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In Kansas City, Missouri, Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old teenager, was shot and wounded by the homeowner when he knocked on the wrong door. In Gastonia, North Carolina, Kinsley White, a 6-year-old girl was shot and wounded along with her parents when a basketball that children had been playing with rolled into a neighbor’s yard.
Ralph has already gotten a phone call from Joe Biden, and an offer to visit the White House. He has two lawyers representing him. His story has been splashed all over the national and even international media. The Washington Post has run no fewer than 17 stories about Ralph’s case: far more than the gangland funeral home shooting that actually took place in Washington D.C.
Kinsley, last heard tearfully asking, “Why did you shoot my daddy and me?” has not gotten a presidential phone call.
The very different treatment of the two stories would be baffling except for the one defining fact that to leftists explains everything in the universe and justifies all their power grabs and abuses.
Ralph, as you probably know from the media, was black and his shooter was white. Lest anyone miss this vital fact, the mainstream media incorporated it into headlines such as, “White Kansas City man Charged with Shooting Black Teen” and “Police Charge White Man for Shooting Black Teen Boy”.
Kinsley and her family are white. Their shooter was black. No media outlet would ever run a headline, “Black North Carolina Man Charged for Shooting White Kindergartener”.
Race is only a salient factor in a story if white people are the perpetrators, not the victims.
The media has already determined that the confused 84-year-old man who shot Ralph was a racist. The evidence for this so far has consisted of his race and claims by his dreadlocked grandson that he began watching a lot of FOX News after his wife was moved into a facility.
There’s no similar assumption that the 24-year-old black man who shot a white family was a racist. No one in the media has asked friends or family members how he felt about white people. The media would no more do such a thing than it would swap stories like “Ralph Yarl armed only with ‘black skin,’ family lawyer says” for, “Kinsley White armed only with ‘white skin’.
Shooting someone, as we know, is only wrong if they have the wrong or right skin color.
“Doug and I are praying for Ralph Yarl and his family as he fights for his life,” Kamala Harris obnoxiously tweeted. “Let’s be clear: No child should ever live in fear of being shot for ringing the wrong doorbell. Every child deserves to be safe. That’s the America we are fighting for.”
Ralph is not a child. He’s a 16-year-old teenage boy. Kinsley is a child. And because her skin is the wrong color, Kamala will never tweet about her or give a damn that she was shot.
That is racist. It’s a deeply evil attitude that, as Obama would tell us, is not who we are. But it is whom he helped make us. Anti-racist racism is everywhere and it has poisoned America.
Stripped of the race-baiting that has come to define the Democrats, their media and the entire movement, the Ralph Yarl case is no different than that of Kaylin Gillis, a young white woman, who was shot and killed when she and her boyfriend mistakenly pulled into the property of another elderly homeowner who came out with a gun and opened fire.
Since Kaylin’s shooter was also white, the media has a limited interest in the story.
“I had high hopes, and I had plans,” her boyfriend said. “I didn’t want to be with anybody else, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. My world was taken from me Saturday.”
Had Kaylin been black, Biden and Kamala might have paid attention to the case. Maybe next time he loses the love of his life, he’ll have the sense to pick someone of the right race.
As we already learned from the Black Lives Matter riots, which tore the country apart over a few deaths in police custody while ignoring the thousands of black-on-black murders each year, murder isn’t wrong unless it’s committed by a white person against a black person.
A white person shooting a black person is a racist. A white person shooting a white person is just suffering from gun violence. A black person shooting a white person is suffering from racial trauma. And a black person shooting a black person was suffering from a lack of opportunities.
Or as incoming Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said of the thugs who beat white people in Millenium Park, “it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”
It is also not constructive to demonize Robert Louis Singletary, who prior to shooting a 6-year-old girl and her parents, had assaulted his girlfriend with a sledgehammer but was allowed out anyway. He was probably starved of opportunities in his community.
