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At the heart of wokeness is a lie – the Marxist lie that human society is reducible to power imbalances between the oppressor and the oppressed. Thus wokeness depends on false narratives to sell itself and smear its opponents.
Below is the next pair in a series of the Top Ten Woke Lies subverting American politics and culture. To see the first 5 lies in the series, numbers 10-6 in ascending order, click HERE, HERE, and HERE.
5) “We’re Not Coming For Your Precious Guns”
“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” declared then-candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke during a 2019 presidential debate. Give him credit for that moment of honesty, because the usual dismissive response from the Left to conservative concerns about endangered gun rights is some variation of, “We’re not coming for your precious guns, you right-wing conspiracy nut!”
The Left’s insistence that they have no intention of confiscating guns but simply want “commonsense gun laws” is one of the most blatant of woke lies. First, we already have commonsense gun laws in this country. It will never matter how many more restrictions we pile on, we are never going to end all gun crime because – steady yourself, because this will blow your mind – criminals by definition do not respect the law. Indeed, the areas with the strictest gun control suffer the most gun violence. Take Chicago (please, as the late comedian Henny Youngman might add). The only people burdened by tighter and tighter gun restrictions are law-abiding gun owners.
Ah, but that is exactly the demographic that leftists want to control. Today’s pro-crime Left is completely indifferent to the scourges of gang-related or black-on-black gun crime. They never launch protests or grandstand in Congress about children killed in drive-by shootings or by stray bullets in the inner city. They have no interest in understanding, much less addressing, the cultural or moral reasons that might explain why America suffers more mass shootings now than in decades past when there was widespread access to guns. They call immediately for more gun control in the wake of a mass shooting rather than waiting for all the facts or ascertaining the shooter’s motivation because the Left doesn’t actually care about getting to the root of gun violence, but about exploiting the most-publicized tragedies to demonize gun ownership itself.
Second, the coronavirus pandemic exposed for all to see just how eagerly “liberal democratic” governments pounce on the opportunity to seize totalitarian control over a disappointingly compliant populace. Leftists crave total power, and one of the primary obstacles to aggrandizing power in this country is our historically unique Second Amendment. If they were not constrained by the Second Amendment, is there any doubt that given the opportunity, all the “Beto” O’Rourkes in the Biden (or any other Democrat) administration would immediately impose a moratorium on all gun sales and implement a nationwide confiscation in the name of public safety (like the COVID vaccines and lockdowns)?
Leftwing smear organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center are fond of compiling the names of “conspiracy propagandists” they can demonize as (gasp!) “anti-government” and “nativist” extremists (i.e., patriotic Americans). They view supporters of the Second Amendment as brainwashed, white supremacist pawns of the National Rifle Association (NRA). It is these law-abiding Americans – not jihadists, not Black Lives Matter rioters, not Antifa thugs – whom the Left deems the greatest threat to American “democracy.”
The woke Left’s fever dream is to ditch the Second Amendment and then move to disarm these law-abiding citizens altogether – or failing that, to make gun ownership so financially, legally, and socially onerous for the average American that patriotic gun owners who believe in the right and the necessity of bearing arms to resist tyranny become a diminished minority and a defanged threat to government control.
These observations are not conspiracy-mongering; they are commonsense realism. The Left’s promise that they are not coming for our guns is just as dishonest as another woke lie with, coincidentally, a very similar phrasing: “We’re not coming for your precious kids, you right-wing conspiracy nut!”
4) “We’re Not Coming For Your Precious Kids”
During a White House speech last week honoring the nation’s Teachers of the Year, President Biden quoted one of the teachers, saying, “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.” He then repeated that, apparently because he found it so profound, and added, “Our nation’s children are all our children.”
No single statement sums up the unbridgeable chasm between Left and Right quite like this revealing claim. The Left no doubt thinks it sounds inclusive and compassionate to suggest that we are all responsible for every child’s safety and welfare; what it actually means is that the Left believes the state is a more legitimate parental authority than the parents themselves, that state-approved educators are more capable and knowledgeable to raise your children than you are, and that any stranger in the vague collective called “the community” has just as much right to a child as the parents themselves.
