A prolific journalist, media commentator, documentary producer, former Member of the Italian Parliament, and revered figure in Italy’s Jewish community (“she is our fiamma – our flame!” one Italian Jew told me years ago), Fiamma Nirenstein relocated to Israel nine years ago, where she currently serves as a senior fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. She’s also written several books, the latest of which, Jewish Lives Matter: Human Rights and Anti-Semitism, has now been translated into English. Even if you don’t need to be told that anti-Semitism is evil, and even if you’ve read any number of works on the subject, you’d be wrong to take a pass on this one: Nirenstein is a brilliant, deeply informed student of Jew-hatred, and her new book – translated excellently from the Italian by Amy Rosenthal – is an elegant, passionate, and energetic distillation of her knowledge and wisdom, offering more than a few insights that, to me at least, are fresh and valuable.
For example, Nirenstein notes savvily that the kind of leftist professors who reflexively profess sympathy for peoples like New Zealand’s Maori, Australia’s aborigines, Canada’s First Nations, and Native Americans in the U.S. – routinely reminding the white residents of those countries that they’re living on stolen land and beginning every lecture at an academic conference by mentioning that the event in question is taking place on land once occupied by the Iroquois or Aranda or Tutchone tribe – are the very same people who hate Israel the most, even though you’d think that if they prized consistency they’d cheer the return, in 1947, of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah – which in the intervening centuries had been conquered in turn by (among others) the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, and Turks – to the descendants of their original inhabitants. As Nirenstein puts it, which tribal group could be a more archetypal example of “aboriginal people who returned home” than the Jews?
There are other ironies. Among the planet’s leading engines of anti-Semitism are institutions that were established for the express purpose of combating it. Nirenstein focuses especially on the European Union – which, she observes, funds Palestinian textbooks, year in and year out, that are packed with anti-Semitism – and on the U.N. Human Rights Council, which “has dedicated roughly half its resolutions for the entire globe to condemning Israel,” and whose Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Terrority was founded to monitor Israel because it’s “a criminal state” that represents a “perennial danger…to the Palestinians.” Then there are such NGOs as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, whose reports consistently exaggerate Israel’s offenses while deep-sixing Palestinian atrocities. A whole book, of course, could be devoted to the many other human-rights groups that choose not only to single Israel out for criticism but also to lie about its actions. The head of the German-based Anne Frank Center, for instance, has been reasonably accused of blaming Jews for anti-Semitism, and Oslo’s Center for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, created in 2001 with government funds as part of the official restitution to Norwegian Jews deprived of property during World War II, now actively disseminates anti-Semitic and pro-Islamic propaganda.
Yet another irony. Within living memory, European Jews were oppressed, tyrannized, and ultimately sent to death camps, where some six million of them perished, for no other reason than that they were perceived by their tormentors as members of an inferior race or even a lesser species. Today, however, when progressive ideology demonizes caucasians and views Western civilization as blighted by something called “white supremacism,” Jews have been re-categorized as white, or even as “super-white,” and Israel has been cast as the leading edge of white imperialist oppression – an arrow aimed at the heart of the non-white world, with Europe and North America in the second and third rank behind it. By the same illogic, Palestinians have become “identified with blacks as an oppressed minority,” so that Americans who know nothing whatsoever about the history of the Jews and Palestinians understand their conflict by extrapolating from the entirely different history of whites and blacks in the U.S. Needless to say, the notion of Jews as “super-white” would have astonished the Jews who were victimized by Hitler’s racial laws and, as Nirenstein points out, would surely baffle the many Jews of the present day who hail from places like Ethiopia and Yemen. Similarly, the leftists who revile Jews and revere the “Palestinians” don’t seem to realize that the Jews were themselves the original Palestinians, having been given that name by the Romans two millennia ago, and that the label “has nothing to do with the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today.”
