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The media is pushing this AP poll as evidence that the trials have demonstrated Trump’s ineligibility for office. The numbers aren’t great, but they’re worse for the system. Much as the Left trashed the credibility of the media to get Republicans, they’ve now trashed the credibility of the justice system to get Trump.
Only 31% of the public is very confident that state prosecutors in New York are treating Trump fairly. Another 22% are middling while 44% are not at all confident.
Even 17% of Dems are skeptical, among Independents, 44% to 47% are skeptical. The numbers get worse for state prosecutors in Georgia and worse still for federal prosecutors.
Forget Republicans where confidence levels remain low, they’ve managed to get to the point where a fifth of Democrats and four out of ten independents think the justice system is rigged against Trump.
The AP, which spends all day attacking Trump and anyone to the left of Mao, thinks this is a win. It’s not. The media can and will constantly generate attacks on Trump, but what the poll numbers really show is that the Left is destroying public trust in every institution under its control for extremely short-term goals.
Ignoramuses can’t see that the justice system is rigged for political purposes. A recurrent theme in history.
And we are returning to the historical norm.
As opposed to using bribes meant for the VP to pay prostitutes?
The globalists and anti-American and anti-Israel people have been creating ways to to remove Donald Trump from public life and lead a common sense, security minded, freedom movement. Its the sham of the century, so the left can control everything.
Can anyone actually defend the Biden policies? Can anyone say that the Trump polices weren’t working and successful. Lets give credit to rationality, instead of deception and liberal media gratification in propping up the Left and the harm they are responsible for.
They don’t think the system is rigged. They know it’s rigged.
Very very obvious it’s rigged. The left knows it better than anybody else.
The left rigs it and likes it rigged. . Years ago I received a professional catalog in the mail. (I am in a generally leftwing profession) On the cover a big banner read “Vote early and often” I admit that at the time, I had no idea what that meant. Now, I know. They’re not even slightly hiding it. Not for years.
Select the jury from the bottom of the dumpster the worst of the Dregs from the bottom of the Whine Barrel
We have also lost our trust of the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders as well CNN/NYT’s that’s why both the Broadcast and Print Fake News are losing out to the Conservative Internet
I have very little faith in the judicial system in the United States. The judicial system at all levels have failed the American people. When I read about various trials whether criminal or civil, it is obvious the entire system needs to be overhauled.