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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Millions of people watched the series finale of Succession, a show based on the Murdoch family succession drama, complete with shots at Republicans, conservatives and FOX News.
The real life succession drama of the Soros family was however greeted with a few media puff pieces including at Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. The passage of the $25 billion Open Society network which topples governments, uproots societies and funds the leftist internationale to the next generation of the Soros clan garnered media press releases.
But there’s plenty of succession drama in the family of the leftist billionaire.
As George’s firstborn, Robert Soros might have been expected to inherit the throne. A trader like his father, Robert was temporarily given the reins to Soros Fund Management before having them taken back, and then given back again. Robert’s marriage broke up after he allegedly cheated on his wife, who had cancer, with a nude model. The divorce case dragged on, threatening his finances, and he left to start his own Soros Capital Management.
Robert’s younger brother Jonathan, who had shared the role of chief investor with him, seemed like the likely heir apparent. Jonathan, like his father and unlike his older brother, had a much more ambitious political vision, getting down and dirty with the leftist groups his father backed.
Jonathan even carried the middle name of Tidavar: George’s antisemitic father, who charged Jews trying to escape the Holocaust “whatever the market would bear” and who had dispatched his son to participate in the confiscation of Jewish property to “cheer the unhappy lad up”.
The second Soros son could soon be found mingling at Democrat fundraisers and leftist organization meetings including those of the Democracy Alliance. Like his father, Jonathan had an ambitious program for transforming elections. But in 2021, the Soros finances took a beating, and, after an unstated break with his father, Jonathan Soros struck out on his own.
“We didn’t get on on certain points,” George Soros commented dryly. “That became evident to both of us, particularly to him.”
Of the two sons to whom George was planning to bequeath his empire in 2004, Robert and Jonathan, both were gone. The two heirs had been meant to rule the dual empire: Robert would handle the Soros money and Jonathan the political activism. But George’s relationships with his oldest sons, like most of his relationships with human beings, fell apart.
Soros was running out of sons to take his place and carry on his poisoned legacy.
Raised in what he had described as a “Jewish, anti-Semitic home”, George Soros, still in his late twenties, had begun dating his first wife, Annaliese Witschak, a German immigrant from Hamburg. His parents were overjoyed that his girlfriend wasn’t Jewish. With their approval, George Soros married Annaliese and moved out of their apartment and into hers.
But George was a cold and terrible person. By the late seventies, he was very wealthy and his family hated him. Harshly critical of his sons, he showed Robert and Jonathan little in the way of affection. And his marriage to Annaliese broke up after he refused to look for their daughter, Andrea, after she had stayed out too late.
The same day that George Soros left his family, the 48-year-old met a 23-year-old woman playing tennis. “How old are you anyway,” he later demanded. He may not have realized at the time that Susan Weber was Jewish. George’s mother hated her because of that. “My mother was quite anti-Semitic and ashamed of being Jewish,” he told an interviewer.
George’s mother did what she could to sabotage the marriage, including, in one memorable moment, calling him and screaming, “my son, everyone is going to think you are a homosexual.” But even without her, his second marriage was never going to be any happier. George had been too busy for his children from his first marriage and he had even less time for new ones.
Alex and Gregory were raised by Ping: a nanny from China. A family friend commented that, “he is the kind of father who can interact with a 15-year-old much better than a two-year-old.”
The second divorce left behind two more lost sons. Unlike Robert and Jonathan, Alex and Gregory had not been raised to succeed their absent father and had no talent for it.
Little is known of Gregory, the youngest, who has avoided the spotlight, but Alex grew up a “shy… chubby kid” and was generally overlooked in college. A few years after his parents divorced, Alex began working hard to lose weight and used his father’s wealth to hook up with models and fund massive parties filled with celebrities.
It wouldn’t take much of a psychologist to figure out what was the matter. Alex’s father had collected money and power, while his mother filled the hole by renovating houses and collecting art. Their son had dreamed of “being normal”, but that obviously was not going to happen.
“I was very angry at him, I felt unwanted,” Alex Soros complained. “He had a very hard time communicating love, and he was never really around.”
What connected Alex, like Robert and Jonathan, to their father was money and power.
In 2012, the New York Times ran its first major profile on Alex Soros headlined, “Making Good on the Family Name”.
