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For over six months, the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests have accelerated, and now are predictably incendiary and violent.
Recently, they have jumped the shark with unapologetic chants of “Death to America”. Or so a cheering crowd in Michigan chanted in homage to the late king of all Western-hostage-takers, the murderous Ayatollah Khomeini. And the huckster speaker revved them up by quoting Malcolm X that America is “one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this Earth.” (Does such a condemnation of fellow Americans presage mass reverse migration of unhappy Middle Easterners back to the West Bank, Gaza, and Iran?)
The more these demonstrators shut down major bridges at commute hour, defaced iconic government monuments and cemeteries, disrupted Easter and Christmas services (try that with mosques at Ramadan), broke into the Capitol and congressional chambers (no January 6-like penalties to come?), and hunted down Jewish students, the bolder they became.
Apparently, the demonstrators were convinced that they were either exempt under the woke aegis, or too precious in Joe Biden’s Michigan electoral calculus, or too useful to campuses as rich full-tuition-paying foreign students on gold-plated student visas.
But everything and everyone have limits. They have now crossed them, and are about to face an accounting, and for a variety of reasons.
1) News is leaking out that Hamas may have for some time been bluffing about a ceasefire for hostages. Given Hamas has suddenly announced that they cannot meet the conditions of the proposed ceasefire, since not all the forty women and sick and elderly men taken hostage are still alive.
If true, then their months of bartering and “negotiating” were a likely sham, and their earlier claims that three hostages were collateral damage of Israeli strikes become more dubious.
Why would they kill their escape route?
To hide their torturing and raping of the kidnapped? In furor at their own-self-inflicted dilemmas? Sick hatred of Jews?
Who knows? But, if true, this may remind the gullible West that it cannot trust anything the lying Hamas says: that the ultimate fate of the hostages did not depend on the Israeli entrance into Gaza, given that Hamas had either already killed many of the remaining kidnapped, or had planned to do so under any circumstances.
2) For the first time since the ‘60s, universities are facing protests that they genuinely fear. College presidents are starting to realize that if they continue to allow the pro-Hamas violent demonstrators to make a mockery of campus rules and laws, they soon will have no campus at all. And the mob then will determine who can and cannot speak with impunity. Administrators’ tolerance of overt anti-Semitism and violence against Jews is turning American campuses into something like late-1930s German universities.
3) Yet at Vanderbilt and Pomona we for the first time are witnessing a return to administrative sanity, marked by suspensions and exemptions. And the reactions of those held accountable confirm how pathetic these bullies are. They prove eager to resort to violence and crash into lecture halls, only suddenly to become fragile and terrified for their beautiful career plans endangered by a modicum of accountability. Expect more universities to be encouraged by just how well deterrence can work against woke thuggery.
4) Joe Biden’s pandering in Michigan is reaching the point of obscenity and if continued will be counter-productive. For each Muslim-American voter he thinks he can keep by abandoning Israel and protecting the agendas of the October 7 killers and kidnappers, he is going to lose two voters appalled that fellow-Americans in Michigan are now calling for death to America. Biden is so confident of the Jewish-American vote and donor class that he is now siding with those calling for the absolute destruction of the Jewish state and everyone inside. Is he convinced that his Jewish base is permanently in tune with Chuck Schumer—or will it finally have had enough?
5) The old myth that being anti-Israel had nothing to do with being anti-Semitic is now exposed for the lie it mostly always was. The pro-Hamas crowd makes no distinction, and certainly not on campus, where the more educated the protestor, the more likely he is to harass Jews first, and ask questions later if at all about whether his targets support Israel. The new myth that being pro-Gaza has nothing to do with being pro-Hamas is equally exposed as a lie by the chants of “from the River to the Sea” and calls for a return to the pre-1947 borders—in other words, the Hamas charter of destroying Israel.
