On the latest episode of The Right Take podcast with Mark Tapson
In this short audio clip from a recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Right Take, host Mark Tapson asks legal scholar and bestselling author Alan Dershowitz why he’s considering not voting for a Democrat presidential candidate for the first time in over 60 years.
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im shocked i tell you shocked !! a stupid squirrel finds a nut !! 60 yrs .? not long at all . ! jews are their own worst enemies . any jew who supports the most immoral political party in americas history need slap therapy . that dershowitz has taken 60 yrs. to wake up doesnt bode well for americans in general and jews in particular . empty suit biden will side with hamas as will blinken , schumer and his ilk . they would send their mothers to the gas chambers if they could get a vote out of it and most jews in dc . the reason being that they need the muslim vote . not so much the jewish philanthropists that have been throwing good money after bad to americas college campuses . the jews have no friends , the sooner they wake up to the fact , the better off they will be .
Wow. I was wondering when Dershowitz would finally pull his head out of his ass. Thank God he did it before his judgement day. I see him on TV regularly and up until now, he’s always made a point to say he’s a lifelong Dirtbagocrat and voted for Madame Hellary in his every appearance. I was always dismayed that such an obviously intelligent and honorable man could be such a stuffy fool.
Apparently, Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden’s administration is SO bad it caused a lifelong and obviously obsessed Dirtbagocrat to defect from what is irrefutably an anti-American political party. Everybody hates Hoka Joe, the semi human buzzard, and how he’s allowed his handlers to despoil America.
And it can’t be a coincidence that Israel has finally had enough of its murderous enemy, Iran, and its jihad terrorist proxies. Israel has evacuated many of its embassies for good reason and the mullah’s headquarters in Tehran is now a target. I’m sure Dershowitz is aware of that.
It’s beyond obvious that the Jihad Joe administration and The Jihad Squad in Congress want Israel to be destroyed by the Psuedostinians and their Iranian mullah patrons. I guess it took that imminent threat to his Jewish cousins for Dershowitz to wise up.
Not all news nowadays is bad news. This is good news. Dershowitz is a powerful voice and it’s good to have him renounce the utterly scummy Dirtbagocrat party in general.
I suspect that Dershowitz will, in the end, vote for RFK Jr., whom Dershowitz avers is the most pro-Israel candidate, which is nonsense, as no one has proven more of a friend to Israel than Trump, who has not only provided lip service voicing his support, but has actually provided strong material support to Israel while president. Evidently, Dershowitz also seems to be either unaware of or indifferent to Kennedy’s opposition to fracking (i.e. domestic energy independence) and other questionable positions. Dershowitz seems to be unable to bring himself to vote for Trump, and will twist himself into knots to avoid doing so.
Yes, Truman, Johnson and RFK Jr. are nowhere near Trump’s stature when it comes to support for Israel. Dershowitz needs to fulfill his potential and have a full conservative awakening.
Truman supported Israel’s rebirth for religious reasons.
Truman had his good points. He nuked Japan because he couldn’t allow up to one or two million Americans to die in an invasion knowing he had the two weapons which could end the war. Not in good conscience. He officially recognized Israel too, if I remember correctly.
That was back in the day when a Democrat could be a human being.
Truman’s support of Israel was complex and severely tainted. Mostly I think he thought the Arabs would take care of them. Just like his boyscout image as a clean politician. or a non-racist. He never stopped his loyalty to the dirty, corrupt Pendergast machine he was part of, nor did he do anything other than praise it..
On racism his squad held a military reunion were he went in to the kitchen and watched his guys throw plates at the help to make them dance and did nothing about it, nor latter condemned it. He also used to exchange letters with some relatives where he agreed about the inferiority and dangerous nature of blacks based on the relative being a crackerjack with higher wisdom than most. Enough to cement the truth. in his mind.
OTOH he did one of the most courageous things in civil rights history demanding a bill that gave enormous and sweeping rights to blacks that made the movement forward a much easier task. and helping to ease the second class standing of blacks knowing it would cost him the presidency. and all the southern states. He lost all of them, but lost the presidency.
