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There are two Kamalas: one real and one fake.
Like many politicians, Kamala Devi Harris created a character and a familiar narrative of an underprivileged childhood (“that little girl was me”), a middle-class family “(I grew up in a middle-class household”) and then going into politics not for personal gain, but to help people (“to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. If that is what one chooses. I, on the other hand, have chosen to live a life of public service.”) Unfortunately none of it is true.
The truth was that Kamala was the “privileged child of foreign grad students” (Los Angeles Times) who attended “Montreal’s tony Westmount” and then began her career socializing with the elites of Nob Hill. Before Kamala started claiming to be from a “middle class household”, her mother was telling a very different story to Modern Luxury magazine, bragging, “When Kamala was in first grade one of her teachers said to me, ‘You know, your child has a great imagination. Every time we talk about someplace in the world she says, ‘Oh, I’ve been there.’ So I told her, ‘Well, she has been there!’ India, England, the Caribbean, Africa—she had been there.”
“We weren’t rich in financial terms, but the values we internalized provided a different kind of wealth,” Kamala claimed in her memoir The Truths We Hold.
In reality, she came from wealthy parents, was raised in a wealthy family and among elites. The Los Angeles Times described P.V. Gopalan, Kamala’s grandfather, as “part of a privileged elite”.
Modern Luxury quoted “one of Harris’s Nob Hill friends” as saying that “her Brahmin background accounts for her ease around wealthy, powerful people.”
And Kamala’s life of “public service” allows her to live in a $5 million home with a “spa-like” master bedroom, and a kidney-shaped pool and gifted her and her husband an estimated net worth of $8 million. A good deal of that money came through her husband whose career as a partner at major law firms seemed to parallel her upward rise through the political ranks.
As Kamala got into politics, she began reinventing her past, falsely claiming that she had been in “the second class to integrate at Berkeley public schools” when schools began to be integrated the year she was born and plagiarized an MLK story about demanding “Fweedom” as a child in the spirit of the civil rights movement.
Berkeley had not been segregated, but her family home is in Brentwood which is 84% white and 1.2% black in Los Angeles, a city that is nearly 10% black, more closely fits the bill.
Kamala claimed that she had come from a family of smuggling middle class “renters” and that her wealthy cancer researcher mother “saved for well over a decade to buy a home.” In reality, her mother moved around too much to buy a home in any one place until much later. There followed the stories of listening to Snoop Dogg and Tupac before it was possible and lying that her grandfather had been part of India’s independence movement.
Throughout her political career, Kamala went on rewriting her life even as she was living it.
No sooner did she run for public office for the first time in 2003 than she falsely claimed to have “tried hundreds of serious felonies” only to then reduce the number down to 50.
Often she could not even decide which of her contradictory identities she wanted to be.
Was she Indian or black? Kamala alternated, code switching between black and Indian audiences. Black audiences heard about her singing in a church choir as a child while Indian audiences were regaled with stories of her mother’s cooking and Tamil expressions.
While she boasts about an interfaith family, she selectively disavows parts of her background for the right audiences in an absurd fashion such as claiming that her Indian mother was “determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.”
On the road, Kamala casually swaps accents and identities. As a Politico headline cynically observed after her performance at the DNC convention, “Kamala Harris’ Secret Power: She Is Whatever You Want Her to Be”. Kamala’s constant revisionism makes her everything.
And nothing.
Kamala is a social justice prosecutor. A feminist who covers for sex predators. A socialist moderate. A girl who came out of California’s richest and poorest neighborhood. She believes in everything and nothing. Mostly she believes in whatever her audience wants to hear.
Interrogated about her contradictory positions on banning fracking and other radical ideas, Kamala disavowed them while arguing that her positions had changed, but “my values have not changed”. After the industry backlash against the proposed price controls, her surrogates assured, “don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress.”
Her previous proposal to ban health insurance? “The truth of the matter is, yes, she’s come to the middle,” Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, one of her legion of surrogates, told the media. “Kamala Harris did support things that she’s now moderated.”
“To aspire to create wealth is a good thing,” Kamala had argued. And now she proposed a tax on unrealized capital gains that would wipe out much of the economy.
