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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The serial indictments and investigations of former President Trump are meant to rig the 2024 presidential election, but the latest indictment is unique in rigging even its aftermath.
Previous indictments of the former president had broken all sorts of new legal ground by turning misdemeanors into felonies and deciding that the statute of limitations is just a suggestion, but the Jan 6 indictment by Democrat special counsel Jack Smith criminalizes election challenges.
Or at least election challenges against Democrats. And along with that, all political dissent.
The Jan 6 indictment contends that Trump’s election challenges were a crime. What does this latest indictment offer that the previous indictments did not? This one is designed to intimidate any Republicans who might seek to challenge the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.
Unsatisfied with indicting the leading GOP primary candidate in order to rig the election, Democrats are criminalizing political opposition before and after the upcoming election.
The indictment reads more like a Washington Post editorial with its contention that Trump was “determined to remain in power” and so “spread lies” that there had been fraud to “create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erode public faith in the administration of the election.”
If contending that a presidential election was stolen is illegal, where is Al Gore’s indictment? No Democrats have ever been charged for claiming that Bush was elected by hanging chads, for challenging his election both times in Congress, or for spreading lies and launching investigations for their false claims that Trump had been elected by the Russians, even when they did this in order to “create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger.”
When Democrats spread lies about an election, they get book deals and evening slots on MSNBC, and sometimes, like Gore, they even get Oscars and Nobel peace prizes.
Challenging elections has been a traditional practice going back over two centuries to the 1800 presidential election. Free nations with open elections are not afraid of election challenges and the Democrats have spent a fortune on their own election challenge efforts. The Biden campaign spent $20 million on over sixty post-election lawsuits in 2020.
Smith, a longtime Democrat crony, won’t be indicting Biden or Marc Elias. Instead, he’s indicting Trump for such invented crimes as “obstructing and impeding the January 6 congressional proceeding”, a “conspiracy against the right to vote” and a conspiracy to “obstruct” the “lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted and certified by the federal government.”
Describing publicly conducted election challenges as an effort to “defraud” the United States government turns 18 U.S. Code § 371 into an open-ended tool for suppressing a wide range of political dissent. Treating lobbying or any kind of advocacy as the equivalent of witness tampering weaponizes 18 U.S. Code § 1512 against virtually anyone trying to influence a function of government. Which is to say virtually everyone who is interested in politics. And finally deploying 18 U.S. Code § 241, originally designed to fight the KKK, against Trump and anyone trying to verify legitimate election results makes election fraud into a civil right.
Beyond the malicious abuses of federal law to target a political opponent, Jack Smith’s indictment will create an unprecedented suppression of the political opposition that will not end with Trump or with the 2024 presidential election. Smith has done nothing less than to take sections of the law and use them to build a criminal infrastructure that can be used to outlaw most political parties and activities on a level with that of Communist China or Russia.
This was the totalitarian state of affairs that Russiagate had only hinted at but that is reaching its maturity with an indictment that is not merely unconstitutional, but that seeks to replace any kind of open political system with a paranoid surveillance state that ruthlessly stamps out any threat to “democracy” by abusing existing laws to selectively target and imprison political opponents.
And that is what is really at stake here.
The Jan 6 indictment leans heavily on editorializing about the threat to democracy, accusing the former president of “destabilizing lies about election fraud” which “targeted a bedrock function of the federal government” while failing to actually establish why challenging federal functions ought to be a crime. If lobbying state legislators and searching for alternate electors is a crime then virtually every single president before 1900 would have been locked up. Not to mention aspiring political figures like Alexander Hamilton. And every time Democrats lose an election, they start plotting to eliminate the electoral college and have been seeking to do it through the back door using comprehensive measures like the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
Should the NPVIC and the states participating in it be treated as a criminal conspiracy against a “bedrock function of the federal government”? Jack Smith’s indictment has created a precedent.
The indictment repeatedly accuses Trump and his associates of “fraud” on the presumption, self-apparent to Democrats, that Biden had won the election and therefore challenging it is fraudulent. Smith’s indictment bases its claims of fraud on his own party’s assertions, using rhetoric such as “baseless fraud claims”, “sham election investigations” and “false claims of election fraud”. All of these are the partisan opinions of the prosecutor rather than the law.