The third son had discovered that the way to his father’s heart was through social justice and had revamped his trashy parties as fundraisers for political causes. The approach eventually paid off as a decade later, George Soros handed over his political empire to Alex Soros.
Alex Soros has the thinnest resume of his brothers. He lacks the financial acumen of Robert or Jonathan, and shows no apparent leadership skills or larger vision. But that may be exactly why he survived and his half brothers did not. With Robert and Jonathan, a breaking point eventually arrived and they struck out on their own, but Alex lacks the skills or the backbone for it.
“I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood,” George Soros confessed. The radical billionaire had compared himself to a deity over the years. How better to ensure that he could never be overshadowed by his sons than to pick the weakest of them?
That may very well be a major part of the Soros succession story.
“We think alike,” George Soros said of Alex. That is to say, Alex will serve as George’s undead proxy.
George, determined to control his empire even from beyond the grave, may have chosen a feckless party boy who would never challenge him, but just enjoy going to parties and posing with famous people. But there is also another element to the Soros succession story that strikes at the heart of the billionaire’s famously ugly tangled relationship with the Jewish people.
Alex, unlike Robert and Jonathan, is Jewish. And once he dived into political funding, he quickly set himself apart by playing a role in leftist Jewish groups like Jewish Funds for Justice and the Bend the Arc: Jewish Action PAC. His thesis was even titled, “Jewish Dionysus: Heine, Nietzsche and the Politics of Literature”.
“When I was six or seven years old,” Alex Soros related in an essay, George had sat him down and told him about how he watched the Holocaust play out, claiming that his grandfather had “helped save other Jews”.
In reality, Tidavar, otherwise a failure, had charged Jews “whatever the market would bear” and worked with Hungarian Nazi collaborators. George would later agree that he had “helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.” Then denied any feelings of guilt. “It’s just like in the markets — that if I weren’t there — of course, I wasn’t doing it, but somebody else would.”
George Soros knew better than anyone else how much his parents had hated Jews. Yet, if we are to believe Alex, he told his first Jewish son a different version of the story in which he and his grandfather were heroes fighting Nazis, instead of collaborating with the looters.
“It was the first real bonding experience I ever recall having with him,” Alex Soros related.
There is something darkly fitting that George only bonded with his son at the advanced age of 7 by distorting his family’s actions during the Holocaust into something a child could be proud of.
George, as was his wont, traumatized his son, but also gave him something none of his siblings had. “As other members of my family remained in a kind of hiding, continuing to conceal their identities, I decided to get a bar mitzvah,” Alex later wrote.
Psychoanalyzing self-hating Jews is generally a waste of everyone’s time and the Soros clan is spectacularly malignant even by those standards. While Democrats claim that any critic of Soros is an antisemite, George Soros has spent much of his life hating Jews and defending antisemitism. And yet, having alienated his non-Jewish wife and sons, he is passing his political empire on to his only visibly Jewish son.
George Soros has lived a long time and he may yet change his mind. Alex may end up sharing the same fate as Robert and Jonathan. For now, Alex is working the party circuit: photos of him posing with Pelosi, Schumer, Obama and countless other Democrat figures the way that he once did with celebrities in the Hamptons define one difference between him and his father.
“I’m more political,” Alex Soros told a reporter. George Soros is abundantly political, but Alex’s politics are more conventional. Where his father had a grand vision but limited interest in spending time with politicians, Alex is a social butterfly. Where his father had theories, he has social networks, but that’s true of most politically active socialites.
The Soros networks will continue to do enormous damage but once George is gone, they will lack his ability to leapfrog rivals and nations. Instead they are likely to do more harm in another quarter. Alex’s Jewishness, such as it is, has already led him to fund leftist groups trying to undermine the Jewish community from within. Where his father funded big picture transformations, Alex is living out a fake family history in which his father and grandfather were heroes fighting Nazism, and he believes that is carrying on their legacy by attacking Jews.
Once the chain of succession passed from Robert and Jonathan to Alex, it became entangled in that big lie. The lie about what the Soros family did during the war was at the heart of George’s origin story, to Alex’s relationship with his father and now to the entire Soros network.
Una Salus says
Lifestyles of the rich and fabulous.
Redwine says
The rich and repugnant.
Lethal says
I have often wondered if George Soros is the ‘Anti-Christ’ mentioned in the Bible’s book of Revelations. He fits the description – a Jew-hating Jew, wealthy, influential. Soros has even described himself as “a god!’
