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The stench of fascism and betrayal is suffocating our democracy, but nobody wants to talk about it. We sanitize our language so that classified documents strewn over unsecured garages and centers of Chinese influence are talked about as though it’s a matter of carelessness and not design. The indisputable brute fact is this: our commander-in-chief and his family have made themselves wealthy by taking bribes from foreign powers, chief among them our mortal enemy Communist China. Nobody seems to be asking, but how exactly were the inexplicable decisions to turn Afghanistan over to China and the Taliban made, and what American interest was served by this?
In classic fascist fashion, the Biden administration has suborned the intelligence community and the Department of Justice to censor and harass its political opponents. These include school parents and Capitol trespassers whom it libels and imprisons as “domestic terrorists” and (unarmed) “insurrectionists.” In typical fascist moves, it has suborned corporate America into spying on its political opponents with the goal of cancelling them and silencing their opinions. Just this week AT&T shut down the fastest growing and fourth largest cable news network, Newsmax TV, depriving 13 million viewers of access to its reporting. This attack on the First Amendment came on the heels of Twitter’s exposure of the way the FBI had put its platform on the federal payroll and dictated its censorship of tweets that could have changed the results of the last presidential election. The same fascistic arrangement was made with other tech social media giants like Facebook.
The Democrats have targeted their chief political opponent Donald Trump, who received 74 million votes in the last election, with the longest, most determined, and most vicious campaign of character assassination in modern history, and possibly ever. They have warned other potential presidential contenders like Governor Ron DeSantis that they will get the same treatment. They have smeared Republicans as racists, white supremacists and white nationalists, and has done this in the service of rigged elections in its drive to establish a one-party state.
How to stop this juggernaut? First by standing up and calling their actions by their right names. In particular by calling out the treason of the Biden family and the military brass who have turned America’s armed forces into indoctrination centers of Woke racism. And who botched the Afghanistan withdrawal so badly that an arsenal of the most advanced weapons and billion-dollar airbases were delivered into the hands of our terrorist enemies, and their Chinese Communist friends.
Second by organizing and fighting back. Through his rallies, Trump has created the first mass movement of conservatives in American history. The revolt of America’s parents against the Left’s Nazi-like experiments on pubescent children – already a billion dollar industry – is another example of the entry of patriotic, religious and conservative forces onto the battlefield. Secure the polls, stop Democrat efforts to cheat in the elections, defend constitutional rights – enter the fray.
Distrust of government and love of freedom are ingrained in the American people. We can win this battle, but only if we fight it.
I’m sorry Mr. Horowitz but if this battle is a battle for the freedom of the individual, the liberty of the individual, the battle for life, liberty, and the pursuit of personal happiness on earth, in other words a battle for CAPITALISM, neither Judaism, Christianity, or the bizarre, new-fangled, New Age, syncretism of Judeo-Christianity, nor the practically meaningless, contradictory, and futile political movement called “conservatism” is going to be able to win the battle for Capitalism.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all three, enemies of REASON, and therefore enemies of the rational, scientific, technological, modern, and Capitalist West. You can add Hinduism and Buddhism to that list of unreason and magical thinking. Religion, whether monotheistic or polytheistic, leads to theocracy not to Capitalism….
The unreason, magical thinking, of Judaism prepared the ground for the unreason and magical thinking of Christianity and both belief-systems of unreason prepared the ground for Islam and Marxism. What Marx did was to strip Judeo-Christianity of its overt and explicit supernatural elements and replace them with secular window-dressing. Marxism keeps all the essential points of religion but hides them beneath a morass of pseudo-scientific, pseudo-secular, gibberish. Marxism is religion pretending to be secular science.
If a totalitarian state is the desired goal then Marxism will have to unite once again with religion in order for the totalitarian state to last more than 75 or 100 years. The Christians were able to make their totalitarian theocracy last 1,000 years. Marxism is preparing the way back to a religious totalitarian theocracy.
“I believe that the medievals understood much better than the moderns on what basis to build a totalitarian society that would last and not collapse in less than a century. They did it. The people in the rising religious movement today, know that full-well…. Socialism is really helping religion. The bigger the statism, the more people are accustomed to government rule over everything, the more people are ready… for religionists to take over the lead away from the more secular side…. The socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over.” – Leonard Peikoff
“Is religion more dangerous in America than socialism or collectivism?” https://peikoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/2009-07-20.071_B.L.mp3
This argument that religion is more dangerous that secularism is a straw dog. Compare the body count between the two secularism win hands down.
From approximately the year 500 to the year 1500 Christianity had a complete stranglehold on the West — what were the results of those one-thousand years of the Christian Dark Ages? What was the life expectancy then? The infant mortality rate? How many famines? How many plagues? How many lives were lost or were never to be because Christianity devalued this life for the allegedly existing Christian after-life?
Then finally came the Renaissance, the rebirth of Aristotelian reason, and a rebirth of the love for this earthly and worldly life. Only when the stranglehold Christianity had on the West began to loosen, erode, and disappear did the population begin to grow again.
Christianity like Islam is ALWAYS weaponized for a brutal theocracy and its ensuing religious Dark Age.
“Christianity’s War against the Mind – Aristotle Versus Religion” – Andrew Bernstein
Body count? Aren’t all the religions still religions? Why do you think you know how and what to count? What about cripples and murdered minds, especially among the Holy Folks themselves?
Not in the past century or so. Over a hundred million killed by their own secular Marxist goverenments
A medieval king had 1/50th the power of a modern ‘democratically elected president’ to impact the lives of his subject. The techno-hive is a whole other level of control.
I am not a religious person. Not because I am hostile to the idea of an all knowing all wise & wonderful supreme being looking down on us making sure everything works out but because I see no evidence for the existence of such a being. That being said I am not sure I would want to live in a world where most people didn’t think they were accountable to a higher authority than the state.
The choice between an Almighty God and the Almighty State is a false dichotomy. If a society truly, devoutly, seriously, and consistently believes in an Almighty, Supernatural, Creator creating and controlling this world, creating and controlling nature and reality through his will, such a devout and serious conviction will lead to an Almighty State Theocracy.
The devout belief in the supernatural beyond the human senses and reason to perceive or understand will inexorably lead to a body of “experts” deciphering God’s will and intentions.
Marxism and fascism produce a technocracy-bureaucracy Mafia enslaving the serfs. Monotheism and polytheism produce a priesthood theocracy Mafia enslaving the serfs.
“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.” – Thomas Paine
Dr, Peikpff, I have known since 1982 that you are the greatest person since AR Herself. FT. I mean it.
Who’s Dr, Peikpff?
You, as usual are right yet again, and I mean it. FT
But what still worries me is” How not to throw your pearls to the pigs?”, and I mean that too, and am not being sarcastic. But I and sure you would reply that only the rational peop[e really matter, not the waste of wisdom upon those impotents who want only reality-defying nonsense and corruption instead and certainly cannot deserve what is too good for them. And even though pearl-casting, like tv ads, if you don’t mind, must pay off once in a while, even if you can never know,
I never asked Yahweh to crucify His Son Joshua a.k.a. Jesus. And I never asked This One to stick His Nose into my business and forgive me for my sins by taking them upon Himself only 2000 years or so before I even existed. (I did not pre-exist; neither will I post-exist.) Neither did I ever ask Buddha, much less Juddha, to contemplate my navel instead of His own. So, all these negatives add up to letting me off the hook, even if nobody will ever know. FT, a.k.a. FT
A dabble of Lenny Peekaboo isn’t going to help either. No one knows who he is or remotely cares.
Your ignorance is on full display here. As an atheist, your rigid religious adherence to your false ideas, in fact irrational ideas, is shallow beyond belief. As a Torah observant Jew, I have taken a deep dive into the brilliant writings and teachings of our scholars and have found them and what they teach to be extremely rational, psychologically and economically astute and, if followed, the key to a good life for all people. Atheism has been the source of more death and destruction (Mao, Chi, Castro, Pol Pot, and likely Hitler) in this world than any other religion, and yes, atheism is your religion.
Biblical teachings deal with ethncs and interpersonal relations. As in the ten commandments and the golden rule.