And that is what the indictment comes down to. Is it illegal to disagree with Democrats? If it is, as Smith asserts in his indictment, then all forms of political opposition are also illegal.
Democrats and their media contend that the indictment is apolitical when it is not only the product of political bias, but can only exist as a Democrat political document which has no relevance to a legal system independent of its biases. In a Democrat worldview, Trump was making “false claims” about an election that he lost.
But, like so much of politics, that’s an opinion, not a fact.
You can indict people for what they do, not for what they believe, and yet Smith obsessively hammers away at what Trump believed because without that, there’s no crime. And if there’s no crime without a belief, then there was never a crime to begin with.
Smith claims that Trump knowingly made “false claims” because, among other things, the Nevada Secretary of State had posted a “Facts vs. Myths” document. According to the indictment, it’s not possible for the President of the United States and the Nevada Secretary of State to disagree and it is illegal for the former not to bow to the authority of the latter.
Democrats who rejected the conclusions of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris in 2000, who was then denounced, threatened and parodied, were not put on trial. The issue is not the relative positions, but the relative politics of Republicans and Democrats.
Democrats have spent the last two generations criminalizing political dissent. Environmental activists demand that oil and gas companies face fraud charges because they “deny” global warming. Police departments face civil rights investigations when they challenge contentions of systemic racism. The Jan 6 indictment is part of a totalitarian program that rejects the idea of political dissent and the centrality of debate within the marketplace of ideas in our system.
This indictment is not just about a threat to a former president, but to the Bill of Rights.
If Jack Smith’s Jan 6 indictment succeeds, freedom dies and dissent becomes illegal. To disagree with leftists will no longer just lead to a loss of work or arguments on social media, but arrests, trials and prison sentences. What is at stake here is whether America will survive.
Stalinist henchman.
Stalin’s show trials are becoming more and more apt as a metaphor.
Another day, another bogus indictment of President Trump. That’s not news. If a day passed when a Deep State prosecutor did not indict President Trump, then that would be news. May the Democ-rats rot in Hades.
And suck Satan’s flaming dick.
what did Hades do to earn such cruel and unusual punishment? he was hardly the worst of the Greek gods after all.
Yeah, Zeus was much worse than him. So was Hera.
Look at the January 6th tourists rotting in gulags.
Have you seen that fat, slobby dyke in charge of the DC gulag? What a brutessa. And she’s reportedly very sadistic. I can’t look at her image without wanting to punch her ugly head off.
America as we knew it is done. Only a civil war with real shooting could save us.
And fuck the FBI/KGB.
And take a look at the bitch they’ve appointed as the judge overseeing the Trump indictments.
Another obamination appointment who wants to send the J6 political prisoners to the gallows.
So much for impartiality before the law.
Yeah, she’s known or her political hatred of the J6 tourists. And damn, is she fugly.
I bet you’re hot, though. 🙂
True, for sure.
But, as the late Senagtor Harry Reid once exclaimed after a question on his lie about opposition and election:
“who cares, we won didn’t we?”
I remember when he said that too. Fox reported but of course none of the rest of the Lying MSM. What do you expect from a group of communist Saul Alinsky devotees?
This indictment is an indictment of anyone who raised any questions as to the propriety of the 2020 election which was replete with avoidance of adherence to the Constitution and was rigged to turn Election Day into Election Weeks
Weeks? It was a month here in CA.
As if Basement Biden actually won the election. 81 million votes, my ass.
Never in 81 million years.
No shit, right? And we’re all supposed to pretend it was a real election.
Anyone with a particle of a brain knows it wasn’t a real election. They had tons of ways to cheat and why they allowed Covid to get out of the lab too.
I’ve heard it said (and I think I agree) that the Democrats complete loss of logic and utter derangement concerning all things Trump is based on their completely rational fear that, once pried with a crowbar out of office and control, they’ll never regain it again. Their irrational displays are a daily routine that the American people have had their fill of, even many moderate Democrats. The economic policy disasters are the “proof in the pudding” for anyone with a wallet. Their social justice is race baiting. They have the moral equivalency of a satanist when it comes to American’s children. Their environmental policies are control mechanisms. Their foreign policies are deadly, incredibly expensive and wrong. Name almost any issue and Democrats will go the opposite direction of the vast majority of the American people.