THX 1138 says
Judaism denies the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth and the veracity of the New Testament, the Jewish Messiah, according to Judaism, has not arrived yet.
The Jewish Messiah isn’t coming to save Christians but to save the Jews, so you’ll have to convert if you want to be saved.
Intrepid says
What you know of Judaism couldn’t fit on the head of a pin. There is only one Messiah.
jeff none musial says
Jesus Christ died on a cross because the high preists of Jews felt he was a threat to them and Jews DO realize him as divine, now jesus coming back to save everyone not just jews
Cassandra says
If there was such a person he was crucified by the Roman (catholics) who saw him as a threat to their power in Judea.
Beez says
Wow, that whole Soros bunch are really twisted. psychos. Speaking of twisted psychos ….
John Wood says
It is time for Soros to join Hitler & Company in Hell like the good Nazi that he is.
Algorithmic Analyst says
He’s probably proud of his twisted kids.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel, comprehensive coverage. The kids aren’t as smart as the father.
Mo de Profit says
The father just got lucky, he wasn’t smart, most of the so called financial experts just get lucky.
Nicholas Taleb‘s book Antifragile explains why and the financial world turned against him because he told the truth.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, he got lucky by being able to follow in the footsteps of Keynes and Hjalmar Schacht, who were lucky in being forced by the Depression to develop original economic theories.
THX 1138 says
Almost never are the sons, daughters, grandchildren, or cousins of a business genius equal or superior to him or her. In fact, they usually fall far short. That’s one of the major reasons Laissez-Faire Capitalism is so hated by the children of the rich. They know full-well that they could never produce their own fortune on their own starting from scratch.
So they run to the government and bribe them, fund them, to pass laws to destroy the competition and then they become, the protected class, the ruling class, the elite, the Establishment, the Rockefeller Republicans — the Swamp.
In Ludwig von Mises book “The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality” the first chapter is titled “The Social Characteristics of Capitalism and the Psychological Causes of Its Vilification” in a subheading of that chapter you’ll find “The Resentment of the “Cousins”. The tycoons family grows to resent, even hate him, for his productive genius which they have not and cannot inherit, so they seek to destroy it from envy by funding “social justice” causes.
Ayn Rand illustrates this social phenomenon in “Atlas Shrugged” in the character of Hank Rearden and his relation to his hate-filled family, and the relation of Dagny Taggart to her envy-riddled brother James Taggart.
You will find another manifestation of the anti-capitalistic mentality filled with hateful envy in the black community when virtuous black children are attacked for “acting white”. Antisemitism and the hatred of the Overseas Chinese who are very successful once they get out of the shit-hole of China are two other manifestations of the anti-capitalistic mentality.
Intrepid says
In your case I’m afraid I would have to agree with you. You fall far short of anything your father may have been.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Now he’s an economics expert. Arghhh!!!
Intrepid says
He thinks he is an expert on everything. He obviously isn’t, but he likes to play expert on this comment board.
Mark Cogley says
He made the billions; they don’t have to be smart to spend it on his demonic vision.
Yehuda Levi says
This is the problem with people being “born Jewish” when they don’t want anything to do with Judaism. In my opinion, a human being cannot be born Jewish regardless of lineage. It is a ridiculous concept of blood that is primitive and outdated.
To be Jewish one must accept the covenant of God with the Jewish people. If you don’t, then you are not Jewish.
And yes, I know this is not traditional Halacha or Jewish law – but every Jew is entitled to their interpretation of Judaism. It is certainly better than having Soros be a Jew.
Chananya Weissman says
“every Jew is entitled to their interpretation of Judaism”
Utter nonsense.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Agreed. The Scriptures are perspicuous, and given to us for our understanding.
We are not free to twist and bend the Words of God to suit our own inclinations.
THX 1138 says
Yehuda Levi, you are too modern, rational, Aristotelian, and Hellenistic for your own Jewish good. The Maccabees would have stoned you – Hellenistic heretic.
Intrepid says
Do we really have to have your uninformed opinions on everything?
Steve says
Soros should have been put on trial as a collaborator after Budapest was liberated in 1945. Preferably by a Soviet style “People’s Court” he himself would approve of, if someone else were in the docket.
Intrepid says
Little Alex looks vaguely gay
Kynarion Hellenis says
Agreed. But he could also be a bit effeminate. I have known some men who were actually very manly in many ways (strong, assertive, incisive, active, etc.), but had a softer presentation. It is not common, but it happens.
