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Russia has been in the news a lot in recent years, and for good reason. With the war in Ukraine and America’s heightening military tensions with Russia, not to mention Russia’s history with America extending back to the Cold War era, Americans have generally had uneasy feelings about Russia for at least a century.
Modern anxieties concerning Russia aside, there is an old area of concern that was largely cast aside after the early 90’s that I think is important to examine, namely communism. It’s not that Russia is explicitly looking to overtake America with communism in our day, though some have made that case. But everywhere we look – from drag queen performances for children to skyrocketing rates of youth identifying as queer or trans, from the anti-American, anti-capitalist, pro-socialist sentiment of young people to perhaps more radicalized youth today than even seen in the 1960’s, all of this is connected with a neo-Marxist takeover of culture in America. Communism can only make big inroads into a culture when the historically dominant ideology comes to be abandoned. In both Tsarist Russia and America, that dominant ideology is Christianity.
I lived in Russia in the late 90’s and then came back to the U.S. and got a dual master’s in Russian (language & literature) and Russian & East European Studies in the early 2000’s. During that time, I studied Soviet history and communism in-depth. I wrote my master’s thesis on clandestine Christians in the Soviet Union, their survival tactics, and the tactics of Soviet state to try to destroy Christianity. Within a few years of defending my thesis, I began to see the same tactics that the Soviets used to try to destroy Christianity being enacted here in America, and with similar results. To understand where we are with faith and culture in America today, it behooves us to take a look back into another time and place.
A Little Soviet History
When the communist Bolsheviks violently seized power in Russia in 1917, the Russian Orthodox church found itself to be a major target for attack. Churches were demolished, clergy were arrested, tortured, executed, and sentenced to the Gulag. Propaganda campaigns turned the populace against the church and toward communism as the supposed answer for all their ills. Soon, all churches in the Soviet Union came under similar attack, as communism is both a political and quasi-religious system that can allow for no competition.
In the first few decades of Soviet rule, the communist authorities found that there was no amount of arrests, interrogations, imprisonments, and executions of Christian clergy, and harassment of everyday Christians, that would cause Christianity to collapse into oblivion. In fact, many of these tactics bred underground religious activity that was difficult to track. So the Soviets had to make some adjustments to their anti-religious tactics.
Communist Tactics to Dismantle Christianity
In the aftermath of World War II and the death of the tyrant Stalin, the Soviet state fine-tuned its anti-religious tactics. Anti-religious and pro-socialist propaganda campaigns continued broadly, throughout the schools, media, and the arts. Winning the minds and hearts of the people, especially the rising generation, continued to be a prime goal. From every possible angle, the Soviet apparatus worked to turn the people against Christianity, portraying it as oppressive, abusive, and backward, and to indoctrinate the people to accept and embrace the new religion of communism.
In the meantime, Soviet authorities softened their stance against more mainstream Christians, giving some perks to those churches that fell in line and registered with the state. Then they infiltrated these churches so as to control them from within. KGB agents were sent into the seminaries to pose as up-and-coming clergy, then once they completed their training they would rise up quickly in the ranks of church leadership.
From the 1960’s and on, the unregistered Christians who dared defy the Soviet state and insisted on worshipping God according to the dictates of their conscience experienced a ramping up of persecution. These dissident Christians – Baptists, Pentecostals, 7th-Day Adventists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses who refused to comply with the state – were considered by most to be “cults”, therefore the state could continue to persecute them without alienating the general populace. Up through the mid-80’s, the Soviet dissident Christians routinely experienced nighttime raids on their homes, raids their worship services, arrests, imprisonments in the Gulag, the forcible confiscation of their children, and internment in psychiatric prison/hospitals to cure them of their “delusions” about God. The state went to great lengths to attempt to disrupt and disband these renegade, uncontrollable churches.
How This is Relevant to Us in America Today
Today in America, we are in the end stages of a communist takeover of Christianity and culture that parallels Soviet history in many ways. The communist takeover of culture has advanced to the point that it is no longer safe to allow our children to freely engage with mainstream culture within the schools, media, and otherwise without a great deal of our countering the messages they are receiving.
To the degree that the bedrock of American culture, Christianity, is successfully subverted, America will be at grave risk. The new religion of woke Marxism will be able to more fully take hold. But instead of the equitable utopia that is promised, we should expect to experience the same fruits that communism has brought to every society where it has taken hold – namely mass impoverishment, enslavement, and death.
There is still time to shift the tide, but not much. Before we can successfully counter these tactics, we must thoroughly understand them. We are going to need a mass awakening of Christians, parents of school-age children, and anyone and everyone who cares about freedom. I hope you are ready to join this awakening!
To learn more, read Julie’s book “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing – The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today’s America” and watch the upcoming documentary Beneath Sheep’s Clothing (view the trailer now at
The legacy of Karl Marx one of histories most Evil Men fat worst then Hitler
Karl Marx was taught about communism in a JESUIT school!! Please do a history lesson on the Jesuits! These are the stealth fighters against Christianity!
Is Russia still communist? No.
You have all been taught to hate the Russians, because if another war starts it’s them we must fight.
Six Russian Orthodox churches reside within the Kremlin walls. Since Glasnost c. 1990, Russia has been rebuilding churches destroyed under the Satanist rescheme. Can you imagine the USA government rebuilding Christian churches?
Russia has been allowing appearences of religion as long as it fully controls it – nothing more.
lol. Russia suppresses any religion besides the state church they control
We don’t want the Government involved in our Churches, that is where Russia is today, with Government oversight.
Guess we’ll never get rid of this fool., Mo de Profit. God has a solution for idiots like him – wait for it,,,
Why do you hate Russia? It is no longer communist. Because we disagree I’m a fool? Very intelligent response.