But…bring up Trump and they lose what little minds they had left. All the more reason to elect him in ’24.
The only way Mr. Trump (or anyone else, for that matter) will be legimately elected is if the entire country goes to paper ballots, issued only at the polling places, which are cast by verified registered voters on voting day, between sunrise and sunset and completely counted before sunrise the next day, within full visibility of any American citizen who wishes to witness the operation.
These oligarchs have changed every rational way of doing things.
Democrats challenged the Presidential election results in 2000, 2004, and 2016. Hillary Clinton and many other Dems have said that President Trump (and now the Supreme Court) are “illegitimate.” My own Congressman (the horrible Jamie Raskin) challenged the seating of electors in 2016. Where are their indictments? This indictment is a disgrace, criminalizing speech, advocacy, expression of legal theories and featuring disparate application of law all to get Mr. Trump in front of a D.C. jury which despises him and voted for his opponents by a 95+% margin.
Trump should go into exile now while he can; 2024 is a Uniparty fait accompli at this point
It’s not about convicting Trump. Even if found guilty by a DC jury of liberal idiots, it will eventually be overturned on appeal. And that is the objective. Keep it in the courts (and the news) as long as possible (just like Russia-gate) so that the low information voters only see the charges and their biases confirmed in order to weaken Trump as a candidate (and eventually as President if he is somehow elected).
There are plenty of low information voters in this country and thousands pouring across the border daily. Promise them freebies and you are in power for life. That is why the Evil Dems let them flood across, full speed ahead and damn the damage of fentenyl and human trafficking. They could care less about us as we are the peasants put here to give them all of our tax dollars while they whip up fake hysteria about climate change to control us even more. It is all about control with these demoncrats. That and money. The Biden crime family should show anyone with a brain that what I’m saying is true.
This so-called special counsel, Jack Smith, has overplayed his hand. This is not to say his persecution of a good man and president may not succeed, but he has revealed that he is no longer an officer of the court of any constitutionally recognized Federal legal body with powers to prosecute violators of Federal laws. Instead, he is clearly recognizable as a resurrected Grand Inquisitor of a New Inquisition who believes he has the authority of a newly formed, and secret division of devil Garland’s Department of Justice, unofficially inaugurated as the NEW THOUGHT POLICE of the Department of Justice. Simply stated, this immoral creation of Garland and Hell, Jack Smith, THINKS, OPINES, that his thinking, his interpretations, his feelings are superior to those of President Trump therefore this Smith feels he has the right to incarcerate President Trump for his political thoughts, feelings and opinions. This Leftist acolyte obviously sees himself as a warrior in a religious war that must be won by any dark means possible.
Good people of America, wake up. You are now living in a time where all freedom is being stripped from you – – – as if savages were peeling your flesh from your body – – – if you are not a devout supporter of the Democrat Party, Leftism/Communism, which is to say a timid supporter of this totalitarian Federal Government of these feebly United States. Rise up and publicly declare that this cannot be tolerated. Be you in your grocery line, your doctor’s office, your church, to your neighbors, anywhere your voice can be heard you must declare that you are a free man or woman and not a slave. Otherwise curl yourself into a fetal ball and wither into the insignificant that the Left already believes you are.
VERY STRANGE that all the TOSS-UP STATES were the ones that took weeks to count the votes and all of them went for Biden.
WAS THERE FRAUD? Even ONE? If so, there was fraud as Trump has claimed. WOULDN’T THE DEMOCRATS ALSO DEMAND, YES DEMAND, that all claims of fraud be investigated to guarantee, and put to rest, that they won FAIR AND SQUARE?
Only minutes after the polls closed, claims of fraud were being alleged and yet, the MSM SAID THERE WAS NO FRAUD…. BEFORE THEY, AS JOURNANISTS, INVESTIGATED THE CLAIMS, and even followed DA and AG indictments, arrests, and trials!
The MSM hacks were reading the indictment and some of them were SMILING.
