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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Why is the Biden regime so obsessively preoccupied with promoting sexual deviance and transgender delusion and fantasy? Not only is it aggressively promoting “Pride” inside the United States, but it is also sending your tax dollars abroad to make sure that young Ecuadorians see their fair share of drag queens, and that Polish boys can decide they’re really girls after all. Imagine what George Washington, John Adams, or Thomas Jefferson would make of this: is this really what the republic they constructed and bequeathed to us should be spending its money on?
The Washington Free Beacon reported Friday that “the Biden administration has given nearly $4.6 million to help foreign groups promote LGBT projects like drag shows and pride parades.” This money comes from hard-working Americans who logged long hours, often at physically taxing jobs, to provide for their families, and dutifully forked over a significant percentage of their earnings to the U.S. government, which saw fit to use it to corrupt and sexualize children in other countries. This is what things have come to, and it’s likely only to get worse.
The Biden regime appears to be relentlessly committed to spreading depravity and madness all around the world. The Free Beacon reveals that your tax dollars have “helped organize pride parades in at least seven different countries, paid for drag queen shows in Ecuador, funded a Polish advocacy group that encourages puberty blockers for children with gender confusion, and sent cash to a Mexican group that markets cross-sex hormones to gender-confused individuals.”
Your money has also gone to “teach gender studies in war-torn nations like Iraq. In 2023 alone, American taxpayers have helped foot the bill for Pride Month festivities in Australia, Estonia, Slovenia, and Bosnia.” Also this year, the Biden regime “doled out nearly $800,000 for LGBT projects in nine different countries, including $300,000 for ‘Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals of Botswana,’ and another $45,000 for Australia ‘to welcome LGBTQIA+ people from across the globe.’”
The Free Beacon adds that “taxpayer funds have also been allocated to foreign groups pushing what many believe to be radical medical treatments for gender-confused children and adults.” A Mexican group called Impulso Trans, which promotes transgender mutilation, got ten grand to help “raise awareness and connect key stakeholders of the LGBTQ community.” The State Department gave $12,408 to a Polish organization “that provides ‘toolkits’ to help teachers promote gender ideology in school.”
Not surprisingly, you also paid for propaganda: your tax dollars funded “LGBT film and art festivals in Latvia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Australia, Spain, Italy, and Serbia. In 2022, $32,000 in taxpayer cash was awarded to a group in Peru so it could create an LGBT comic book. Another $25,000 was given to a group in Thailand that is pushing ‘digital empathy’ for the LGBT community.” And “in Colombia, Liberia, and Slovakia, the United States allocated thousands throughout 2022 to groups working to eliminate negative media coverage about the LGBT community. The State Department additionally sponsored LGBT film and arts festivals in South Korea, Poland, and India.”
All in all, “since 2021, the Biden administration has funded at least 84 separate LGBT advocacy projects in 55 countries, with budgets ranging from as little as $5,000 to more than $1.5 million, according to the federal government’s spending database.”
Could anyone possibly blame the people in those countries for thinking that the United States is a massively powerful agent of the destruction of individuals and families? Nor is the regime content to spread just LGBTQWTF and trans propaganda. “In addition to funding LGBT activism across the world, the administration has allocated millions to fight climate change in various countries.”
Biden’s handlers, of course, blandly assume that they’re doing a wonderful thing. The State Department insists that this money is going to create “a world that is safer and more prosperous for all.” The State Department wonks who issued this statement, however, did not bother to explain how paying for drag queens and the sexual mutilation of children will make anyone safer or more prosperous. In fact, in light of the growing backlash against the Left’s insane cultural agenda, it’s likely that these programs are actually going to make us less safe, and likely also less prosperous.
Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project explains why: “The Biden administration’s focus on these priorities, Schilling warned, is pushing foreign nations to embrace China ‘for aid rather than submit to the left’s radical ideology.’” This is simple common sense. If China is offering money to build roads and schools and hospitals, and the U.S. is offering the same, but insisting that drag queens and trans madness have to go along with it, which one would any sane person choose?
Why does it seem as if the Biden regime will embrace any and every policy that will end up weakening America?
Mo de Profit says
Why is the Biden regime so obsessively preoccupied with promoting sexual deviance and transgender delusion and fantasy?
For the same reason that Goolag is censoring Jeremy Indika a UK based victim of child abuse who is now fighting to end this perversion.
Too many people are asking what causes child abuse, and getting too close to the real answer, which is that they were abused themselves and sexual behaviour is far more likely to be influenced by nurture than nature.
Jeff Bargholz says
Thdere’s a new movie named “Sound of Freedom” that just came out about areal life guy who went from catching pedophiles to rescuing young children from the international sex trade. It stars Jim Caviezel, who’s a very good and charismatic actor. I’haven’t seen it yet but it looks very good so I’ll see it in the next few days.
