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A dire epidemic of Jew hatred is emanating from our college campuses, infecting our larger society and culture. Nearly every day brings a new report of anti-Semitic campus hate crimes. Jewish religious symbols such as menorahs and mezuzot are desecrated, swastikas and comments like “Hitler was right,” and “F—k Israel” are scrawled on residence hall doors and classroom buildings. Jewish fraternities and campus Hillel buildings are repeatedly targeted with anti-Jewish slurs.
A 2023 report from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found a 41% increase in antisemitic incidents on American campuses in 2022, as compared to the also horrendous 36% increase in the U.S. at large. Another joint study undertaken by the ADL and Hillel in 2021 found that nearly a third of college Jewish students reported having personally experienced anti-Semitism on campus. Of those who experienced anti-Semitism, 79% reported experiencing it repeatedly. “Their concern about antisemitism can impede their ability to participate in classes, join clubs, and display their Jewish identity proudly,” the study’s authors concluded.
As David Horowitz wrote recently, “Our premier universities have in their liberal arts programs become one-party states ruled by ignorance and bigotry, and thus breeding grounds for civic and racial hatreds and lawlessness.” Among the many insidious ways in which our universities have poisoned American society and public life, Jew hatred looms large among them.
Prestigious academic organizations including the American Studies Association and the Middle East Studies Association, among others, have passed measures endorsing an academic boycott of Israeli colleges and universities—a form of the genocidal Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that aims to isolate and annihilate the Jewish state.
Instead of using their positions to combat this Jew hatred, many faculty at prestigious universities across America instead deliberately fan its flames. They use the official resources of the University, both financial and academic, to promote terrorist propaganda lies accusing Jews and Israelis of being “colonial settlers” and imperialist aggressors. They publish articles and academic works spreading ancient tropes of Jewish blood libel or seeking to obscure the Jews’ historical connection to the land of Israel. They abuse their positions of authority over students in the classroom to deliver diatribes characterizing Israel as an inhumane aggressor and the Palestinians as its innocent victims. They invite extremist, terrorist-supporting speakers to campus to speak at official university functions or as guest lecturers in class.
The ten professors profiled in this report as the “Top Ten Jew-Hating Professors in America” have done all this and more. Some are employed by public universities, some by private educational institutions, but every school among them receives federal monies in one form or another and is thus bound by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal aid. In an executive order issued in 2019, then-president Donald Trump directed federal agencies to enforce this law against institutions that discriminated against Jews, since Judaism is both a religion and a nationality/race. Despite this clear mandate, American universities have continued to flout the law and harbor academics who perpetrate blatant Jew hatred upon the student population.
We call on the universities implicated in this report to put an immediate end to the Jew hatred infecting their campuses and to take action against faculty who continue to promulgate anti-Semitism on campus, creating an unsafe environment for Jewish students. If they should fail to do so, we urge Congress to withhold all federal funding until they eliminate this cancer in their midst.
#1: Rabab Abdulhadi, San Francisco State University
#2: Hatem Bazian, University of California-Berkeley
#3: Lara Sheehi, George Washington University
#4: Abbas Ghassemi, University of California-Merced
#5: Marc Lamont Hill, Temple University
#6: Jasbir Puar, Rutgers University
#7: Hamid Dabashi, Columbia University
#8: Nader Hashemi, University of Denver
#9: Kylie Broderick, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
#10: Taurean Webb, Indiana University-Bloomington
#1: Rabab Abdulhadi
Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies/Race and Resistance Studies
Senior Scholar of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative
San Francisco State University
On a campus already known for extremists and anti-Semites, Professor Rabab Abdulhadi serves as the public face of SFSU’s Jew hatred. To say that Abdulhadi is notorious is an understatement. She is a rabidly anti-Semitic professor of Ethnic Studies who also heads SFSU’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED), an academic program which flouts its anti-Semitism by openly declaring Zionism to be racism and Israel to be the occupier of Palestine. AMED is known for sponsoring events which feature posters reading, “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers,” referring to Israel’s Jews.
Abdulhadi has glorified anti-Israel terrorism in public talks. A letter sent by a coalition of concerned Jewish groups to SFSU President Leslie Wong in 2014 describes in chilling detail how an Ethnic Studies Department event organized by Abdulhadi featured “wild inaccuracies, monstrous distortions, and blatant lies — all intended to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state and promote a boycott that would hasten its demise.”
Professor Abdulhadi’s husband, Jaime Veve, a union activist, also spoke at the event to exalt anti-Semitic terrorists and murderers. The letter to President Wong describes how Veve “insisted that Palestinians who had injured or murdered Jews were not terrorists but rather ‘heroes or heroines’ who had ‘committed political acts of defiance and resistance,’ and he justified Palestinian terrorism by calling it ‘the cry of a baby calling for the attention of the world.’”
During her tenure at SFSU, Abdulhadi has sought to build relationships with anti-Israel terrorists. While attending a university-sponsored trip to Israel in 2014, she met with anti-Israel terrorists Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah. Abdulhadi has praised Khaled, a notorious airplane hijacker, as “an icon in liberation movements and…an icon for women’s liberation.” Salah served a prison sentence in Israel for aiding the terrorist group Hamas. He has also been charged for incitement to violence for giving a public speech in which he accused Jews of using the blood of Palestinian children to bake their bread. Despite this, Abdulhadi has insisted that he does not have terrorist ties.
In September 2020, Abdulhadi and AMED held an event featuring Khaled. Abdulhadi planned to stream the event on Zoom, but the platform canceled its coverage citing Khaled’s terrorist record.
Abdulhadi also attempted to open a formal collaboration between SFSU and An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine. An-Najah University has been described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as “known for its advocacy of anti-Israel violence and its recruitment of Palestinian college students into terrorist groups.”
The notorious professor has not hesitated to use her privileged position as a professor at SFSU to promote her anti-Israel agenda. Abdulhadi is a founding member of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), and also supports the wider Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, an anti-Semitic, Hamas-funded campaign to isolate and weaken the Jewish state. She frequently promotes BDS at university-sponsored events and forums.
In March 2019, she shared a live video and statement on the official Facebook page for the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED). The statement demonized Israel and invoked anti-Semitic conspiracy tropes by accusing the SFSU administration of “collaborat[ing] with the Zionist designs to silence us… staff, faculty and community who view Israel (as I do) as a colonial, racist and occupying power…” and labeled the administration’s conduct as “the weaponizing of free speech in the service of Nazis, Zionists and other white supremacists…” In July 2019, she shared an image of a large banner exhorting “Zionism = Racism, Silence = Death, Palestine is a Queer Issue – Boycott! Divest! Sanction!”
Abdulhadi has repeatedly propagated anti-Semitic tropes accusing Jews of conspiring to orchestrate world affairs and of possessing dual loyalties—a slur implying that Jews have more loyalty to Israel than to America or other nations. In September 2020, the professor said on Facebook: “I think we need to go to [then U.S. vice presidential candidate] Kamala Harris and say to her: ‘…It’s not okay that some of our representatives actually have dual Israeli-U.S. passport. That’s not okay! That’s not okay!…”
In a February, 2019 interview with Arab Talk, Abdulhadi denigrated pro-Israel groups in America, saying [00:07:09]: “These groups are bullies…they push around in Congress and they bribe them, and they give them money, they twist their arms and so on, there are used to basically silencing everybody and crushing everybody.”
