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When George Floyd, a violent career criminal, died of a drug overdose, many others died with him as a result of the misreporting of his death, its exploitation by the racist BLM movement and the subsequent race riots and crime wave.
Derek Chauvin, a police officer who starred in an out-of-context viral video, became a public enemy. His trial was an illegitimately conducted kangaroo court in which clear evidence from Floyd’s autopsy demonstrating the drugs in his system and his heart problem were ignored to give the mob what it wanted.
Abuses of justice like this do happen but even well after the madness of 2020 had dissipated, justice has remained absent.
As a last resort, Chauvin’s case was brought to the Supreme Court. And the Court, which found the time to permit men to expose themselves to children in public at ‘drag shows’, had no interest in taking the case.
Now Chauvin has been brutally stabbed in prison. This is not surprising considering what happens to police officers who are locked up. And considering the lies that were spread about George Floyd’s drug overdose death.
The recent documentary, ‘The Fall of Minneapolis’ exposed the lies at the heart of the case.
It’s time for justice to be done before Chauvin or the other illegitimately convicted officers are murdered.
Consider the courage of these men whose reputations have been destroyed by the media and a leftist political establishment.
Tou Thao, one of the police officers wrongly victimized to appease the racist mobs rampaging around the country after the drug overdose death of career criminal George Floyd, provided a noble example of faith and courage.
Knowing the system is rigged against him, Thao maintained his dignity, quoted at length from religious teachings and refused to confess to some sort of imaginary crime that he did not commit.
In a grotesque miscarriage of justice, Thao, who was not even touching George Floyd when the vicious criminal was suffering a drug overdose due to the high levels of fentanyl in his system, was sentenced to over 4 years in prison.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, a racist former member of the Nation of Islam hate group with a long history of spewing hate, complained that Thao had stuck to his Christian faith and refused to express “remorse” or take “responsibility” for Floyd’s drug overdose death.
“I know we cannot hide our thoughts or intent from God. For we must give an account on the day we appear before God. Therefore I must obey, to hold on to the truth I did not commit these crimes,” Thao told the court. “My conscience is clear.”
Thao, a man of principle and courage, had declared that “it would be a lie and a sin” to confess to a crime he did not commit.
Thao closed with saying that he is praying for everyone in the room, including Cahill, and that if anyone needs him for prayer, “you know where to find me.”
“Thank you, judge,” he said. “God bless you.”
These are the political dissidents of our time. They were the first casualties of the BLM mob. It’s time to set them free.
Mo de Profit says
The USA has political prisoners just like every other tyrannical dictatorship. They won’t be released until you get rid of the dictators and that won’t happen until the Republican Party finds a leader who will unite the party.
Alternatively RFK?
Ca says
not for me….ever. Very leftwing on all issues. Anti-Semitic when he’s had a few drinks. His wife is a big obnoxious Hollywood climate change mogul. And he suffers from a severe case of TDS among other possible mental eccentricities. . I would never vote for him and wouldn’t sleep at night if he was in charge of much of anything. Thats going from the frying pan straight into the fire.
Cracker with Attitude says
Plus he’s juiced on some steroid / human growth hormone cocktail mix.
Jeff Bargholz says
Plus he thinks “climate deniers’ (truth tellers) should be imprisoned. for their thoughts The science deniers’ want to punish all of us who actually understand cause and effect, basic chemistry, history and can read thermometers.
Nikolaos Halkides says
The sad fact, Mo, is that the GOP only has one real leader at the moment and his name is Donald Trump. And neither Trump nor anyone else will have a Republican Party united for freedom and justice until all the leftists (RINOs and Establishment-men) are purged from the Party.
RFK is a leftist himself, although a dissident by the standards of a party that permits no departure from orthodoxy (the Covid “vaccine” was safe and effective, etc.).
DeSantis is either too ambitious or too beholden to GOP big-money donors to deserve our support, Nikki Haley is pure Establishment, and Ramaswamy has yet to prove his authenticity.
