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In this short audio clip from a recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Right Take, host Mark Tapson addresses the urgent question, Who is behind the rash of the sucker-punching of random women in New York City? says it’s an expression of white MAGA rage, fueled by the rise of Trump. Tapson thinks otherwise.
Check out the short clip from the episode below:
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Spot on Mr. Tapson, thank you.
It’s a world wide phenomenon that is being facilitated by the United Nations.
They want to depopulate the world.
Depopulate the world of White people, conservatives, Christians, and Western civilization. If it has to be, may their suffer forever scorched earth across the globe.
White People no matter where on this planet are the frog in the pot facing slow genocide. STAND THE HELL UP AND PUNCH BACK!
Western world, maybe.
It’s not happening in China, Japan, SE Asia.
An argument can easily be made that the Soros’ agenda via his financing unethical AGs carries huge responsibility for this lead-in to the butchery of October 7th. He and his kid need to be dealt with for America to survive.
Yes, in most “Asian ” Countries, a gutter sucker puncher would be beaten to death in the streets. I used to live over there. Those people don’t wait for courts. They’re like our Southerners used to be.
These leftist women are idiots who sell their bullshit as a default.
German woke activist, Selin Goren, was raped by 3 muslim immigrants (ushered in by fellow idiot Merkel), but decided to blame her attack on German nationals because she didn’t want to “encourage racism”.
These leftist shitheads are attacked by muslims or minority thugs, but since they so hate conservative patriots, they’d rather pin the crimes on them.
Jan 6th included the clumsy fake bomb, like the fake bombs they mailed to themselves once before – just before election day in 2018. All designed to slander their betters.
Texting as you walk down the street is not a good idea, even in a city without sucker punchers. You’re liable to lose or drop your Smartphone. I never do it
Alao, there are neighborhoods, in Jerusalem and Bene Braq, where I don’t dare to daydream or let my mind wander,, not because I’m liable to get mugged, but because I’m liablebto get lost if I walk past the corner where I’m supposed to turn.
Search ‘The Knockout Game’.
Been a ‘fad’ for quite a while.
A popular variation is called Polar Bear Hunting.
I’d like to see the usual suspects try that on me.
If anybody is looking for a solution that works, here’s a proven and true strategy:
Savages only understand the language of force and violence. A very heavy dose of their own medicine will show them their place.
Correct! Punch the fk back!! Self defense!
Yes. They sucker punch because they’re pussies and can’t win a real fight.
a heavy dose of strategically aimed lead
You forget this is in New York City. VERY few are able to carry about with them upon their persons the means to administer said lead. And the Lords of the Realm love to have it so.
Train, be prepared, be ready, give them serious pain.
Of course, in the Soros AG areas, the defender will probably be taken to court.
You need to walk away fast when you do something like that. Bystanders are usually shocked and the loser doesn’t get any say. Just leave him lying there.
And I think chicks should pack bear spray. If it works against bears, it’ll work against the usual suspects.
Reality: Women are not as strong as men. The dojo ballerinas you see in the movies, small women who do all kinds of fancy athletic moves and knock down half a dozen armed men, are fictional characters who have nothing to do with reality. The only thing that makes a woman, especially an older or disabled woman, equal to a man is what Colonel Colt developed. And that, the use of deadly force, would end a woman in jail. So, we need to go back to either having sensible laws that enable women to use deadly force when necessary, or to good old-fashioned chivalry, whereby good men are trained to fight and protect their women and escort them everywhere.
Either option works for me. Although I have to tell you, living up to heroic standards isn’t as easy as people think.
Some of the bad guys are very tough.
I believe this Democrat chaos is by design. It gets bad enough we will all scream for it to stop. And where do we look for our savior? The very government that facilitated this lawlessness in the first place. I think the opposite will happen first. Faith in government and by extension law enforcement is at an all time low. Cops are under siege. My fear, and I’m sorry to say my hope, is that individual citizens step up and smack down these thugs. The streets of the major cities are ripe for vigilante activity. Then maybe cooler heads will prevail and the citizens, law enforcement and the judiciary get back to basics. The rule of law.
Vigilante activity for defense works.
This is straight out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals frm about fifty years ago. To destabilise any people or nation, divide the people into factions, on any basis. Set one or more factions against any other one or more factions. Stir the pot regularly. Later rinse, repeat until the whoe of the population are i =n chaos begging for an end to the chaos. they quietly step forward “we HAVE the solution. Trust us and we will implement it”. By then it is too late, Saul and his Boys own the population.
This predates old Saul Alinsky by some years. Lenin found that disarming the citizenry and emptying the prisons worked, as did Hitler. I’m guessing that the French revolutionaries used similar tactics. Create chaos, then offer protection. People seem to fall for it every time.
Also known as “Polar bear hunting”.
I’d say that has a racial aspect to it, but the woke press are willfully blind to it.
These thugs are also not shy about pulling this garage on pregnant women & young mothers strolling with their infants.
Retired actor Rick Moranis was knocked out by some black prick in NY.
The authorities found the attacker, due in part to Rick’s celebrity status.)
It gets worse . . .
At times, these street-trash form mobs, then attack whites on a grand scale.
In 2015, hundreds attacked as many whites as they could find at the Wisconsin State Fair. (Several severely hurt & massive property damage.)
Bullies who punch women are usually anti feminist…my bet is they are fighting TERFS…who are leftist lesbians hostile to the trans movement …hence these men attacking likely identify as trans…just a guess…definitely not Maga in New York…no maga left there except journalists
They are the blacks and now some brown ‘newcomers’ coming to the party .
Yes and an increasing amount of Venezuelans, who obviously want to take the top dog crown of criminality from the usual suspects. Many of them are white but many are also brown. They all seem to be scumbags, though, even the females. They’re now the worst criminal “class” In New York City, and that took some doing. The usual suspects had been the champs for at least 200 years. That shit-hole Biden type country emptied out its jails, prisons and slums just for us.
Yeah, it’s the wilding of civilizational decline.
Soros and his kid smile while this grows.
We live in a jungle with predators looking fairly easy prey.
Learn, train, be ready to hurt predators viciously.
Terf’s = trans exclusionary radical feminists …
Have likely tweeked this rampage by trans identifying men or trans “women” who look like men. Just another reason to hate women that look confident or strong but not trans.
Nowhere in this audio segment is it mentioned that the attackers are overwhelmingly, if not entirely, black and Hispanic. Yeah, real rage-driven MAGA people. Sure.
Some say that noticeable numbers of minority males are defecting to Trump. The minority males who beat people up on the street are definitely not among them.
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The “rise of MAGA”? Give me a break. No one forced these violent punks to punch random women on the streets. And no one forced these violent leftist extremists to riot and assault innocent people. Blaming someone else for your cowardly actions doesn’t cut it.
Damn Swedes…..if it’s not them, then it’s those Amish again. Just kidding, it’s always some “people of color” doing it, but don’t dare talk about them, though.
maybe some roving gangs of yeshiva boys and their shenanigans
Oh, those young Satmar Chasidic toughs! What ever will the Orthodox community do with those lads? Guess we just have to wait for them to grow out of it.