While Abdulhadi uses the public resources of San Francisco State to promote her Jew hatred, she is notably less tolerant toward pro-Israel views. When SFSU President Leslie Wong was forced to clarify that he welcomes Zionists at the University, Abdulhadi responded by equating Zionists with the KKK: “I’m waiting for him to say, white supremacists is welcome, KKK is welcome, David Horowitz is welcome, Richard Spenser is welcome, Neo-Nazis are welcome, homophobes are welcome, misogynists are welcome, why stop only at Zionists? Welcome them all. I mean bring the…whole club. Bring everybody who is right wing and racist, bring them to campus, why only stop at Zionists.”
Nor is her promotion of Jew hatred limited in scope to SFSU’s campus. In a guest lecture in a UCLA anthropology class in the Spring of 2019, Abdulhadi equated Zionism with “white supremacy,” refusing to back down even when a Jewish student tearfully attempted to counter her vitriol.
Abdulhadi has also dedicated herself to encouraging the next generation of Jew haters. For several years she served as faculty advisor to SFSU’s chapter of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), an SJP surrogate group. During her tenure as faculty advisor, organization president Mohammad G. Hammad was exposed as having written a number of threatening social media posts describing his wish to attack students, teachers and Israeli soldiers and to ally himself with anti-Israel terrorists including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Hammad’s posts included a photo of himself holding a large knife with the caption, “I seriously cannot get over how much I love this blade. It is the sharpest thing I own and cuts through everything like butter and just holding it makes me want to stab an Israeli soldier…” Hammad was investigated for terrorism by the FBI.
Despite her atrocious record, Abdulhadi is still being lauded as a leader in her field. In January 2023, the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) awarded its 2022 Jere L. Bacharach Service Award to Abdulhadi—a dubious honor given MESA’s own record of anti-Semitism and extreme hostility toward Israel. Professor Abdulhadi exemplifies the worst of Jew hatred in academia and deserves her place atop the list of Jew-hating professors.
#2: Hatem Bazian
Professor of Ethnic Studies
University of California-Berkeley
UC-Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian has a notorious record of promulgating Jew hatred, dating back to his days as a student at San Francisco State University where he served as president of the General Union of Palestinian Students, an extremist anti-Israel group that fomented a virulent anti-Semitism on campus. In 2001, while a graduate student at UC-Berkeley, Bazian co-founded the Hamas front group Students for Justice in Palestine to support the Second Palestinian Intifada. The Second Intifada introduced suicide bombing into the attacks on Israel’s citizens in September 2000.
In the two decades since its founding, chapters of SJP have proliferated across the nation, and are now active on approximately 200 American college and university campuses, broadcasting Hamas propaganda and advocating the destruction of the Jewish state. Bazian also founded the Hamas front group American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and serves as the chairman of its board. AMP funnels Hamas funds to SJP chapters on American campuses to aid the BDS movement to destroy Israel.
Throughout his academic career, Bazian has promoted classic anti-Semitic tropes and fostered Jew hatred. In May 2002, Bazian participated in a Middle Eastern “cultural assembly” at George Washington High School. Under his leadership, the event the was dedicated to extreme anti-Israel rhetoric including a student-sung rap song that compared Zionists to Nazis, which was accompanied by other students parading with Palestinian flags behind the performer. The high school sent out letters of apology after the event.
At a 2004 anti-war rally in San Francisco, Bazian called for an Intifada, or violent uprising, in America:
“Well, we’ve been watching [an] Intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don’t have an Intifada in this country? Because it seem[s] to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream … giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an Intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know … they’re gonna say some Palestinian [is] being too radical. Well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet!”
In July 2017, Bazian retweeted an anti-Semitic meme which plays on classic tropes of Jewish blood libel and also compares Jews to the Nazis. The meme was originally tweeted by infamous anti-Semite Ron Hughes, whose account Bazian follows. It featured a photo of a man presumed to be Jewish, with Hasidic style curls, with the quoted statement: “MOM LOOK! I IS CHOSEN! I CAN NOW KILL, RAPE, SMUGGLE ORGANS & AND STEAL THE LAND OF PALESTINIANS *YAY* ASHKE-NAZI”
Bazian has promoted the idea of a world Jewish conspiracy, telling student protestors on one occasion to “look at the Jewish names on the school buildings” and adding “Take a look at the type of names on the buildings around campus — Haas, Zellerbach — and decide who controls this university.” He has also called the U.S. Congress “an Israeli-occupied territory” and has suggested that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) controls U.S. foreign policy.
Professor Bazian’s Jew hatred extends to his role as an instructor. He now serves as a lecturer in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He also founded the Center for the Study of Documentation of Islamophobia on campus in 2009. The Toronto Sun reported in 2014 that Bazian requires students enrolled in his course on “Islamophobia” to create a Twitter account and tweet weekly on Islamophobia. “I can’t help but feel this is unethical,” commented a student taking the class. “This is his agenda not mine.”
The student noted that Bazian “excludes both the Twitter account requirement AND the final project from his official syllabus”—perhaps an indication that he is trying to conceal his use of the classroom to promote Jew hatred.
The controversial professor has repeatedly defended the anti-Israel terror group Hamas, tweeting an article which disputed Hamas’s status as a terrorist organization. The article claimed that “The Europeans who fought Nazism with arms were labeled ‘terrorist’ by Hitler. Hamas is fighting against the occupation of Palestinian lands and is labeled ‘terrorist.’” Bazian also spoke at a 2018 event hosted by American Muslims for Palestine and other Hamas-linked anti-Israel groups which promoted the cause of Hamas-affiliated insurgents who participated in the so-called “Great Return March,” which in truth was an attack on Israel’s borders.
In truth, Israel does not occupy one square inch of Palestinian or Arab land. It was built on land confiscated from the Turks who are neither Arabs nor Palestinians, and given to the Jews by the United Nations in 1948. The Arabs who were given 80% of the so-called Palestine Mandate promptly attacked the new Jewish state with the goal of “pushing the Jews into the sea.”
These facts do not stop Bazian from delegitimizing and demonizing Israel. The professor retweeted a February 2021 tweet which asked rhetorically: “Is there a single Jewish politician of prominence in Israel who does not publiclly call for ethnic cleaning of all Palestinians?”
For his voluminous record in spreading Jew hatred and defending Israel’s terrorist enemies, Professor Bazian belongs on the list of America’s worst Jew-hating professors.
#3: Lara Sheehi
Professor of Psychology
George Washington University
Professor Lara Sheehi’s mandatory diversity class at George Washington University comes with a non-optional quotient of Jew hatred. On the first day of the class, which students enrolled in the Professional Psychology Program at the university are required to take, Sheehi asked students to describe their cultural background and heritage. When a student identified herself as Israeli, the professor responded, “It’s not your fault you were born in Israel.”
According to a complaint filed in early 2023 with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights by the Jewish nonprofit StandWithUs, “During the Fall 2022 semester, Jewish and Israeli students in the Program’s mandatory diversity course were singled out for repeated and persistent harassment when their Jewish and Israeli identities were disparaged by faculty and peers.”
The first day of class was only the prelude to a long semester of harassment for Jewish students. Sheehi also invited Israeli academic, Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, to give an address on campus. Shalhoub-Kevorkian is a notorious anti-Semite who has invoked ancient blood libels against the Jewish people by falsely accusing Israel of testing experimental weapons on Palestinian children.