For now, it’s Trump or bust.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks for covering. I suspect he was deliberately assigned to that dangerous prison.
Dr. Dre says
I watched “The Fall of Minneapolis” the other day. What an awful story. Then to hear about Officer Chauvin’s stabbing.and think back to the film’s interview of his mother. The poor woman!
The US Supreme Court should be ashamed of itself. Actually, the entire Justice system stands convicted, from Minneapolis’ Judge Cahill in the Chauvin case for his many failures to ensure a fair trial to the appeals court and now SCOTUS. They are all afraid of the “mob” aka “protesters” exercising their First Amendment rights, and guess what, kids? That mob has unleashed a terrible fury now using the Israel-Hamas conflict to destroy our country. Who or what entity, besides Israel, will stand up to this quick-spreading violence. It is epic.
Jeff Bargholz says
Cahill didn’t fail, he helped lynch Chauvin. The sentence was decided before Chauvin even appeared in court. If St George had been white he never would’ve been to court.
Blacks are disadvantaged, marginalized and oppressed? My ass. Quite the opposite. Advantaged, promoted and pampered.
NAVY ET1 says
You’re absolutely right Daniel, but I can’t tell you how many times in the last three years I’ve uttered your words: “It’s time for justice to be done”. While I hope and pray and do all I can to fight individual injustices (as all people should), it is my sad but firm belief that many of these unjustly persecuted souls won’t find that justice in this life. It’s a tragic belief, but an honest one.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, especially when the only justice Dirtbagocrts and their co-conspirators are interested in is fictional social justice.
Steven Kardas says
Officer Chauvin will never make it alive to his appeal. He’s gonna get “Epsteined”. This was the first attempt and there will be more until he is murdered. The potential for his appeal to show his trial for what it was, a sham and a gross travesty of justice will simply not be allowed by the leftist in control.
“No man no problem.” – Stalin
js says
I wouldn’t be surprised if there have been previous attempts on his life. Its disgusting what our politicians and judiciary have done to officer Chauvin and his 3 other policeman while canonizing this animal Floyd. We have no “rule of law” today.
Jeff Bargholz says
Not only that but prisoners don’t need an excuse to murder a cop, especially the black ones.
Judge Cahill should be the one in there getting stabbed.
Kasandra says
I watched the entire “Fall of Minneapolis” film. Spoiler alert: it makes it crystal clear that Chauvin and the other three officers were railroaded by a corrupt political and judicial system that needed a scapegoat pronto. It is a disgrace that the Supreme Court denied cert. It was an obvious miscarriage of justice. I highly recommend viewing the film.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The medical examiner who did the original autopsy on Floyd admitted there was no evidence to indicate murder. He admitted an honest autopsy would be “career ending” and that there was intense pressure to produce false evidence to support the narrative.
In a sane world, the exact opposite would be true. A false autopsy unsupported by evidence would be career ending.
I still believe the Left is not the majority, but they are rapidly recruiting an insurmountable majority in education and open borders. We are in very dire circumstances.
We no longer have the rule of law, but Lady Justice has removed her blindfold and loaded her balances.
Ca says
And whats disturbing too is what this situation says about the supreme court. It’s a big politicized nothing now. There is nowhere to legally turn to when injustice has been done.
THX 1138 says
“I know we cannot hide our thoughts or intent from God. For we must give an account on the day we appear before God. Therefore I must obey, to hold on to the truth I did not commit these crimes,” Thao told the court. “My conscience is clear.”
He must OBEY his God? He must hold on to the truth, NOT BECAUSE IT IS THE TRUTH, but because he must obey his God. How altruistic, self-sacrificing, and irrational can you get.
So, if his God told him to kill Jews and infidels he would obey then too. That’s the evil of ALTRUISM and self-sacrifice. Altruism requires you to sacrifice reason and reality, sacrifice the objective truth, for duty and obedience to a higher, mystical, authority beyond the objective truth, beyond reality.
