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It’s 2024. Most people don’t get their news from watching TV. They get it online.
Podcasts, streaming and social media far outclass CNN, ABC News and other legacy media outlets.
There are precisely zero reasons to let corporate media news outlets monopolize presidential debates even if they weren’t shamelessly biased hacks relentlessly driven to rig debates and coverage for their candidates.
And yet here we are.
The RNC sensibly pulled out of the Commission on Presidential Debates only to then cut a series of bad deals with the media. What the purpose of pulling out of the Commission was, I can’t fathom, unless it was to exclude RFK Jr, if the response was to double down on having CNN, ABC News and all the rest host debates.
I repeat again. It’s 2024. There is no technological reason or viewership reason to have an ABC News debate.
The only reason we just had one is because no one at the RNC is capable of processing new ideas, they have their old media connections and because the Dems are much better negotiators than the RNC.
And so the RNC ended up with a much worse version of the Candy Crowley debate that was supposed to mark an end to mainstream media debates. ABC News moderators constantly interjected their views into the debate. The RNC could have set debate rules that would have prevented that, but failed to do so again.
I’ll say it one more time. It’s 2024. A debate can be streamed live on Facebook. Genuinely independent moderators can be found who will abide by the rules.
And yet here we still are because Democrats negotiate to win and Republicans negotiate to lose. The debate formats are a metaphor for the failure theater in Congress. You can’t win unless you actually make it clear that you’re willing to walk away. And when you don’t, there’s always ABC News.
Exactly, it is apparent to everyone except the RNC. I have to give Trump credit, though, he will go up against anyone, anywhere, anytime and hasn’t the slightest hesitation about going deep behind enemy lines.
“The RNC sensibly pulled out of the Commission on Presidential Debates only to then cut a series of bad deals with the media.”
From now on the RNC should insist on one conservative moderator for real balance. And not a mealy mouthed RINO like Romney. And zero sponsorship by the likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC.
You might not get the enemedia or the Communist candidate to agree but at least we wouldn’t have to put up with BS questions and obvious bias.
Better no debate than having to always go through the charade pretense that everything was fair.
I couldn’t stomach watching last night. Why bother. But I heard that the mods dragged Commiemala over the finish line, declared victory, and basically treated Trump like a disease. Anyone surprised.
I watched it. The trolls who pretended to be “moderators” tried to fake check Trump nine times but let Heels Up Harris lie repeatedly with impunity. She claims she has a “plan” for the presidency. I notice D-Bags always say that but they never articulate their “plans” because they don’t really have any. just empty rhetoric and emotional pablum.
I truly hate them. The RINOs are just stupid and weak but the D-Bags are evil.
No one made Trump do this. It’s on him, Daniel.
They’re performing transgender surgeries on illegal aliens in prison! And they’re feeding them dogs and cats!
He kicked Khlamyidia’s ass in that debate.
Most of the viewer polls I’ve read about today have Trump winning the debate. These include CNN and ABC.
Then today, 9/11, one day after the debate, in Pennsylvania, at a stop with Harris, Biden wore a MAGA hat.
He’s trying to spin it, something about unity, but it won’t work.
I guess he’s too senile to understand the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”
Republican party …useless, RNC….useless. Set up their candidate’s time and time again to endure a spectacle of cheating by the dem’s. Here we go again and Harris and team formulated the debate questions to be asked and practiced the answers for weeks and the “moderators” who hate Trump assisted. In a word, pathetic.
It’s really frustrating. I would have advised Trump no debates on these liberal biased platforms. The moderators allowed Harris to lie at will without no challenge. Yet, stopped Trump several times to “correct” him.
Trump is so transparent and puts himself out there and we should all appreciate that, but no way should he be doing these debates on these biased platforms.
Trump is fearless but I agree RNC should pick next moderator’s. I spent most of the time wanting to wipe her smirk off her face.. She depended on the bail out from Muir and has come away over confident. Kamala was scripted and DJT was just himself.. I think authenticity helped a lot. She was definitely the phony..
How many other people were screaming at the television when the Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala
The Witch Whore of Babylon was spewing her lies?
Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala
The Witch Whore of Babylon would never accept a debate on Fox. It was 3 on one and Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala never answered the question if she met Putin , she said she met the President of Ukraine and if she felt responsible for the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, she said there are no soldiers there now.
Like she did with Lester Holt who asked her if she ever went to the border Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala said, I’ve never been to Europe either.
A debate is supposed to be candidates saying whatever they want, not answering asinine questions from the Dirtbagocrat media. Could you imagine Abraham Lincoln answering inane questions? I sure can’t.
And the fake news trolls are all saying Khlamydia Harris won the debate, when she clearly had her flat ass handed to her.
Trump was willing to sacrifice his credibility and go into danger against the odds. One brave lion against three hyenas. His brave ploy was necessary to confirm to thinking voters what they already suspected about the Kamala team of compromised media hacks, Democrat flunkeys and perfidious pop princesses. All of them traitors to the cause of freedom and democracy who now think they inhabit the moral highground when, in reality, they’ve shat in their own nest.
You assume, like most people, that everyone has access or uses the latest technology in their everyday lives. It simply is a false narrative to say or believe so. This is true of our older generation but also many many others who are not considered elderly. These folks will have a tv set but not a computer of any kind.