During her speech, Shalhoub-Kevorkian made comments demonizing Jews and Israelis, stating that “good deeds done by Jews and Israelis are done to mask sinister activity.” She stated that Israel’s humanitarian efforts across the globe were an attempt to “use tikkun olam [the Jewish value of bettering the world] to camouflage [Israel’s] oppressive power.” She further advocated for violent “resistance” against Israel (a euphemism for terrorism) and praised a Palestinian teenager who participated in the violent and unprovoked stabbing of an Israeli child in 2015.
Following Shalhoub’s outrageous and anti-Semitic diatribe, Jewish students in Sheehi’s class described in class why the address had made them feel “vulnerable and unsafe.” One Jewish student correctly labeled the talk as a two hour diatribe against the Jews and expressed her doubt that the university would allow any other cultural or religious minority to be thus targeted.
Instead of validating and addressing these students’ legitimate concerns, Professor Sheehi outright denied that the lecture had amounted to anti-Semitism. She claimed that “anti-Zionism is not antisemitism,” and asserted that this declaration was a “non-negotiable truth” like a “historical fact.” Incredibly, Sheehi took this line of thought even further, adding that “Zionism in and of itself indicates that Jewish folks are different. There are many people who say that Zionism in and of itself is an antisemitic movement. Why? Because it locates that Jewish folks are that much more different that they need to have a space unto themselves.”
Having failed to persuade Professor Sheehi of their concerns, Jewish students in the class tried several times to bring their concerns to the university administration and to ask for an alternative to taking her required course. The GWU administration was not responsive. Even worse, once Sheehi learned that these students had complained about her to the administration, she began spreading lies about them, calling them “combative” and racist and ultimately filing disciplinary charges against them.
“She turned the faculty against the Jewish students by spreading lies about us and our conduct, she disparaged us in front of our classmates, calling us Islamophobes,” a student from the course, speaking anonymously, told The Algemeiner. “She smeared our name in a community where success as a therapist really depends on relationships with our faculty supervisors and our colleagues. The disciplinary proceedings effectively silenced us, making it clear that you can’t be a Jew and you can’t speak up about antisemitism safely in this program.”
While Professor Sheehi’s conduct in the classroom has only recently come under scrutiny, it is clear that her Jew hatred—and likely her expression of it in the classroom—has been going on for years.
The Canary Mission, an organization dedicated to exposing anti-Semitism, has collected a number of her tweets and comments. On August 4, 2020, in response to a story about Israel offering aid to Lebanon in the wake of a deadly industrial explosion, Sheehi tweeted: “F**K YOU AND F**K YOUR ‘AID’. Destroy Zionism and commit to land back, then we’ll take you seriously you f**king genocidal f**ks. F**k you.”
In April 2022, Sheehi tweeted: “MY RAGE CAN LIGHT A THOUSAND SUNS RIGHT NOW. F**k ALL settlers. #LongLiveTheResistance #PalestineWillBeFree.” As the Canary Mission website explains, “Among Palestinians and anti-Israel activists, the term ‘resistance’ can be a euphemism for nationalistic terror. It is often used to excuse or even glorify anti-Israel and anti-Semitic violence.”
For her blatant discrimination and abuse of Jewish students and her unwarranted hostility and wishes for violence against the Jewish homeland, Professor Sheehi deserves to be named one of the top Jew-hating professors in America.
#4: Abbas Ghassemi
Teaching Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California-Merced
UC-Merced Professor Abbas Ghassemi has become notorious for his rabid Jew-hatred expressed in both English and Farsi on a now-deleted twitter account.
In June 2020, Ghassemi shared a cartoon caricature of the “Zionist Brain,” which contained a “frontal money lobe,” “world domination lobe,” a “terrorism centre,” “Holocaust Memory Center,” “Self Pity Lobe” and “compulsive lying olfactory.” A caption under the image reads: “Note: The ‘compassion for others’ gland is not shown due to its small and underdeveloped nature. Best viewed under a microscope.” Ghassemi then commented on this outrageous display of Jew-hatred, stating: “…reality bites!!!!!!”
In November of 2020, he again displayed his deranged hatred for the Jewish people, sharing a graphic titled “Jewish Victim Card” which stated, “As a Jewish person if I am accused of anything I am in no part criminally responsible. All accusations are fueled by anti-Semitism…If there is any doubt, please refer to the Holocaust.” A caption accompanying the image stated, “Here in [America] you can criticize God but not [Israel][chin-scratching emoji].”
Professor Ghassemi has also made numerous tweets promoting classic anti-Semitic tropes about Jews controlling the world media and the economy. “[T]he Zionists and IsraHell interest have embedded themselves in every component of the American system, media, banking, policy, commerce, … just a veneer of serving US interest and population – everyone pretends that is the case,” he tweeted in December, 2020. “[T]he entire system in America, government, banking, media, …. is owned and operated by the Zionists and IsraHell,” Ghassemi stated in another tweet. “Everyone pretends like this is America, land of liberty and beacon of light. Doing criminal acts under this cover is prescribed from the Zionist masters!”
Anti-Semitic blood libel tropes also feature in Ghassemi’s social media activism. In October of 2020, Ghassemi shared a tweet featuring an Israeli plane that had the word “Peace” written in blood on it, alongside a Palestinian child with a knife in his back. The caption for this horrifying image read, “Death to israel.”
In November, 2020, Ghassemi shared a tweet accusing Israel of “50 years of brutality” and added, “They have extorted $$$ from everyone that has been doped everywhere under every auspices including religion, Judaism and Christianity. Zionists and the thugs in IsraHell lack human decency and principles!”
In November 2020, Ghassemi marked the occasion of the presidential election by sharing a tweet stating, “Trump or Biden? Democrat or Republican? What difference does it make when American policy is determined by the Zionists? What difference does it make when the Zionists ask the United States for the colonization and arrogance of other countries? #AmericanDelusion.” The tweet was accompanied by an image of two hands representing the nations of Israel and America shaking, while spilling blood on a map of “Palestine.” Ghassemi commented on this graphic promotion of anti-Semitism: “Right on. Well said. The entire system has been Owens and operated by Zionist and IsraHELL for a very long time, no matter who is propped up in politics and every other sector!”
Ghassemi’s hatred for America and Israel is matched only by his appreciation of the Lebanese terrorist organization, Hezbollah, which has called for the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people.
On November 4, 2020, Ghassemi shared a tweet pretending to illustrate a write-in vote for Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in the American presidential election. “Love it!!!!,” Ghassemi wrote.
When news of Ghassemi’s abhorrent and abundant Jew hatred first made headlines in late 2020, UC-Merced initially chose to respond with a statement calling his views “repugnant.” Only after outrage from Jewish groups, did the university open an inquiry into whether the professor had violated the Faculty Code of Conduct. Notably, the twitter account Ghassemi used to share the virulent anti-Semitic conduct made note of his academic title and his attached biography stated that he was a professor at UC-Merced. As of the writing of this report in April 2023, Ghassemi is still listed as a “Teaching Professor” on UC-Merced’s website and abundantly deserves to be labeled one of the most anti-Semitic professors in America.
5: Marc Lamont Hill
Professor in Media Studies and Production
Temple University
Marc Lamont Hill has had a long and storied career in both the media and academia, but his time in both fields has been sullied by his rabid anti-Semitism and support for Israel’s terrorist adversaries.
Hill has repeatedly glorified anti-Israel terrorists and promoted terrorism against the Jewish state. The professor has enthusiastically supported convicted Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist Ali Jiddah who planted hand grenades in downtown Jerusalem which injured nine innocent people. Hill posted a photo of himself with Jiddah on Instagram, praising him as a “true revolutionary,” and assisted with a GoFundMe campaign for the terrorist, calling him “instrumental in the struggle for Palestinian liberation.”