The Pedo Joe administration will probably try to boycott it.
Mo de Profit says
Jordan Peterson has just interviewed the actor and the guy who actually put his life on the line to save the kids, moving stuff, I’m going to watch it too.
danknight says
It’s an excellent film … albeit, it is about a very difficult topic.
We saw it last night, and we were impressed.
The film was completed five years ago, but it’s taken this long to get it into theaters … that says a lot.
you and yours have a great week, Jeff!
Brown Wolf says
I always look forward to reading your comments. Love the kitty pic too.
David Ray says
Not surprising that a pervert who showered with his daughter, and got a thrill of children stroking his leg hairs would be in such a swoon over LBGTPedophilia.
It’s pure bullshit that there’s even a “pride” month. Judging by the way the depraved flaunt themselves in parades, it should be called “shame” month . . . except these low-lifes have no shame.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, and as usual the Pedo Joe administration is unable to gauge public opinion and the American zeitgeist and doesn’t care anyway. In fact, this degenerate administration opposes both. This tranny tyranny “depravity and madness” is a very recent phenomenon but Americans are already sick and tired of it. In fact, we have been since day one. This shit isn’t going to continue indefinitely, much less permanently, no matter how hard those perverts try to shove it down our throats.
I would predict it will lead to violence but it already has. Trannies are proportionately the worst mass shooters, murderers and assailants in the country. They make up what? .05 of the population? Less? but we’ve had three mass shootings, a dismemberment murder and multiple assaults by trannies since Pedo Joe was installed as meat puppet Resident of the United States. Just off the top of my head I remember trannies perpetrating mass shootings in Nashville Tennessee, Boulder Colorado and some other place. There was that tranny monster who was released from prison after decades even though he was a fucking murderer who dismembered his female victim or victims (he hates real women,) who promptly murdered another woman and threw her corpse in a dumpster. Tranny assaults are common, like that freak guy who went around basing people in the head with a lead pipe or something on the NYC subway platforms and ones attacking shop keepers and random people walking on sidewalks.
A violent backlash against government imposed tranny tyranny is coming. I don’t advocate violence against those monstrosites but I’ll be glad to see groomers and tranny supremacist activists get stomped on the TV news. The scum pushing this perversion, particularly the ones corrupting and mutilating our children will be stopped, it’s only a matter of time. The sooner, the better. They’re all demonic.
Mary Holt says
It’s not enough that they change the laws, they rub our noses in it and demand we approve of their lifestyles and degenerate half naked parades
Jeff Bargholz says
Half naked? Take a look at the parade held in Seattle last week. Those repulsive freaks were full on naked, prancing and twerking in front of very young children. There were ugly freaks naked on bicycles, too. (The parents of those children should be prosecuted along with the naked fruit loops.) Don’t worry, their genitals are blurred out with those little bars used to censor stuff like that, and I do mean little.
Jeff Bargholz says
I almost forgot.
That scumbag in Philly who just a day ago murdered four random white people and wounded four, including two children, is yet another tranny. As soon as the authorities tried to conceal his identity, I knew he was black, of course. As soon as I saw his photo, I knew he was a tranny. A split second after I recognized him as a Tranny, the news show host, Chris Salcedo, said the authorities believe him to be trans. The depraved deviant’s name is Kim Carriker.
Like I wrote in my comment above, trannies are deadly dangerous and proportionately the worst murderers in America. HANDS DOWN.
No mention by ANY media source that all of Carriker’s victims were white, of course. This was a “hate crime” against whites and normal people who know what sex they are and don’t pretend to be the opposite sex.
Anybody think he’ll get a life sentence or the death penalty? I sure as Hell don’t.
This tranny tyranny and murder wave need to be stopped and expunged.
;^) says
Frankly, I’m still upset about losing “gay” to these oddities! It once was a perfectly happy word, with no anal connotations!
Now we must give up another positive term to the misfits? Pride is OUR WORD! It’s described a wonderful emotion since before eye shadow was invented! I say we fight the Commie Creeps to preserve our national language!
REFUSE to give up “PRIDE!”
We’re letting these change agents manipulate us!
We’ll have a GAY OLD TIME!
Steven Brizel says
This is decadence supported by our tax dollars
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes,a and perversion and Dr Mengele style permanent mutilation of children, 99% of whom go on to regret the decisions they were persuaded by evil adults to make, often when they wake up in the hospital recovery room.
Elizabeth Crouse says
Unreal administration. Praying for leaders
Jeff Bargholz says
Me too. I’m praying they all die in pain.
