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In the most recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Right Take, host Mark Tapson speaks with brilliant historian Victor Davis Hanson about his new book The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation, and the lessons America can learn from past societies that were destroyed because they thought, “It can’t happen here.”
Check out the short excerpt below:
Irene Muus says
We all know what is coming. We bought g. u ns for the first time before the 2020 election when the cities being busted up by Black Lives Matter. They are still in their boxes. It looks like we are going to have to get them out and read the directions with what looks like a violent election season coming. It’s worse already.
Biden isn’t going to be on the ticket. The radical Dems have a plan in place at the August Dem convention. Wait and see.
Intrepid says
They are still in their boxes? Really?
You should have been practicing at a gun range a couple of times a month since you bought them. You guys should be proficient by now. Forget the “directions.” Sign up for beginners classes.
Sign up now. There is a Muslim s**tstorm coming and they are already armed. You can’t be fumbling around with ammo and guns when the bullets start flying.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I thought by “we” she meant the government. Didn’t our government buy up a lot of ammunition and weapons and then give new IRS agents training in how to use them in the course of their duties?
Sword of The Spirit says
Read it again. She said “They are still in their boxes. It looks like WE are going to have to get them out and read the directions”
Intrepid says
I think she meant her and her hubbie. And like most gun newbies she wasted her money. The gun just sits unused.
Until she actually gets serious about gun ownership her opinions are basically worthless.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I think you’re right. It was ambiguous to me.
Lightbringer says
A firearm is not an amulet. It only works if you know how to use it.
I have had some crippling upper spinal stenosis and am about to have my fourth spinal surgery, which of course will make it impossible for me to even lift my rifle or handgun for a while. For now I must rely on the muscle memory I attained after putting thousands of rounds through those barrels, and hope to get back to the range someday to re-attain my proficiency. Sometimes life presents challenges, but you have to use your abilities while you have them. I could certainly not learn from the beginning now, and would advise anyone who is physically able to start learning as soon as they can.
Gordon says
When Trump wins we will battling them all. 300 pounders wearing tablecloths around their necks(The Waffle SS), menopausal psychopaths wearing giant pussy hats, the ultra-violent, ultra stupid BLMers and fascist antifa, the autoimmune compromised 18 booster brigades, dudes with boobs and chicks with dicks and probably some other nonsensical commie wannabe crap they haven’t made up yet. Doesn’t matter, they all wear masks, and all the masks will be coming off very soon.
Kynarion Hellenis says
You and Jeff Bargholz need to get together for some beers.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’m down for that.
I watched “The Roast of Tom Brady” on Netflix today. I’d watch that with Gordon. Oh my God, was it funny. There was some chick comedian who blew all the guys away. I forget her name but damn, she was hilarious. She even belittled the big, dumb, ex football player named “Gronk,” who it turned out wasn’t dumb after all.
Sword of The Spirit says
“When Trump wins”. Unfortunately, Trump will neve be president again. Can you tell me what happened on November 3, 2020 ?
We don’t have elections. You do know that right?
Lightbringer says
Let’s try to stay positive. It isn’t over yet.
Joe Esposito says
I brought out my AR15 yesterday just to go over its characteristics to keep me
ready so when the Democrats start a civil war over an election.
I also have a conceal carry permit and I carry everyday.
When the time comes to defend myself and my family I will not hesitate and I
will use the appropriate force to neutralize the enemy aka Democrats.
Intrepid says
Are you going to the range every couple of weeks? That’s how you learn about “characteristics” and hitting a target at 100 yds.
Iszatright says
Still in the boxes???? Think of them like a guitar still in the box and you don’t know how to play. You actually think you’re just going to open the box, read some directions and just start playing?? Sorry, doesn’t work that way for guitars or guns.
By the time you need those guns, if you don’t know how they work or how to use them, you might as well just leave them in the boxes.
Sooooooooooooo………………..get off your complacent ass and go to the range and get some lessons!!!!
Sword of The Spirit says
Human nature, also known as The Adamic Nature, Old Nature, Sin Nature, is corrupt through Adam’s sin. We inherit this “Sin Nature” ( human natrure ) from our father. This is why Jesus said “Ye must be born again” to get a new nature.
That new nature is the life of Christ in us.
If nothing else, He was sure a good example for mankind. Love does conquer ultimately.
Dr. Don Rhudy says
Five hundred or a thousand years from today historians of world history will regard the United States as a unique blip in the history of government. They will concur that its founders simply did not comprehend the depth of moral corruption of human beings, and that their optimistic plan for self government, a government by and for the people, could not possibly succeed. Such a plan all will agree was devised by men of moral virtue who could not imagine the depth of venality, corruption, and criminality that would characterize the office-holders of its government.
Lightbringer says
Assuming that the few humans left will not be living in caves and grunting at one another by then.
one Kirk2entrprize says
John Adams: “Our constitution was made ‘only’ for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
Joe Biden is the quintessential traitor. He (and his accomplices) not only willing orchestrate the thieving and murderous hoard into our country, he used our future generation’s funds to pay for it! What we are witnessing is the very thing our fathers, grand-fathers, brothers, uncles gladly put themselves in harm’s way (in multiple wars) to keep from happening!!!!
We are fast approaching the point of no return and without a response, we will all be disgustingly guilty of spitting on their very graves.
Maybe. I object to these dire predictions of the future, especially when not taking into account or perhaps ignorant of the many times our nation has rallied from defeat and despair. See Some history books.
RS says
Mr. Hansen is right. It takes real leaders of strength and integrity to stand up against tyranny, and we see how history repeats itself when no one wants get involved in liberating society from evil. Special people who want Freedom and are willing to die for it like our Founding Fathers, changed the course of History.