The unfortunate truth is that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and racial huckster lawyer Ben Crump, already greedily slurping at the thought of another big payout, and the entire media, don’t care about Ralph Yarl, any more than they care about Kinsley or Kaylin. The 16-year-old boy isn’t interesting to them on his own and had he been shot by a black man, he would have been just another statistic like the one out of every 1,000 young black men shot and killed in the year of BLM. The only reason that Biden called Ralph is because he was shot by a white man.
It’s really the white man they care about. And how he can be used as a racial caricature: the embodiment of all the evil white men who are oppressing black people all over America.
The white bogeyman whom Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the rest of the gang promise to protect black people from as long as they keep voting for them and tolerating their criminality.
Black lives, white lives, no one’s lives matter to them, only elections do. Elections are the gateway to power and the entire purpose of their political movement is to take power.
Racism has been the platform and plank of the Democrats for longer than anything else. The party that once whipped up lynch mobs against black people by exploiting white victims now whips up lynch mobs against white people by exploiting black victims. The crime hasn’t changed, only the races have flipped.
The racists are just as racist, they just call themselves anti-racists now.
If I was shot accidentally , in pain and recovering. The last people I would want to hear from is anyone from this administration. But as a 68 year old straight white male christian, I’m in the clear.
Not sure you’d be left in the clear.
Under this chickenshit administration, being a straight white Male Christian is a serious crime.
The high incidence of home invasion crimes by black males makes homeowners paranoid when a black male shows up at the door and tries to get into the house.
Also, the white homeowner was 84 years old. Does anyone in MSM have an idea how feeble 84 year olds are, how fearful they are when faced with an aggressive and physically fit back male trying to get into their house?
I read the police report and Mr. Lester’s deposition and says the young man he shot was trying to turn the door handle after opening the screen door and knocking.
How did you obtain access?
It is this kind of detail emerging after the incident allows better understanding. Things are often not what they appear to be at first.
The NRA magazines’ “Armed Citizen” column is full of stories that begin that way and often end with the person who “rang the wrong doorbell” in a body bag, with the homeowner cleared of any charges.
I live in a rural area, no cell service and pretty much alone with my wife. A few years ago I ran out of gas just outside a small town- maybe 5,000 or so, and tried knocking on doors to buy some gas. Most people were too scared to open the door. Looking back I should be glad I wasn’t shot. The guy that finally helped me was cleaning his guns and had a bowie knife on his belt.
It was when I realized just how fearful people are because of the de-Christianizing of America liberals/Democrats have succeeded in doing the past 60 years.
The 84 year old shooting a black 16 year old is very disturbing for sure, but I’m sure the guy was likely scared to death and “thought” he was protecting himself. Hopefully the kid recovers fully.
We don’t know the whole story here. I am guessing that there is a lot more to this than the MSM or anyone else is letting out, but I agree with you and hope that the kid recovers, too.
We’re assuming the reports are truthful.
The press showed us a picture of a cute 10 year child, instead of the accurate one of a 17 year old thug – Travon Martin.
NBC edited George Zimmerman’s 911 call to make him appear to be a trigger-happy racist. (They even referred to him as a “white” Hispanic.)
It turned out Travon was a thief casing the neighborhood, and so it might turn out that Ralph was doing the same.
(The media write about what they WANT to be the story . . . and they stick to it!)
As I’ve been saying, we don’t know the whole story and the MSM is making damned sure we don’t learn it before the trial, conviction, and imprisonment of that homeowner.
A rise in Crime and accidental shooting and of course the Media will blow everything out of proportions with their fake News reporting as they always do you ca always count on the M.S. Media bottom Feeders to do that
Clearly the reason for the double standard is that it follows the official government policy that black folks are now completely unaccountable for their actions no matter what they do. The rest of us will just have to put up with that and to disagree or push back is racist or something. This is unsustainable and will end very badly at some point.
“You can ignore reality but you can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” -Ayn Rand
A race war in America would be just wonderful for these power-lusting totalitarians, it would give them the excuse to establish a permanent lockdown on America — “You deplorables cannot be trusted with freedom so we have to take over for your own good”.
