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It’s the question I’m most asked.
“Who do you think it will be?”
I’ve asked former members of the first Trump administration who they think President Trump might want to balance out the ticket.
Both questions are silly because no one will be voting on the VP selection of President Trump. Donald Trump is the top of the ticket, his policies, leadership, and public sacrifice for the country he loves are what drives his support and poll numbers to higher and higher levels.
But Vice Presidents do matter.
If Joe Biden remains the Democrat nominee there will be people who vote against his ticket if Kamala Harris is still attached. She’s the worst performing person in that position in the history of the country and America can not risk her being one heartbeat away from running the world.
A Vice President can also be useful. And long before January 6, Mike Pence helped navigate a tricky and often backstabbing introduction to the villain-infested culture that is Washington DC. Both Trump & Pence have made clear that they really can’t work together anymore. But before January 6 they made a powerful team.
So here we are roughly a month out before the Republican National Convention with President Trump’s ticket-mate yet unnamed. And even before the person is named, even beyond two well publicized trials, even with everything crooked judges, prosecutors, the media, and washed up actors can throw at him—his lead grows.
So who does he pick?
Last week, immediately following the guilty verdict in the Kangaroo circus conviction put forward by legal hack Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan Team Trump convened a focus group of nine. Each of them influential, titans of industry, and well respected. They met over a closed door dinner in Manhattan. Each were asked their opinion on who it should be.
A red state governor was suggested. But Trump leads that state so handily he wouldn’t gain much from the opportunity. A couple of other names were thrown in but not super strategic. The name that had the most traction? Nikki Haley.
The thought is to bring her supporters on board in enthusiastic numbers.
MAGA detests her for her broken promise to President Trump, most see Mike Pence as having more loyalty, but President Trump has steered clear of poking fun at Haley since her exit from the race. Everyone knows that signals something. She balances the ticket with a far more competent female than the Democrats have and in theory she would solidify her “supporters.”
I use air quotes around “supporters” for a reason.
I’m not sure that she could land the cross over Democrats who voted for her in open primaries mainly because I see those votes in large measure as a way to “get Trump.” I question strongly whether Haley’s appeal once linked to Trump moves any needle at all.
Often times President Trump sees things in ways no one else does. And I happen to think there is an even better Trump strategy to this process.
The short of it is this: put a stake through Biden’s heart and campaign by taking a state away from him.
Forget ALL of the swing states. If you take away a stronghold early on election night, you shift the entire map.
Democrats are presumed to be ceded California and New York to begin their chances at victory. Similarly Republicans are usually ceded Texas and Florida. The filling in of the map from there is considered the real chess match. At present Trump fills in far more of the map after that point than Biden does.
Because of that Biden has to re-take many of those midwest swing states to get back to the White House. Unlike the 2020 1-2% lead Biden had been able to eke out in polling at this juncture in 2020, he finds himself trailing 2-7% in each of those states on average.
So with California and New York giving him their delegates he can feel free to spend his campaign capital on swing states.
Rewind the tape to 2021. In the aftermath of media behemoths spreading dragon-fire cancerous acid all over the January 6 events intending to name Donald Trump public enemy number one and cancel everyone who supported him. Rewind the tape to the gubernatorial race in the state of New York.
A bright, shiny face of a former Congressman who had worked sun up to sun down supporting President Trump’s legislative policies, defended him in committees and called out the lies of Adam Schiff in hearings ran for Governor of New York State. His name is Lee Zeldin.
As a still active reservist in uniform for his country and a man who served multiple tours of duty, his passion, oath and love of country is impossible to diminish. And in 2021, working tirelessly day and night, he built a statewide beachhead — as an America First candidate — across New York State — and lost by the slimmest of margins.
Trump had lost to Biden the year before by 23%.
But one year later, Trump’s most reliable supporter in Congress flipped much of the map.
And it’s important to note that had Zeldin secured merely one more borough in the New York City area he likely would have been the winner in 2021.
What’s my point in all of this?