There is nothing unreasonable about them. In fact they create mutual trust when followed that provide the foundation needed to build a civilization. If you cannot trust your fellow Hunan cooperation to partake in civilization cannot exist.
Western civilization and American can civilization are built on both biblical teachings and reason as we saw in the Renaissance, the enlightenment and the reformation.
Modern liberalism was a repudiation of these chapters in western civilization’s history.
Our denial of what our history taught us brought us to this point.
We need to reclaim what we unlearned.
Winning battles requires both the heart and mind. Reason all nevwibt cut it. Reality is often confusing and it don’t kes takes the spirit to see beyond the apparent.
I think the Randians are too absorbed with “rational self interest” to be a real force for good in the present crisis, The have to follow the irrational concept of a universe that came about by accidental naturalistic processes, that no one of the atheistic materialists have a clue for what purpose it exists, or even what purpose man has in the greater scheme of things. At bottom all atheism is illogical and irrational. This is why the atheists, whether Marxist, Randian or otherwise, all seek to establish their own subjective morality in such a way that they will not be self condemned by their own behavior. We already know this has led the atheistic Marxists into untold atrocities.
The atheist Rand has not been taken as seriously as Marx. We can all be thankful for this. The history of the world has yet to see where Randianism, in full political power, would take us. Since they already think abortion is moral, we know that the death of the innocent would not bother them that much, if it meant reaching a “rationally self interested” end. Such is man when he exalts himself above God, and seeks a godless utopian system of his own making in the present world.
I just told you above that Marxism is not in actuality and philosophical essentials a secular, scientific, ideology. Marxism is very much CRYPTO-RELIGION, religion cloaked in pseudo-science, pseudo-secularism. The supernatural, mystical, “God” of Marxism, the mystical super-entity that the individual is forced to submit to and be sacrificed to is Almighty Society. Marx jettisons Yahweh and Allah out of the religious equation and replaces them with submission to Almighty Society.
The West was already culturally primed for the crypto-religion of Marxism by 2,000 years of Christianity.
“Despite all its anti-religious posturings, Communism is nothing but a modern derivative of religion: it agrees with the essence of religion on every key issue, then merely gives that essence a new outward veneer or cover-up….
Christianity prepared the ground. It paved the way for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind: in metaphysics, the worship of the supernatural; in epistemology, the reliance on faith; as a consequence, in ethics, the reverence for self-sacrifice.” – Leonard Peikoff
“Religion versus America” – Leonard Peikoff
Hope you enjoy Hell.
Really? Is that where I’m going because I’m not a Judeo-Christian, because I doubt the existence of your Jehovah? I would willingly, eagerly, enthusiastically, go to your God’s Hell if by going there I could repair the damages and actual evils I’ve committed.
Do you know what’s worse than your imaginary Hell? AN ACTUAL LIVING HELL. ON EARTH. The REALITY that once you have broken a heart or a life there is no second chance, there is no redemption, there is no way to repair the damage. And you must live with that earned and deserved guilt until the day you die. That you have forever forsaken an honorable and clean conscience, that you have betrayed your most rationally selfish chosen values, that you have forever betrayed your self and your life, that’s a true HELL!
But to be sent to your imaginary Hell simply and only for not being a Jew or a Christian is an absolute ridiculous stupidity.
“Every artist wishes to be believed in, but he is not angry with those who will not accept the communication he offers. God is not so reasonable. He craves so urgently to be believed in that you might think he needed your belief in order to reassure himself of his own existence. He promises rewards to those who believe in him and threatens with horrible punishment those who do not. For my part I cannot believe in a God who is angry with me because I do not believe in him. I cannot believe in a God who has neither humour or common sense. Plutarch long ago put the matter succinctly. ‘I would much rather’, he writes, ‘have men say of me that there never was a Plutarch, nor is now, than to say that Plutarch is a man inconstant, fickle, easily moved to anger, revengeful for trifling provocations, and vexed at small things.’ – Somerset Maugham
I only hope that you get everything you are asking for.. FT
I think he is already in Hell.
“No eyes, no vision. No brains, no mind..”
Dear Believer, please tell me how you get past that.
No offense intended, but I think you are very normal in
failing to distinguish between what you may have thought and what you been taught. FT
In your objectivism you come to become nihilistic and sectarian. I hope people like you never come to power in the United States. The Bible strictly does not reject capitalism, and it does not strictly praise collectivism, quite the contrary. Making your money grow is a duty. You are responsible for yourself, for your children, but you are part of a whole. Realizing that doesn’t make you a collectivist, or a socialist. Giving money, the charity, must remain a private act, a personal, individual decision. We are not in socialism. The anthropological errors that you find in socialism and Marxism are not found in the Bible. The ideas that lead to socialism, to totalitarianism, exist before the existence of the Bible and its dissemination. You are sectarian and yes, you come to become a nihilist.
Religion and its illegitimate and incestuous spawn politics (= cannibalisms of mind, money and self) have always been the most popular and pervasive forms of collecti-vism. Hope you enjoy your intellectual parents properly.
This article is not about religions.
Thanks for confirming that you are the most self-centered Sad Little Moron on the planet. Hmm……22 downvotes as I write this, and the day is still young.
In case you hadn’t noticed the article is not about you, Objectivism or your fixation on and hatred of Judaism and Christianity. It is about fascism. But I doubt you will join the fight against it.
You are way too busy congratulating yourself on how above it all you are, while sitting on that lotus flower posting the same garbage over and over. After the shellacking you got yesterday on this comment board from everyone, one would think you would get the message. You are not wanted here. But the mentally ill never get the message do they.
The way you are ordering everyone to turn a blind eye to fascism one would think you are really just useful idiot in the Fascocrat Party cause.
You are The cancer in the Body Politic
Unfortunately, you are not a true Christian You readily admitted that your pastors are woke and on countless occasions you’ve had to ask them “more God less woke.” Yet, even in your fake Christian church you don’t leave. You stay because you like the organist there.
Yes, THX is over the top, but we know he’s a die hard atheist.. What’s your excuse for staying in a church that’s infiltrated with woke “priests”? Your words.
Sumsrent, is that you?
I never said “countless” occasions. I can count them on one hand. And yes, I stay because the organist is one of the best musicians I have ever worked with. That is the reason I remain at the church. She sight reads better than anyone I have ever met. She can transpose on cue. She has helped me write for the organ. She is a true Christian. I can only wish to be as devout and real as she is.
Don’t like it? Screw you and your desperate, worthless judgmentalism
I also never said “priests”. They are pastors. Unlike you, they are genuinely good people.
If you think being an angry little twit is somehow going to change my mind and leave a church I have been at for 7 years you are sadly mistaken.
Jesus addressed hypocrisy in the Sermon on the Mount: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5).
I would hate to be in what passes for your church where everyone seems to be running around trying to figure out who is a “real” Christian and who isn’t. Great environment, huh. You would have been perfect as Torquemada during the Inquisition. Thumb screws anyone?
I’m far from “Sumsrent”. I don’t go on endless incoherent rants like a few do here. You just don’t like the fact I called you out of what YOU said was woke pastors at your church. You spoke about how whenever one of the pastors goes woke in a sermon you ask for more God and less woke. You yourself said it’s happened on more than a few occasions. I simply asked why would you stay and you replied “I like the organist there.”
And again, you exclaim And yes, I stay because the organist is one of the best musicians I have ever worked with. That is the reason I remain at the church.”
How ridiculous. You stay at a church infiltrated with Leftist pastors who support gay marriage and abortion on demand because you like the organist?
You can refute what I stated because I’m using your own words. Instead, you get defensive and insult me. Yeah, you’re a real Christian alright.
Oooo you called me out using “my own words.” I feel so ashamed. Let me take a moment to think about that. OK…moments over. Don’t care.
The thing I am having great fun with, re: you and your insufferable sanctimony, is why do you care how and why I go to church. It’s really none of your biz. You are an annoying busy body.
I’m sorry you didn’t like my answer as to why I go to church. As I said, Screw you. I do as I please.
I’m not really sure if you are a Christian or a totalitarian who wants everyone to think like you do. But you are definitely trying to run your own little Inquisition, Torqy.
Can’t wait for you to tell me I’m going to hell. That would be the icing on the cake. You are definitely good for a laugh.