The professor has also lauded terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti, who is currently imprisoned for participating in suicide bombings and attacks that killed five Israelis during the second Intifada. Hill posted a mural featuring Barghouti that had been painted on Israel’s security fence on Instagram with the caption, “Art as Resistance.”
So enamored is the professor of anti-Israel violence, that Hill proudly boasts a tattoo featuring a man who is masked in a keffiyeh and holding a rock, a form of violent “resistance” against the Israeli Defense Forces that can have deadly consequences.
Hill’s rabid anti-Semitism was even too extreme for leftist media giant CNN. In 2018, Hill gave a speech at the United Nations, labeling the creation of Israel a “Nakba” or “catastrophe” and calling for “a free Palestine from the river to the sea,” a phrase often used by Israel’s enemies and terrorists to promote the total destruction of the Jewish state. Hill also demonized Israel, falsely accusing the Jewish state of “ethnic cleansing” along with “hatred and imperialism, and white supremacy, and patriarchy, and homophobia”—charges that are laughable when Israel is compared to its Arab neighbors where homosexuality is a criminal offense. Following this absurd address, CNN fired Hill from his position as a contributor to the network.
Hill has flaunted his friendship with notorious anti-Semite and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has labeled Jews “termites” and “satanic” and claimed that “They control everything and mostly everybody.” In August 2016, Hill posted a photo of himself with Farrakhan on Instagram, commenting “Been blessed to spend the last day with Minister Louis Farrakhan. An amazing time of learning, listening, laughing, and even head nodding to music. God is Great.”
Also in 2016, Hill shared an interview with Farrakhan on Facebook in which the Nation of Islam leader again declared the Jews to be “Satanic” and responsible for “the blood shedding and the mischief that’s going on in the world.” Farrakhan went on to predict the downfall of the Jews, stating, “Once the world sees this Synagogue of Satan as it really is and knows the players, they fear what will happen to them. The world will turn against them and that is happening now as we speak.”
It is clear from Hill’s own words and deeds that he shares Farrakhan’s views on Israel and the Jewish people. In an online panel discussion from 2021, Hill spoke positively about how “Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of a Zionist project, dismantling of a settler-colonial project and very explicitly embracing BDS.” He has repeatedly promoted the genocidal Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, and has posted videos of BDS movement founder Omar Barghouti. He has also repeated anti-Semitic blood libel tropes, claiming that Israel was founded on laws “that have been co-signed in ink but written in the blood of the innocent” and that the Jewish state is “poisoning” Palestinian water.
For propagating blatant Jew hatred and lies about the state of Israel and valorizing the terrorists who have killed innocent Israeli citizens, Professor Marc Lamont Hill deserves his place among the worst Jew-hating professors.
#6: Jasbir Puar
Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Rutgers University
Professor Jasbir Puar serves as an Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University and also directs the University’s Graduate Program for the Women’s and Gender Studies Department. Puar is notorious for promoting ancient blood libel tropes against the Jewish people, a form of anti-Semitism that dates back to the Middle Ages.
Among her ridiculous claims, Puar has accused Israelis of harvesting the organs of Palestinians, intentionally maiming them, and stunting the growth of Palestinians by limiting the availability of food and resources to them, a strategy that Puar describes as a “biopolitical tactic that seeks to render impotent any future resistance.”
In a speech at Vassar College in 2016, Puar claimed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was responsible for “more than 120 deaths by field assassinations of young Palestinian men, largely between the ages of 12 to 16,” without mentioning how those young men perpetrated terrorist violence, including stabbings, against Israelis. She also claimed that the nation of Israel had “mined for organs for scientific research” from the Palestinian population.
Puar’s book, The Right to Maim, repeats these anti-Semitic and blatantly false accusations, accusing Israel of “creating injury and maintaining Palestinian populations as perpetually debilitated, and yet alive, in order to control them” and also claiming that children are a “prime target” of Israel, when in fact the IDF goes to extreme lengths to avoid injury to children and civilians despite Hamas’s use of civilians, and particularly children, as human shields.
Puar has repeatedly used her academic position to promote the Hamas-funded Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, an anti-Semitic plot to weaken and ultimately destroy the Jewish state. She also serves as an Advisory Board member of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), which is directed at Israeli universities and cultural institutions.
Puar has defended violent acts of terrorism against Israelis, labeling them acts of “resistance” and stating that “we need BDS as part of organized resistance and armed resistance in Palestine as well.” She has also repeatedly praised anti-Israel terrorists.
In October 2020, Puar tweeted a video of a Zoom panel which featured a taped message from convicted terrorist Leila Khaled, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who participated in two airplane hijackings in the 1970’s. In the video posted by Puar, Khaled promoted violence against Israel, stating: “We have used all means of struggle and we are still determined to continue using all means of struggle including armed struggle.”
While many anti-Israel advocates deceitfully insist that their demonization of Zionism is not anti-Semitic, Puar herself has conflated Zionists and Jews, referring to Jews as “Zios” in a Facebook exchange with another faculty member. That same term, “Zios,” was commonly used by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke to refer to the Jews.
For her abhorrent record of promulgating Jew hatred and supporting anti-Israel terrorists, Professor Puar is among the worst Jew-hating professors in America.
#7: Hamid Dabashi
Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature
Columbia University
Columbia University Professor Hamid Dabashi’s academic career has been repeatedly marred by outbursts of Jew hatred and the promulgation of anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracies. In 2004, the professor’s disdain for Jews and Israel was exposed in the film Columbia Unbecoming, which was produced by Jewish students on campus, and which named Dabashi and a handful of his colleagues in the university’s Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures (MEALAC) as contributing to an atmosphere of anti-Semitism on campus.
The film cites quotes from Dabashi, including one from an article he wrote where he described Israeli Jews as suffering from “a vulgarity of character that is bone-deep and structural to the skeletal vertebrae of its culture” due to “Half a century of systematic maiming and murdering of another people.” Another student mentioned an incident in which Dabashi suddenly cancelled class in order to attend an anti-Israel rally because he felt it was his “moral duty” to do so.
In the years since these initial accusations of anti-Semitism, Dabashi has only intensified his attacks on Israel and the Jewish people. He has repeatedly promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories which claim that the Jews act as a “cabal” to control world affairs and consolidate their power.
In a December 2009 article, Dabashi stated that “the pro-Israeli Zionist lobby in the US banked and invested heavily in infiltrating, buying, and paying for all the major and minor corridors of power.” In an editorial published in July 2008, Dabashi wrote that “[former United States President Barack] Obama began his speech in front of AIPAC by falling right into the oldest trap that the American Zionist cabal has in its bag of tricks — dispatching its lunatic fringe to spread rumours (via emails) of facts and fantasies…” More recently, in May of 2018, Dabashi posted on Facebook that “Every dirty treacherous ugly and pernicious act happening in the world just wait for a few days and the ugly name of ‘Israel’ will pop up as a key actor in the atrocities…”
Professor Dabashi has also promulgated Jew hatred by comparing the democratic nation of Israel with the Islamic terror state ISIS and Nazi Germany, another common trope of anti-Semites.