Is Kamala a radical or a moderate? It depends on which day of the week you ask.
She’s a feminist reformer who started her political career as a 29-year-old by having an affair with Wiille Brown: the 60-year-old married corrupt mayor of San Francisco. Kamala came out of it with a BMW and positions on state boards that paid $400,000 and got her up the political ladder.
“I met her through Willie,” the former chairman of the California Democratic Party, said in an interview. “I would think it’s fair to say that most of the people in San Francisco met her through Willie.”
Kamala traces her political legacy back to minority women, but it was the wealthy white woke socialites who launched and funded her career after an introduction from a black man cheating with her on his wife.
She claims that she wanted to become a prosecutor because a friend of hers had been molested by her father. “A big part of the reason I wanted to be a prosecutor was to protect people like her and change the system.”
In reality, Kamala had built her political career by attaching herself to Willie Brown. In the 90s, two aides filed a lawsuit alleging that Willie Brown had fired them for reporting sexual harassment by one of his allies. They were able to settle their cases for $100,000.
When Democrat women complained about Biden touching them inappropriately, Kamala initially supported them. “I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris said.
In 2019, she believed Biden’s accusers, but by 2020, she was insisting that the “Joe Biden I know is somebody who really has fought for women and empowerment of women.”
Kamala fights for women unless there’s a man who can give her a leg up the political ladder.
There have always been two Kamalas. And every time she speaks, writes or hits the campaign trail, the real and fake Kamalas collide. How do you tell apart the real Kamala and the fake?
The only way is to look at her actual history, her record and those around her because while fake men and women run for public office all the time, it’s their real doppelgangers who govern.
Sure trust the DemoNazi Party to secure Israel. The same people who train the PA police force in military tactics, funded Hamas and allowed them to arm themselves to the teeth and build a vast terror infrastructure, the same people giving billions to Iran and the PA, have sanctioned Israeli and American citizens for defending themselves against Arab terrorists, have allowed Egypt to violate the peace treaty by moving tanks into the Sinai and arming Hamas?
You mean those same pernicious and treacherous reprobates?
Trust them with anything they say? They are working to destroy Israel.
Samantha Powers at USAID gave Hamas a million dollars the very week of October 7th. That was a green light to launch the attack.
USAID is a CIA front group.
Watch this incisive analysis of how treacherous the regime of Hamas Joe really is:
This story should NOT be hijacking the comments of the Greenfield story. Why don’t you have it tucked in a bit later in the “comments” section.? Cutting into the queue is itself hostile.
“Kamala Harris’ Secret Power: She Is Whatever You Want Her to Be”.
All whores are.
Yep, that describes a $1K-per-night hooker. Coincidence?
She was anointed not elected.
Fweedom! Thas’ what she’s talkin” “bout! Now, on to the next audience.
Crude but true. Crude but I still laughed. Now I can’t get the Ed Ames rendition of that tune out of my head. (My cup…look it up)
The stuff about the Berkeley schools is most irritating, since I was there in the 1960s and later. How can I say it? The Berkeley schools were kind of the elite in the East Bay, and other schools were looked down on as second class.
Well, at one time there were the prestigious universities in Bologna, Paris, Oxford, Padua, etc. Then, one day, there was Luther, von Staupitz, and Melanchthon, in an obscure university in a widely unknown place, in tiny Wittenberg. The point is that great minds, and great ideas, can be found in many places, not just in the halls of only a few universities. They can even be found walking the paths through forests (Aristotle). Of course, mediocre minds and idiotic ideas can be found in many places as well, as history teaches us. Thanks for sharing,
That’s two things Cackles & Sleepy have in common: to get in higher positions, they assumed the prone position, saying “Hey toots. Who do you want me to be?”
The 2nd thing is they’re both extremely insecure due to their low octane I.Q.s, and vent their frustrations that result from it on their staff.