6) Do these protestors who scream “Genocide Joe” really see an alternative in November? Because the more they show America who they are and what their values and agenda intend, the more they make it clear why we need to reexamine every aspect of immigration, junk DEI and substitute required civic education, and undertake a complete reappraisal of higher education.
The latter would revisit current tax-exempt endowment income, government subsidized student loans, massive unaudited federal grants, the huge number of foreign students, and their exemption from federal oversight.
It is long past time to overhaul the student visa programs, replete with rapid cancellations of visas and deportations for those who come to study but end up breaking our laws.
In sum, the more brazen the pro-Hamas crowd and the more they reveal the cravenness of the Biden administration, the more they may ensure their rendezvous with Donald Trump in 2025.
You are delusional. Biden will easily win re-election. State and fed police agencies will be used to protect the Muslim rioters and liberal judges and grand juries employed to insure they escape the consequences of their actions.
No, Charles, YOU are delusional. BIden doesn’t have the juice to steal another election.
All the more since he didn’t steal the last one, only his handlers did. He was just a puppet in their hands, same as Obama, only the latter wasn’t senile.
It’s not Biden per se rather a well organized, mindless band of apparatchiks who will ensure the steal
What he has, is the CIA software and BO’s backing.
Even if VDH is right, and he usually is, the CIA software will give BO a 4th term. Then it will be all out civil war.
You assume that Biden is really running the country. His regime has already mobilized the entire apparatus of the federal government to register Democrats and get out the democrat vote — and Congress is just sitting there, letting it happen. Plus, all of the gimmicks put in place to tilt the voting and vote-counting in 2020 are still in place and the prejudices of the Big Media against Trump and for Biden are even worse than they were four years ago. Frankly, I think the country is screwed.
The only Juice Joetard has is what he pisses in his pants. And his old buzzard diarrhea.
Judith. I pray you are correct.
Charles Smith… that your real name Mohammed?
Real name:
Barack heussein Mohammed o loser
Intrepid, I love you, but you have no sense of Irony! Charles Smith is likely on our side and depressed about how corrupt our government has become.
Sooner, rather than later, the sentiment of stakeholders in America (natural born citizens) will prevail and all this Muslim garbage will be deported back to their sh it-hole countries.
While I hope to see that take place in my lifetime, I believe it’s very unlikely. I just don’t see the backbone in red state, blue collar Americans to make that real. More’s the pity. I’m 74 and remember when that backbone was there.
It says in the last day’s, there is restlessness, rumors of wars and nations against nations, good os evil and evil good.
Evil has infiltrated the hearts and minds of global elites down to the suckers who lean on there philosophy..
The weeding out of counterculture is an example,by Social media banning common truth of Islamic terrorism.
The duranged Left will receive what they deserve karma.
in the last day’s, there is restlessness, rumors of wars and nations against nations, good os evil and evil good.
The term “last days” in Scripture refers exclusively to the time between the death of Jesus and the destruction of the temple and city of Jerusalem by the Roman army sent by God to do exactly that.
Further, your list of “hings that must take place (Mathew 23 or so and following) have all taken place precisely when, where, and how God said they would. Read the lists of “all these things” that Jesus foretold in His Olivet Dicourse, then don’t forget to read the next few sentences, where His guys ask Him “when will these things take place”.Jesus is kind enough to answer them. Go and read His answer.
My position is that one of two things, and one only, is true: either “all these things” did in fact take place as Jesus said they would, OR, option two, Jesus is a liar. You decide.. and govern yourself accordingly.
this does not mean we will have it all roses and posies here…. but the course of events you claim is one that has already taken place, exactly as He said it would.
Might check out some old greek and roman writings… say, Flavius Josephus, , Jewish historian, Tertulian, Roman scribe who wrote down all he saw. Good ranslations availble online, free. Josephus’ Jewish Wars, volumes 2,3,4, pertain.
Beautiful (what I believe to be) sarcasm, Charles. The more “ad ridiculosum”, you make it, the more folks will wake up!
