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While writing my latest article, I dug a little bit into the Secret Service’s recruitment. And while much of the rank and file of the organization is still made up of white men, they’re rather hard to find in the photos and videos used to lure new recruits.
Here are some sample images.
Everyone was around. Of every possible race and gender. Just not white men. Even dogs were more likely to be represented in the Secret Service literature than that most dreaded of cisheteropatriarchal creatures.
Only when the literature actually showed real practice sessions, did white men start appearing.
But the Secret Service leadership has made it abundantly clear what kind of recruits they want and white men aren’t it.
The agents need to be tall enough to shield the President. Some of the agents seen Saturday were very short.
And the SS females were completely frazzled. They appeared to have little to no idea what they were supposed to be doing. I guess risking their own lives to protect important leaders wasn’t taught in the paltry training they received. They wore nice outfits though, and their hair was perfect.
Thanks True !!!
And one of them fussed with her Blues Brothers shades while the other adjusted her jacket. They kept looking at one another for clues on what to do next – just like women.
When women enter the sphere of men, they demean themselves and harm those under their jurisdiction – and vice versa.
Thanks KH !!! I first noticed that kind of thing watching my niece’s soccer team some decades ago. The girls used a completely different approach than the boys soccer team 🙂
You are absolutely right they were frazzled. It’s called tunnel vision. A gross compensation to fear, followed by disorientation. They were acting out their training by rote and not making decisions.
But they identified as being tall so that was enough.
The same is true in Madison Ave. advertising and commercials on TV. and in Hollywood.
White men are essentially out of sight.
One would think that in America the white male population is about 8 percent.
So, as a demonstrated minority, shouldn’t we be given white privileges? /sarc
Short and rather dumpy. The women I saw did not appear to be in good shape.. They did not move well, and definitely looked confused. If being a bit imposing is part of the job–and it obviously is–then some large, serious-looking black dudes should fill the bill nicely, while checking off some of the diversity boxes.
Yes- there should be a minimum physical test in order to be in the SS. Like being able to run a mile and do 50 push ups.
However- the real problem was the lack of brain power in Butler Saturday night and not only by the SS. Local cops either were too dumb or too cowardly to confront the assassin. Now we’re finding out that the assassin was spotted at least 30 minutes before the murder and attempted assassination. I guess that may be where the phrase “Keystone Cops” came from.
I live in PA and the State police are great at catching speeders or people rolling though a stop sign but don’t appear to be able to stop assassins.
There are minimum tests.
not sure how some of the agents we saw met them
The SS agent lady didn’t cover the President because he is tall. She only came up to his chest. There are other leaders who are taller than Trump. The women are sometimes not big enough or strong enough. They are capable of defending, but there were alot of faillures. Crooks was on the roof and spotted before the President’s speech. The Afg building should have been secured before hand. Why were so man by standers ignored when pointing to the roof and shouting the man is crawling on the roof and has a rifle?
And fat and poorly trained
Having white men isn’t fair to the rest of the incompetent agents. It makes them look bad.
Come to think of it, white male pilots have the same effect, as do white doctors, carpenters, architects, electricians, etc ad infinitum.
The Trump assassination attempt was quite the watershed of exposure of the left’s pathetic, dysfunctional fantasy world.
” … the left’s pathetic, dysfunctional fantasy world. ”
The woke leftist democrats are really just like depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent freedom crushing intolerant Islam.
Leftist democrats will soon be praying like Moo–Slums … prostrating themselves and banging their
foreheads into the ground, and elevating and directing their arseholes up in the air towards Allah.
Democrats openly have a goal to limit white men to menial labor jobs that no one else will want or do – except of course high level Democrat politicians.
AA – The obvious answer is for the Secret Service to hire Zulus and Tibetans of both sexes, assuming that the
DEI guidelines ae being followed assiduously.
The USSS should hire a bunch of those very large Samoans we see on professional football teams.
The day one things that Trump needs to do are piling up quickly.
Pardon the J6ers.
Finish the wall
Restore funding for the Keystone pipeline
Close the border and begin deportations
Undo every pile of crap program that Biden put into place via E.O.
And unless she voluntarily resigns in disgrace, fire SS director Kim Cheatle
Did I miss any to do items?
Bring back law and order. Tough on criminals and terrorists.
End DEI. End the FBI/CIA, military industrial complex, Patriot Act and Department of Education.
No, but I want to add one thought to yours. Someone yesterday posted about the fitness of the security detail and thought these should be well educated and read.