Everything changes, but anti-Semitism persists. It’s a shape-shifter, constantly altering itself to suit the times. After George Floyd’s death, somebody created a mural of Floyd “wearing a keffiyeh in front of the Palestinian flag” – thus handily equating the supposedly systematic abuse of Arabs by Israel with the supposedly systematic abuse of black Americans by white cops. The now widely held view of Israel as an apartheid state – an insult to the black people who suffered under actual apartheid in South Africa – is belied by the fact that Muslims enjoy more rights in Israel than in many European countries (to say nothing of their rights in the most of the Islamic world). And the claim that Israel has for decades been committing a Nazi-like genocide against the Palestinian Arabs is simply outrageous, given that “a Palestinian population of 700,000 in 1948 has grown to around six million today.” Nirenstein reminds us of the 1967 statement by Martin Luther King, Jr., that “Anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so.” By way, moreover, of indicating the depths of absurdity to which anti-Semitism can sink, she cites a condemnation of Israel issued last year by none other than Kim Jong-un for “turning the Gaza strip into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring people.”
Nirenstein does a powerful job of underscoring the contrast between Israel and its Arab enemies. On the one side is a terrorist group, Hamas, that “deliberately places Palestinian children in harm’s way,” using them as human shields; on the other side are the Israel Defense Forces, who take great pains not to harm those children. We’re talking about a conflict between “tribal” warriors who oppress women, murder gays, and despise infidels, and a technologically advanced democracy that actively promotes “equality between the sexes, religions, and ethnic groups.” Palestinians commit the most savage crimes against Israel, only to “send their loved ones to be treated in Israeli hospitals” – where they know they’ll receive excellent care. Israel, acting like “a child who wants to be loved,” sacrifices its own interests out of an “excess of passion for peace” even as the Palestinians reject the most advantageous peace proposals, because their real objective isn’t peace but the destruction of Israel. Israel gave Gaza “productive infrastructures, including the beautiful greenhouses that grew strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and carnations,” but when Hamas took over, it destroyed everything, underscoring the fact that these people don’t want a productive economy and a prosperous society – they want weapons, ammunition, and dead Jews. And yet the international left continues to see the Palestinians through rose-colored glasses. Why? Because, Nirenstein writes, “[t]hey are sacred, an idealized people rather than a reality, a way to affirm Israel’s unworthiness and, therefore, that of the Jews.” Precisely.
This is a short book – just over 100 pages long. But Thomas Paine’s Common Sense contained only 47 pages, and it sparked a revolution. Like Paine’s book, Nirenstein’s is an intense, urgent, and noble cri de coeur, a product of a fierce and fearless intelligence that brings original insights together with points that may not be new but that have never, perhaps, been so well expressed. Is there anything left to say about anti-Semitism? Yes, there is – and it’s all in this book, which you should put into the hands of everyone you know who ignorantly parrots the left’s anti-Semitic line. If Nirenstein doesn’t wise them up, I doubt anyone ever will.
Teresa Gomez says
This should be stopped once and for ever!!! I realized it just a few months ago when they stop having the book called Anne Frank that was a book that changed my live when I was in ninth grade. I had cried and it was something that I will never forget!!! This should never happen!!! Now they do not have it in the school. I will make my grandchildren to read it with me and I can tell them what happens when people don’t do anything. It will continue to kill Jews. I would love to have them free and all of us would love each other!!!
Mo de Profit says
While the leftist elites claim conservatives are white supremacists or uncle Tom’s, the comments section of so called right wing sites are full of anti-Semitism, very little racism, hardly any misogyny and virtually zero islamic homosexual intolerance.
Mark says
Jews are and have always been hated throughout history. They were hated for their ability to adapt to any situation in any country they have lived in. They are productive and educated people who were and are never satisfied with the status quo. They are always looking to improve life for all people, and not just themselves.
They have always been hated and always will be.
So as an American Jew I say, fu*k the world, come for me or mine and you better be prepared to meet your G-d as I will help set up the meeting
Mark dunn says
I wish church leaders would read such a book, many are steeped in, what is called “Replacement Theology.”
Kynarion Hellenis says
Replacement theology exists only by severe scripture twisting and ignorance. It is an abomination, easily disproved.
I. Marie Eggers says
In Genesis the Lord gives Israel to Abraham and his descendants FOREVER. I know of only one definition of forever..
