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Forget her awkward off-putting personality and her habit of speaking like a dim-witted kindergarten schoolteacher. Those are public-facing problems and public-facing problems have to be pretty extreme for them to be disqualifying. Dems stuck with Biden until he had a total debate breakdown.
Dems would like another Obama, and Kamala isn’t that, and they’d settle for a normal human being who isn’t some nightmarish hybrid of Chauncey Gardiner, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with none of the positive aspects, and all of the negative ones, but the media and every establishment voice will spend the remaining months telling us that Kamala is the embodiment of the right side of history.
From a practical politics standpoint anyone (or almost) anyone can be turned into a viable public-facing figure with enough cultural firepower behind them. Look at what they managed to do with an obscure Vermont socialist crank and an obnoxious Westchester hipster of Puerto Rican descent.
The real issue is that Kamala is leadership kryptonite. Her original presidential campaign dissolved into infighting between her staff and her sister. And she dropped out before she could even contest a primary.
As vice president, she not only made zero impact on anything, but her office staff abandoned ship. The only thing she made into a signature issue was opposing Israel over the war with Hamas.
That’s not a dealbreaker, but her inability to run anything is. Biden was an empty space that his staff filled. Kamala isn’t an empty space, she’s worse, like a lot of CBC members, she seems to be a bad boss with a penchant for nurturing drama around her. That wouldn’t be a first in the White House, but it’s especially damaging during a campaign.
Biden, as terrible as he was, had a circle of loyalists who served him to the bitter end. He tended to be abusive, but like every successful D.C. lifer, he had people he count on. That’s why he lasted this long even well past the point where he could meaningfully function.
Kamala does not. Her people come and go. She has few loyalists and her staff tend to wash out quickly. It’s one thing for this to be the case for female CBC house members (which it often is) but it’s a major problem for a presidential candidate running a national campaign. It means she doesn’t have meaningful support and in a business where politicians can’t do anything without loyal staffers, it’s a hole. A big one.
This isn’t something the average person cares about, but people in D.C. politics do. They see it as a serious failing that will impede her ability to succeed. It’s why they don’t think she can go the distance. And why they’re hesitant to get behind her.
Very insightful Daniel!!! I followed her career from early on and she never did anything right, except when she was doing nothing.
Just the sort of politician who rises to the top of the Democrat Party of slavery, war, segregation, the KKK, poverty, homelessness, and inner city decay.
…I think Willie Brown might disagree with you there…!
Well almost – the only thing she did right was know who to get close to – if Willie Brown had n’t come into the picture she would never have been given the DAs position and she would not have been given the Senators seat either – she was a DEI chosen individual and put on the ticket with Biden for her liberal wile policies which are heavily documented on tape – now the media and the Swamp are trying to throw a white towel over her past including all of Biden’s failed policies that belong to her now as she backed them for almost 4 years – now she’s attempting to smooze the voting body not by defining her policies but by simply saying are you going to believe what I have stood for all my life or what I’m telling you today – remember the leopard and spots
Trevor Loudon has a video about her that he introduces with: Kamala Harris’s “voting record in the U.S. senate is to the left of both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders…I would like to go into Kamala Harris’s background, because it’s frightening, to but it mildly.” Video at Rumble >>
True that. Her voting record puts her on the political spectrum a little to the left of Che Guevarra.
She will ask women for their votes, based on “You may get pushed off your sports teams by men, but you can get all the abortions you want.” And of course reparations on steroids. Curious if she names Stacy Abrams as her veep candidate, for diversity or something.
If she names Abrams they will not get elected without massive voter fraud larger than the last time.
Abrams will be like an anchor heavy enough to moor a supertanker.
Abrams? That self-aggrandizing, narcissistic, ‘ballot harvester,’ STILL claims to be the Governor of GA! Anybody voting for this current iteration of the (non)Democrat Party should be rounded up and shipped to that terrorist holding facility in Cuba, they are ALL anti-Americans.
The fact that she is of Jamaican slave owning and East Indian heritage and is being touted as “African American” shows how totally corrupt the Democrats are. They couldn’t even find a real African American for the job. This is in addition to the fact that she has demonstrated that she is even more incompetent than a president with advanced dementia.
Rabid Democ-rats like Whoopi Goldberg don’t mind, she said, if Joe Bite-Me “poops his pants.” For these fools, nothing is a deal-breaker where the “D” is concerned. There are not enough Democ-rat “sniffing” drones to win an honest national election, so the Democ-rats routinely engage in vote fraud. Oops, now I’ll never be a guest on “The View.”
Great article, but there are a few typos.
You mean like where it lost the reference to her as a “shallow, unserious, imbecile?”
Woe to these United States if she is elected!
Why is no one, on either side, sounding the alarm about how devastating for our Country having a woman President would be. Not that I think having a woman, in and of itself would be a bad thing. But given how the Muslim and Arab and the middle east in general view women, how on earth would a woman President communicate with those nations? Does no one see this? Am I wrong to bring this up? But not one word has been mentioned about this?
Many believe there will be new candidates promoted at the RNC. The left wants their voters to be as excited as the Trump voters so they throw all protocols to the winds and throw away the old ways just to be able to win.. Kamala isn’t any better than her predecessor.
I thin you mean the DNC, not RNC
She will not win ,,for lots of reasons,, just like corrupt media hid Brandon’s senility,, lots of sheeple are going to be shocked when they find out just how immature and stupid she really is.