This “it takes a village” approach to child-rearing goes as far back as Karl Marx, who called for the abolition of the nuclear family and the end of the “capitalist exploitation” of children. Under communism, he argued, the state would be responsible for the upbringing of children so that parents could be “free” to devote their energies to working for, well, the state.
The Left believes deeply in the cliché that children are the future. Today’s young woke educators, sporting nose rings and rainbow-dyed hairstyles that scream “Nonbinary!” view themselves not as politically unbiased teachers of critical thinking skills, but as social justice activists sowing the seeds of revolutionary consciousness. They see parents and their outdated bourgeois values as the enemy, and are passionate about grooming the children in their charge into their subversive cult of gender ideology.
Their mission is to drive a wedge between the younger generations and their parents and indoctrinate them into wokeness, and to churn out uneducated drones of social justice activism long before they ever set foot on a college campus, where the brainwashing is finalized. Meanwhile their parents will die off, and their old way of thinking with them.
But the Left isn’t coming for our children only in schools. There is a whole new cultural movement – spawned from a niche form of silly, adult entertainment – that has exploded into prominence and is zeroed in on drawing children into its web.
“Drag” shows have been around forever and no one ever cared – because they were always performed in clubs for audiences of an appropriately adult age. Even in mainstream culture, no one ever worried that a cross-dressing Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in Some Like it Hot, or British comedian Benny Hill, or Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire would instill gender confusion in children or sexualize them. But in the last few years Drag Queen Story Hours for children in public libraries sprouted up all over the country; children’s TV and internet programming has been laced with drag queens and other gender ideological messaging; and drag performances were suddenly and falsely marketed as “family friendly” in order to draw in the children of naïve Progressive parents. Meanwhile drag costuming and makeup have morphed into an aesthetic best described as demonic, and the sexualized nature of drag performances has become more explicit. The mainstream media and entertainment industry have allied themselves with this satanic movement to normalize and celebrate the perverse trend of “kids’ drag.”
This seductive evil is working in tandem, of course, with the metastasizing of the cancerous gender ideology now being promoted full-bore in public and many private schools. The aim is to inculcate in children as young as pre-kindergarten a sexual consciousness and a gender confusion designed to “liberate” them from biological truths and from the oppression of a Judeo-Christian morality that has been more successful than any in history at protecting children from threats to their innocence and to their emotional and moral development.
As with the Right’s legitimate concerns about the threat of gun confiscation (see Woke Lie #5 above), the Left rolls their collective eyes and calls arguments like the above fear-mongering and paranoia. But is the Left, in fact, out to indoctrinate the next generation? To paraphrase “Beto” O’Rourke: “Hell yes, we’re coming for your kids.”
And our response must be the same as Spartan King Leonidas’ reply to the Persian demand to lay down their weapons at the Hot Gates of Thermopylae: Molon labe.
Stay tuned for more of the Top Ten Woke Lies.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
Mo de Profit says
Brilliant ending. Sums up both the gun and child innocence removal.
Hand guns were banned in the UK decades ago, despite not one legally owned handgun being used by a murderer. There’s now a massive increase in stabbings, and guess what? It’s illegal for anyone under 18 to buy knives.
Ugly Sid says
What possible explanation could clarify why the framers prevented the convened government from holding monopoly upon possession of military weapons?
What European country has the highest firearm possession rate? Is it tilting upon the edge of political instability? Has it been the subject of military abuse by its neighbors within the several past centuries? Do its leaders impugn its history and its peoples?
If these two governments, theirs and ours, were to be graded pass/fail [ I once took a statistics course pass fail. I got a 47. it was the highest score in the class. I got a P. ], what would be their grades?
Anne says
Most of us who know the truth and have been informed by a reliable source we can totally trust…. know how this planet ends. All the fear mongering, and propaganda have only told us where we are in the estimated time of destruction. Deception is part of the end times era. All the signs of darkness, evil, failing governments, weather and structural disasters on the planet, as well as famines, earthquakes, pandemics, wars, global conflicts, and persecution are a huge indicator that the hour is late. This earth spins on its axis at the power of God almighty who created it, and he is coming to judge the nations, its is a certainty now. We entered the Days of Lot, Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah a long time ago.
Spurwing Plover says
We know for sure the M.S. Media lies to us some 24/7 that’s why we have gone Cold turkey on the M.S. Media and Biden on Misinformation he is one of the largest sources of misinformation there is