WHO IS IN CHARGE NATIONALLY OF VOTER FRAUD? INDIVISIBLE.ORG. Look at their site, go to your state, click on your city. THEY ARE ACORN WITH A NEW NAME! Very radical!
As a courtesy to the readership, please abandon all caps.
It hinders the reading.
It’s me SCREAMING! It’s also an eye catcher. Yes, a whole paragraph is not okay but yes, I’M MAD AS HELL and the Republicans are NERDS and they never stand up to the Bullies! One man did, and he became popular. I called it, “The Revenge of the Nerds!” “We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!”
Did you like the comments or you just the Writing Police looking for errors?
Feel free to bite me.
It’s not all about you.
The indictment does nothing of the kind. We’re free to dissent as much as we might want, but we can’t commit fraud or other crimes as part of the dissent.
can’t commit fraud” as part of dissent”?
what does that actually mean, SDog?
does that mean something like putting out “disinformation”- and according to the Dems, that is criminal?
And who defines “disinformation”?
Whatever it is, it is still free speech.
This indictment is about criminalizing free speech, not just Trumps but all of ours.
Just wait.
everything you type reeks of a schizophrenic, dog pyss drinking, leftnut woketard!
I bet he has a little dick, too.
Sounds like he’s just regurgitating MSM propaganda.
This is also a distraction.
Look at all the stuff that been coming up about sleazy joe’s involvement in his crackhead spawn’s business dealing, peddling influence, fraud, treason etc.
It seems the ex-business partner gave all the confirmation needed to prove that biden and his kid sold American interests and national security to the highest bidder.
He testifies on Monday and, ta-da!, Trump is indicted on Thursday.
They’re hoping this will take the heat off of them, at least until they can get round to intimidating or killing off anyone who might be a danger to their schemes.
Yeah, the indictments seem to be meant to dominate the news cycle.
Another Lavrentiy Beria witch hunt, totally without merit.
1. Every action by Trump after the 2020 election listed in the indictment says that he engaged in constitutionally protected behavior. The left has the burden of proving that he did not himself truly believe the election was stolen and that candidates do not have a right to challenge the validity of an election which is allowed by written law. This is an impossible, assuming we are still living under a constitutional order.
2. Jack Smith—the prosecutor—is an ideological zealot which is the very reason he was appointed by AB Garland to burden the current Trump campaign with multiple indictments. The left conducted an impeachment (claiming election interference) against Trump for raising a question on a phone call concerning (what the present evidence shows) government corruption in Ukraine and the Obama administration by VP, Joe Biden, over ties and contract arrangements with Burisma oligarchs with Putin ties in the Russian occupied Donbas. Russia collusion anyone?
3. Every election since 2000, the Democrats have tried to prevent the certification of electors in targeted battleground states. Not a single one faced criminal charges. If fact the legacy media enabled them and pimped their propaganda for them. If Trump is guilty, so too is Gore, Kerry, and Hitlary. Not to mention Stacey Abrams in Georgia over the governorship. And this does not even begin to touch on all the challenged down-ballot elections.
And I don’t even like Trump. It’s about the rule of law. PERIOD.
The fake electors scheme is damnable. There’s no justifying it as political dissent. It is election fraud on a massive scale. I usually agree with you Mr. Greenfield but not this time. Im a Republican in a state that participated in the fake electors scheme. I know 8 of the 16. They knew what they were doing was illegal. They knew it. They simply wanted to ingratiate themselves with Mr. Trump. Horrible cultish behavior. They even bragged about the scheme on social media and hatched a plan to sneak into the state Capitol overnight to submit the fake slate illegally. I want everyone involved to be harshly punished for these election crimes.
Alternate electors is not a new concept.
It isn’t fraud.
I don’t believe you are sincere.
Climb on your ersatz high horse and skidaddle, cowboy.
All the talk about what Trump believed, said, or imagined suggests that the whole case relies on circumstantial evidence. In other words, they don’t have a smoking gun. … This will backfire. … His fund-raising has doubled. Without a smoking gun, you won’t win public opinion. What doesn’t kill Trump makes Trump stronger. And I was hoping we’d do better than Trump but now …
Keep in mind Trump will be facing an Obama-appointed judge who’s shown no sympathy for Jan 6 defendants, and a jury assembled from an electorate that voted 92% for Biden. If ever there was cause for a change of venue, this is it.