The Muslim true-believer, and the Nazi true-believer, also believes his conscience is clear after torturing and killing infidels, After all, he is doing his moral duty by obeying a higher authority above and beyond objective facts and objective truth.
“Facts don’t matter when you’re morally right” – AOC
Or, to put it more precisely, facts may matter, or they may not matter, if obedience and duty to an outside authority command you to accept the facts or evade the facts.
What matters, morally for self-sacrifice, is to obey your God, or the Fuhrer, or the Imam, or the Mullah, or the Pope, or the Rabbi, or Anthony Fauci, or whomever, so long as you sacrifice yourself to, and obey, that authority.
Kynarion Hellenis says
What would you have Tou Thao do? What does reason dictate? Whom should Thao obey? Why? And what good would be accomplished for Thao and society as a result?
The rubber meets the road in your answer, THX.
THX 1138 says
Thao should not OBEY any person, or God, simply to obey. He should adhere to the facts of his innocence because they ARE facts, and those facts prove his innocence on which his clear conscience actually depends. Because the adherence to the facts of his innocence is SELFISHLY crucial to his innocence, freedom, personal integrity, and the peace of mind that comes with a clear conscience.
Nevertheless, in a corrupt society, in a corrupt justice system, an innocent man has no duty to become a martyr to that corruption. He has no duty to become a martyr for any man or any God. Thao’s conscience is clear, and he is innocent, even if he were to accept a plea deal to have his freedom. But that choice is up to him, no one can make it for him.
Objectivism has this much to say to Thao, no man has a duty to sacrifice his freedom or his life to a justice system that has become patently and abjectly corrupt. You are no less innocent, or one iota guilty, if you accept a plea deal from a corrupt justice system.
Society be damned, this isn’t about society, but about specific and real INDIVIDUALS. Crimes are not committed against society or humanity as such, they are committed by actual and specific individuals against other actual and specific individuals.
Reason is not about obedience. You do not obey reason, you follow reason. you don’t obey reality, you choose to follow the facts of reality.
For example, your doctor finds a cancerous tumor in your body, he suggests surgery. If you choose to live and be healthy you accept the facts of the situation and you choose to have surgery to save your health and life. But you’re not obeying the doctor, you’re not obeying anyone. You’re choosing to adhere to the facts of the situation, you accept and follow the facts of reality.
If children and adults were taught not to obey anyone, or any God, for the sake of obedience but to question the why one should follow rational advice and objective reasons we would have independent thinkers, and independent thinkers are what freedom and liberty depend on.
Totalitarianism is dependent upon authoritarianism, obedient and submissive subjects terrified to think and act for themselves by following the facts of reality.
Remember the little boy who told the fearful subjects “The Emperor Wears No Clothes!”, that’s the independent and SELFISH thinker! A free country requires independently SELFISH thinkers!
Kynarion Hellenis says
You say Thao’s innocence is a fact, but Thao has no duty to assert it in a corrupt judicial system. His private understanding of innocence and maintaining physical freedom should be paramount. Do you not see that in this way, objectivists both create and support injustice while offering no alternative?
You say, “Society be damned, this isn’t about society, but about specific and real INDIVIDUALS. Crimes are not committed against society or humanity as such, they are committed by actual and specific individuals against other actual and specific individuals.society be damned.”
You are wrong. Crime is committed by both individuals and groups against both individuals and groups. JUSTICE is about individual culpability and individual restoration, but you conflate “crime” with “justice.”
Your guiding principle is every man for himself — to hell with society or community. If everyone were to follow objectivism, then society would become evil and unworkable. Thao is following the FACT of his reality: God is Prime Existence from Whom all facts and truth flow. He is standing for Truth despite the personal cost to him. In a society of Thaos, there will be justice, order and peace.
Unfortunately, this will attract people like you who believe opportunities come by the “strength of my own hand” rather than the sacrifices and blood of better men.
The moral of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is that a child, uncorrupted by fear and power, speaks a plain truth when others will not or can not.