Speaking of Kamala “Heels Up” Harris: “I met her through Willie,” the former chairman of the California Democratic Party said in an interview. “I would think it’s fair to say that most of the people in San Francisco met her through Willie.” That the Vice President of the United States of America was once the extra-marital sex toy of former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is common knowledge. Very COMMON knowledge, you might say. Is there anything real about “Heels Up?” There’s an easy way to find out. Read Willie Brown’s book.
Yes, there is;- her evil intent to communize and murder most of us.
America’s number one threat is Kamaliar. Beeee warned.
And Mark Levin had a gentleman on his Sunday evening show who was abused by a priest.
He wanted to meet with Harris about it all so she could help, tried 3 separate times, she ignored him.
She’s a liar, a racist and a hypocrite!!! God help us all if she’s our next President!
Harris is such a phony she is an insult to phony people.
Anyone sick of that stupid, ugly-a$$, cackling face yet?
Professional politicians are compromising, self serving parasites that thrive off the naiveté, ignorance, and immorality of constituents who vote for a free lunch.. It’s a lot worse o the Democrat side.
I hold my nose when I’m forced to occasionally send in my absentee ballot (old guy me).
I came to Jesus 54 years ago through a difficult adult conversion (25 yr.s old). Ever since then, my take on politics has darkened somewhat. Once I found the truth, integrity, and complete trust worthiness of the Savior, none of these local manipulators is very impressive.
It has become a requirement that to become a Democrat politician you have to be a sociopath.
So accurate Mr. Greenfield. Kamala Harris is one of the worse things to happen to the state of California .
HELP! What she an activist during the ’80s Central America issues when the CPUSA and thousands of fronts? Since her dad was already a hardcore Marxist and when students in that day were quitting school to help the Sandinistas, was she a part of this Communist movement?
Most of the Democrats of today aided and protected Daniel Ortega who has ruled since ’79 and who arrests ALL OPPONENTS “as a threat to our Democracy.” NOW MADURO has an arrest warrant for his political opponent WHO THE ELECTION! LET’S BUY MORE OIL FROM HIM TO AID IN HIS REVOLUTION… TO SAVE DEMOCRACY! VIVA BIDEN!
The rule of Liberal Democrats/Globalists is just like with all tyrants that that means having all those who refuse to obey your rules sent to Concentration Camps/Gulags it worked for Hitler Stalin Castro and Mao
“She claims that she wanted to become a prosecutor because a friend of hers had been molested by her father.” There’s irony! As district attorney she refused to act on the mountain of evidence SNAP (Support Network for those Abused by Priests) provided, even though her predecessor Terrence Hallinan had opened an active investigation. Madam President my a$$…
She even wouldn’t cooperate with Plaintiffs in their efforts to bring civil suits against the clergy and the Archdiocese (which, I read, was among her campaign contributors).
Thank you for this article.
THere’s only one Kamala — the totally fake fraudulent one. Whenever she says something that could be good, its a lie.
Or divide by 400
Biden’s dementia is an act to get her in as Potus. It was planned all along for Joe to fake dain bramage and elevate Camel-uh Harri-ass.
I totally agree and have said so all along. Reminds me of the Mafia done who faked insanity while wearing pajamas on the street, Mr. Gigante. He pulled it off for 13 years.
Both the parents of Kackling Kamala came to America for Studies and decided that the country they CHOSE to immigrate into needed to change to a more Socialist idea of Government.. Hows that for arrogance ?.
The Coconut doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Kamala claimed that she had come from a family of smuggling middle class “renters”
I think you mean ‘struggling’ here, good Sir! But given the subject, ‘smuggling’ is more likely!!!
What is sad, and potentially hazardous to America, is these ‘truths’ are not posted in every American’s mailbox, let alone given air by the media!
“Berkeley had not been segregated, but her family home is in Brentwood which is 84% white and 1.2% black in Los Angeles, a city that is nearly 10% black, more closely fits the bill.”
Besides the “smuggling” vs. “struggling” typo, the above quote is a bit hard to interpret, since the Brentwood I am aware of is much closer to Berkeley than to Los Angeles, far to the south. This comment does nothing to take away from your main point, but I hope you have more time to edit your next article before publishing., because what you have to say is very important! Please keep up your hard work!
If elected, among other things, Harris will Californicate America.