In April of 2019, Dabashi wrote on Facebook (in a now-deleted post): “What’s the difference between ISIS and ISRAEL? … ISIS murderous thugs conquered parts of Syria and declared a ‘caliphate,’ no decent human being on planet earth recognized their armed robbery or their ‘caliphate’ – their ISRAELI counterparts meanwhile conquered parts of Syria and declared it part of their Zionist settler colony – no decent human being on planet earth recognizes their armed robbery …”
Dabashi added to this rant by again insinuating that Jews exert power over the media: “ISIS does not have a platoon of clean shaven and well coiffured [sic] columnists at the New York Times propagating the cause of the terrorist outfit as the Zionists columnists do on a regular basis.”
In August of 2014, Dabashi authored an article that compared Gaza to Auschwitz, stating that Israelis share a “sustained murderous history – from Deir Yassin in 1948 to Gaza in 2014,” adding “Is that not Zionism, the ideological foundation stone of being an Israeli?”
In a Facebook post from July 2014, Dabashi again implied that the Israelis are tantamount to Nazis. He placed images of the Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza side-by-side and commented: “Warsaw Ghetto 1943 (the site of Jewish uprising against Nazi barbarism)–Gaza 2014 (the site of Palestinian resistance against Zionist militarism).”
During the so-called “Great March of Return” in 2018, during which Palestinian terrorists repeatedly assaulted the Israel/Gaza border, Dashabi reiterated blood libel tropes depicting the Jews and Israelis as bloodthirsty monsters.
In May of 2018, Dabashi claimed, “As of Tuesday 15 May 2018 Israeli army had cold-bloodedly and in full view of the world murdered more than 100 Palestinians… during the Great March of Return protests held in Gaza’s since 30 March.” Dashabi went on to add, “The Israeli flag, the very term ‘Israel’ are now and forever synonymous with mass murderers… with massacres, with land thieves, with incremental genocide, with war crimes, with crimes against humanity.”
In another post that month, Dashabi described the conflict as “an epic battle between defenseless good and viciously armed evil — with their bare hands and their naked souls and their exposed bodies Palestinians went to face pure evil,” depicting the Israelis as “mass murderers who massacred defenseless Palestinians.”
The professor went on to praise the actions of the violent Palestinians who assaulted the border of a sovereign nation, writing, “Palestinians just taught the world a priceless lesson — a master class in their power of dignity and defiance… and in doing so they told the whole pitiful gang of Zionists from Israel to the US to Saudi Arabia they can go to hell — for Palestinians are not going anywhere from Palestine — Palestine is theirs, they are the master of their own destiny— the inhabitants of their own homeland— neither their own corrupt leadership nor those disgusting colonists occupying their country have a say in the matter.”
For his abominable promotion of anti-Semitic tropes and absurd conspiracy theories targeting Jews and Israel, Professor Hamid Dabashi deserves his place among the worst Jew-hating professors.
#8: Nader Hashemi
Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Middle East Studies
University of Denver
University of Denver Professor Nader Hashemi has engaged in numerous forms of Jew hatred over the course of his academic career, which has included stints teaching at Harvard, UCLA, and Northwestern University. As director of the Center for Middle East Studies at Denver, Hashemi has a position of great influence within his field—and he has repeatedly used it to promote the terrorist organization Hamas, to whitewash violence against the Jews and Israel, and to spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to the world at large.
In a lecture on Hamas that was broadcast on YouTube in 2015, Hashemi claimed that Hamas’s participation is necessary to resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. The professor claimed that after the year 2000, there were “significant attempts by the leadership of Hamas to strike out and to present a more moderate face with respect to a political resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict”—a farcical claim given the 37 suicide bombings and thousands of rocket attacks launched by Hamas in the intervening years.
During his address, Hashemi also downplayed the horrifying sentiments stated in the Hamas charter which calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people and Israel. While acknowledging the “anti-Semitic” nature of these statements, Hashemi implied that this call for murder was nevertheless irrelevant to achieving peace in Israel/Palestine and quoted a statement from Hamas leader Khaled Mashal who claimed that the Hamas charter is “a piece of history no longer relevant but cannot be changed for internal reasons.” Hashemi also seemingly dismissed the significance of this call to murder the Jews, stating fatuously, “If I had a penny every time this topic was mentioned in the context of Israel-Palestine, I would be an incredibly rich person.”
On another occasion in March of 2016, Hashemi responded to a journalist who brought up the Hamas charter’s call to murder the Jews by labeling it “pro-Israel talking points.”
Professor Hashemi has also repeatedly sought to justify the anti-Semitism of others, claiming in November 2005 that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s call that Israel should “be wiped off the map” was not due to “ancient ethnic hatreds or Muslim anti-Semitism, but primarily [due to] the trauma and enduring legacy of European colonialism and Israel’s perceived connection with this legacy.”
In November 2015, Hashemi tweeted: “Israeli soldiers kill another Palestinian in Hebron.” He linked an article about a Palestinian who had indeed been shot by Israeli soldiers after he attacked them with a knife during a riot (a fact conveniently not mentioned in his tweet).
Unsurprisingly, given his views on Hamas, Hashemi is a supporter of the genocidal Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel that aims to isolate and destroy the Jewish state. He has also promoted an academic boycott of Israeli universities on social media and has repeatedly demonized Israel on social media, referring to it as guilty of “occupation” and as solely responsible for the conflict in Gaza.
Professor Hashemi’s most controversial comments to date concern his bizarre and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories regarding the violent attack on author Salman Rushdie, who was viciously stabbed in August of 2022 while he prepared to give a public lecture at Chautauqua Institution in New York. While discussing the attack on a podcast, Hashemi suggested that the attack was most likely instigated by “someone online who claimed to be an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps supporter… [who] could have been the Mossad operative.”
Mossad is Israel’s national intelligence agency, the equivalent to the CIA in America. Hashemi further claimed that Mossad’s involvement is “much more likely” than other possible motives. Hashemi’s promotion of this completely baseless conspiracy theory is clearly rooted in Jew hatred.
While the University of Denver sought to distance itself from these bizarre claims, the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) scolded the university for “singling out a faculty member for expressing an opinion, however speculative, and by issuing a statement that suggests agreement with the vicious attacks launched against him…”
For his repeated whitewashing of Hamas and anti-Israel terrorism and his blatant promotion of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, Professor Hashemi belongs on the list of the worst Jew-hating professors.
#9: Kylie Broderick
Lecturer and Ph.D. Candidate in History
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
UNC lecturer Kylie Broderick is only beginning her career in academia—she is a Ph.D. student in history at the Chapel Hill campus—but she is already notorious for her anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist views and her total lack of hesitation in injecting those views into her teaching.
For the past several years, Broderick has taught a course at Chapel Hill on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the flagrant Jew hatred expressed by the lecturer has made national headlines.
In a series of public tweets from 2020, Broderick stated directly that she “find[s] it difficult to do role-playing games in class” because “the ‘2 sides’ of most subjects we cover are b/t colonizers/imperialists & oppressed native peoples” and “by ‘2 sides’ I mean there is only 1 legitimate side—the oppressed—versus imperialist propaganda.”
“I don’t ever want to encourage them to believe there is reason to take on good faith the oppressive ideologies of American and Western imperialism, Zionists, & autocrats,” she added.
Broderick has used every tool at her disposal to show her disdain for Israel and the Jewish people, even scheduling a quiz on Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement.
The lecturer has mocked the very idea that she could restrain her biases in the classroom, stating in a November 2021 video that the UNC administration “spent a good deal of time examining my ability to be objective, whatever that means” but that she believes professors ought to “teach justice in the classroom” and that requests from UNC administrators that she meet with Jewish faculty were absurd.