Kasandra says
“Could anyone possibly blame the people in those countries for thinking that the United States is a massively powerful agent of the destruction of individuals and families?” The obvious answer is “no.” While the Left prattles on endlessly about colonialism, it is trying to ideologically colonize foreign countries with its disgusting “gender policies” and is using taxpayer dollars to do so. One could only wonder how the majority of U.S. citizens would feel about this use of their money if they knew about it. Must most just remain in their ignorant stupor and don’t bother using the greatest tool for the dissemination of information since the printing press for anything except except games, pornography, and sharing photos of what they had for lunch. “If you can keep it,” indeed.
internalexile says
Very well stated.
Bterclinger says
“While the Left prattles on endlessly about colonialism, it is trying to ideologically colonize foreign countries with its disgusting “gender policies”
Great observation
Jeffrey E. Sams says
Amen and amen! A very sad, but true, commentary about where we are as a society.
Intrepid says
The Biden regime will embrace any and every policy that will end up weakening America because it’s really Obama’s holdovers in the WH and sprinkled throughout government that are “fundamentally” transforming America.
internalexile says
The country is run by angry, Marxist children who depise their own country with a deep, visceral hatred. What could possibly go wrong?
Jeff Bargholz says
And all the other handlers and cabinet members are just as bad as the Bareback holdovers.
Paul says
Why do we put up with it ? where are the Churches and there Parishioners strength of conviction and teachings/ Why has there been no backing and Protection of the Un/Born within the churches. They day the where able to normalized child-hood Euthanasian was the end man and Christianity, same sex marriage followed suit. destroying all viable rational beliefs in the Bible (And the churches where complicit ) No one defended gods beliefs and teachings /! Then we did the unforgiveable we elected the ” obamantion ” embracing a Homosexual deviate President 666 w as a precursor to our defilement . He rubied that in our face with his Lover Reggie Love in the oval office for almost three years. And the EVIL controlled MEDIA where his Partners in crime.
Biden throws away of taxes on this kind of stuff while cutting off our Energy Production as favor to his friends in very low places . Biden the Traitor not Trump and Biden should be arrested put on Trial convicted and given Life without parole and no Clemency or Parole with Clinton(Bill)as a cellmate and Holder and Obama in the next cell
Bterclinger says
Cui bono. Who benefits. The transgaygenda lobby donates bigly to Dems.
Plus as all noted above, Biden and many in his administration are perverts.
Seekers says
That millions of dollars of taxpayer funds have been used to fund LGBTQ ideological poison is bad enough. That this money is going to foreign grantees adds insult to injury. Will someone among the congressional Republicans do something already about this despicable administration? Does the word “impeachment” come to mind?
If you play this out, going forward, (like a chess game), where do you think it will end ?? Will it slow down, stop or increase ??
I guarantee you it will increase as they have no end game. From ‘we just want our rights’ to ‘agree with us, paticipate with us and promote us or ‘WE WILL HURT YOU’. They want (have to have) it all to just9fy their aberrant lifestyle, they need affirmation form the masses that they really aren’ that bad after all.
There is no end to their agenda as it is satan’s agenda, and he is not going to stop until the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob reigns him in and throws him in the slammer ( locks him up in the abyss) for 1,000 years. There is a 7 year period just prior to that event where God ‘rescues’ His bride (all those who believe in Him, follow Him and love Him) and prevents mankind from self-annhilation, then He redeems His Chosen people Israel and then brings His long prophesied judgments on this sinful, Christ rejecting world.
The ONLY way out of this madness is UP. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus…..< (This fall, I believe).
Are ya ready ??
Rev. Roy………<
Daniel says
Trump wouldn’t be any different and he has said so.
Barbara says
We need to confront the acceptance of sexual deviance and immorality with facts. LGBTQ people generally do worse on many social and psychological metrics and are much more likely to have been molested than the general population. The wide occurrenxe and acceptance of divorce and adultery, as well as school bullying have greatly distorted sexuality and relationships. To have a stable society, we need to encourage sexual restraint and acceptance of one’s sex and appearance (within the limits of good health).
RS says
Some people would do anything for money. Its their number one God. Human trafficking is one of the most miserable abominations that mankind pursues, and along with it goes drug trafficking killing millions of people and children.
Jack Vorster says
The writing is on the wall for King Biden.
TRex says
If I recall correctly, around the time Russia began its invasion of Ukraine and the US started pouring money into it, our State Department demanded the Ukraine govt legalize homosexual marriage. If true, this is yet another example of our tax dollars being used to queer the globe. Not much was made of it and, like so many of the absurdities of this admin, it flew under the radar. I’m embarrassed for America to watch our stature become that of promoters of debauchery, hedonism and idolatry.