate with Trump? That alone would be worth it.
Her Black Supremacy would be clear for all to see. Her lack of any real intelligence and just vile hatred, too! And then there’s the Puppet Master pulling the strings of treasonous acts of aiding and abetting all our enemies, racial hatred and division, and being the leader of The Black Supremacist Leader, along with Oprah, with the approval of raised BLACK POWER fists and who quickly came to the defense of THUGS that were turned to Martyrs that were used to destroy cities and murder Police!
“BEWARE of the Person with the Never-Ending Smile, for when you turn your back, they show their FANGED TEETH!” sc
I wrote that for Obama, Michelle, Oprah, Ellen, and Kamala, who actually has a psychotic illness called, “Smile Mask Syndrome”, since she even smiles during serious topics and then realizes she has a smiley face and tries to slowly release it.
So our National election is nothing more than a beauty contest.
Newsom…looks and a smarmy smile.
Michelle…race..and nothing else.
Trump, who stands for the people and their freedoms.DJT has defeated everything thing they have thrown at him…..It usually ends that way with lies and liars.
Trump will make history this November…and absolutely blow out the election..allowing a true win for the American people.🙂👍
Who says Trump isn’t BEAUTIFUL?
Ive met him. He is a handsome man who has aged well. Plus, he shows humility about his looks, his hair, his weight. Which is all further endearing. And OMG his wife is just the most graceful, loveliest female who knows how to wear clothes. There is a lot of other good looks in the Trump family. So, they’ve got beauty cornered.
From your keyboard to G0d’s “eyes”!
People are not going to vote for more of the same that caused the mess we are in! What would the left debate on… borders, abortion, gay marraige, destroying energy Independence, inflation on all goods and foods, high gas prices, debt, drug cartels, human trafficking, fraudulent elections? You see why they can’t debate on the real issues. concerning real people because they can’t win.
If VP Ho becomes our next President, will Word Salad become our official language??
I wouldn’t underestimate Harris’ presidential prospects. Remember that Biden has managed to hang on to his supporters through no effort of his own. It’s no stretch to predict that Harris can garner a significant following just by being on the ballot. They voted for Biden, why not Harris?
What Joe Biden has done to this country is finish what the Obama’s wanted. The Obama’s own the hate spigot, along with the race card.
I get acid reflux just seeing a pic of Big Mike.
Agita as we say in New York,
I disagree. I think that Michelle Obama will be the Dem nominee with lots of support from Barak. The powers that are currently pulling the strings on the puppet called Joe Biden will find a way to incentivize Harris to withdraw. The possibility of following Barak by breaking the ultimate glass ceiling for a black woman will be too difficult to resist.