A good soldier may or may not be well read, but soldiering in a security detail requires certain skills and quick ruthlessness that can accompany men with little education and even some very low agreeability traits.
The man you want next to you in the foxhole need not be acquainted with the higher arts of civilization. And he most certainly cannot be a woman with exceedingly rare exception.
So Trump needs to surround himself with the best of the best soldiers– a type of man who is built to do that highly specialized job and loves doing it.
The IDF, always desperate for manpower used women in combat a number of times but especially the war of independence. Most did very well but that was because just managing to get to Israel weeded out the rubbish while the Europe that most left behind was not kind to the weak and useless.
But now, with the west’s obsession with sensitivity and self, the quality has markedly declined and the IDF found that the presence of women in the front line markedly increased male casualties. The one exception was in pilots where many women achieved better results than males but despite some becoming fighter pilots (any still???), most became transport or evac pilots where they perform well.
Now IIRC intelligence, electronic warfare stations and logistic support seem to be the main areas where they are used but of course, everyone knows how well “specialists” fight (Yom Kippur station taken by the ?Iraqis was a good example. A good woman soldier is as good if not better than a male; but most are just not up t0 it and those in the IDF outposts overrun on Oct7 did not do well.
You missed …
indicting and arresting Biden and Harris and Obama and the Clintons and Pelosi and Schumer and Coons and many other woke leftist democrats
for corruption and violation of their sacred Oaths to Preserve Protect and Defend the US Constitution and US citizens against enemies foreign and domestic.
Indicting and arresting would be great, but the President cannot do it.
they are all treasonous money launderers
Yeah he’s a failure unless he sends back every one of the imperialist scum who crossed our borders and all the legal ones too.
End all DoD woke programs, and discharge all trannies and drag queens from military.
Many are saying that DEI is causing problems with the Secret Service. In actuality, lack of diversity is the problem. I saw no pygmies, albinos, hunchbacks, Sherpas, Moros, Tutsis, or Etruscans among the agents that day. Worst of all, they were all white, even the women. I can only hope some of them are gay, or at least demiflux gender.
To mis-quote Sarah Palin…..”how’s that hopie changie DEI thingie working out for you”? Based on what we saw with the female agents, almost deadly.
This is what real fairness and inclusion means.
13% of Us population is black.
About 40% of them are felons, so should be counted out for any government job position.
19% of US population is Hispanic. Again, 15% of felons not eligible.
71% of the population is white. The 8% are felons.
So in a fair makeup of the total population is any government position,
Out of every 100:
8 should be black.
16 should be Hispanic.
65 should be white.
5 Asians.
6 Other races. Native American and such.
If this ratio changes in favor any race, we have unequal racial representation.
And then there is of course the matter of merit and who has the highest skills and qualification based on job performance.
You have to watch out when you speak or write the truth and facts and use logic and common sense in America now.
Truth and logic and common sense may soon be outlawed by woke leftist democrats if they remain in power and control the US government.
Your argument presumes racial quotas are good and right.
Merit should be everything and color blind.
So they slammed the door and won.
All part of the lefts plan to undermine what made America great: the US Constitution and meritocracy.
White people and Christianity
Screw this Diversity nonsense and lets get back to some Common Sense
Remember it’s not just race that is part of DEI government hiring under Biden- it’s the sexual perversions or mental insanity as well. How many “Furries” were hired? How about cross dressers, transvestites, pedophiles, and other sexual deviants are now in the SS and other branches of government.
This was just another example of the left’s charge to the lowest common denominator. They cannot stand merit. Probably because they don’t do well when merit is a requirement for anything.
Women in IDF are generally fit and do not do the heavy work as their male counterparts.
In an emergency, I’m no considering DEI, I need action and readiness. These dumpy looking female SS had no idea what to do. Seconds went by before they dog piled on President Trump. The whole thing is a set up and a shit show.
26 minutes from the time law enforcement had pics of the perp assassin and nothing was done allowing the assassin to fire 8 rounds with deadly and near deadly consequences! If President Trump was lost, our hope would have been lost forever and the morass we would further sink into this coup d’etat we are in since the theft of the 2020 election!
Secret Service f’d up Saturday 7-13-2024
Israel f’d up 10-7-2023
As USA 9-11-2001
November 22, 1963
There are no coincidences
In a global coup d’etat
Thankfully and Praise YHVH aka GOD, HIS Secret Service Arch Angeles were there to deflect either President Trump or the bullet!
I hope Trump ditches these DEI losers and gets his own team of Security agents. Uh, no women allowed 🙂