Steven Brizel says
Anti Semitism is the oldest social disease and knows no ideological boundaries
Steve says
Leftists now assert that Anne Frank, who died of typhus and starvation at Bergen Belsen in 1945, had “white privilege” and oppressed “people of color” like billionaire Oprah Winfrey and the Great Narcissist of Nantucket, Barack Obama.
rocco barbella says
Yes, Jews have been discriminated against for centuries, and yes, there is always a double standard when it comes to Jews. That being said, The Jews of Europe are not from the Middle East, Yemen, Iraq, etc. The Jews of Europe are as white as can be. When DNA tests are done on Jewish people of European descent they show zero Middle Eastern DNA in their profile. Since you can convert to and from being Jew there are many races and ethnicity’s of people who are Jewish. However, the majority are white Europeans.
Hitler used the term race to describe Jews, but Hitler new Jews weren’t a race. Here was one of Hitler’s last statements to his personal secretary Martin Bormann: “Our Nordic racial consciousness is aggressive only towards the Jewish race. However, we speak of the Jewish race only for reasons of linguistic convenience, for from the genetic point of view, there is no Jewish race.” That was the short version of Hitler’s speech to Bormann.
Every sane and reasonable person knows Jews aren’t a race. Every honest person knows the Jews of Europe are not Semitic.
The absurdity to claim over 3K years ago Jews inhabited an area of the Middle East, and now anyone who is a European Jew has a right to that land: What confusion would ensue all the world over if this principle on which the Jews base their “legitimate” claim were carried out in other parts of the world! What migrations of nations must follow! The Spaniards in Spain would have to make room for the Arabs and Moors who conquered and ruled their country for over 700 years…
Then you invoke MLK as if he is some kind of expert. The same MLK who was not a Christian, but was a communist, serial adulterer, a man who slapped his mistresses around, who plagiarized his Phd, and throughout college, and last, but certainly not least, sat and watched as another “reverend” raped a young woman in a hotel room.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The Jews have always had a grounded and beautiful idea of race. They live apart, but the stranger and foreigner are not excluded as proselytes. The Jewish identity survives because it does NOT conform to the gentiles around them, but neither does it preclude the stranger from entering into the covenant. The “other” for the Jew is not so much about race / ethnicity as it is about the non-Jew (gentile). The Jews also are commanded to remember when they were the other, the stranger, and to show kindness to the stranger who lives within their borders. They know the whole world will be (and HAS been) blessed because of Abraham.
Jesus told the gentile woman of Samaria that salvation was of the Jews, that she and her people worshipped what they do not know. Look at John 4: 22
“You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
25The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.”
26 Jesus answered, “I who speak to you am He.”
Where would be we without the Jews? From them come all that we hold dear. Why does everyone hate them, while simultaneously desiring to live with them? And they also await the Messiah, just as we do. God bless Israel, His beautiful land and people.
rocco barbella says
I don’t know what you’re babbling on about. You didn’t refute anything I wrote. The Jews are not a race of people. Period. Jews are made up of different races and ethnicity’s. You can convert to being a Jew. The Jews of Europe, who’ve been there for thousands of years, and are converts, are not the Jews of the Bible.
Jake says
Hey Rocco,you make a lot of sense!
500,000 Jews in the holy land who were driven out by the Romans all went to Miami Beach where they became Cubans!!!!,No?
rocco barbella says
Here’s a newsflash the Goldberg’s and Rubenstein’s aren’t indigenous to the Middle East. The Jews of Europe are from Europe; not the Holy land.
You write as though you never finished 8th grade. Your lack of intelligence is put on display for all to see. Your first name “rocco” is fitting for someone who has pebbles for brains.
rocco barbella says
So, in other words, you couldn’t refute a word I said. Got it.
THX 1138 says
Why are you attacking him with ad hominems? Even attacking his name? Refute his ideas and refute his claims. Ad hominem attacks are a sure sign YOU have nothing to offer but the rocks in your head!
rocco barbella says
Thank you, sir.