President Trump needs a Vice President who is unapologetically pro-America. He needs someone who will run a divided Senate with his priorities being foremost. But he also needs a Vice Presidential candidate that can truly impact the election.
I don’t honestly believe that Nikki Haley lands independents and Democrats into Trump’s column. Frankly speaking Trump is doing that himself. He’s attracting Hispanic voters in droves. His rally in The Bronx demonstrated that a large Hispanic borough in New York City is vulnerable to Biden’s lies, empty promises, and phony-poser VP.
Hispanic voters also see Trump being persecuted the way many of them were in Cuba, Venezuela, and other tin pot regimes that caused them to want to be Americans in the first place.
And did I mention that Zeldin is married to a lovely bride who happens to be Hispanic and he’s fluent in Spanish?
Imagine a GOP ticket running Spanish ads in radio markets all over the nation in the voice of one of the candidates on the ticket.
But imagine this more: turn Zeldin loose to re-activate the organization he built state-wide in New York and throw a dagger into the “starting block” for Biden.
Let Zeldin campaign in New York State 24/7 and watch what happens.
Whether Team Trump wins NY wouldn’t even be the issue. They just have to scare Biden dollars out of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.
Would it work?
Trump lost New York by 23% in 2020. Two weeks ago he was down 9% in 2024. Since his conviction he’s closed the gap even more—the Emerson poll putting him at 7%—and if you consider the margin of error he could be within 3.5%.
Could a popular, bilingual, indefatigable squeaky clean candidate working 24/7 for the next 5 months help Trump close a 3.5% spread (when he’s often under sampled in polling by 5-8%?)
I’m not guaranteeing the results.
But it would be a very Donald Trump thing to do. To take a state away from his opponent that no one believes could be stolen.
And the absolute stunned expressions of the co-hosts on the View the morning following the election would say it all.
Just imagine…
An interesting idea. If Trump could pull this off, it would be sweet revenge for New York’s shabby treatment of him!
Larry Elder or RFK Jr.
Alternatively a dominion voting machine programmer.
Great – two more septuagenarians. No serious Republican can suggest someone like Kennedy.
RFK Jr.? Really? He was a common suggestion 2 years ago before we found out he has 2 issues we agree with and far more trouble spots that we imagined. He’s the favorite choice of foul-mouthed celebrities/athletes who like lots of drugs except for mRNA shots and aren’t bothered to look deeper.
Hi hope he chooses Tulsi or Vivek; anybody else will be, for me, a disappointment.
I think Tulsi 100% for VP and Vivek for another senior position alongside Trump.
Tulsi is still a liberal Democrat. Vivek was anti-Trump just a couple of years ago. His credentials are hardly trustworthy.
Dana White!
That’d put the cat amongst the pigeons, LOL
The Bud Light Tranny Juice ticket?
The country is on the verge of Civil War so Trump needs a military man with experience and gravitas as if Trump wins the Left will refuse to accept his victory and riot in the streets from election day to inauguration day in January .
Trump’s first act as president is likely to declare martial law and send in the national Guard to put down mobs of BLM morons and feral migrants ; so in a situation like that the VP is going to be GENERAL MIKE FLYNN
Moreover, Flynn will act as a defacto life insurance policy for Trump as he’s a sworn enemy of the Deep State and Obama …They wouldn’t dare bump off Trump if President Flynn is the alternative
TRUMP/ FLYNN 2024 is the obvious choice !
Gen. Flynn for secretary of defense to fight the war against Islam.
If Trump wins he won’t be sworn in for months, the rioting will have been going on for months.
Flynn is needed to clean house in the 17 intelligence agencies.
A 20 to 30 year younger VP would be ideal as long as they are solid T backers. Equally or possibly more important is a very strong AG will be needed to really go after the 2020 coup leaders and their main supporters. Those 51 lying intel creeps need to spend some time behind bars for their interference with the election. Same with the inept but lying current little Toni Blanken, Mr. Scientist, little Toni Fauci, the hag election denier Hillary, many, many more. Enough to say a very strong AG who swears to uphold the Constitution. I have been thinking of buying a truck load of 409 to send to the Trump team to clean out the WH of all the contageon brought there by Biden and his merry band of fools and stupid people.