Broderick views herself as an activist for the Palestinian cause and even signed a pledge promising to promote the genocidal BDS movement “in the classroom and on campus.”
Taking a page from the classic anti-Semitism playbook, Broderick also subscribes to bizarre conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the media, stating in an address that the “mobilization of the Hasbara network” and the “allegedly secular media” led to UNC officials asking her to respond to “baseless accusations.” She also alleged that UNC is “playing into a Zionist playbook,” and requires her to teach under “Israel’s rules.” She stated her belief that it is necessary to “dismantle the power that Hasbara and other pro-colonial causes have historically had over universities” so that the pro-Israel media can no longer “dominate the airwaves.”
The North Carolina Hillel chapter has also objected to Broderick’s abhorrent anti-Semitism, stating on the organization’s website that they are “very concerned” that “students who support and have a connection with Israel will be unwelcome or unsafe in [her] class” given her stated views that Israel should not exist and her refusal to “engage with people with other perspectives.”
For her single-minded determination to inject Jew hatred into her scholarship and teaching, Kylie Broderick is among the worst Jew-hating academics in America.
#10: Taurean Webb
Associate Director, Center for the Study of Global Change
Indiana University-Bloomington
Dr. Taurean Webb has claimed to be an advocate for a “just peace in Israel-Palestine,” but his slurs against Jews and Israel, advocacy for a Hamas front group, and deliberate minimization of the Holocaust reveal the depth of his Jew hatred.
Webb is the author of “Journey Toward Justice: A Guide for Congregational Study,” which purports to be a “comprehensive curriculum study plan” that was “specifically designed to aid predominantly Black congregations as they become more aware of the Palestinian crisis and begin to take action on behalf of Palestinian freedom and justice.” Instead, the document is a 68-page screed which uses biblical passages and precepts to frame the founding of Israel as “evil” and a “structural sin.”
Webb demonizes the Jewish state when he writes that “Israel currently occupies Palestine… Conflict arises because native Palestinians are having their lands occupied, their homes destroyed, an extremely high number of political prisoners incarcerated for years on end and are resisting in numerous ways.” He further notes that, “Within the US, however, it is common for national media to portray the Israel/Palestine conflict as ‘tiny’ Israel constantly under the threat of violence from Arab-Muslim enemies,” but undermines this accurate description, claiming it “is largely informed by the rampant domestic culture of Islamophobia and strong US political allegiances with Israel.” Webb also repeatedly refers to the Holocaust as the “European Jewish Holocaust” in order to minimize it and portray it as just one among many “holocausts” that have occurred throughout history.
While some anti-Semites target Jews indirectly through their persecution of the Jewish homeland of Israel, Webb has no compunction about naming Jews as directly promoting white supremacy and portraying them as conspiring to consolidate their power in America, a classic anti-Semitic trope. Webb commented in a YouTube interview: “It’s also a historical fact that American Jewish immigrants have always been a foundational building block for the white supremacist infrastructure in this country…We know that from the data.”
In an academic article titled: “Troubling Idols: Black-Palestinian Solidarity in U.S. Afro-Christian Spaces,” Webb claimed that “U.S. Jews constituted an important base for the U.S. white supremacist structure.” He also extended these conspiracy theories to Israel, claiming that the Jewish state [uses “the idea of ‘chosenness’ and the European Jewish Holocaust as a tactic of racial control.”
Webb repeatedly demonizes and delegitimizes Israel, classic tactics of anti-Semitism. He derides the idea that Israel is the historic ancestral land of the Jews, claiming instead that the United Nations placed the Jewish state there arbitrarily. He repeatedly slurs Israel as racist and existing on occupied land, writing, “There is nothing in the world like living under simultaneous racial caste and military occupation, a condition of historic Palestine since the mid-twentieth century.”
Dr. Webb has also repeatedly expressed his support for Palestinian militants who have committed violent terrorism against Israel. He wrote an article citing the death of Ahmed Erekat as an example of “Israeli military killings of Palestinians” and dedicated the article to the Erekat Family among others. Erekat was in fact killed by Israeli security forces, but Webb leaves out the inconvenient fact that his death occurred after he deliberately drove his car into Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint, an incident that was captured on video.
In a Facebook post made in 2018, and since deleted, Webb referred to the “Holy Land Foundation Five” as “great men” and stated “May our lives forever be changed for the better b/c of their heroism, generosity, & great sacrifice.” The “Holy Land Foundation Five” were the five individuals who were convicted in U.S. federal court for the crime of illegally funneling millions of dollars to the terrorist organization Hamas through their nonprofit group, the Holy Land Foundation.
Webb is also affiliated with the notorious Hamas front group American Muslims for Palestine and has repeatedly served as a featured speaker at the organization’s Annual Palestine Convention. AMP is headed by the notorious anti-Semite and jihad supporter, UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of SJP. AMP’s board is dominated by former leaders of the Holy Land Foundation which was successfully prosecuted by the US government for funding Hamas.
For his blatant anti-Semitism and reprehensible praise for terrorists, Dr. Taurean Webb deserves his place among the worst Jew-hating professors.
Only one of those professors is studying anything worthwhile. The rest are pointless, made up nonsense, their studies are studying how to justify their research.
Yelling does not help?
What does help ? A seat at the academic table !
We should ask to have an alternative CORE CURRICULUM. Hard to refuse..
We could ask that there be alternative core curriculum that emphasizes A Western Civilization and fundamental skills PLUS EMT certificate. It will soon be known as the core that the smart kids take. Is there anyone out there who is interested ?
These so called professors are among the worst anti Semites in the US
There are talented people with PHD’s who are not hateful and crazy – of course, they are unemployable thanks to the serf system in academia. It is troubling that these DOLTS AND LOUTS are mostly tenured and it would be very difficult to fire them. CUNY, in the heart of NYC, is filled with Jew-haters.
And what do you intend to do about this ?
Any faculty at these universities promoting antisemitism or bigotry of any kind should be immediately removed from the university and face either civil or criminal prosecution.
“then-president Donald Trump directed federal agencies to enforce this law against institutions that discriminated against Jews, since Judaism is both a religion and a nationality/race.”
Wrong. Judaism isn’t a race or nationality. It’s a religion. Please, stop with the nonsense.
The mythology of Judaism includes elements of a tribal religion based on tribal, genetic, descendance from Abraham. Israel has used genetic testing on black Ethiopians who claimed to be Jews to determine if they really were descended from Abraham to determine if those black Ethiopians would be allowed aliyah.
Testing for genetic, tribal, affiliation to determine a bonafide genetic Jew isn’t exactly the end of freedom, liberty, and individualism, or Nazism, but don’t blame the goyim if they get confused about Judaism.
Nobody can trace their genetics to Abraham. Jewish Law doesn’t use genetics to determine who a Jew is. The Ethiopian Jews are Jews. There are Jews of many races and ethnicity’s.
Goyim aren’t the only one’s confused about Judaism. Jews, themselves, are confused. Hence, the question to 2 Jewish Scholars on what a Jew is and you’ll get 4 different answers.
Here’s a funny joke I heard from a Jewish friend: Mr. Goldberg traveled to China on a business trip. While staying in his hotel room he got bored and decided to talk a walk and explore the town. During his travels he saw a synagogue. Being inquisitive he decided to go inside and pray. Mr. Goldberg was met at the door by a Chinese Rabbi. The Chinese Rabbi asked “Can I help you?” Mr. Goldberg replied “No, thank you. I just came inside to look around and pray.” The Chinese Rabbi just stared at Mr. Goldberg looking him up and down and asked “why would you come here.” Goldberg replied “because I’m Jewish.” The Chinese Rabbi stared at Mr. Goldberg and said “That’s funny. You don’t look Jewish.”