David Levine says
Yet the “progressives” fight for the rights of indigenous people all over the world calling the current majorities colonialist usurpers but when the indigenous people of Israel return to their ancestral homeland you scream racism, apartheid (which Israel certainly is not) and support the real usurpers and fund their terror and murder. Your logic is twisted to justify your animal hatred of those who you probably perceive as more successful than you. Yes, MLK wasn’t perfect and Donald Trump isn’t as well, but they contributed far more to the welfare of people of the world than you ever can dream of. Another think you probably envy and translate into twisted logic and hatred. There never has been another nation state on the land now called Israel in history. Israel lived on that land for 1300 years as a nation before being slaughtered by the Romans and dispersed throughout the world. Even in exile the Jews contributed mightily to the lands in which they lived. Though oppressed, often expelled and stolen from, subjected to murder, pogroms, Inquisitions, slander and the Holocaust, we still stand strong and identify as Jews, and have prayed for millenia for our return to our stolen homeland. As promised in the Torah, we have returned with the help of our Creator, never again will we be a landless people.
rocco barbella says
“Your logic is twisted to justify your animal hatred of those who you probably perceive as more successful than you.”
This comment alone shows how ignorant you are. Who do I hate? My wife is a Jew through her religion. I guess I fooled her. Maybe she should talk to you. What makes you think I’m not as successful as others? I started my own business and retired at the age of 53 yrs old. Get your crystal ball fixed it’s broken.
“MLK wasn’t perfect”? Typical response from a POS such as yourself. A man who claimed to be a reverend, that made a mockery of his marriage, slapped around his mistresses and watched another reverend rape a female in a hotel room is just someone who wasn’t perfect? That says a whole lot about you.
Leon Mintz says
I have figured out how to predict when the politicians are prepared to say their most brazen lies. They precede these lies with statements such as “As we all know,” “As we all agree,” “As all the experts agree.” Here is a new one: “Every honest person knows.”
Somehow people on the streets of Moscow could recognize that I was “Semitic.”
Antisemitic lies come in many forms.
Jewish state or province existed not “over 3K years ago”, but from over 3K years ago to 136 CE, when the last independent Jewish state had been crashed by Romans. After that, in spite of many foreign invasions, some Jewish population had always remained there. In the end of the 19th century, Jews had been a majority in Jerusalem.
The majority of Jews in Israel are refugees from the Arab and other Moslim countries and their descendants.
As for “nonsemitic” origins of Ashkenazi Jews, that is one of the new antisemitic lies.
It looks like you are one of these people who had been screaming for centuries “Jews go back to Palestine” and had been expelling Jews. Now you added screams to the Jews of Israel: “Go back to Poland!” Why Jewish refugees from Iran or Lebanon should go “back to Poland”?
Arabs don’t need to go “back to Spain.” They have their own countries. So are Jews. They don’t need to go back to Spain and make their lives depend on people like you.
Conclusion: following Nazi sites is no substitute for learning real history.
rocco barbella says
DNA doesn’t lie, but you certainly do.
rocco barbella says
I’m sorry Theresa, but you are sadly mistaken, and as stupid as the day is long. Jews aren’t a race. Go tell a Holocaust survivor that they are a race and see the response you get.. Let me educate you. New modern DNA testing done by various geneticist’s, such as Dr Richards, show that the Jews of Europe have more in common genetically with the pre-historic indigenous people of Europe than the Levant.
The Hebrews, Israelite’s and the Jews have no continuity. The Jews of Europe have no genetic link to the Hebrews of the Bible.
It’s really amazing how some of you Jewish folks react to facts thrown at you. You act like the blacks do. Everyone is a racist if you bring up facts.
TruthLaser says
Your history and DNA genealogy are wrong. They are not facts. Notice your “not from Iraq” does not square with the first missiles sent by Saddam Hussein against Israel hitting a neighborhood of Iraqi Jews. Your excuse is that they were not “European.” The “European Jews” were from the Kingdom of Judea. The fact that there are “white” Jews does not mean they do not have that origin. At least you did not use the Khazars as a false rationale to other European Jews.
rocco barbella says
It’s humorous that someone who has no experience in DNA testing, genetics, etc, is claiming Your history and DNA genealogy are wrong.” First off, it’s not my DNA pr genealogy. This is from reputable scientist’s who’ve been conducted this DNA study for many years. Yes, it is fact. You may not like it, bit facts don’t care about your feelings, as Ben Shapiro would say.