The 2021 race wasn’t even close, let alone a race decided by the slimmest of margins. Hochul received 3,140,415 ballots, while Zeldin received 2,762,581, a difference of 377,834.
Sliwa eared a little over 300k ballots, which was less than 1/2 of what Adams brought in, so it wasn’t even a case of converting one more borough.
Zeldin is a neat guy, but let’s not imagine something that’s a silly non-starter.
Would like to see Steve Bannon get a senior role. Also think he would make a great POTUS one time.
Trump/Flynn ’24 MAGA
How about Col. Allen West for VP and Mike Flynn for Secretary of Defense?
West would be an interesting choice.
Zeldin is an interesting and intriguing choice, but I do believe he still has a future in New York as governor. My choice is and has been Sarah Huckabee. I know she doesn’t bring a blue state along, but no one will do that. She’s a governor, and will make a great president, or certainly will run a terrific race in 2028. Second choice is J.D. Vance, who will also very likely run for president one day soon. However, I don’t like the idea of putting a red state Republican Senator’s seat up for grabs. Otherwise, he’d be my first choice. Go Sarah!
Tulsi and RFK Jr are straight no because in their hearts they’re still Democrats.
I don’t trust Vivek.
Say what you will I don’t want a women VP period., which double disqualifies Tulsi.
With extremely rare exception, women have wreaked nothing but chaos in government.
Actually, you describe a very persuasive argument. Women have brought much harm to the scene with emotion overcoming critical thinking.
I think that your choice of a possible candidate makes a lot of sense. Hopefully, some will pay attention and give it some consideration.
Vance spent four years in the Marines. Then he graduated from Ohio State summa cum laude with a double major in philosophy and political science before getting his JD degree from Yale. He ticks boxes that are not even on the form. I don’t know him personally but his intellectual brilliance must be mind boggling.
And he’s a hillbilly. Yee ha! I like him too. My fave is deep state disrupter Devin Nunes, but I seem to be alone on that. Nunes is too honest for Trump.
I really like Tulsi for VP but so many to use in the administrative offices since that den needs a total cleaning.
Elise Stefanik for her awe-inspiring performance on campus anti-Semitism.
Remember that fellow that was Ronald W. Reagan’s vice president? The “read my lips” guy, who managed to lose re-election to the cretinous and vile William Jefferson Clinton? The fellow who ceded China to the Communists in the wake of the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and blew the opportunity to turn Russia back into an American ally? The guy who led a mammoth expansion of federal regulations in just four years?
Trump’s next vice president is vital to the health of the republic. If we don’t wan’t MAGA to be merely a bump in the road on the way to perdition, Trump’s next vice president needs to be ironclad committed to principles of small government, representative democracy, Americans first, strong borders, immigration only for those who actually assimilate, paying down federal debt, and returning control of the republic to the people.
Lee Zeldin may be that man. Nimrata sure ain’t, and neither are many other “leading candidates” for the job. And whoever gets the assignment had better have armor plated skin, because the security-intelligence state, the Democrat Party, the globalists, the communists, and the Muslims will all be waging political and legal war on him and whoever dares to support him. That’s the whole point of their current campaign to break Trump and his allies. And they will keep at it unless Trump manages to outlaw them in his second term.
Zeldin or Col allen West
I think you overlook Mike Pompeo as someone who has a lot of capability and appeal ; we face difficult times politically and militarily.
Mike Pompeo is definitely an asset to the Trump campaign, having knowledge, experience, and ability, especially with the rise of radical Islam after Trump deafeated Isis, and Biden switched foreign policy, and the threats are renewed against the nation of Israel.