And the fact that the world stood by while 6 million jews were being slaughtered in all forms of evil all through FDRs reign of corruption.
I have a cousin who converted to Judaism. No problem.
She will not vote for any non-democrat liberal. She will continue to vote for Biden, etc. because he is a democrat. Never mind they repeatedly back stab Israel.
She then blames the GOP for harming Israel. How she and the rest, manage that mangled thought process is unknown and confusing.
What thought process?
Grunting on the toilet, probably.
What about the 44+ Jews, highly placed in the Biden administration, destroying America? Will they resign from the Democrat Party and join MAGA?
jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jews-in-the-biden-administration
Ron Klain Chief of Staff (2021-2023), replaced by Jeffrey Zients.
Janet Yellin Secretary of Treasury
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Tony Blinken Secretary of State
Merrick Garland Attorney General
…and many more traitors!
I loved every word of that! Probably read it a few more times today.
In his legal arguments, he brings clarity like no other. Yet he’s sketchy about politics. AD is a mystery to behold.
I have always considered it to be one of the Great Mysteries of the Universe why Professor Dershowitz has
not formally repudiated and rejected the depraved psychopathic murderous democrat party.
Is he now formally and officially not a democrat ?
Not actually still registered as a democrat ?
Has Dershowitz actually removed his name from the democrat voting roles ?
What is Dershowitz’s actual status politically …. ? Democrat, Republican, Undeclared, Other, …?
What is it ?
Dershowitz is such a clear headed logical and common sense thinker …..
It should not have taken him 60 years to figure this out.
Dershowitz hasn’t changed his spots. He’s still a flaming leftist and that isn’t going to change.
Dershowitz has walked a long march away from the Democratic Party
Like Hoka Joe marching in Selma with Nelson Mandela. to the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
But seriously, it’s good to see a good guy light Dershowitz stumble towards the light.
Not really. He is still stuck in my opinion. It seems to me he does this every decade or so. Sorry, folks. I am not impressed. So much talk.
Took him long enough.
At which point did he think it was OK to vote for any of the others?
Glad he has seen the light….but…how long do these libs need to get smart??
It took him this long, all through Clinton and Obama, then he’s an idiot. Boldly declaring he can no longer call himself a DemoCrap when he should have done that 25 years ago. I’m not at all impressed. Better late than never?
Finally! It was tiresome listening to him always preface his remarks about Trump and his legal battles by stating he “didn’t vote for Trump and wouldn’t.” The disconnect between his being a Democrat yet sermonizing over the corruption of this adminstration’s DOJ weakened his credibility. Yes, better late than never Mr. Dershowitz.
I realize that he must have recorded this before Biden’s latest betrayal of Israel but I find it curious that he exempts Biden from his condemnation of the Democratic Party’s drift. Why does he do that? Biden could have stood up to the Leftists in the party. Instead, in 2020 he made a deal with them and has been doing their bidding since, literally, the day he took office. Biden is weak. And unprincipled. Wanted to make sure I mentioned unprincipled.
Biden is a tool, BO’s tool. He isn’t capable of independent thought.
Something mentally is wrong with the need to VOTE democrat. It has always been a left leaning Ideology (Our freedoms under the DNC have eroded to the Point we are dealing with a Gov controlled EITIST ruler-ship. Deregulation of UTILITIES (Was a criminal act of domestic internal destruction) and they added Insult to injury “NAFTA and GAAT” and they even threw in Free trade with a communist country with a total Open Intellectual and patten exchanged By the Clinton to even the Playing field. They even had the unmitigated Gaul to give them MIRV capability. And then there was the North Korean exchange of digester to facilitate their nuclear development. How any of you can VOTE the democratic ticket overwhelms me. Is there a member of the DNC that does not smell Pelosi and angry drunk hateful fool “! That rallied the 3rd tr. passage, something so sick and demented the Devil stood up and clapped. Her Trump demonic persecution is some form of self-Hate for her own incompetence.
Michael Savage used to way it is a Mental Illness. Same as we now say Trump Derangement Syndrome. Same folks. Same “tho0ught” processes.
Nancy Pelosi is a wino. Alcoholic dementia is a real thing.