“Your excuse is that they were not “European.” Excuse? . It’s called science. The Jews of Europe were not from the Kingdom of Europe you moron. And there is zero evidence of such. However, all the irrefutable DNA shows the Jews of Europe show ZERO DNA from the Middle East. Zero. Show me any individual Jew from Europe who shows Middle East/Levant DNA in their profile. None! And nobody can show DNA from the Kingdom of Judea.
Good try you ignorant fool..
Hannah54 says
Wait, wait rocco — I want to be educated!
I understand your source “Dr [no name] Richards” has irrefutable proof that “The Jews of Europe have no genetic link to the Hebrews of the Bible.” I have a science background and would love to see his work.
Especially his genetic sequencing for “the pre-historic indigenous people of Europe”, compared with the genome of “the Hebrews of the Bible.”
Better yet, since “nobody can show DNA from the Kingdom of Judea,” let’s focus on Judean Kingdom sequencing. I had no idea such scientific data were available!
Of course, the Bible describes Israel’s King David (circa 1000 BCE) being a ruddy-cheeked red-head from the tribe of Judah. Oh, and it also describes Esau (circa 1800 BCE), who founded the kingdom of Edom in Jordan, as a red-head.
But I suppose that’s a bunch of fairy tales, refuted by more reputable records proving that Europeans were the only fair-haired folk in human history.
In my ignorance of history, I thought that when Judea and Israel were settled kingdoms, circa 1000-600 BCE, the “Europeans” were not a recognizable “people” group at all, nor were they “indigenous”.
But I’m impressed — all those tribal chieftains roaming across Europe and Asia, so busy pillaging, burning and slaving… yet they had the foresight to track their pure genetic lineage going back to pre-history, just to expose the modern conniving Jews as their descendants!
Guess that means the Romans conspired with the 1st-century Judeans, to scatter them from Judea throughout the known world — just to support the fake Zionist narrative of “returning” 2000 years in the future.
Shame on the Romans! Hurray for the Barbarians!
Okay. It’s time for you to call me demeaning names.
Steve Chavez says
RINO, Republicans in name only. There are also CINO. Christians in Name Only. (Rev. Wright. Rev. Al Sharpton. Rev. Jesse Jackson.)
THERE IS ALSO JINO, JEWS IN NAME ONLY! I met one at the University of NM two weeks ago as her Israeli student group was signing up members along with other groups. This FAKE JEW supports HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH, TERRORIST GROUPS, and is the head of the lo cal BDS group! How can she be for Israel and then support those who want to wipe it off the map? She also agrees with them concerning THE GREAT SATAN! She was in her forties so recruiting the young and naive students who don’t know her agenda, like so many other groups.
David Levine says
They make alot of noise but they certainly are not the voice of Jews.
Perry says
When I see any kind of hatred toward the Jewish People or Israel. I put the following:
If you do not like the Jewish People or Israel: We love the Jewish people and pray for Israel. Did you forget that your God was a Jewish Rabbi? Also you have the Salk Polio Vaccine in your body. Salk was a Jewish doctor. By the way it was the Romans who crucified Jesus and not the Jewish People. According to scholars The New Testament was not written until 100 years after the death of Jesus. If you dislike Jewish people please do not listen or sing the following Christmas songs that were written by Jewish composers:
1. White Christmas written by Irving Berlin
2. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer by Johnny Marks
3. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
4. Rockin Around the Christmas Tree by Johnny Marks
5. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas by Johnny Marks
6. The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On Open Fire) by Mel Torme
7. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow by Sammy Cahn and Julie Styne
8. Santa Baby by Joan Javits and Phil Springer
9. It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by George Wyle and Eddie Pola
10. Silver Bells by Ray Evans and Jay Livingston
11. Hark The Angels Sing by Felix Mendelsohn
12. Happy Holiday by Irving Berlin
13. I’ve Got My Love To Keep Me Warm by Irving Berlin
14. I’ll Be Home For Christmas by Buck Ram and Walter Kent
15. Baby It’s Cold Outside
16. A Marshmallow World by Carl Sigman
17. Sleigh Ride (Lyrics by Mitchell Parish)
18. No Place Like Home For The Holidays by Robert Allen and Al Stillman
19. The Christmas Waltz by Sammy Cahn and Julie Styne
20. You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch by Albert Hague
21. Winter Wonderland by Felix Bernard and Rich Smith
22. What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? By Frank Loesser
23. How Great Thou Art (written by Stuart Hine a Jewish man who later converted)
24. Baby It’s Cold Outside by Frank Loesser
25. We Need a Little Christmas by Jerry Herman
26. Sleigh Ride Words for this song by Mitchell Parish Also Irving Berlin wrote God Bless America and Easter Parade and many other songs for Broadway. And Do not wear blue jeans/dungarees as they were made originally by Levi Strauss & Co who was Jewish. The west could not have been won without these strong jeans.