There is no doubt about it that the field of GOP VP picks have alot to offer, the topic is discussed more and more every day. General Flynn certainly has earned his dues, and has been a brave leader and supporter of President Trump, and people watch and wait to see what ideas JD Vance. will talk about..he is obviously a man of strong will and character. Trump needs a VP just as strong and patriot minded as himself in this upside down world where lawlessness is championed along with total failure in foreign policy and national security interests, including our wide open borders that have caused the drug, disease, and burden on the system. We have some women leaders who are good picks too, especially for the Trump cabnet.
I suspect he will choose Mrs. Clinton, if she is willing to switch political party. This way she may have a chance to become President which she was unable to do in 2016, if anything happen to President Trump. Why would Trump pick her? Because a lot of Democrats may vote Republican then. The Republican Party would have a new campaign slogan: ‘You are getting the best of two parties to run America.’
A little humor for this afternoon.
ByeDUMB? Seriously?
Are the DimOHcraps seriously going to run him? He’s senile. He has Alzheimer’s Disease.
Could the USA survive another 4 years of this corrupt thug and brain dead moron?
He’s not the real POTUS anyway. Obammy and his Mammy are running the country right now. Do we need 4 mo years of that POS?
I don’t think so.
The most effective VP picks should be excellent Presidents, know the ropes, have the knowledge, control and responsibility to run the county and get it back to, the keep it on, a constitutional track, and be a likely excellent candidate in 2028, Mike Pompeo, “Trump – Pompeo, America’s Problem Solvers.” They would get the job done but this is an effective team, not a political team that might garner more votes because of the nominated V.P.’s skin color, religion or political following. Pompeo has proven himself over and over in international politics under Trump. He ran the CIA and was the Sec. of State, after being a 3 term congressman from Kansas. A West Point grad, first in his class, with a degree in Mechanical. Engineering, he served and then went on to get a Harvard Law degree. Like Trump, a Mike Pompeo doesn’t come along everyday.
Ron DeSantis would be excellent but he is FL gov. and might better serve FL until he is termed out in Jan 2027. Then run in 2028.
Trump shouldn’t pull an acting Senator or Congressman off post to be VP as it might effect the balance of power in the Senate or House.
Gen. Mike Flynn should hold a post in the Trump administration but has much baggage from the Democratic hit he took. He’s a very valuable person who knows about the insiders in the govt and knows how things work and how to make them go right. I hope his great military experience will never be needed.
Whoever Mr. Trump picks, his #1 criteria should be that that person has a set of ‘steel’ balls. (Oooops, sorry Niki, et al).
Noem – no, told her State gov’t workers during covid to get the clot shot or find another job – this violated not only our federal laws but the Nuremburg Code of 1947, international law. When she just shot her dog on purpose, she also shot her political future.
Haley -no, never never never – an obvious new world order plant to destroy the Republican party from within if she ever gets the chance.
Tulsi – no never never. She was anti second amendment (which is insane for a military veteran) until she left Hawaii and tried out for the national stage. She would be just another crazy dem and an embarrassment for Trump. Our survival is at stake, we can’t hope that the next VP will turn into a good patriot, we have to go by their known past record.
Rubio – no. It would be insane to pick a VP that used to mock Trump – Rubio therefore can’t be trusted.
RFK – a complete joke. He was good on covid, but that’s it. He’s more liberal than Biden – kiss the country good bye if RFK ever became President if something were to happen to Trump.
Vivek – no- sorry, but our country can’t afford to have someone that might end up being more loyal to his nationality than to our country – it’s survival time, which is no time to guess and hope.
JD Vance = excellent choice. A true patriot. Could be Trump 2.0 if something were to happen to Trump 1.0
Gen. Flynn – excellent choice. Another true patriot. The Biden abomination for the last 3 1/2 years would never have happened if Trump followed Flynn’s advice on Nov 6, 2019 – which was to declare martial law for a short time in order to stop the election steal and round up the guilty traitors and make sure they were punished – the true criminals would now be in prison instead of Trump’s advisor Peter N. and the J6ers, and possibly Trump himself very soon.
I think Vance and Flynn are two people who have the courage to do what’s necessary to save this country if for some reason Trump could not finish out his second term – and that’s the acid test in picking the next VP.
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