Well, we are running out of “reply” buttons in this thread. That’s good because it keeps your insanity to a minimum.
In the meantime I have to get my music ready for tonight’s and tomorrow’s services.
The Lutherans were staunch supporters of Hitler and the Nazis. And today your Lutheran Church is eagerly receiving confiscated tax-payer loot to aid and abet the illegal alien invasion destruction of America. All in the name of the mystical, religious, irrational, central-core, Judeo-Christian moral code of ALTRUISM and SELF-SACRIFICE.
So is the Catholic Church, the Methodists, and Jewish organizations. So are Socialist organizations but like I accurately stated Marxism is a crypto-religion derived from Judaism and Christianity.
Ayn Rand wrote only a few paragraphs on religion but she wrote many pages on the evil moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice because she understood that mankind must discover what altruism and sacrifice really mean. That that evil moral code is at the heart of the West’s and America’s destruction.
It has nothing to do with me caring how much or why you go to church. You posted your business for anyone to comment on so I took the liberty to take you to task for going to a “liberal church.”
I would never tell anyone they are going to hell. Great projection though. These are the responses you have to resort to when you can’t articulate a reasoned response as to why you attend a wake church, other than you like the organ player.
I suspect you attend this liberal church because you feel more welcomed as you are grappling with same sex attraction. I’m not judging you for that. I hope you are happy.
I’m just commenting on your post about “woke pastors” at your church and the only reason you attend is because you like the organ player.
Nothing for you to be ashamed about other than staying in a liberal church. Liberalism and Christianity don’t mix. You are constantly putting your 2 cents on others comments, but I challenge you on why you choose to stay in a church loaded with far left pastors and I’m the busybody? Lol. Oh Ok. Meanwhile you are all over this website.
Sorry if I called your out using your own words. Staying at a Leftist church because you like the organist is quite odd .
I’d never tell anyone they are going to h e l l, that’s quite a projection. I guess when you can’t articulate a reason why you’d stay in a Leftist church you resort to this.
I get the impression you attend this church because you are struggling with same sex attraction and they make you feel welcomed. Whatever the case I suggest you repent and find a real church
Nothing for you to be ashamed about other than staying in a liberal church. Liberalism and Christianity don’t mix. You are constantly putting your 2 cents on others comments, but I challenge you on why you choose to stay in a church loaded with far left pastors and I’m the busybody? Lol. Oh Ok. Meanwhile you are all over this website.
Sorry if I called your out using your own words. Staying at a Leftist church because you like the organist is quite odd .
I’d never tell anyone they are going to h e l l, that’s quite a projection. I guess when you can’t articulate a reason why you’d stay in a Leftist church you resort to this.
I get the impression you attend this church because you are struggling with same sex attraction and they make you feel welcomed. Whatever the case I suggest you repent and find a real church
Not trying to make you feel ashamed, but you should staying at a Leftist church. I don’t necessarily care what you do, but when I see someone saying their “church’ is loaded with woke pastors, and yet you still stay raises a red flag. Then go on that the reason you stay is you like the organist. Yes, I commented and called you out. If that makes me annoying or a busybody then what would that make you since you are all over this board commenting?
Why I would I say you’re going to h e l l? When you can’t articulate your reason for attending a false church you project.
I suspect you are struggling with same sex attraction and this church makes you feel welcomed. I’d suggest you re-think your position and repent. Liberalism and Christianity don’t mix.
Hebraism (the faith not the idioms) Christianity, and the Bible are not the enemies of reason, but are based on reason, evidence, and facts. All given by God and demonstrated in full view with “many infallible proofs”. (Islam has none of that and is not of God at all)
“I am the God who [insert fact]” was the constant reminder by God of the things He had done, the factual event and evidence of our reasoned faith in Him.
Jesus came, proclaiming the things of God, Himself as God, and the good news of Salvation to man, and prophesying the future of the Jews before God finishes out history and ends evil permanently. And He did many witnessed signs and wonders to attest to the truth of what He proclaimed.
It is this God that offers our only hope: now, as then.
It is this God that deserves our allegiance and our worship.
It is this God that knows our deceitful and desperately wicked hearts, and can change them.
You are right, though, that Judaism (which is really all of the Pharisaic add-ons to the Hebraism of the given Law and Prophets) and Christendom (there is precious little of the Christianity described and designed by God through the New Testament) are not the great solution to anything. As they exist today, they have more in common with the false religions (including Islam) – made up by men for their own benefit and to serve their own ends, and not a response of worship to the God of all creation. They can help no one, ultimately.
And why the term Hebraism? I have never called myself a Hebra-ist or ite. Jews, we are Jews. Puleeze!
Garbage! The American Founders’ innovation was declaring that certain inalienable individual rights come from the Creator and must be respected by every just government.—for all citizens, even the political minority. This idea specifically rejects the organizing principle behind virtually every other system of rule that ever existed: might makes right. Among other destructive goals, the left’s atheism rejects the very source of human rights.
At the very least you must PROVE the existence of your God and that he somehow wills men to have inalienable rights, otherwise those that do not believe in your God because his existence can not be rationally proven and his will can not be rationally proven have every rational right to claim as Jeremy Bentham did that “rights anterior to the establishment of government” is “nonsense upon stilts”.
How are you going to rationally convince those Americans that do not believe in your God or do not believe that God wills inalienable rights to all men, that rights are REAL, they EXIST, and pertain equally to all men? Holy Scripture was for centuries used to justify slavery, until it wasn’t. Holy Scripture was used to justify Apartheid, until it wasn’t. Holy Scripture was used for centuries to deny women the franchise to vote, until it wasn’t. So therefore your Holy Scripture does not and can not defend inalienable rights objectively, rationally, demonstrably, and with indisputable, irrefutable, logical, rational, PROOF.
“Why Religious Conservatives Should Embrace Secular Rights” – Objectivist philosopher Craig Biddle
I am under no obligation to prove anything to you, simply because you say I must. Neither is any other Christian or Jew.
I am having a wonderful time the last couple of days watching you unravel with every post. Just the same moronic quotes we have all seen a thousand times. You have a savior complex….the most annoying trait of mankind.
Your approach is obviously not working….it never has. It never will. Perhaps you should go away and pick the nits out of your brain.
Thank God you are not in charge. We would only have the rights you grant us. Imagine a lifetime of being forced to read Ayn Rand and all of the other frauds you try to get us to read.
You have been played by a bunch of forgettable con men and you have lost.
Socialism, like its parent religion, really means that even when you are not looking in the mirror you should see everybody, past, present, and future, instead if yourself, — to confuse yourself with all of them, plus incorporate into yourself of course all their crimes as well as virtues too., instead of your own. And if you are by self-definition a true believer who really has no self or own, which is obviously what all our leaders have ever wanted from you, other than your property — and you cannot even notice that either. At least, maybe you can still try to enjoy finally getting what you asked for all your life, Include me out, of course.
“The Lutherans were staunch supporters of Hitler and the Nazis..” This is the same lie the Nazis told, and it’s one of the worst and most obvious lies ever told. The Nazis took over the German Evangelical Church. They threw out the bibles crosses, and creeds. They jailed the clerics, and in the end they executed Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of four clerics who signed the Barmen Declaration and formed the “Confessing Church.” They forced congregations to accept all these changes, or their churches were padlocked and closed. They persecuted all dissenters, and they renamed the church body, “German Christian.” Adolph Hitler had been an atheist from the age of 14 or 15. He hated his father’s Catholicism, and he said he was an atheist until the day he died. if he once said he was a Christian, he lied. He lied about everything. He said he wished that the religion of Germany was Islam. He even invited the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to live in a luxury Berlin hotel throughout the war. Tens of thousands of Muslims fought in SS divisions for the 3rd Reich. Your lie is HIS lie. One of the worst ever uttered by guilty man.
Just one thing. John Adams was the son of a minister and a minister himself for very few days before turning to law. He was religious and believed that rights came from God, not king or legislature. However, he said that even if that is not true, we have rights because we are human. That view joins the idea of God, nature’s God, and human nature as the source of rights. Those believing in such natural rights should agree that the basis can be religious or secular.