His pencil neck is quite unattractive, though. It does not jive with his thick fingers.
Intrepid says
Thumbs up but I’ll stick with my initial reaction.
Peter Arnone says
Alex is gay. And his politics will reflect an overbearing LGBTQ bent.
Kasandra says
Alex can’t possibly believe the horse feces about Soros resisting the Nazis. He’s on video saying that confiscating Jewish property for them was the most exciting time in his life. He said nothing about hating what he was doing or doing it as incompetently as possible. No, it was a very exciting time for him.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Yes. I saw that video. He does not care that his actions were reprehensible. He is a law unto himself.
One thing about Soros that I admire (even has I find him repulsive) is his consistent actions in accordance with his stated beliefs and goals. He never denies his motives and always acts in a way that is consistent with his motives. Most evil people lie a lot more.
Algorithmic Analyst says
He went through a lot of psycho-analysis, one can see that affected his views.
Kynarion Hellenis says
How interesting. I did not know that.
Ugly Sid says
Introducing Father Self and Son Self. They are the male membership of the Self family.
Thanks to them, we enjoy Self governance. And they are committed to keeping it that way.
THX 1138 says
Governance by God is called theocracy.
Martin Luther, John Calvin, Cotton Mather, and the Pope approve of theocracy. Martin Luther was not fighting for self-governance, in other words the freedom and liberty of the individual, he was fighting against what he believed was a corrupt theocracy in order to re-establish a perfect tyranny of theocracy. Luther thoroughly encouraged and approved the mass murder of the fly-over country deplorables, the rebellious peasants, who wanted their self-freedom.
“Your self is your mind; renounce it and you become a chunk of meat ready for any cannibal to swallow.” – Ayn Rand
Kynarion Hellenis says
Irrational people – a chunk of meat and life unworthy of life. Little hints of the Objectivist rule of men with their varying judgments of what is “rational.”
THX 1138 says
An Objectivist has no interest in ruling Christians or being ruled by Christians.
Who decides what is rational and what is irrational? Objectively speaking, no one “decides” what is right or wrong, nature does not “decide”, reality does not “decide”.
The facts of nature and reality simply “are”. Rationality means discovering, accepting, and making decisions consonant with the facts of reality. For example, you were born a woman, you discovered that fact of reality, you did not “decide” to be a woman, I do not “decide” that you are a woman, no one “decides” that you are a woman, you simply are a woman, you accept that fact, and live your life rationally accepting that fact of reality.
According to Objectivist ethics an irrational person has the right to be left in peace by others to follow her irrational whims, so long as her irrational whims do not violate the rights of others. Is that so hard for you to rationally understand and accept?
Kynarion Hellenis says
To be left alone is a precious thing. But it is not everything and cannot be the basis of society or civilization. We must have government to have civilization.
Governments always have a religion. It is not a question of whether, but of which.
Your religion is one which would bring untold misery. That you will not see this does not make it untrue.
Men need the transcendentals in order to have happiness. You deny the existence of the transcendentals and worship man’s mind which you believe is the definition of “reason.”
Reason is a tool. It is not God.
Intrepid says
That’s good, because you always say the universities have to change the minds of the students, by using the Objectivist method. I have to assume that you mean changing enough minds to force change.
That kind of change always comes violently. Since you are basically a wimp you will not be part of that change, and you won’t get to play Lenny Peikoff in the new world order. In fact you will be rounded up along with the rest of the Dandy Lions.
Intrepid says
So if a woman decides she is a man, what do you do about it? If nothing then you are no different than the basic moronic Leftist who actually believes in gender fluidity.
So much for the facts of nature and reality.
Intrepid says
Except that the trans people do not want to leave us alone. we must accept their insanity or suffer the consequences. And then, assuming you are in charge, do you go up to the insane person and have a nice conversation or do you arrest them, confine them and administer the Thorazine they so desperately need.
You seem to think simply being a little objectivist will create the perfect world. It won’t. It will create yet another lawless totalitarian state, since no one decides what is right or wrong, except for you of course.
Intrepid says
It seems that you work out your wannabe totalitarian issues through the people who actually accomplished things with their lives. BTW, Ayn Rand was truly one sick woman. You are following in her footsteps.