Did you forget that Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi and you hate his people and pray to him? That does not compute. It was a Jew who was born on Christmas day, the most famous Jew in history. The New Testament points to Jesus Jewish background over and over. I have seen many other anti-Semitic groups who have said they follow Jesus and yet they persecuted his relatives. When you go before the Lord you will be crying and very sad for making hate filled comments about the Jewish People and be judged. Too late to say you are sorry.
What is it about the Jewish People that have made them the whipping people of the world? There is also an element of jealousy and envy of the Jewish People. Most are very bright, industrious, and value education. The Jewish People are not warlike and do not force their belief system on others and try to convert them either by force or otherwise. Most Jewish People that I have been in contact with are very kind, generous and loving. Most are non-drinkers, pursue education and very thrifty. This is where some of the jealousy enters. Jews are hated because of their intelligence and success. What these people don’t understand is that without Jews the world would be a worse place without the many medical and scientific breakthroughs that came from Jews.
Walter Sieruk says
As for the United States the spirit hating the Jewish people, it’s, in essence, completely un-American. As the former US President, William Howard Taft, wisely, declared in a speech that “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America”
Walter Sieruk says
That vicious and malice filled murderous spite and hate of jihadist Muslims Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad for the Jewish people is based upon the foundation of Islam’s “holy book” the Qu ‘ran.
The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.
In other words, the Koran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.
The reason that the Koran reads as it does have much to do with the history of the founder and prophet of Islam, who is Muhammad. This is for a specific time period of his life Muhammad lived among many Jewish people and he liked them at first.
Later then they would not accept his claim of being of prophet, Muhammad then took is dislike to them that then turned into bitterness and even hate for them. So, in the hate and bitterness he spoke many derogatory things about the as even referring to them as “apes and swine.” Such word of bitterness and hate, along with other thing he said, where written down on things and then later after his death those words were together and then eventually, in time went in the composition of the Qu ‘ran.
Therefore, that why the Koran reads and in does about the Jewish people, as in calling them descendants of “apes and swine.” As seen in the Qu ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.
Furthermore, as a Christian I can keyboard that there is a chance the Muhammad actually might had been a prophet but the important thing to understand is that Muhammad was NOT a prophet send by God. Instead, Muhammad was a deceptive, lying false prophet send by Satan to lead many people astray and even and straight into hell. Jesus, in fact, had predicted and warned of the coming of such men as Muhammad. For Jesus taught “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15. In addition, the Bible further warns that “many false prophets have gone out into the world.” First John 4:1. [N.K.J.V.]
Walter Sieruk says
All those Muslims in power in that “mullah regime” of Iran with hates the Jewish people as well as the Jewish State of Israel and wants her to be destroyed and use their stooge jihad organizations, Hamas and Hezbollah to attempt to weaken and then eliminated the Jewish State, once and for all are in reality delusional.
Those ayatollahs and mullahs and others in control of that hostile Israel hating tyranny of Iran have no idea, at all, that they are fated to totally fated to fail in their Islamic quest to destroy Israel.
The reason that this is so because God is for Israel and will not let her be destroyed no matter how hard those malice-filled Israel despising imams and other Muslims clerics and their President Raisi will strive against Israel, they are all greatly overruled by God.
For example, the Bible in Psalm 135:4 reads “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His special treasure.” [N.K.J.V.]