It seems being delusional yourself gives you a certain amount of credibility to call others delusion. We can see you, Charles.
I wouldn’t call him “delusional”, just optimistic. And I think he’s correct… the people have had enough of these spoiled virtue signaling rich kids. Witness what happened to that idiot Riddhi Patel after her childish antics.
No, YOU are delusional. Trump will win and our God will see to it.
Do I know you from Quora Charles?
A replay of the 1968 Democrat Party Convention in Chicago is all cued up. Democrat voters will be so appalled that they will stay home, making the manipulation of election results even harder.
Liberals Free the Lion from the zoo and get themselves Eaten
Mr. Davis Hanson,
I another time everything that you write would be accurate. Unfortunately, we are no longer the America of those times. Universities and the Democrats are no longer fellow Americans who’d put our country first. Their sense of morality and values are not what would be required for them to do a turn about and act according to your own morals and values.
American women, aka the majority of the Democrat party, by and large have become the Hamas of America pushing and voting for legislation that makes abortion till viability legal. Then denying that they did so.
They will come out of the woodwork like the cockroaches that they are to put the so called Democrats over the top.
I pray and hope that I am wrong.
Btw, thank you for your life long work on behalf of sanity and our country. You, like Thomas Sowell, are an American treasure.
Your comment puts the lie to several of the rah-rah optimistic comments above. I wholeheartedly agree. If people think otherwise, they’re in for a very sad reality check. America, and Americans, are prostrate. I don’t see that changing any time soon. I really hope I’m wrong, but I prefer to deal with reality.
I agree but I pray we can return to a more normal existence of what a struggling Republic was meant to be.
HOW did the USA become the DUMPING GROUND for the World’s Refuse?? For a LONG time we screened and tested anyone before ALLOWING them to IMMIGRATE to the USA! Even NOW there’s a waiting list for LEGAL IMMIGRATION and significant COSTS to do so. Contrast that with the biden bunglers’ WIDE OPEN BORDER where anyone and everyone who can get there just waltzes in – handed gifts cards and other insane benefits and somehow just TURNED LOOSE within Our Nation! I guess that’s why the push for REFILLABLE DEBIT CARDS – don’t need to know WHERE they are or WHO they are! Reckon all the anti-American CITIZEN banks are tracking expenditures and REPORTING to the FBI??
Or what they are carrying, weapons or diseases from the third world.
The short answer is BO. He hates us.
Easy. Since the 70s I’ve watched the movers and shakers, CEOs and the small business owners do for them and none for those that actually do the work buying bigger houses and fancier cars while the workers took on more debt buying boats and 3 wheelers and then drive around with bumper stickers exclaiming how they are spending their grandchildren chance at not living on the street. Drinking, smoking, gambling and committing adultery all the while those who hired government employees perfected the questionnaires until they had just the right kind of police force just the right kind of beurocrats so that while most were not paying no never mind the American government slipped away and was replaced by leftwing radicals from the sixties that read and studied while you were chasing that young thing in a bar. Thise only reason the cat is out of the bag is bragging they had locked all the agencies up had them all captured and now you and your children are looking around confused and disoriented and they are laughing because there is nothing that your political party can do – a bunch of euniques trying to get the ugly pregnant. Your screwed and you are just now waking up to that fact.
Holy run-on sentences, Batman.
Thanks, VDH, for bringing it all together with this valuable review of the various threads.
Sadly, I doubt any hostages are still alive.
The “Palestinians” are worse thani German or even Ukrainian civilians during the Holocaust. Hitler’s views would be mainstream among them. If given the ability (as people like Bernie, Dementia Joe, Elizabeth Warren, your garden variety wokeling and of course Rashida Tlaib would wish) they would perpetrate thousands of October Sevenths. Far from being victims of genocide, their manufactured nationalism is a warrant for genocide.
Islam created the blueprint for all totalitarian cutthroats. and bases its holidays on mythology.