Well you obviously know nothing about Buddhism, and to lump it in with Christianity, Hinduism, and Mohammedanism proves it. It is the only “religious” method that frees the individual from his own self-deceptions that make him miserable. You seem buried in self-deceptions and needy for just such a method.
You’re referring to the psychological and emotional insights and wisdom teachings of Buddhism cherry-picked out of the full Buddhist context by Westerners and practiced in a Western rational context. There is MUCH to be admired and learned from Mindfulness Meditation and Buddhist wisdom insights into how our emotions, desires, and aversions work.
But Buddhism in its full religious context is not about a celebration and embrace of this world, this life, and reason. Buddhism in its full and consistent form is about escaping the cycle of life and and entering Nirvana. Renunciation of earthly life and worldly pursuits is what Buddhism in its full religious context is about.
You are referring to a couple silly ideas cherry picked out of Ayn Rands less than stellar library of nonsensical misery.
Mainly religious bigotry and the excuse to be a selfish person that no one here as any use for.
I can only imagine what a miserable person you are sitting atop your little lotus flower.
And don’t forget…Buddhism paved the way for totalitarianism which paved the way for Communism and Nazism. Didn’t it? I get so confused. Or did it pave the way for Confucianism?
Or did Christianity pave the way for Buddhism and/or Confucianism and Judaism. Or Vice Versa? Or did Objectivism pave the way for Confusion.
Somehow, I don’t think I’ll be taking my Far East religion instruction from a bigot like you
It’s a battle for freedom, just like the Revolutionary War.
Thumbs UP for Ayn Rand!!!! But notice how nobody? even mentions her name any more, precisely because she is the first and only intellectually honest., rational and truthful philosopher ever, even though that is not good enough for the connoisseurs of praying, voting, beer, and football instead., And Tree-trunks UP for all of them!!!!
Very good ThX.
91 downvotes….a triumph. Has it occurred to you that you on the wrong track
Copernicus and Galileo had one hell of a difficult time convincing the devoutly religious minds too. The devoutly Christian mind fought against anesthesia as well.
As always, you live in the past. As if things always remain static. They do not. Except for you.
Copernicus was a cleric first. He branched out into astronomy from that base as did most learned men in his time.
What was THX 1138 trying to demonstrate — or obscure — with his James Fenimore Cooper-esque extended triple-compound sentences?
Well THX 1138’s highly evolved comment is a sacrilege on any of David Horowitz activities for he is the most dispised neocon Protocolians of them all. He is the master Katsa directly working for Mossad in the USA. Criticizing the Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc, is OK but when you mention Judaism…its a no no! Try and posting any factual information on David Horowitz’s websites or the blogs and you will be immediately listed in the Zionnist’s ever growing Databank of Israel haters!
If there is anyone on this forum who exhibits a fanatical, single-minded zealotry, it is you. You capitalize “REASON” as if it is a god, yet you never explain how REASON will inevitably lead people to agree on everything, eliminate all conflict, and establish the perfect society. REASON is just a buzzword, lacking any meaningful content. Aristotelian logic? The medieval schoolmen like Thomas Aquinas were champions of it.
Although you blame Christianity for impeding scientific development, other critics have BLAMED Christianity for the rise of science, claiming that the Biblical injunctions to dominate nature, eventually led to modern science and the abuses that stem from it and industrial Capitalism. As is well known, others have attributed the rise of Capitalism to the “Protestant work ethic,” rejecting religious quietism in favor of an aggressive and “muscular” effort to re-shape the world.
The works of Rodney Stark – among others – present a much more nuanced view of Christian history and its relation to science and human rights than you would ever concede or comprehend.
Again, we are not a democracy.
You have to be a gay LGBTQRST… troll — No sane person talks like that. — David Horowitz is a gift from God! He is a giant and you are an ant. He is the Sun and you are a tiny poop. — But, you have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, run along outside and get some fresh air.
So, Mr. Horowitz, what is the answer for winning the battle for Capitalism? It’s not religion and it’s not conservatism. What is there to conserve? What is there to go back to? An earlier stage of the cancer of statism and collectivism? Go back to 1950? The cancer was already there and growing. Go back to 1913? The cancer of the Federal Reserve began that year. Go back to 1890? The Republican Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed that year, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first MAJOR blow against American Capitalism. Go back to 1776? The American Constitution had and still has fatal flaws and if those fatal errors are not corrected the Constitution will ultimately implode from its internal contradictions. Go back to Cotton Mather and the Puritan Theocracy?
The answer Mr. Horowitz is Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism taught at the universities. It’s the only way to rescue and defend Capitalism. Why don’t you look into it and maybe invite an Objectivist to contribute some articles to your website? You might contact Craig Biddle or Michael J. Hurd, give it some thought and research Mr. Horowitz.
What pretentious blowhards and windbags like you don’t understand is that if it comes to a choice – the FALSE choice – between capitalism and my faith, I’m going to choose the latter. WE will choose the latter, and we WILL prevail.
It’s not a false choice if you choose Judaism, Christianity, or Islam and implement any of those religions seriously, devoutly, consistently, any and all of them lead to theocracy not to capitalism.
Serious, devout, and consistent Christianity has NOTHING to do with celebrating this life on earth and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth. You will prevail in taking the West and America back to the Christian Dark Ages.
Evangelical objectivist goes to heaven.
The article didn’t mention religion or even suggest it was the solution, but you did.
Where’s your rational reasoning?
THX is prejudiced, it just repeats the same thing all the time. The fact is that he knows nothing about theology, and the vision he has of the Middle Ages has already been dismantled scientifically for a long time. There are still some idiots like him to reduce this period to a dark age. And he projects his current meta-morality, on a past period, with other customs, linked to extremely difficult living conditions. Morale evolves according to the improvement of living conditions. He sees Marxism and socialism in the Bible, which allows him to affirm that it comes from the biblical message. While the ideas leading to socialism, to totalitarianism existed long before the Bible existed and well before its worldwide distribution. You have to be ignorant to say that the origin of socialism is to be found in the Bible. Without the Bible, it’s a return to barbarism. And go find happiness in a world of barbarians, good luck with that.
If by HEAVEN you mean a supernatural, otherworldly, mystical, eternal utopia, Objectivism does not believe in that at all.
My reasoning? The article mentioned a battle, IF that battle is the battle for life, liberty, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth then the only way to win that battle is to embrace the reality and requirements of life on earth. Objectivism is the reason and reality based philosophy for living life on earth — discover it and embrace it — there is no other way to fight the battle for life, liberty, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth.
I’m on your side man, we ain’t gonna unite people if they are allowed to have religion, god damned MAGA’s
Mr. President.
I have another thick envelope from Hunter, your meds, and remarks that your handlers have written down.
Now please don’t speak, unless it’s from these prepared remarks. The press is growing sick & tired of covering for your idiotic blurts.
No Joe, that ain’t the way to go! Religions must be left free! Every individual must be left in peace to think for himself and follow his conscience — so long as his ACTIONS do not violate another person’s rights.
“There are many good people in the world who accept religion, and many of them hold some good ideas on social questions. I do not dispute that. But their religion is not the solution to our problem; it is the problem. Do I say that therefore there should now only be “freedom for atheism”? No, I am not Mr. Kemp. Of course, religions must be left free; no philosophic viewpoint, right or wrong, should be interfered with by the state. I do say, however, that it is time for patriots to take a stand — to name publicly what America does depend on, and why that is not Judaism or Christianity.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America’
“Religion versus America”
Actually, Christians have read the book to the end. Our side wins. And the fact that you refuse to believe, like it or not, has doomed you to an eternity in hell with your leader, the father of all lies.
Theocracy and capitalism are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the freedom engendered by capitalism is inherent in Judaism which also requires a portion set aside for those who cannot take care of themselves. You spew much about things you have only a very shallow understanding of. I take from Ayn Rand that which is good in her thinking and reject her cold heartedness toward those with an equal right to live who need help. You Sir, are more religious in your rigid adherence to her “philosophy” than most of the Jews and Christians are to theirs. They are more rational and flexible.