Don’t give up your guns, folks. You are going to need them.
You’re telling me! My brother-in-law was trying to be funny the other night…..he said, “You know, after November, Kamala is coming for your guns!” My reply was, “Good! That would be PERFECT!!” I said it with a smile. And I meant it😊🇺🇸. I’m just saying.
“To the degree that the bedrock of American culture, Christianity, is successfully subverted, America will be at grave risk.”
There is always one sentence in an article that gives awaybthe author’s intent.
The bedrock of American culture is freedom and not Christianity.
The bedrock of American culture is freedom ‘ala Christian’. Followers of other religions, not to mention totalitarian ideologies, also consider themselves free.
Secular freedom doesn’t come from Christianity or any supernatural religion.
Life on earth, liberty on earth, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth are thoroughly secular values.
According to Christian mythology Yahweh gave man free will. But this freedom was the freedom to choose to be the servant of Yahweh or be sent to Hell for eternity for disobeying Yahweh. The disobedience is called the Doctrine of Original Sin and part of the punishment for the disobedience of Yahweh is the Fall of Man.
Adam and Eve were exiled from a state of alleged perfection, the Garden of Eden, and damned to suffer and die on earth.
The alleged freedom Yahweh offers mankind is not the secular freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness but the non-freedom, actually servitude, to obey and be servants of Yahweh or else he sends you to eternal damnation.
“All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s selfish possessions—his title to his life, his liberty, his property, the pursuit of his own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant.” – Leonard Peikoff
Thank you.
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” — John Adams
“I don’t agree with [Marjorie Taylor] Greene that America is a Christian nation. I don’t believe America is a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, an atheist nation — or an anti-Christian nation, either. America was supposed to be a free country; that’s all. Yet I don’t think she disagrees. I think people like her are simply trying to say that Christianity matters to them. It’s on the verge of being outlawed in America, along with just about everything else [including Objectivism] leftists dislike or loathe.” Michael j. Hurd
To understand the “fall” of communism in Europe think about the finale to the movie The Exorcist. The demon moves from one host to another until the priest has to kill himself to get rid of it. We’re not at that final get-rid-of communism stage yet. As in the movie, communism may have fallen in the Soviet Union but it moved on to Western Europe and the U.S. It is thriving there, still very much alive.
The Democrat Party has been thoroughly infiltrated by communism, as have most mainline Christian churches, and many other institutions, such as the Boy and Girl Scouts, education, the press, entertainment, sports, including especially the Olympics, etc. Everything the left touches it poisons and turns to evil.
Think “nighttime raids on their homes [check], raids their worship services, [or closing them for COVID] arrests, imprisonments in the Gulag, [it’s not just for J6 any more] the forcible confiscation of their children” …
… yeah that last one really hits home, doesn’t it.
Kind of like what China is doing to the Muslims (Uighurs and others) and the world is utterly ignoring. But no one ignores it harder than the Muslims in Iran.
Not only that, they are rewriting the The Christian Bible.
07/21/2023 China (International Christian Concern) – The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government is rewriting portions of the Bible in an effort to increase its control over religion in country, according to U.S. Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI). In a meeting of the House Select Committee on the CCP, Rep. Gallagher stated that Chairman Xi Jinping is on a “quest to make the faithful serve the party rather than God.”
Rep. Gallagher referenced a statement from Chairman Xi during the 19th Party Congress in 2017 that declares the intent to pursue “the Sinicization of Chinese religions and provide active guidance for religion and socialism to coexist.” Besides attempting to control Christian doctrine and practice, the CCP is persecuting other Buddhist and Muslim ethnic minorities, according to Rep. Gallagher.
Read the website blog Bitter Winter. Excellent analysis of Chinese manipulation of religion. The Catholic Church has capitulated to Marxism there.
The Russian Orthodox church is not a Christian Church. Its Patriarch openly supports and advocates for the genocide of the Ukrainian people. He even blesses the bombs that are dropped on children and hospital patients. Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will be saved on the day of judgment.
No different than the planted opposition forces in most US churches. How do you recognize a counterfeit church? It does not take long. If they condemn Israel and push for a Palestinian state, you found one. It is a painful truth to swallow for many.
If you understand controlled opposition and its root being Lucifer, then you understand he controls politics to the pulpit. Successful in Russia, and successful in the USA.,
Or if they have a rainbow flag flying.
Marxism comes from Christianity. Marxism is Christianity pretending to be secular science. Marxism is a fish out of religious waters and without the promise of eternal life in a supernatural dimension it cannot last more than a century. In order for people to tolerate all the pain, misery, poverty, and death of tyranny they need to truly believe that sacrificing this life on earth is worth it because they will be rewarded after death by God for all their suffering and misery.
Eventually Marxism will re-integrate with religion again. That religion will probably be either Christianity or Islam.
“Christianity prepared the ground. It paved the way for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind: in metaphysics, the worship of the supernatural; in epistemology, the reliance on faith; as a consequence, in ethics, the reverence for self-sacrifice….
I believe that the medievals understood much better than the moderns on what basis to build a totalitarian society that would last and not collapse in less than a century. They did it and the people in the rising religious movement today know that full well. They’re the ones who have millions, upon millions, upon millions, of followers and a real insight into the fact that economics is not the crucial factor, but philosophy and culture are…. Religion has been the root of [totalitarianism] from the beginning, it has ruled in disguised forms, and still is, and now the disguise had to be stripped off… What socialism is doing is really helping religion, the bigger the statism, the more people grow accustomed to government rule over everything, the more people are ready for religionists to take over the lead from the more secular side… The socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over.” – Leonard Peikoff