Is Cackling Kamalalala stupid or what? This is a demonic circus the last nearly 4 years of the installed administration of stooge puppets and reprobates. Installed by a coup d’etat from stolen 2020 election.
Even Lester Holt on NBC calls out Cackling Kmalalala on her lie:
Kamala Harris’ response to border crisis: I haven’t ‘been to Europe’ either
Her real problem is she is an anchor baby who had foreign parents at birth, she received her citizenship through a reinterpretation of the 14th amendment, in other words, she is a naturalized citizen, and did NOT receive her citizenship naturally… she is not eligible for either top office.
The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States (nor VPOTUS), it requires a natural born citizen for either top positions.
A Natural born citizen does not owe their citizenship to any congressional legislation like the 14th amendment, as Kamala Harris does.
Law of Nations, by Vattel, written in 1758 is the premiere book of law our founders used when forming our nation, in it is says:
“§ 212 – Citizens and Natives. The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”
Obama wasn’t eligible either, but he got elected all the same – particularly thanks to Mrs. Pelosi. The cheating left will always find a cheating way to remain in power.
Good points. Made me realize that there has been cheating all through history when it comes to taking political power. Cheating is actually the norm, and there is little that can be done to stop it.
Whoever down voted you sucks the sweat off a dead man’s balls. It was probably Dickporn. That guy just hates life and humanity.
Now prove it in the court of public opinion, please.
The series of staffers who have quit over the years have described Kamala as emotionally abusive. She also insists upon being treated with respect to which she is not due. For example, at her first meeting as VP, she demanded that everyone in the room stand when she entered even though that is not protocol. She is controlling of others around her. I suspect she would be vindictive and punitive if she was in a position of power enabling her to use it as a weapon. I could easily see her implementing policies designed to punish all Americans for having constantly ridiculed her. lack of intelligence, speaking ability, leadership skills, and absence of any track record of accomplishment.
If you look up “Dunning-Kruger Effect” in the dictionary there will be a picture of Kamala.
And she has already way outperformed the peter principle, too.
Note: It looks like the Front Page computer system clock is set to PM when it should be AM. The comments are shown as having been posted 12 hours in the future.
That is pretty annoying.
Fix that shit, Greeny!
So the narcissistic gaffing Moron, who is also a pedophile, has thrown his 25% support behind a person who clawed her way to the top on her back. Do the democRATS know no shame?
The Kakistocracy with Biden will become the Cacklestocracy with Harris.
Siddharta said to Kamala, “Maybe I am like you. You cannot love either, otherwise how could you practice love as an art? Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can – that is their secret.”
She is an embarrassment to women AND non-whites.
You write with a naive kind of optimism.
The left is coalescening behind Harris quickly.
The left is a machine and will package her and sell her to the growing cohort of zombies. There is massive relief among Dems to have someone – anyone! – who isn’t old and infirmed. This is a massive injection of hope and energy, while Trump will be framed as the old man who brings chaos with him wherever he goes (= assisination attempt – a real downer for the commies and fascists).
Facts and all the valid points you make mean nothing to the left. Bill Maher expressed the mentality recently (before Biden dropped out) when he said he would vote for a brain in a jar of blue liquid.
They hate Trump with a passion and don’t care who the candidate is, just anyone but Trump. And if they did legitimately win in 2020 (and I have no idea, but certainly a lot of doubt) it was because for all the weakness Biden brought with him, most of us on the right didn’t factor in the blind, red, hatred for Donald Trump. And just as so many of us have voted for our candidate while holding our nose out of lack of enthusiasm, so too does the left vote this way. I think I once read that most people vote against a candidate rather than for one. In any case, we are in serious trouble. Dan Bongino, among others, is sounding the alarm and his voice, I think, is right on target.
It harldy matters if Harris is a weak candidate. The machine is packaging everything right now and a lot of Americans will eagerly gobble it up.
The problem with Kammie is she is just plain dumb. Everyone knew a punchbowl like her in High School or College. But with Kammie she happened to open nice legs to men of power. Now that’s about all nice-looking women have to do, and many get along without even that. If that were not true the news networks would have ordinary looking women on them.
Like Joe, only worse, she is dangerous because someone like Obama will have no trouble telling her what to do.
Look at what they managed to do with an obscure Vermont socialist crank and an obnoxious Westchester hipster of Puerto Rican descent.
Like ++ 🙂
This is probably not the best place to put this out there but oh well. Something must be done to promote the fact that Kamala (even though married to the First Gentleman ((NRAJ, JINO ((( not really a Jew, Jew in name only))))), is an overt antisemite, supportive of Hamass with a daughter who is even a more overt Jew hater (guess she doesn’t like her stepfather). Like DT says Jewish people should wake up and not vote for Democrats in USA and same in 🇬🇧 uk Labour Party are clearly anti Israel and Jew hating to the core. Spread the word.
The puppetmasters who run the Democrat Party do NOT want a thinking individual. That’s why Biden was there. That’s why Hochul is the NYS Governor. Or Obama for that matter.
Dem Puppetmasters only need a legal signature who can sign executive orders and legislation.
Actual leadership skills would be disqualifying. They need a subservient puppet.
Hence Kamala.
Here is the ammo you need to push back hard on Commie Kamala:
She’s a moron and an imbecile. She’s absolutely dangerous.