The lie about genetic testing shows its ugly head every now and then. Only the hate-filled and the terminally yet willfully ignorant fall for it. Next you can tell us the canards about killing Palestinians for their organs, forcibly sterilizing Ethiopian Jews, harvesting organs from Haitian hurricane victims, and killing non-Jews to use their blood as a baking ingredient.
THX, uyou should be banned from Frontpage.
The notion of Jewish people is precisely not based on a notion of race, but of belonging to a people. Anyone, wherever he comes from, whatever people he belongs to, can become a Jew.
Once again you are telling lies. What you say about genetic testing is repugnant.
You put Judaism and Nazism on the same critical plane.
In my whole life I did not believe I had read such a thing.
“‘Who is a Jew?’ can now be answered by genetic testing” – The Jerusalem Post
“A new ruling in Jewish law permitting a specific genetic test to be used as proof of Jewish descent for certain Ashkenazi Jews is being promoted as a possible solution for potentially hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union (FSU) having difficulty proving their Jewish status.
The ruling comes from Rabbi Yosef Carmel, who is both co-head of the Eretz Hemdah Institute for Advanced Jewish Studies and a senior rabbinical judge on the private Eretz Hemdah rabbinical court in south Jerusalem.”
Wrong wrong and wrong again. It is not up to you to determine how people consider themselves.
I am genetically differentiated from anyone not of my Jewish descent and religion which are inextricably entwined.
You need to read a book not steeped in leftist hateful ignorant BS.
I haven’t been wrong yet, Ms. Cat. What do you mean it’s not up to me to determine what people consider themselves? Jews or Judaism isn’t a race nor is it a nationality. Blacks are a race. Asians are a race.
There are Jews of different races and ethnicity’s. Your nationality, or ethnicity is somewhere in Europe, i.e., Polish, French, Russian, etc. Your religion might be Judaism/Jewish
“You need to read a book not steeped in leftist hateful ignorant BS.”
What did I say that was Leftist, hateful and ignorant? I’d love to have a cordial conversation with you, but it seems every time I present facts, or a different opinion than yours you attack me personally.
One more thing Ms. Cat,
“I am genetically differentiated from anyone not of my Jewish descent and religion”
When you make statements like this you give the white nationalists and Jew haters ammunition. You are “genetically different”? Do you understand these are the accusations Hitler used to demonize and alienate the Jewish people? Yet, here you are in all you glory giving fodder to these people.
It’s hard to believe when I read your statement.
If you want to bring up genetics, according to DNA the Jews of Europe are European and have more in common with the pre historic peoples of Europe than the Levant.. That is a fact.
I suppose you know this for an undeniable fact? Your ignorance says far more about you than it does about us. Why do you think we are called the Jewish people? I am sure you don’t know the answer,
Hi Rachelle, of course it’s a fact. My ignorance? Are you the spokesperson for all the Jews? I’ve traveled the world and I am well read. I can assure you many, many Jews agree that Jews aren’t a race of people or a nationality.
Almost all of today’s Jews are converts with a European background.
See, you can convert to being a Jew. You can’t convert to being black or Asian.
Actually you could call some Jews a race or subspecies from a medical or biological point of view.
Wrong. Modern DNA testing shows that the Ashkenazi Jews are European “The Jews of Europe have DNA more closely related to the pre-historic indigenous people of Europe than the Levant” – Dr. Richards (Archaeogenetic Center). That’s why when soemone Jewish goes for a DNA test they show zero DNA from the Middle East and almost 100% European DNA.
Anyone who has read The Torah plus the rest of The Bible that says there’s no tribal or genetic aspect to Judaism shows they are extremely ignorant or a liar.
First I ever heard of half literate AA grifter Hill was on O’Reilly many years ago. Delusional ignorance and hatred gets you a pay check especially if it includes Israel.
But f you’re a tenured professor who writes an article praising bourgeois values, you will be hounded and persecuted by your university employer for years. (See, Amy Wax, University of Pennsylvania.) Got it.
The Progressive Left has always been the source of Jew Hatred and Israel hatred, most significantly since the Six Day War. They always couch it in anti-Zionism.
Like Germany in the 1920s today’s American anti-Semitism finds fertile ground in academia. Read Richard Cravatts, Ph.D.’s for an excellent overview on the situation on today’s college campuses.
These woke Ivy League law schools are breeding a generation of Jew Hating lawyers who will end up in government. I can only imagine the anti-semitic policies that will be developed and enacted by future Democrat admins when these little Hitlers are running things.
For now the Jew hating Ivy League legal activists don’t have the guts to pull the trigger. But wait a few years.
Bingo. Before that war, and indeed in the run up to the war, poor little Israel was the beloved underdog worldwide. We were patronizing.y called a “ plucky little country” and no one thought we would survive. Then we had the chutzpah to win the Six Day War. This Israeli to the rest of the world: deal with it.
Not behind the Iron Curtain, not in European leftist academics and not in Dar Al Islam and that was enough to spoil the show. But, yeah, Israel had its 15 minutes in the Western public arena.
I have noticed that many websites that speak of anti-white racism are also anti-semitic. The mind boggles.
Who’s breeding what. This is the natural blowback that comes from interfering in other people’s cultures. In the past it resulted in pogroms. I remember Douglas Rushkoff’s comment: “Our detractors have us right.
The thing that makes Judaism dangerous to everybody to every race, to every nation, to every idea; is that we smash things that aren’t true. We don’t believe in the boundaries of nation states, we don’t believe in the idea of these individual gods who protect individual groups of people. These are all artificial constructions and Judaism really teaches us how to see that. In a sense our detractors have us right. We are a corrosive Force. We are breaking down the false gods of all nations and all people because they are not real and that is very upsetting to people.”
People frequently heard wondering about why there is so much political division, racial friction, gender-mania, and just plain hate flowing thru America today. That question can be answered with one word, “ACADEMIA.” Today’s colleges & universities are the greatest threat to America’s freedoms, social stability, and national security. Marxism rules and if you disagree with them, you will be destroyed.
They are muslims who infiltrated the education system. They first priority is to enforce koranic mumbo jumbo, not to educate.
Those who hate Jews should not be allowed to live here or become citizens. They are incompatible with us and our culture and do harm to the principles that make America free and prosperous. Let them live together and practice the wretched principles alone. Let Israel defend herself with extreme prejudice against them.
Although I’d agree with you that would be a slippery slope. How do you define someone who hates Jews? What if someone hated Jews, but was against any prejudice or violence towards them? Would they have to leave the US?
There are a lot of people who hate people of different races, religions and ethnicity’s. Do we just remove the Jew haters, or anyone who demonstrates their hatred for another group of people?
I do think these faculty members pushing the Jew hate should be prosecuted civilly and criminally, if it applies. .
“What if someone hated Jews, but was against any prejudice or violence towards them? Would they have to leave the US?”
Yes. I think they should for two reasons: First, the Jews are the root of western civilization and Christianity would not exist but for God’s people, the Jews. This nation’s first and founding principles were made for a moral and religious people. Jews and Christians qualify.
Second, hatred of Jews without advocating violence or prejudice is untenable. If Jew hatred is in the heart, then prejudice must be present. Long hatred tends to congeal into malice and malice cannot be contained without ultimately injuring both the one who nourishes it and the one who is its object.