Of course Jews and Christians are morally FLEXIBLE — if they want to go on living. The only way to practice altruism and self-sacrifice seriously and consistently is to commit instant suicide and leave all your wealth and earthly belongings to your enemies. You must leave them your body too so they may eat it and use it as food and nourishment. In one way or another altruism is cannibalism. Didn’t Jesus die for others? Don’t the Christians symbolically devour his body and blood every Sunday?
I am delighted to so strongly agree with you M.ay I contribute, if you don’t mind:
If bs were hereditary
We’d all be in the cemetery
(Unless, still monkeys in the trees,
All crunching crabs and popping fleas)
It’s not so hard to improvise
— “Thy very soul to circumcise”
And that comes straight from Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy, Chapter Thirty
In case you think I’m talking dirty
— A nice first try at frontal lobotomy
First it was Danusha. Yesterday it was Jason Hill. Today it’s Horowitz. Obviously your new tactic is to harass the authors on this site directly.
The first thing you should understand is Horowitz is much smarter than you and he would never put an objectivist loser’s article on this site. First off it simply runs counter to what the site is all about. But I get it….you are getting desperate.
As for getting objectivism taught at university I gave you 4 links so you could apply for a job. I knew you wouldn’t. But here they are again:
What I admire most about David Horowitz is his intransigent dedication to the lonely and painful quest for truth and the facts of reality.
The lonely and painful quest for truth is not a contest of egos and wills. It has nothing to do with one-upmanship or besting or ousting another person simply for the petty and stupid satisfaction of defeating an opponent. The quest is lonely and it is painful and in its most fundamental aspect has NOTHING to with others. 90% of the time the person one has to defeat in the quest for truth is one’s SELF. One has to intellectually die to be intellectually reborn (it’s only a figure of speech).
So long as Mr. Horowitz remains intransigently and fearlessly dedicated to the lonely and painful quest for truth and the facts of reality I doubt he would be hysterically averse to Objectivism — like you are — you are HYSTERICAL.
I have no idea what any of that means. It is just your usual gibberish. If you really think that it isn’t about one-upmanship then stop treating everyone as if they are inferior….the true sign of the atheist leftist.
You think everyone is hysterical who disagrees with you. It comes from your overwrought and misplaced sense of superiority. It is your maniacal ego and faux intellectualism that drives you.
And you have been getting worse the last few days, with the pile on that has been going on. You have been racking up those down votes like crazy.
Looks like the big objectivist lie just isn’t working out for you. Repeating everything ad nauseum, Goebbels style, doesn’t make it true.
It is not objectivism that is being purveyed. That is just a philosophical facade for the egocentric lonely practice of lastwordism.
From whence comes your concept of human rights? According to your own philosophy, it seems that all moral views and value judgments would be reduced to mere opinion. There is no way that “reason” can establish their absolute reality and legitimacy, unless you resort to some sort of the pragmatism that you elsewhere deride, or resort to a medieval concept of “natural law,” which you also deride.
I looked….and I didn’t see Horowitz’s response. Today must have been a bad day for you as well. Those down votes just keep getting racked up.
Take the hint. Leave.
Why would I leave at your request? I enjoy being the trigger of your emotionalism. You really do have the passionate soul of a musician. But not the controlled and intellectual passion of a Johann Sebastian Bach but the writhing, screaming, convulsions, and contortions on the stage floor of Jim Morrison.
It’s understandable why you love the high-strung hysteria of the dissonant noise of Jimi Hendrix so much.
Interesting, considering the only music you know is the tiddlywink music noodlings that Ayn Rand so loved. Apparently according to you she considered Bach and Mozart “pre-music” and didn’t like Beethoven’s “jarring” music.
And please don’t tell me what I like and what I don’t like. I have been listening to and playing Bach all my life. We play the music of Bach at church. And we are Lutherans. So was he. He wrote on every score “to the Glory of God”. You probably think Bach laid the groundwork for Hitler.
I have always considered the Doors a joke but I’m not surprised you chose them. As for Hendrix, maybe you should try listening to his first and second albums instead his version of the Star Spangled banner.
I have been a professional musician all my life, and a programmer as well. You, on the other hand, know next to nothing about music. How do I know this? Because I saved all of the garbage you have written about it from your silly notecards.
I can post all of it if you would like.
Your lack of knowledge about music is exceeded only by your lack of knowledge about everything else except your silly religion.
As I said, you are the cancer on the body politic. Do yourself a favor and leave.
I’m actually sick and tired of your abusive, puerile and ignorant abuse of our comments section to create a platform for your embarrassing views. You haven’t even read my extensive discussion of Marxism as a crypto religion and my explanation of why a religion like Christianity which promises liberation in an afterlife is potentially healthier than the atheist varieties – Communism, Fascism etc. Of course fanatics like yourself can abuse Christianity and Judaism, but for reasons I have elaborated in several books like Morality and Faith, Christianity has produced the only secular democracy which protects the individual against the savageries of the state. The fact that you are so lazy that you repeatedly attack me for views I don’t hold is part of the reason I am giving you the following warning:
If you continue to abuse our site and hijack our comments section to elaborate your puerile and ignorant views, you will be banned so that an actual conversation about our articles can take place.
The “machers” or enablers of this destructive madness is the collaborative efforts of at least 3 evil people – the “Obama-Soros-CCP Axis of EVIL”
Each has their own personal reason and agenda, bit they share a common goal – to destroy America and the free world.
What is this babbling about fascism? Why are you pretending that the election wasn’t openly stolen? Why are you continuing to pretend that you don’t know that are voting system is nothing more than an open scam?
Let me explain what it means to the stupid among you why a stolen election is a problem. It is because the country with one of the largest militaries on the planet is now obeying the dictates of a criminal mafia.
You talk about “the stench of fascism”. But fascism is already here. The countries institutions are so absolutely corrupt that not one had the integrity to call out the stolen election. That includes the vaunted “frontpage mag”.
You are a coward Horowitz. You sit there all calm and pompous, but you haven’t got any balls whatsoever.
What a joke.
“The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” — Thucydides
Gee Ronny, do you have any balls? What are you going to do about fascism?
David Horowitz is not a coward and he is not pompous.
A quote from yesteryear applies to that screed: “What do you read.”
“ And who botched the Afghanistan withdrawal so badly that an arsenal of the most advanced weapons and billion-dollar airbases were delivered into the hands of our terrorist enemies, and their Chinese Communist friends.”
Botched or deliberate?
They force the closing of Newsmax AFTER being exposed as an authoritarian propaganda machine by forcing twitter to censor the truth. They ARE totalitarian, it’s no longer uncertain.
The battle and war for freedom began in earnest In reaction to the excesses of the 1960s
The Biden Administration delivers.
Our adversaries seem to get what they wish, we get a hill worth our dramatic deaths and Joe earns a distinction unique in our national history.
And to think so many panned this standout as an under achiever.
No wonder he grins.
I struggled with Rand’s atheism.
But she was right about one thing: John Galt’s tactics.
Corpoeations are legal documents and they earn their billions off our sweat and intellect and consumerism.
When you create a parallel economy — call it local or small business — we hurt them.
When we opt out we hurt them.
Boycotts would CRUSH the oligarchs. Netflix and Disney are examples. Southwest employees sticking out at the Holidays crippled the company.
Choose yourself.
Set up a shadow company.
A shadow government. If we stop giving these people permission they’ll never stop.
One word
Two letters.
Massive power.
The Romanians came up with a solution to tyranny circa 1989.
Please drop the caps. It used to be known as screaming.
Content, not volume. convinces
Indeed. The stench is overpowering.
Do Americans have the will to “fight the battle?”
On the positive side: All fascists get what they deserve in the end.
On the negative side: A lot of innocents will be sacrificed.
Thank you, Mr. Horowitz.
A well reasoned observation and recommendation. And one worthy of our efforts.
But I fear that it may actually be too late to win our country back – they have rejected God and it is clear that God has given them over to a depraved mind. (Romans 1:18-32)
This sequence of man’s folly has been played out time and again throughout history. And we see how God responds – warning, calling, patiently waiting, prefiguring coming judgment, and finally when all who will have come and the rest continue to reject, then comes judgment.