The way that they revel in rape, torture and pillaging indicates who really indwells them – certainly not the God of the Bible.
The wheels came off the Biden campaign months ago. The majority of Americans want to feel about America the way Israelis feel about Israel. Read this Frontpage “man of the year’ the IDF soldier.
Get ready for a massive Oct 7 style attack in this country, perhaps sometime in the fall.
Arm up. Ammo up. This time the Pallyswinian cowards will be facing armed Americans, not disarmed Israelis.
Biden will easily win/steal the election. The interred in every cemetery in the country will vote for him–some even twice.
Jobama has the CIA software.
Any administration with retreads from the years 08 to 2016 has no right to call itself the “Biden” administration.
As much as I venerate VDH’s comments and perspectives, it is difficult to share his optimism. His argument is predicated upon the morality and integrity in systems which have been permanently corrupted with leftist claptrap. This is not the early 1980’s and the transition between Carter to Reagan and the return of America’s prominence. Our judiciary, Congress, military, police, institutions of higher learning, media, sports, and every facet of society has been so perverted, short of a divorce, i.e. dissolution of the republic, I don’t see a way back to civilized society.
It should be obvious after 1400 years that depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent hate-filled Islam has been and still is the scourge of humanity.
It is high time that depraved psychopathic murderous Islam itself be crushed and finally
” … Goes with the Wind “. into the historic dustbin.
I could not agree more, modern society is more concerned with tik tok videos than the welfare of their own children. Churchill, among many more had it right. Animals, that’s all that can be said. Coming to a town near you soon.
I’m hopeful President Eisenhower’s 1959 deportation of >1,000,000 Illegal Immigrants during “Operation Wetback,” will be dwarfed by ‘Things To Come’ following President Trump’s reelection..
Absolutely correct.
At least 10 million deportations are necessary.
Hopefully the deportation number will be closer to 20 million,
with Moo — Slums heading the deportation exodus.
I agree completely. This is going to be a monumental task, because half the country will be wanting them to stay. Imagine all the live news coverage of screaming women with screaming babies being rounded up. Then you will have BLM. Hezb Allah, Sinaloa, and Antifa standing between homeland security ICE agents and the illegal invaders, trying to protect them from deportation. But it is a struggle for the survival of America.
Noone is mentioning the man behind BHO and FJB. George Soros financier of chaos wherever he goes.
A destroyer of countries. his diabolic plans are behind many of our ills.
And now his commie, American hating son, Alex.
He’s just a brainwashed tool for the real usurpers. These people who call themselves ‘philanthropists’, are all sociopaths and psychopaths with thoughts of grandeur and no respect for peoples’ lives, and they make their money by courting dictators implementing the UN agenda, with China at the forefront.
We are living the UN agenda 2030, aiming for a ‘one world government’.
“Perhaps the single most striking feature of Agenda 2030 is the practically undisguised roadmap to global socialism and corporatism/fascism, as countless analysts have pointed out..” – Alex Newman, The New American
History repeats itself once again, so basically all those European Jews who were slaughtered died in vain because the lessons of the Holocaust – ‘Never Again’ are figuratively being thrown into the fire. Never Again doesn’t just refer to the end result of the Nazi Final Solution, it means not to repeat (or allow) the conditions that led to the rounding up of Jews and sending them off to the death camps.
The conditions that led up to the Final Solution were for governments to allow the normalized hatred of Jews in the halls of academia, among students, in political parties, in the church and eventually it became an insidious pathogen that poisoned so-called cultural European countries.
Today, so-called cultured Western countries are descending into a Medieval level of Jewish hatred. It’s so scary that this hatred has surpassed Martin Luther’s 7 points on what to do with the Jews as seen in his disgusting written rantings known as ‘On the Jews and their Lies’ (OTJ & TL). Today in so-called civilized countries, the Jew haters are leaping over the incrementalism of hatred that begins with taking away the rights of Jews and are directly calling for the extermination of Jews! And this acceptable talk of exterminating the Jews is once again heard: from the halls of academia, by students, by leftist politicians and from Muslim clerics preaching to their adherents. All this crap is being repeated here in Western nations!