But, Sebastian, you are right! The doing of it would be, as you obviously understand, very difficult if not impossible. I suppose I am engaging in wishful thinking. Jew hatred very repugnant and should not exist in this country which owes so much to them.
You smell like a Leftie. You fail to mention that just about every single last website that is racist against whites is also full of Jew hatred..
Most supporters of Israel also recognize the systematic racism against the USA.
Your smeller is off: Look at my comments above and you will see I said this on 4/27: “I have noticed that many websites that speak of anti-white racism are also anti-semitic. The mind boggles.”
I actually love the Jewish people. I am best identified as a paleo-conservative, a protestant reformed Christian, and patriotic American, a Constitutionalist and nationalist.
Your reason is faulty: If I fail to mention A (an omission or inaction), then does it follow that I am pro-A? Or anti-A?
Quite a fascist statement! Should those who hate Christians or whites also not be allowed to live here or become citizens either?
We’ve arrived at this point in part because of people like you who hate freedom of speech.
Who gets to pick and choose what hate speech is? YOU or the Mohammedan professor?
Agree. I think “Hellenis” wasn’t thinking when he/she made that statement.
Can you imagine throwing everyone out of the US the hates Jews, but people who hate Christians, gays, Asians, etc, can all stay. Only the people who hate Jews have to leave.
If you think people hate Jews now you better run for the hills if anyone proposed that nonsense.
As far as I’m concerned you can hate anyone you want as long as you are not violent or bigoted towards them. You can dislike someone or a group of people, but you act cordial.
You don’t get kicked out of the country for disliking a certain group of people. There has been more hatred towards Christians around the world and in the US (recently) than towards Jews.
You are right. Of course you are. I admit that my stance might be considered a thought crime or a suppression of free speech.
I was engaging in some “what if” thinking, and, with your help / criticism I see the problems with my thinking – and I thank you for pointing them out to me.
But I am just baffled by Jew hatred! A black friend caused me to do a lot of racism research over the past few years. This has taken me to websites that are “pro-white” and, astonishingly, anti-semitic. One place that is not is, but that website is grounded in evolutionary presuppositions that belie the beliefs of the missionary parents of the website’s founder and curator.
I think being anti-any-race is wrong and illiberal. At the same time, I think there is nothing wrong with preferring one’s own people and culture. Westernkind (and Jews are in that category) welcome people to join them, their people and culture IF these people are compatible with them and not injurious.
This nation was founded by Christians overwhelmingly. I would like to return to those founding principles and I would approve of excluding from citizenship all people and cultures whose values contradict our own, whose people hate us and who desire our destruction. We are not an economic zone. We are a homeland for westernkind. Jew and Christian haters should have no right of citizenship because they cannot be compatible with us.
I agree with this statement 100%.
Let’s face it America is being destroyed from within by red green alliance.
Abhorrent people for sure. What’s weird is that this same website has done nothing but support, encourage and defend the equally abhorrent Kanye West, the No. 1 Jew-hating hip hop singer in the country. I guess the message is: Jew hate from the left = bad. Jew hate from the Trump camp = hunky dory.
Now that’s a great argument for adding more nations and segregating those cultures that conflict with each other.
There are more, especially in the Rutgers Women’s Studies department.
All those Jewish hating and Israel hating university professors throughout the United States, many of them in all most likely have been influenced the by stealth jihadist Muslims who have infiltrated those institutions of higher learning in the US.
Nevertheless, we should and need to remember the wisdom of the former US President, William Howard Taft, rightly , declared in a speech that “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America.”
Likewise, that same anti- Jewish university professors actually in spirit and essence, very Un-American.
For example, in a speech the former President Theodore Roosevelt, wisely , declared, “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
The infiltrating stealth jihadists in many universities across in the United States with their anti- Jewish and anti-Israel pro- Islamic agenda.
This otherwise called the Muslim method of Islamic Gradualism. In contrast to the way of the violent jihad or also called the militant jihad .This non-violent form of the jihad for Islam is a very sly, insidious, subtle and deceptive way of working for the advancement of Islam.
This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to opposes you”
It’s the 21st Century, awash in the pride of technology, AI, electric cars, and child genital mutilation.
Mankind has advanced to scapegoating, war mongering, hate mongering, and racism.
Onward and upward, back to the Dark Ages.
Restarting the Crusades warrants appropriate internment and expulsion.
But our present disarticulation by a professional criminal cabal specializing in government corruption has brought us to the brink of the extirpation of our national existence.
The USofA is dying. Of corruption. Before our eyes.
Imagine! It never occurred to any university administrator that hiring virulent anti-semitic Muslim teachers, and allowing Jew hating Muslim students to take ovet student councils, that all this hatred wouldn’t occur?
Beggars the imagination. Disgusting pissants all!
It now behooves besieged Jewish individuals and groups on college campuses to get serious about fighting back, despite inevitable legal and administrative actions that will result. Milquetoast organizations like Hillel should begin offering
training in martial arts and in the use of firearms, If necessary, experts should be recruited to teach these skills. Jewish students should also be encouraged to acquire conceal carry permits where possible, and keep weapons handy should they find themselves threatened or about to be attacked by SJP thugs or their cohorts. Not all Jewish students need to own firearms, perhaps, but all should become reasonably adept in self-defense techniques. Hillel et al. need to reinvent themselves and embrace toughness, adopting a hard line , defiant stance toward its antisemitic enemies, with Jews ready and willing to engage not only in debate and refutation of lies being spewed against Jews, Israel, and Zionism, but in physical confrontation as well, should this be deemed necessary. For once, Jews and Jewish organizations on college campuses across this country should be viewed with some fear and grudging respect, even as they continue to be hated.
>Jewish students should also be encouraged to acquire conceal carry permits where possible,
I really had to laugh at that one! Thanks! Most Jews FEAR and abhor guns. Maybe 5-6 out of 50+ people in my extended family have them. There’s no convincing the rest. This anecdote isn’t just an anecdote, BTW; the attitude is pervasive amongst us. Kosher sheeple.
Decades ago, I mentioned shooting sports in my JDate profile. I had a dry season until I deleted that one, though 3-4 women wrote and let me know what they thought in no uncertain terms!
Amen x100 “commmonsense.” I’ve been preaching this for years. What I hear is crickets. And remember, praise be to his name, Meir Kahane was likely murdered for a more moderate view. Sadly, over the years, it seems Jews can be their worst enemies; interfaith councils with Muslims and BLM. Wow. Why not just self-publish the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as if it were new and factual. You might laugh but that’s exactly what the Black Student Union at Long Beach State did!
All the mosques in America and Europe need to be dismantled immediately. Islam is not a religion, but a global terrorist organization intent on making slaves of us all.
Turn off their money
How strange it seems that muslims use Facebook to denigrate all things Jewish and yet Facebook is own by an American Jewish guy whos name translates as Zucker=Sugar and Berg=Mountian, so his name is Sugarmountain… So sweet, right outta Disneyland
This tells me just how confused these muslims are and their detachment from reality which is what their fascist religious cult actually teaches them.
What Far Lefty morons and muslims in general are doing today is what Herr Goebbels, that wee Nazi prick once famously stated… Tell a lie, tell a big one and tell it often and it will become truth by itself…
THIS is exactly what they are doing today.
”Liberals” or ”Progressives” are falling over themselves to defend a religion that openly despises them and they don’t seems to notice they are being played for fools by muslims…
A reckoning is coming soon.
Basically, they suffer from the Green-Eyed Monster Syndrome…Jealousy