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In this short audio clip from a recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Right Take, host Mark Tapson asks bestselling author Eric Metaxas about the “separation of church and state” objection to Christians getting active in politics.
Check it out below, and get the full episode and subscribe at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube:
RS says
Many scoff at the bible, but when a nation abandons God, (the one who provides and blesses) he removes the hedge of protection around the nation, and allows evil to spread. The fact that our government is not supporting Israel is also a huge factor in the direction and the decline of America. The Age old Abrahamic Covenant which states that Israel will be a great nation and those that bless her will be blessed and those who curse her will be cursed is playing out in real time, Genesis 12:2.
At some point Israel and Netanyahu should REJECT BAD ADVICE from nations that are not favoring their existence and conditions that cause their demise.
Doren Renfrow says
Well said and factual! Kudos
He’s Greek the most corrupt country in the E/U, he also comes from wealth / The Greek Gov. Sets and fund the Prist salary, and they are Required to be represent at all Political function. ” They are church and state” where the Gov. controls 80% of all Journalism., and the priest Political affiliation., how they travel and what subsidies they entitle too.//housing//car// fuel// med. insurance/etc, etc. And he has an opinion? Greek arrogant Entitlement. An example of their corruption (entering the E/U with the 140Billion loan guarantee they immediately open a banking loan facility in Russia)- lost almost overnight 4+++ – billion.? Never to be accounted for! Church and state mentality. orthodoxy ! like minded nations. This was never about religion it’s a cult.// all about bling/Empirical dress code /and Begala. / and empty promises.
Michael Eisbrener says
It is 100% true. Instead of calling it a lie, it would be easier for most people to digest it as a myth that it is first. Much of what is considered ‘true’ is a myth. Black cats were never unlucky; that superstition is a myth. Racism? MYTH. Bigotry and prejudice are solvable, while the slur of racism is indelible. Also, Muslims are never asked not to practice their religion with politics, nor are atheists or anybody but Christians.
Seekers says
Nobody objects to Christians or adherents of any other religious doctrine getting involved in politics. It’s their right. The problem is the use of State force to compel religious belief or payment of funds to support the beliefs of others. Supporters of Church-State separation are quite right here.
danknight says
Separation of Church and State was a doctrine of a Catholic-hating, Jew-hating, Klansman.
It’s not in the US Constitution, and it is not in any of the founding documents. Even the term, which comes from one of Jefferson’s letters – to the Dansbury Baptists if I recall correctly – was used by Jefferson to express …
… that the State could not interfere with the Church.
As with most “Progressive” ideas, the term literally means the opposite of its plain meaning. Another common example is “Black Lives Matter” and “save our democracy” and “pro-choice.”
Jefferson’s letter, and the term, understood in light of the other founding documents means …
The Federal government shall not establish a religion, and it shall not interfere with the practice of [Christian] religion. To be fair, the founders did not contemplate Islam. As became clear during our conflict with the Barbary pirates.
But that’s what actually happened.
Atheism is the established Religion of the Federal Government of the Union of Socialist States of AmeriKKKa. To the extent that’s not true … is only the fact that a handful of pastors are allowed to spend millions of dollars to fight for their rights in court … instead of just being hauled off. And pro-lifers have already lost that right.
Atheists have run every public institution in the West since WW2, and they have captured all private institutions through regulation, taxation, or fear. Including most Churches. That so many Useful Idiots do not see that the light at the end of this tunnel is either a Chi-com style Gulag or saying the Shaida … would be funny if it were not so serious.
G-d save us from Atheists.
RLJPE49 says
Ron Kelmell says
The reign of immoral, America hating slugs is God’s righteous judgment against our nation. We have what we voted for when we abandoned God and His ethical ways. Elections have little to do with it.
jazzfusionary says
Well stated and God save up from atheists and secular humanists.
jazzfusionary says
I’ve spoken many times at school board meetings about the fallacy of separation of church and state. Jefferson sent a letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802 that contain the phrase ‘wall of separation” clearly referring to government refraining from interfering with religious freedom. There is absolutely no mention of separation of church and state anywhere in any founding document. The establishment clause merely means that congress shall not form, or establish, a national denomination. A very anti Catholic, defender of pornography, KKK lawyer Hugo Black was appointed by FDR to SCOTUS.. Black being hostile to religion intentionally took Jefferson’s letter out of context..
lucidtool says
He cites churches involvement in the abolition of slavery as a biblical and godly imperative for churches to be involved in political movements, however he also fails to cite the FACT that churches in the south were adamant defenders of slavery. Believers used the story of Cain and Abel to justify the enslavement of people considered to be Cain’s descendants. In fact the creation of the Southern Baptist convention can be directly traced to a disagreement within Baptist churches over slavery. Southern Baptists maintained their bigotry against formerly enslaved people well into the 20th century. So, if you’re going to use your religion to justify political action, then at least be honest with the world and also expose how your religion is used to justify the very evils it claims to abhor.