“Don’t bother to examine a folly-ask yourself only what it accomplishes.” – Ayn Rand
It’s intentional folly after intentional folly of unreason that are being foisted on the American people by their rulers in the hope of making them give up their pride, confidence, will to fight, and desire for liberty. Deprived of his confidence in his reasoning mind a man becomes paralyzed and ready for a ruler to dictate to him what to do.
So what is it that is behind this obvious double standard. IMHO, when Marxists learned that the “class struggle” was not working to smash our capitalistic society, they turned to race as the anvil on which to smash the U.S. They really don’t care about the black people over who they shed so many crocodile tears. They are just useful props in the Left’s effort to destroy all that exists. Thus, looking for them to observe a neutral standard is an utter waste of time.
Blacks make up 13% of the population. Whites make up over 60%. Add white Hispanics and it’s over 70%.
Has there ever been a group of people in the majority, as whites are here in the US, that has acquiesced to a minority group (blacks) and have given away their power? Allowed overt discrimination against themselves from entrance into colleges to employment to job promotions?
Anywhere in the world blacks have been the majority, and in charge, have led to brutally oppressive regimes.
Interracial crime in this country is 90% black on white. The only one very outspoken about that is Heather McDonald.
All this race baiting BS and propaganda can easily be stopped. Easily. But it never will because there are far too many feeble minded and guilt ridden coward whites unwillingly to say enough is enough. Time to stop pretending blacks are victims and innocent angels while reporting whites are the devil, white supremacist’s and oppressors.
I blame whites more than blacks for this. Whites have the power to stop this propaganda, but refuse to.
Because hypocrisy and double standards are in DEM’s DNA.
When George Floyd robbed a woman in her own home, he did it in the afternoon.
Just adding to your sum of knowledge on when the oppressed are likely to break into homes to redistribute some wealth for social justice.
“Now I’ve never done a home invasion before, but from what I’ve heard, you usually don’t do it in broad daylight and ring the doorbell first.”
To be fair, George knocked on the door, he didn’t ring a doorbell.
Classic home breakin technique is to knock/ring doorbell in the middle of the day (when noone is liable to be home). Then if noone answers, break in to the house.
What I find appalling is how this administration reaches out to black victims of whites before the dust settles but says nothing about the relative multitude of white victims at the hands of blacks. Make no mistake, this is a deliberate attempt to further divide our nation. Pandering to blacks for votes is nothing new and relatively harmless in the broad scheme of things but elevating black victims in an attempt to vilify whites is a dangerous tactic that will, no doubt, end with a bad report. The use of terms like “ultra MAGA Republicans”, white supremacist’s” and “Christian nationalists” is designed to lay the blame for all the problems suffered by minorities at the feet of white “racism”. It is sad to see our nation being led by a cadre of morons who think their political careers depend on pitting one constituency against another.
Agree with every word of this article. What we are experiencing is a primitive 21st Century American version of Marxism mainlined into the bloodstream of American culture by Barack Obama and the propagandists of the Democrat Party, that substitutes race, sex, ethnicity, and sexual orientation for economic class. It’s still Oppressed versus Oppressor, but from American Communists, like Barack Obama, descended from black Stalinists (at least ideologically), like Frank Marshall Davis; racial oppression stems from the epitome of capitalistic oppression, Capitalism in its purest form from their point of view — chattel slavery.
These people are too stupid to realize that man oppressing his fellow man is a direct result of man’s fallen nature, not due to an economic system or failure to impose a murderous totalitarian political ideology/religion on the weak and stupid not willing to fight this evil with every ounce of their being.
So for American Communists, like Barack Obama and the people that stole the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden, black criminals killing white children, like Cannon Hinnant, serves two purpose;, one, it eliminates a possible future Enemy of the People or Counter Revolutionary, and, two, let’s other white people still alive know who’s in charge and that the Republican Party isn’t coming to help them.