And her stretched out Plastic face looks like a skull. Her tits bounce off her knees when she walks. That’s gross.
I have great worries about the coming election and how people will react. It is my opinion the Air Biden flights of illegals AND his friends from abroad flying direct from wherever to somewhere Democratic control needs bolstering will permit and encourage these people to vote for the Blue Ticket top to bottom. Vote illegally I might add.
Pole watchers will be critical, and they need to be trained what to look for very carefully!! Anyone who thinks needs to have all the encouragement possible to vote and be solicitive of their friends.
I HOPE Trump will do a far better job with his appointees than the last time around. Civil Service folks need to be scrutinized and schooled against political involvement. Biden’s EO if that was what it was, protecting Civil Service workers against dismissal for incompetency should be repealed one way or another. Then used to the max. Then Congress needs to pass more stringent laws against the politcalization of the Civil Service and ANY governmental functionary. Never Again should be heard a great deal in the halls of Congress.
The list goes on and on!
Not to be forgotten is the swamp gas coming from the various ostensible news sources and reporters. A way must be discovered to prevent censorship as we have seen in the past, while promoting genuine fairness. A “Truth In Politics” might be a good way to go. Take an oath to be objective as possible or face your voters judgement.
Also Kamala and the deluded Dems are mounting a huge effort across college campuses. There is plenty to worry about and Mr. Trump said it himself. We need a landslide to offset the probable improprieties.
“I can can no longer consider myself a Democrat.” Don’t say that you are an Independent either Dershowitz. You either believe in America’s founding principles, liberty, & free market capitalism, or you believe in this neo-communism espoused by Democrats.
I have to give Professor Dershowitz his dues. He has seen over the years how the Democrat party has become radical in their policies and especially neglegent in enforcing laws, or maintaining a balance of justice. Thus the state of the nation is in chaos. Ronald Reagan said the Democrat party left him, and it has left most Americans.
So Dershowitz is leaving democrat party?
Too little too late and NOT for the most compelling reason – namely a betrayal of America.
It had to be the betrayal of Israel, not of America, that made Dershowitz “see the light”..
Which is telling because the process of betrayal of America, or its “fundamental transformation” was brazenly announced by Obama in 2012 and culminated with Biden’s removal of her border in 2020.
Dershowitz had witnessed the Democrat treason for many years and could have ditched the Democrat party long before Biden ditched Israel.
I have no doubt that had Biden honoured America’s promise to Israel Dershowitz would be voting for Biden in November and be comfortable with Biden’s “America last” endeavour.
Dershowitz doesn’t care much for America – he, like Ilhan Omar has other priorities.
He is not Dennis Prager – a Proud American Jew and true American patriot.
Watching his fellow Democrats celebrate Oct 7 and play their part in the Hamas strategy is something that makes even Alan Dershowitz blanch.
His irrational hatred to Republicans is no doubt the same. It is a question of pride after his sixty years of voting for an increase in evil in the world.
A little less pride, a little more contrition and repentance in his behalf might help quell the feeling that Alan’s gesture is too little, too late.
I have agreed with so much that Dershowitz has said, particularly about the Israel and America relationship.
But I have never been able to understand why Dershowitz has not formally announced that he is leaving
the woke leftist depraved psychopathic democrat party.
Dershowitz says he always has voted for democrats … the Clintons, Obama, Biden, etc.etc.etc.
Doesn’t Dershowitz have any sense of reality ? How evil the democrats have been ?
I think Dershowitz has been just clinging to an imaginary historical fantasy of what the dems have been and are.
For someone as smart as Dershowitz, I just don’t get it.
Smart are often clever, but not necessarily wise, honest or courageous,
Without these three qualities a smart man is as pathetic as a natural fool.
Never underestimate the political stupidity of academics, especially those who voted for Obama twice!
That Dershowitz has not understood the evil that has come from the Clintons, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer,
etc.etc.etc, and the democrat party over so many years, is a great disappointment.
If Dershowitz just puts on his logical thinking attorney hat, I am sure he could make a good argument for repudiating and rejecting the democrat party for at least the past 50 years.
WFB used to say “Alan Dershowitz was unavoidable for comment”.