Mark Dunn says
And what does that have to do with the article or the discussion?
Intrepid says
With THX it never has anything to do with the article. He only wants to push his religion on everyone.
David Mu says
Looks like North Korea has a fight ahead for itself with being the ‘best’ communist monarchy. I am better informed because of this article.
Now if someone was to make Mini Series all about Soros and show us the truth instead of all the mush and gush it would really shake things up for the UN/Globalists
Where is the Blinken (pardon the not so pun) MOSSAD?
Soros should have ended up like Eichmann decades ago.
Mark Dunn says
They should have stolen Soros wealth, years ago.
charles casaburi says
I used to favor low taxes on the rich for the same reason I favored low taxes for everybody. It’s their money why shouldn’t they keep it. I changed my mind. If it were just Soros I would say every group is entitled to their share of miscreants but it’s not just him . 65% if the top 1% are democrats ie communists. They are the most far left group with the exception of POC . If they like communism so much how about paying for it. If you think I am being harsh equating democrats to communists look at the platform of the communist party USA & the democratic platform. Point out any differences if you can find them. In the last 4 presidential election cycles the communists didn’t even run a candidate they endorsed the democrat. There are other reasons to tax the rich besides the fact that they are the political enemies of liberty & always have been. Look at who went to Epstein island.. Glen beck traced the funding of the BLM riots a couple of years back to 40 billionaires. If the rich have money to rape kids & fund communist riots they have to much money on their hands we have to take it away.
Bob Boskey says
Carol Burnett was a guest on the old Dick Cavet show decades ago. Cavet asked her how she prepared for her role as the evil orphanage manager in “Annie”.
She replied that in her mind evil is when you think the world is wrong and you’re right.
Alej Marcos says
In a better country, both of those anti-American SOBs would be jailed for life.
RS says
The oligarchs always have a replacement for their globalist leaders who promote their one world government. Amazing how they will be left here for the Great Tribulation in spite of all their conspiring.
They have no power over God;s true church, the remnant of True believers. Matthew 24:14 says “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” The church is nearing the completion of this monumental task. This suggests that we are nearing the End of the Age. The church doesn’t have to finish the job before the rapture. At the end of the Church age, we have witnessed the rise of Messianic Judaism, which is a precursor to the God-ordained form of worship and service that shall prevail in the Tribulation. People will hunger for the truth immediately after the Rapture and they will treasure any information they can get their hands on, The light we offer today will shine bright in the darkness of the Tribulation for those left behind.
mj says
Maybe no coincidence that the name Soros sounds like “Tzuris“ – Yiddish meaning “trouble”. Definitely the wicked son.
Jim says
Mr Greenfield,
The tragic story of the Soros family reminds me of this quote.
“Men start revolutionary changes for reasons connected with their private lives.” Aristotle
As usual, thank you for informing your readers.
God Bless,
Andreas Schweizer says
The Eichmann/Schwartz (Soros) deal wiped out my grandmother’s entire family. Grandmother survived at the girls’ boarding school under a false last name and always warned against those who pretend to be Jews but aren’t.
Question to Daniel:
did grandmother warn against Ashkenazi genetics?
Is “Soros” one of them?
Soros is the real #1 Enemy on America and so he needs to be moved to another Nation maybe Outer Siberia
Rick says
Trevor Loudon’s comments in this interview excerpt are interesting:
“George Soros has worked in the interests of Russian his entire career. He was a little Jewish boy in Hungary during WW II. The Nazis invaded, he was fostered out to a Catholic family to protect him from the Nazis. The father was a capo. His job was to confiscate Jewish property for the Nazis. Little Georgy tagged along, thought it was great. So then the Soviets invade. They were hanging Nazi collaborators from the lampposts, and sending them to Siberia, unless you made a deal with the Soviets and started to work with the Soviets. George Soros was allowed to leave Soviet-occupied Hungary, go through numerous Soviet checkpoints through Soviet-occupied Austria and got out to the west. How would you do that as a Nazi collaborator—which he was—had you not made a deal with the Soviet authorities? George Soros has worked in the interests of Russia and China his entire political career, against the interests of America, England and Israel. If George Soros doesn’t have a great big fat file in KGB headquarters in Moscow I’ll eat my pillow.”
From an interview at Rumble titled “Democrats Love Power More Than America; Ukraine & Russia; Trevor Loudon; Will & Jada Smith.”