The forewoman of Roger Stone’s trial jury had run an anti-Trump website until two days before being empaneled as a juror.
It’s understood that to become jurors these solid folks took a solemn oath to render genuine justice, free of any preconceptions or bias, granting Mister Stone exactly the same consideration as would have Mister Stone’s other peers who reside too inconveniently distant from the courthouse, meaning they live near Mister Stone’s home in Fort Lauderdale.
It’s just more proof that no one is above the law. Or, at least not everyone is above the law. Usually. Just don’t get anal about it.
Trumper has lied, stolen, swindled, cheated and written off in bankruptcy court every person he’s ever spoken to!
The notion that Trumper is a victim of a regime even more corrupt than he is is pathetic and absurd to the point of being assinine.
We can’t save this unraveling nation until we stop electing white-collar criminals who bring along their grifter bribes sucking sons!
What planet to you reside on if you can’t see who the real traitors are in this country. Hillary sold out this country by selling uranium to Russia. The Bidens have sold out their country to our enemies for millions. Plenty of people who know have come forward. WE all know the Bidens weren’t wealthy when he was elected and yet they have all these mansions, Joe has multiple ones! We saw Joe on You Tube bragging about getting the special prosecutor fired for Burisma. How much longer is someone like you going to bury your head in the sand? There are none so blind as those who will not see. Even a Democrat IRS agent came forward and two Biden business partners. I mean, come on man!!
I suspect he’s pulling your leg.
Or he has brain damage.
Tell your keepers that the strait jacket isn’t enough. You need a muzzle, too.
It may be sarcasm carried too far. I can usually tell sarcasm when I see it, but the writer has to give the reader enough clues to figure it out. I know I often unintentionally write something that when I read it later, I can see it is too obscure to be understood.
Golly, that never happens to me.
Actually, as I close in on eighty, it’s close to chronic.
If anyone wonder what happened to Gus Hall’s American Communist Party, they’re democrats now.
Comrade Raskin Is now a Congressman from Maryland.
His commie mommy and commie daddy were lifeline Gus Hall folks.
And Obama’s Communist mentor was Marshall Davis. Can we all see now how “white guilt” — the engine that elected Obama — drove us down the road to the American Marxist party, a.k.a. Democrats?
It’s clear that the Dems have decided to dump senile Biden as his personal corruption catches up to him, so they’ve maliciously decided they can get a corrupt DOJ to get rid of Trump from the race too in a kind of quid pro quo, wherein both are eliminated from the 2024 race .; unfortunately for them it’s simply not going to work
We are witnessing in real time the preliminary tremors of a political earthquake that will likely result in a national divorce and pragmatic 3-way partition of the country, something akin to the pragmatic 3 way partition of India / Pakistan in 1947 . And THAT is the best case scenario as things could easily spiral into a civil war something similar to the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s
The radical Dems who seized power in a Flu d’eat in 2020 by rigged election will NEVER allow Trump to be president again , so Trump’s historic role will be to act as a catalyst and speed up what was likely inevitable !
There’s a whiff of anarchy in the air in the United States and when these political fault lines move there’ll be at least two Americas
The 2024 presidential election will surely be the last as the Dems have found a way to rig them with those bogus ”mail in ballets ”. They may not even allow those elections and come up with some bogus excuse to delay them . This is quickly turning into the greatest political crisis since the Civil War and is like watching a train wreck in slow motion !
Not only am I not convinced the radical Dems will allow those elections , I’m not sure that Trump will even be around to witness them as the Dems would like nothing better than for some ”deranged gunman” to bump him off or for him to be the victim of a ”tragic airplane crash ”
Maybe Trump is destined to be a ”John Brown-like character ” that ignites the powder-keg ?
History moves at different speeds, sometimes like a lazy meandering river while at other times like a raging torrent ; it can also have a strange sinister momentum and intensity, like a spinning vortex that leaves mere mortals as paralysed spectators, fully aware and yet unable to do anything about it; just the broken playthings of fate !
Excellent observation.
I was a high school senior sixty years ago, when JFK bought it.
Trump promised to release the remaining documents. I’m not going to around much longer. I’d like to see them for myself.