Individually we must stand strong and endure – as with Daniel, and Jeremiah (whose writings we have), and the many others who loved God and were faithful to Him in the midst of a faithless generation and nation: we will participate in their fate, their overthrow, and their exile, teaching them of God and calling them back to Him in repentance, until God removes us from that task and takes us home to be with Him.
How much rope do you want? Special price.
America is spying on itself and that used to be un-American.
In Puritan New England, was not a municipal employee, vernacularly referred to as a window peep, paid to peer through windows to ensure an absence of naughtiness?
If one had nothing to hide, why object?
“Nothing to hide” is the tool of state power to leverage the surrender of rights.
Dear Frontpage,
I don’t know if Mr. THX is a troll, and a long winded one, or mentally ill, but he acts upon your site as a troll.
1st amendment aside, how can we readers respond and discuss articles and topics, if his logorrhea is always blocking our ability to do so.
I am not sure whats legal or ethical to do but enough is enough. Always off topic. Maybe a “cut and paste” troll. Certainly he is a detriment of your Frontpage site.
Thank you,
Oh boy, here comes the censorship police. Are you going to demand that anyone you don’t like be removed or censored from posting?
How about just ignore THX? Nobody respond to him. Try it.
Thank you. I guess ignoring me is easier said than done. Hey Cat, stop staring at my big boobs and my curvy butt.
THX is part of the decor. Whether you like it or not.
“1st amendment aside, how can we readers respond and discuss articles and topics, if his logorrhea is always blocking our ability to do so. ”
Nobody is forcing you to read ihim.
I can guarantee no one is reading that longwinded Objectivist bilge. It’s the amount of screen real estate he takes up. And he’s getting angrier in his responses every week.
No one is forcing us to read his ignorance and lies.
I try asking him questions rather than simply criticising him, he doesn’t answer many of them.
THX, it is during the Middle Ages, which you vulgarly reduce as being a dark age, that Aristotle is rediscovered, and this reconciliation with the philosopher was undertaken by Thomas Aquinas. His speculative philosophy was rediscovered, in a context of school rivalries, thanks to Judeo-Muslim philosophers, in particular Maimonides and Averroes. In the 13th century, the Aristotelian philosophy, transformed by Thomas Aquinas into the official doctrine of the Catholic Church, despite some upheavals such as the Condemnation of 1277 of a set of Aristotelian propositions by the Bishop of Paris Étienne Tempier, it then became the philosophical and scientific reference of any serious reflection, thus giving rise to scholasticism and Thomism. Thomas Aquinas is considered to have effected a reconciliation between the works of Aristotle and Christianity.
He notably commented on Metaphysics, the book De l’âme, the Politics, Logic and Ethics in Nicomaque. Aristotle is the most cited author in the Summa Theologica and there have been many conflicts of interpretation between Thomas Aquinas and Muslim philosophers like Averroes. The success of this enterprise was so great that in the Christian Universities Aristotle was called simply “the Philosopher”.
Thank you, Nicolas Carras, for your respectful, serious, and intellectual reply ! What a BREATH OF FRESH AIR !
All that you have stated is true, except, that Thomas Aquinas never reconciled Aristotelianism and Christianity because — it can’t be done. Aquinas’s great, monumental, historical, and liberating accomplishment was to SEPARATE the two systems, he separated faith from reason, revelation from observation, he separated philosophy from theology. And in effect created a TRUCE between the two. But an unstable truce it was, it is, and always must be. The moment the West once again abandons the unstable truce of reason and faith for faith over reason, when the West diminishes reason once again to being the mere handmaiden of faith, a new Dark Age of Unreason must ensue.
“Thomas Aquinas: The Union of Aristotelianism and Christianity” – Leonard Peikoff
I replied to this comment of yours yesterday but my comment is still waiting for the moderator to approve it, I don’t know why, my reply was as respectful and intellectual as your comment. Thanks for the respectfulness and intellectual seriousness of this comment, it is a breath of fresh air.
Dude, he has no answers except his pre-written note card stuff. Expecting a real back and forth only happens on his terms, because he must see himself to “be the winner”
Maybe it’s a robot in the code. That was there even before the creation of Frontpage…
It’s become difficult keeping track of your questions since we no longer get e-mail notices here. And when I do answer your questions you seem to not understand my answers. You have repeated many of your questions several times and I’ve answered them several times but to no avail.
How many times am I supposed to bang my head against a wall?
You can always stop and go away. You are a terrible “teacher” because you basically have no idea what you are talking about.
Hint: no one understands your word salad answers.
Here we go with the censor and speech police. Now, you’re the judge of who’s allowed to post and what can be said?
Here’s a novel idea….ignore him instead of feeding into his rants.
Pot, kettle, mirror.
I’d suggest you follow your own advice when it comes to Mr. THX. Your immaturity is really showing through in your constant harassing of this poster.
Don’t much care what you think on this matter either.
Cat, your observations are accurate. I don’t know why he hasn’t been booted but he definitely takes advantage of that and the fact that he can’t be blocked.
If he actually had the guts to go to a site with more features for the user, he would be blocked by everyone or booted for spamming.
When Christianity adheres to the judicial specifics of the Bible, it produces free-market capitalism. Capitalism is the inevitable product of the Bible’s law-order and its laws governing money. The Bible mandates a moral and legal social order that inevitably produces free-market capitalism. Free market capitalism produces long-term economic growth. The Bible develops a relationship between a free-market social order and a system of Biblical ethics. Capitalism is anti-coercive. The Bible is an anti-socialist document. Socialism and middle-way economic interventionism by the state produce poverty and bureaucracy. If your goal is to keep poor people poor, generation after generation, you should promote socialism. But be sure to call it economic democracy in order to fool the voters. The essence of democratic socialism is this re-written version of God’s commandment: “Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote.” Because socialism is inherently irrational, it cannot produce economic growth to match that of free market societies. (Excerpts from Dr. Gary North).
Fascist or Communist? No real difference when it comes to atheistic socialistic totalitarianism. So I refer to Democrats as FascistCommies. I’m sick and tired of conservatives referring to the Democrats as “far, left radicals” or some variation thereof. Calling them Marxists or Socialists doesn’t have the sting like Fascists or Commies. If we don’t identify the ideology of the enemy in ways that is obvious to everyone, we can’t defeat them. Why do conservatives allow these FascistCommies refer to “MAGA” as “extremist” or even “semi-fascist?” “Make America Great Again” is “extreme?” —Only in the minds of dedicated anti-American FascistCommies.
Trump’s new slogan should be “Make America First Again” or MAFA. I wish conservatives and Republicans would ask the Democrats who think MAGA or MAFA. are to explain WHY?—what do you have against America? Why do you HATE your country so much?
This won’t be stopped until Jesus returns.
THX 1138 makes some interesting posts in his (her) posts (they/them? 😉 ). The claim that Christianity is an enemy of reason, but I’ll let that slide for the moment.
The point ‘From approximately the year 500 to the year 1500 Christianity had a complete stranglehold on the West’ is quite interesting.
Most of the Reformers recognised the Papacy as the Antichrist (in place of Christ), a false kingdom of God on earth (in whom is found the blood of the saints, holy ones, small and great, etc.). The prophecies in the Bible inform us that this system would have dominion for 1,260 (a day for a year). This period expired in 1799 A. D.
However, prophecy also indicated that this false system will regain power for ‘1 hour’ with the kings of the earth in a desperate bid to stem the tide of discontent and coming anarchy. Then, she will be completely destroyed with fire.
Looking at the state of society, I’m not persuaded that many in the past would consider today to be an age of very much reason.
Who’d have ever suspected that one day changing ‘gender’ would be so popular; alongside ‘drag queen story hours’, homosexual pride parades and all sorts of other weird perversion that are contrary to reason and nature. The perverts in power love the degeneracy, and actively promote it – worldwide. They are lauded as being persons of ‘reason’.
Meanwhile, the Christians and certain the other groups are supposedly the nut-cases. Quite amusing.
“Looking at the state of society, I’m not persuaded that many in the past would consider today to be an age of very much reason.”
But give them fresh coke, and you’ll see.