THX, you suggest that Thao should speak as the crowd does and praise the naked emperor, asserting what is untrue in order to obtain favor. Can you not see your error?
THX 1138 says
“Thinking is a delicate, difficult process, which man cannot perform unless knowledge is his goal, logic is his method, and the judgment of his mind is his guiding absolute. Thought requires SELFISHNESS, the fundamental selfishness of a rational faculty that places nothing above the integrity of its own function.
A man cannot think if he places something—anything—above his perception of reality. He cannot follow the evidence unswervingly or uphold his conclusions intransigently, while regarding compliance with other men [or any God] as his moral imperative, self-abasement as his highest virtue, and sacrifice as his primary duty. He cannot use his brain while surrendering his sovereignty over it, i.e., while accepting his neighbors as its owner and term-setter.” – Leonard Peikoff
THX 1138 says
The opposite is also true, a corrupt justice system can declare you innocent or exonerate your sentence, but in fact and reality you still are guilty as sin.
The Central Park Five are an example of that corruption.
John MacKenzie says
Just another sad objectivist gone full Fascist. Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.
Horace Yo says
Now you are going totally ridiculous. Everybody has some form of morality ranging from the “Do what you wilt” of Aleister Crowley the Satanist to the peaceful Christian Monk in a Cloister or the objectivist Randian such as yourself but the common factor is they have a source of their morality. You are denying Thao his source which is his God. Your god Rand is your source apparently. She was a nice person but Objectivism is rather limited in the complex world we live in. Stalin was an atheist like yourself, I guess his source was Marx or maybe Satan, JIm Jones’ source seems to have been KoolAid. Everybody has a source or sources
of morality.
Jeff Bargholz says
True and funny (Kool-Aid) but Rand was not a nice person.
Jeff Bargholz says
He also told the truth simply because it was the truth. He’ could’ve disobeyed God if he so chose or he could’ve remained neutral. And where’s the altruism? His self sacrifice benefited nobody.
And they were going to lynch him anyway.
Can’t you see how misplaced your mockery of his bravery is?
DC says
There is NO justice in America…….and there isn’t going to be until Americans insist on it via the Second Amendment.
Chauvin was deliberately allowed to get stabbed by the prison authorities to deliver a message to Trump supporters and conservatives in general.
The Deep State wants you to know that if you cross them………you will be incarcerated.
And once you’re there………….they’ll let the animals kill you.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, absolutely. Chauvin should’v e been in protective custody. The warden should be thrown to the animals.
And whoever down voted that comment takes St George approved Fentanyl as a prophylactic.
Jeff Bargholz says
I just saw on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice today that Chauvin WAS in protective custody in a Minnesota state prison but he was moved to a federal prison in Yuma and put into the general population.
You’re right. Alzheimer Joe’s handlers had AG Merrick Gaylord deliver a message to Trump supporters and other non Dirtbagocrats. “Cross us and you go to prison to be stabbed to death.”
Apparently Chauvin has been placed into protective custody because of public outrage. The assassin didn’t finish Chauvin off. If he had, it would’ve been story over and soon forgotten.
It could happen to any of us innocent people.
js says
Mr. Chauvin should never have been brought to trial let alone incarcerated. He is a victim of black racism. I’m ashamed of this Country for doing this to him and his 3 fellow officers.
Angel Jacob says
Keith Ellison is one of the muslim thugs behind the riots.
The gang of islamists operate out of pure hate, and the religious urge for destruction, murder, theft and bullying.
All of which is reflected in BLM’s behavior. Yet another islamic terrorist group.
The shame is not on the gang of psychopaths though. The shame is on the US nation for tolerating and empowering those islamists.
BLSinSC says
The only person who should have been charged in all of that was the person who supplied him with all the drugs! All the ones who were so viciously persecuted should be pardoned and compensated!
Then the Prosecutors and Coroner who changed the autopsy to meet the narrative need to be charged with misconduct and malfeasance and anything else in the book that pertains!!