Howard Hunt said he knew what happened but he died without revealing the secret.
The inside skinny on Sacco and Vanzetti took about six decades to leak out of Boston’s North End. The old Italian anarchists were stiff necked and tight lipped.
FWIW, Vanzetti was an accessory after the fact, caught with Baradeli’s H&R break action .38 in his waist band.
He couldn’t be truthful and send his comrade to the chair alone. So he accompanied him to avoid being an informer. [ In 1921 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts imposed one penalty for murder one: execution at the Charlestown State Penitentiary. They were electrocuted in alphabetical order on a sweltering August day in 1928. ]
Unfortunately, DJT will make the 2024 GE about absolving him of all these charges. They’re mostly if not completely bogus, but believe me, Jack Smith will twist words into pretzels to feed the jury with what they’re already programmed to hear. There won’t be one Trump voter among them. Now THINK.
A vote for DJT in the GOP primary = another 4 years of this nightmare. Trump can’t win, and even if he did, he can’t serve, nor can he pardon himself. We can’t wait until 2028 for DeSantis.
Your preemptive surrender is noted.
It is no lie to say that biden has criminalized the DOJ, FBI and especially the AG to do his dirty work to put President Trump away. The Justice system was criminalized in the Obama tenure. Biden is just “completing the task” after President Trumps term which set the democrats back on the destruction of our democracy. Biden is the real criminal and he must be held to account on the bribery scheme, his son’s preferred status, and his treasonous act of aiding and abetting in the invasion of America! He needs to be tried. And at the same time the censoring of his illegal activities by the MSM and other communist broadcasting networks must be also brought to account. Americans are not getting all the truth and real facts because they are covering for biden.
No crime has ever been proven against President Trump! Joe Biden didn’t get 81 million votes and we all know that. The election was stollen, and this political prosecution to remove the political opposition is really to stop the elected President of the United States……by the people, and for the people.
The U.S. American people overwhelmingly elected President Trump because they were happy with his policies and strength! He is Pro-American, not pro-world.
When all is said and done, you will realize that America is not a democracy or a republic. It never was or will it ever be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. America is an illusion from the first day it broke away from being a part of the British Empire to forming an American Empire to compete with the British Empire. There is very little differences between all the empires over the last three thousand years.
The American people needs to realize that very little will change regarding the political, economic, or financial system in America. The elites are determine to control your life from the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed at night. The day will come when even that will be controlled as well.
The elites will control every aspect of your life because technology will allow them to do that.
Government of the crooks, by the crooks, for the crooks.
At least in olden days they weren’t so greedy 🙂
Mr. Greenfield is a master distiller of clarity and understanding.
For the reader, in addition to ‘enjoying’ – a strange word to use when the subject matter is grim – the intellectual satisfaction of understanding how all the pieces fit together, there is also an underlying comforting spiritual strength, which I feel compels Mr. Greenfield’s quest for truth.
People of faith believe that, regardless of what humans can/will or cannot/won’t do, the unseen hand of the One who knows all, is at work.
So, a blessing –
May God give you, Mr. Greenfield, continued strength and wisdom. May your words reach far and wide.
To quote Merryweather from the movie Sleeping Beauty:
“O sword of truth fly swift and sure that evil die and good endure.”
“What is at stake here is whether America will survive.”
Too late, sir. It was mortally wounded on Election Day 2020 and the coup de grace = pun intended = was delivered on 1/6/21.
Thank you, Mr. Greenfield. Am forwarding this excellent distillation to my children and extended family. Many of them do not like to think about politics, preferring to think it’s something that doesn’t affect their daily lives. Most days, it doesn’t. The criminalization of disagreement, however, should get their attention. It’s about to impact their lives in ways they can’t imagine.
The sad truth about human nature is that the individual is unlikely to note the change until it does effect them personally, at which point they cannot change it back, Dissent when tolerated is discussion, it can and will be criminalized in service of greed. Eventually it will also eat the greedy but that will happen long after the Republic is lost.
Hitery Clinton said over and over again… ”Hes an illegitimate President, we know it, he knows it and everybody knows it” …
No charges for spreading false information… Weird how that works huh?.