“Looking at the state of society, I’m not persuaded that many in the past would consider today to be an age of very much reason.”, that’s a great and true observation
What most people don’t realize is that we are no longer living in the Renaissance or its children, the Age of Reason and the Age of Enlightenment. The West has since 1781, when Immanuel Kant published his attack on reason, “The Critique of Pure Reason”, been living through a 240 year era of the dying lights of reason. It’s been an era of dying convulsions and remissions between reason and unreason. But with each remission from the AIDS of unreason the West’s immune system against unreason is left more and more weak, exhausted, and defenseless.
Immanuel Kant inaugurated the age the West has been going through for 240 years, the Age of the Counter Renaissance, the Age of the Counter Enlightenment, leading it into a New Age of Unreason.
“I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge, in order to make room for faith” – Immanuel Kant
“The man who . . . closed the door of philosophy to reason, was Immanuel Kant. . . .
Kant’s expressly stated purpose was to save the morality of self-abnegation and self-sacrifice. He knew that it could not survive without a mystic base—and what it had to be saved from was reason….
No, Kant did not destroy reason; he merely did as thorough a job of undercutting as anyone could ever do.
If you trace the roots of all our current philosophies—such as pragmatism, logical positivism, [Marxism, Trangenderism] and all the rest of the neo-mystics who announce happily that you cannot prove that you exist—you will find that they all grew out of Kant.” – Ayn Rand
I’ll get right on that….tracing the roots. Any day now.
Dear ‘THX 1138’,
Thanks for the further thoughts.
A long time ago I did look at philosophy, including Mr Kant. However, when it comes to the crunch, these philosophies are truly empty (Colossians 2:8).
I reached the stage, years ago, where I had the same mindset of the Apostle Paul: ‘…and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ…’ (Philippians 3:8).
Perhaps, one day, you, too, will come to this realisation. Maybe on your death-bed, or at some earlier point where it might benefit you more. As St. Paul stated, in relation to the resurrection hope: ‘If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.’ (1 Corinthians 15:32) That’s currently what you, and the various atheists of the world appear to be offering.
Fortunately, having faith (seeing the One who is invisible), I have assurance that I will obtain the things hoped for so long as I do not give up and tire out.
‘If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.’ (1 Corinthians 15:19-20)
I wish you well in your life’s walk. I hope you find what you’re looking for (if you haven’t found it already).
All the best.
It’s the age of good is evil and evil is good. This won’t go away or be overcome, it will bring us into the kingdom of the antichrist who will rule for 3.5 years. And it will be the worst time in the history of the world.
David, I just want to say thank you for continuing to be a clarifying voice in the battle to save our country. A pray God’s blessings on you!!!!
This article was mistakenly turned into something about “religion”? Our founding was based on reason and the Enlightenment. Fascism/Socialism is what the Democrats in our country are all about in the name of globalism. It has to stop. Our basic rights are at stake and should be defended. Our Conservative leaders need only to speak the word and it would toss our country into a much needed 2ND American Revolution. This will not end well for the Commies who think they are in charge. Do not lose hope Patriots. There is more going on than you know. Semper Fi.
Moderator, Why are my posts disappearing? This is getting ridiculous as it’s happened on a few occasions and twice on this particular post. One is awaiting moderation for the second time, and two posts which were fine were suddenly gone when I checked.
It’s not on my end!
Maybe they just don’t like you.
You complain about THX, yet, you are what you accuse him of.
The usual atheists/Secularists like the late Chris Hitches AND Richard Dawkins who wrote The God Delusion and their kind are the ones who are delusional and their followers trying to ban any forms of religion in America
‘Spurwing Plover’
I’m not an American, but I do find it odd that the declaration of independence clear states such things as:
‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’
Note the usage of the word ‘Creator’. Yet, for some reason it’s unlawful to teach about creation in public schools—weird.
‘…the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…’
Note the word ‘God’.
‘… appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world…’
So, these men, in this age of reason, held that God created all men equal, that God set in place laws of Nature, and that this God is the Supreme Judge of the world.
How it’s possible for the prayer, monuments, the Bible, etc., to be taken out of the public sphere in light of this declaration is beyond me. Well, I realise that it is a result of perverts who reach the heights of power, who have no respect for sacred things, choosing to sell their birth right (starting with liberty), like Esau, for a morsel of pottage—to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
Read Thomas Paine’s “The Age Of Reason” and you will find how un-devoutly, un-piously, religious many of the Founders were. There’s a profound difference between devout, serious, consistent Christianity (the Christianity of Cotton Mather and the American Puritans and today’s Amish) and the diluted, tamed, leashed, secularized, Christianity, sometimes bordering and even crossing over into Deism of the Founders.
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.” – Thomas Jefferson
“Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity. Too absurd for belief, too impossible to convince, and too inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of man in general it leads to nothing here or hereafter.” – Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine who believed in the will of the almighty and who advocated the diversity of religions. You took that quote out of context. He was for the separation of church and state, but for religious liberty. Concerning Christianity he was full of prejudices partly due to its quakerism. And his father, Joseph Pain, was a Quaker. Quakers do not experience their faith as falling into traditional Christian categories. The immediate perception of God is a central concept for Quakerism. You have to put that quote in context. And on the contrary you divert it, in order to use it to support your argument. It is intellectually dishonest.
I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.
I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
My own mind is my own church.”
Thomas Paine – Age of Reason, Part First, Section 1
For myself, I fully and conscientiously believe, that it is the will of the Almighty, that there should be a diversity of religious opinions among us: it affords a larger field for our Christian kindness.
Thomas Paine – Common Sense, Ch. 1, 10 January 1776
Intellectually dishonest? It is you who are being intellectually dishonest. Is Thomas Paine criticizing his father’s Quakerism in the quote? Are you saying Mr. Paine was too stupid or emotional to know the difference between Quakerism and Christianity? Thomas Paine is clearly and unequivocally choosing the word “Christianity” not “Quakerism” in his quote, surely he knew the difference.
These are not the words of a devout and pious Christian they are the words of a Deist. Deism is not properly categorized as a religion, Deism is a manifestation of the atrophy of religion, Christianity losing its grip on a man’s mind. Deism is one step away from atheism.
And that was my original point, that many of the Founders were not devout and pious Christians. They were men in whose minds reason was no longer the mere handmaiden of faith. In their thinking reason was IMPLICITLY if not explicitly regarded with greater deference and respect than faith and revelation. When a claim of faith contradicted reason, they were ready and willing to accept reason over faith.
“Many of the Founding Fathers, of course, continued to believe in God and to do so sincerely, but it was a vestigial belief, a leftover from the past which no longer shaped the essence of their thinking. God, so to speak, had been kicked upstairs. He was regarded now as an aloof spectator who neither responds to prayer nor offers revelations nor demands immolation. This sort of viewpoint, known as deism, cannot, properly speaking, be classified as a religion. It is a stage in the atrophy of religion; it is the step between Christianity and outright atheism.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America”
“Thomas Paine is clearly and unequivocally choosing the word “Christianity” not “Quakerism” in his quote, surely he knew the difference.”
You didn’t understand my comment. Because of “its” instead of “his” : “Concerning Christianity he was full of prejudices partly due to its (his) quakerism.”
His prejudices concerning Christianity, stem in part from his Quakerism. Capito ?
“Cafeteria Christianity” and a “Protestant Reformation” are only possible when men have at least implicitly accepted that reason is superior to faith and deserves more deference and respect than faith, revelation, and Holy Scripture.
Individualism and individual choice of individual interpretation in Christianity (or any other religion) only became possible when Christians accepted that reason is superior to faith. Individualism is impossible without an implicit or explicit deference to reason over faith. Capito?
The picture depicts moe and larry…if McConnell were in it. then it would be cpmplete
You should go to https://wallbuilders.com/founding-fathers-jesus-christianity-bible/
On this page you will find what the Founders said in their own words about Christianity.
Your knowledge, for example, of Jefferson boils down to the one quote you always use.