Forget about ‘Never Again’ – it’s here and it has surpassed Nazi pre-World War 2 doctrine prior to the Wannsee Conference – think about that for a moment. Prior to WW2, Nazi incremental Jewish hatred was along the lines of Martin Luther OTJ & TL in contrast with today’s fusion of neo-Marxism and Islamofascism that have made the immediate leap to the agreed outcome of the Wannsee Conference! Let that sink in and let these protesters and Jew haters know that they’ve reached Nazi level fanaticism!
My thoughts exactly. I call them Nazis too. This is the picture perfect demoralization, propaganda, and the lack of real education in public schools. History is distorted respectively not taught at all. I remember, as a child in Germany in the sixties, ‘Never again’ was hammered into our heads. I had nightmares of innocent people being led into the gas, and of the medical atrocities commited on children. This was more than a decade before I was born but the pictures and literature we were shown haunted me for a long time, and now become vivid again. My parents had already educated me to some extent but school really showed us the abhorrent cruelty committed against Jewish people.
When did this kind of education stop??? Kids nowadays know nothing of the Holocaust. Maybe heard the word, but there is no deeper understanding. I think that atrocities committed throughout history need to be taught about over and over, otherwise it will happen again. And not just by putting the blame to a few but also educating children about how this could escalate so quickly, and who were the instigators and promoters. What lead to once peaceful people becoming so complacent?
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within..” – Joseph Stalin
Ideological subversion for decades was the way to achieve what we see now.
It would be vital for everyone of these people supporting/defending the ‘Democrat’ agenda (which really isn’t Democrat at all), to visit/revisit the 1984 interview with Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov aka Tomas Schuman, the dissident Soviet journalist and KGB informant.
1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization
In his words:
“The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already. For the last 25 years, actually, it is over-fulfilled.” (Mind that being said 40 years ago!!!)
“The next stage is destabilization. This time, and it takes only from 2-5 years to destabilize a nation, what matters is essentials: economy, foreign relations, defense systems.”
“The next stage, of course, is crisis. It will take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. (…) And after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have the so-called period of normalization, you have lost indefinitely. This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all those schmucks to bring the country to crisis. To promise people all kinds of goodies, a paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principles of free market competition, and to put a big brother government into Washington, D.C. who will promise lots of things, never mind if the promises are fulfilled or not. Your leftists in the United States, all these professors and these beautiful civil rights defenders – they are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize the nation.”
Millions and millions have died. People in countries where this subversion was effective, lived through the nightmares it brought at the end. The lucky ones were able to flee to Western countries hoping to find peace, just to see that road to destruction now being followed there. The UN is full of bloodthirsty dictators waiting to get their share of the Western world.
I wish the author were correct, but I fear that the anti-Israel, anti-semitic factions in America are only getting stronger, along with their sympathizers and enablers. The situation is much worse is England and Europe, which have much larger, percentage-wise, Muslim populations. The author is assuming that these anti-Israel protesters and their sympathizers might be open to rational, empirical considerations. If that was true, they wouldn’t be doing what they doing already.
“The old myth that being anti-Israel had nothing to do with being anti-Semitic is now exposed for the lie it mostly always was.”
The concerns of the anti-Israel crowd are rather selective. Christians are routinely massacred in Nigeria. They are persecuted in North Korea, Pakistan, and other (mostly Muslim-controlled) countries. Iran persecutes the Baha’i. China persecutes the Falun Gong. Hardly anyone gets upset about those things. But when Hamas uses hospitals, schools, and other civilian locations as bases and Israel goes after them there, we hear complaints that Israel is committing war crimes.