Wall Builders on Thomas Jefferson
The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happiness of man.63
……. He [God] has taken care to impress its precepts so indelibly on our hearts that they shall not be effaced by the subtleties of our brain. We all agree in the obligation of the moral principles of Jesus and nowhere will they be found delivered in greater purity than in His discourses.64
WallBuilders on John Adams:
“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. Those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1
Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.2
The Christian religion is, …….. the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.3”
“The Americans were political revolutionaries but not ETHICAL revolutionaries. Whatever their partial (and largely implicit) acceptance of the principle of ethical egoism, they remained explicitly within the standard European tradition, avowing their primary allegiance to a moral code stressing philanthropic service and social duty. Such was the American conflict: an impassioned politics presupposing one kind of ethics, within a cultural atmosphere professing the sublimity of an opposite kind of ethics.” – Leonard Peikoff
“America’s inner contradiction was the [Judeo-Christian] altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal.” – Ayn Rand
Some people call it a stench. Others call it public health.
The simplest and the easiest way in this way and they have scored.
It’s like you don’t even know what functions represent you anymore.
This is the conservative movement. So much is devoted to constructive it’s like a virus doesn’t exist. Then when they find out it does they get stupid.
Not trying to make you feel ashamed, but you should staying at a Leftist church. I don’t necessarily care what you do, but when I see someone saying their “church’ is loaded with woke pastors, and yet you still stay raises a red flag. Then go on that the reason you stay is you like the organist. Yes, I commented and called you out. If that makes me annoying or a busybody then what would that make you since you are all over this board commenting?
Why I would I say you’re going to h e l l? When you can’t articulate your reason for attending a false church you project.
I suspect you are struggling with same sex attraction and this church makes you feel welcomed. I’d suggest you re-think your position and repent. Liberalism and Christianity don’t mix.
And so when a virus comes around besides looking around in a state of complete tardation which is their default state they decide they’re going to get in on the action,
Not trying to make you feel bad but when was the lat time you felt bad?
Brah!!!! It’s like Trump will never be re-elected so nobody needs CNN or you.
If you don’t care what I do then go away. I also never said my church was loaded with with woke pastors. We only have three.
You are an immature, annoying busy body. Yes I am all over this comment board but you contacted me first, about your problems with me and my church. You even followed me to another article to continue your insanity. I’m very happy there and I’m not leaving. Don’t like it? Don’t post anything more to me.
I don’t need to articulate anything to you because basically you are nothing in my life except some silly words on a page.
As far as “same sex attractions”, perhaps you should look in the mirror. It’s usually the LGBT crowd that initially accuses people out of the blue. That is the most bizarre comment you have made so far. Is there something you would like to confess to the class?
The pot calling the kettle black. And you follow me to the Geller Report to continue your insanity.
And you even googled my moniker to find a comment I left the “Atlas Society” website. You are truly rabid insane!
Too bad. I get to do what I want. Don’t like it. Leave this site.
As for being rabidly insane, I am not the one trying to get the world to dump God and sign on to your fascistic Rand religion. Now that is insanity.
I ran across you on Geller quite by accident….I didn’t follow you there. I go there every day.
I’m surprised you had the guts to step outside if your little safe space.
So as far as “The pot calling the kettle black” it doesn’t apply in this case.
THX, like any good sectarian, is paranoid.
THX, you brought out in a comment above, the myth of Galileo Galilei persecuted by the very, very wicked totalitarian church… HA HA HA!
You know absolutely nothing about this story in detail, go educate yourself a little more. You are only repeating, without any recontextualization, and in a total misunderstanding of the subject, what all good primary and uneducated anti-Catholics repeat, like parrots…
THX, like any good sectarian, is paranoid.
THX, you brought out in a comment above, the myth of Galileo Galilei persecuted by the very, very wicked totalitarian church… HA HA HA!
You know absolutely nothing about this story in detail, go educate yourself a little more. You are only repeating, without any recontextualization, and in a total misunderstanding of the subject, what all good primary and uneducated anti-Catholics repeat, like parrots…
Why would I go away? Isn’t this a forum for discussion and debate? You only have 3 woke pastors? LOL. Oh ok. There shouldn’t be one, but you have three. Any sane and reasonable Christian would flee that fake church and not look back. Yet, you stay. What does that say about you?
You actually commented on an unrelated post of mine first. I stated you were immature earlier (and you are) so you come back with “You are immature.” Do you have a thought of your own?
It’s very odd why you would get so defensive and nasty simply because I asked why you would stay at a woke church?
Listen, I don’t care if you’re gay. Again, no need to get defensive. I’m just getting the impression of what you write, and the fact you are at a church that welcomes gay marriage, that you are struggling with same sex attraction. If you aren’t then so be it.
And I welcome all comments that are constructive and informative.
Impressions are not facts. They are simply your way of taking cheap shots.
And have yet to see a comment that is constructive and informative from you.
And you obviously have a “gay” obsession.
I call it like it is. That was my sincere impression. I don’t take cheap shots. You go to a church that’s very welcoming to gay folks. It would make sense why you feel comfortable at that church. That would be reasonable for someone to think that. Again, you are getting overly defensive.
Look over our discussion. I have never said an insulting word to you, or called you names. Your comments, however, are littered with name calling and ad hominem attacks.
I saw about five posts with that stupid “same sex attraction” theme. Is this your new meme that you are going to beat into the ground.
If you must know I am married to the same woman for the past 30 years and the organist at my church is a woman of 75. Her husband is the choir director. So there goes your little theory.
So you really need to find something else to obsess over other than what is apparently your sexual proclivities
Besides that, you simply don’t seem very bright. I think I am done with you and your bizarre theories. you are obviously a troll and you are a waste of time.
My apologies on the 5 posts, but that was the fault of the moderator. Several times I posted it either was on hold, or wouldn’t show up. I didn’t know if it was on my end so I tried to re-send it a few times. Maybe their was a glitch.
Actually I have an above average IQ level verified by two separate IQ tests.
No need to get defensive and upset. You’re acting like a petulant child.
However, I suggest you leave that fake church. If not, you’re part of the problem not the solution.
Conduct yourself accordingly.
So.. will zioNUT horrorhalfwitz address epstein compromised P0S rapist Warp speed Trump and him freeing three Israeli scumbsg spies including P0S Pollard? Probably not
‘THX 1138’,
A comment regarding faith & reason
‘Individualism and individual choice of individual interpretation in Christianity… only became possible when Christians accepted that reason is superior to faith. Individualism is impossible without an implicit or explicit deference to reason over faith.’—THX 1138
Faith & reason go hand in hand.
‘But these, as natural **brute-G249** beasts, made to be taken and destroyed…’ (2 Peter 2:12)
Strong’s word G249: ‘Brute (ἄλογα), lit., unreasoning or irrational. Rev., without reason. Compare Act_25:27.’—Vincent’s Word Studies
Acts 25:27: ‘For it seemeth to me **unreasonable-G249** to…’
There is a clear distinction between the brute (unreasoning) beast & the thinking Christian.
‘Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a **reasonG3056** of the hope that is in you…’ (1 Peter 3:15; See also Romans 12:1 – reasonable-G3050 = logikos; 1 Pet. 2:2 – word-G3050 = logikos: From G3056; rational (“logical”): – reasonable, of the word.)
The Christian’s faith isn’t, or shouldn’t be, based on some irrationality, but on a sound, solid foundation – the power of reason is required to develop a sound, strong faith.
Of course, some things cannot be understood by the natural man & are perceived only by the spiritual, through eyes of faith. (see Rom. 10:17; 2 Thess. 3:2)
Faith is not credulity.
Reason does not need to be superior to faith in order to be fully. THX has understood absolutely nothing about the Bible from an anthropological, sociological and psychological point of view, and has no knowledge of theology. He’s just a guy who is prejudiced, and who’s self-indoctrinated with a shitty sophistical philosophy that almost all of humanity doesn’t give a damn about, having given birth to a sect.
Not holding back and nor should he. If only other were so willing to tell it as it is. The Dems are a crook-communist cabal at war with American democracy.
The claim that modern totalitarian political ideologies are actually “religions” takes one small truth and makes too much of it. These ideologies are “religions” only in the sense that they provide their adherents with a sense of meaning and purpose, along with a moral code. And that is it. They lack all of the supernatural elements which THX and other critics of Christianity say are of the essence of religion.
In fact, like THX, they claim to be based on REASON and do everything in their power to eliminate and punish belief in the supernatural. One might say that these ideologies are akin to THX’s beloved “Objectivism.”
Not in the past century or so. Over a hundred million killed by their own secular Marxist goverenments