In a shocking development, Twitter was censoring conservatives. I am, of course, being sarcastic because everyone knew it, though some denied it. Now we have Twitter itself, under new management, giving a peek into just how deeply the deception ran. Allow me to bring some much-needed salt and reality to this conversation and point out how everyone seems to be missing the point, some deliberately, others not.
First – and again, forgive me – who cares about what we’ve seen released so far? I truly do believe in conservative principles which dictate a private company can do pretty much whatever it wants. They should, however, be honest about it. Twitter was not. At least under the old leadership.
That leadership should be investigated to see if any of them committed perjury. It’s not enough that they lied or misled, it’s whether or not they committed perjury. There’s a difference and that difference is important.
That difference, along with this story, is being exploited by some people more interested in promoting themselves than anything else in life. That’s fine, movements always have clowns. But the big picture here isn’t that some people were throttled, it’s who lied about it.
Hell, I was throttled. For a year and a half, I haven’t gained a single new follower. My total hasn’t increased, people followed me and others disappeared. That always happened, but no matter how many new followers I gained in a day, I lost the same number the next day. After one appearance on Sean Hannity’s radio show where this topic came up and he encouraged people to follow me, I gained a little over 1,000 new followers…which were all gone by the next afternoon. Since Elon Musk bought Twitter, I’ve been steadily gaining around 100 per day, even if I don’t tweet.
Everyone knew this was happening, I am not unique and neither is anyone else.
But what is unique is how so-called journalists are reacting to it. They have spent years denying what everyone saw happening, pretending the very idea was beyond the pale. Now they’re pulling the “Everyone knew it was happening, they were open about it” card. Or at least trying to.
Unfortunately for them, the Internet is forever. We saw them, we heard them, and we remember them. And, if you’ll allow me to speculate there, I suspect we’re about to find out a lot more about them and what they did.
I can tell you why I was throttled – I can be quite the pain in the ass on Twitter. When I see some leftist spewing garbage, especially a leftist with a press pass, I don’t just call them out about it, I add some “colorful metaphors” and another language to someone who wears a helmet to bed and a mask in the shower would find “triggering.”
I only do it for the most sincere of reasons: I hold these people in deep contempt.
While I’ve never threatened any of them, having your lies called out not only with facts and sources but also with a big attitude and unfriendly adjectives has to be annoying. That a lot of people would amplify that and continue to remind them of just how awful/stupid they are likely only added to their annoyance. This makes me think there will be a treasure trove of emails from those “journalists” drawing the attention of Twitter executives to the “harassment” they faced at the hands of people unpleasantly disagreeing with their politics. That’s the real gold yet to be mined.
Forget about banning Donald Trump, which has been covered more than the JFK assassination, the real issue is how many people with a job to report the news were busy behind the scenes trying to silence Americans, high profile or not.
When the Berlin Wall fell there were a lot of East German residents who started to live in a fear they’d never felt with the communists running the country. They weren’t worried about being swept away to prison work camps, they were worried about being exposed.
Tens of thousands of East Germans informed on their neighbors, calling the secret police – the Stasi – on anyone they saw being impure to the revolution or critical of the state. There were records of those calls and the naming of names they never imagined would see the light of day when they were made. Families were punished and separated, others were sent to prison camps and some people disappeared forever because they crossed a neighbor, annoyed a friend, or some random person was looking to gain favor with those in power. The rest of their lives were changed for the worse after freedom took hold. Good.
I’d bet dollars to donuts that there’s a similar cabal of like-minded people, this time working in journalism, who “turned in,” or more accurately turned Twitter’s Stasi on to people they wanted to be quieted down. For people who ironically claim to support the First Amendment and publicly inflate themselves as purer than the wind-driven snow, the idea of their emails to the Stasi being exposed has to scare the hell out of them. It has to be even more awkward than riding the elevator with someone you’re turned into the real Stasi knowing the clock is ticking on them finding out it was you who dimed them out.
That’s why these Democrats with press passes are doing all they can to downplay any revelations from the Twitter files – they quickly want the concept that there’s news in there to be deader than their credibility would be if they were exposed before they’re exposed.
That’s what I want to see – who were the collaborators with the Stasi? We know who the communists in power were, they were pretty open about it. But who were the holier-than-thou “guardians of truth” slipping notes to the teacher about who was talking when they were out of the room? Start releasing that info and it will all get very interesting very quickly.
ginjit.dw says
Right on..I hope they are all brought into the daylight and flogged, figuratively.
PitchForksAreComing says
The title is so disingenuous, the left is neither pro democrat or republican, the left hates them both. The only reason for suggesting such, is to sow division when the battle is NOT “left, right” the battle is a #ClasBatttle, a #ClassWar, exposing the petite bourgeoisie asperations of getting into “the club” as the mirage it is! The neoliberals and neocons are doing their utmost best to try stopping the proletarian left and right from joining, this would be their undoing! This is the thing they are afraid of most! #Revolution!
Craig Austin says
Censors must fear for their safety, or else we will.
An Observation says
The famous Mississippi Burning SCOTUS case said people, and corporations are legally people, lose private status and become government agents when 1.) They receive protection from the government and 2.) They take instruction from the government. Section 230 protection for Twitter fulfills part 1.) When Twitter did what the FBI and NIH told them to do, they fulfilled part 2.) Twitter lost its status as a private company, and was effectively deputized by the government to illegally censor people. Those actions are crimes (18 USC 241 Conspiracy against rights, 18 USC 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law). Each separate act of censorship of a tweet is a separate violation of section 242. These are not minor crimes, as both those laws allow a potential death penalty for everyone involved. The good news is that state courts in TX and FL can prosecute the people who committed those crimes.
An Observation says
I meant the CDC, not the NIH. Sorry.
Ian Deal says
Virtually every American institution has been corrupted. Journalists publicly calling for censorship. Publishers advocating for banning books. Hospitals and physicians chemically castrate and surgically alter vulnerable children suffering from mental confusion. The federal government and dem politicians advance the interests of non-citizens over citizens. Big tech has empowered the worst instincts of the worst people. Twitter is the tip of the iceberg.
Wallace says
I want to know how deep the government collusion went. It’s one thing for Twitter to censor but how deep did the governments involvement and participation extend? That, to me, is the diabolical aspect of this whole affair
internalexile says
Sadly, it will be a long time before anyone should trust any pronouncement from a government agency.
internalexile says
Sadly, it will be a long time before anyone can trust any pronouncement from a government agency.
BLSinSC says
The LEFT was very eager to engage in CENSORSHIP! It was OK! It was BAMN! SO the PRECEDENT has been established that a PRIVATE company may censor ANYONE it so desires! BUT, ONLY if it is the PRIVATE company doing that and not in cahoots with an OUTSIDE agency – such as OUR GOVERNMENT!! Given all that, what will be the outcries if MR. MUSK says “I have reviewed all the evidence of wrongdoing and simply cannot allow those who engaged in such hostile actions against fellow Americans or anyone to continue to utilize MY Twitter! I am therefore BANNING anyone who participated in singling out and/or demanding that the FORMER Twitter SILENCE the voices of those that they opposed. And, to be fair to those being banned and to their victims, I will publish individual statements on those banned accounts detailing their actions and the victims’ handles. I do expect that many victims will seek legal and monetary justice”!!
DefendUSA says
They’re never going to own it. Not Rob Reiner, Jack Dorsey, Don Lemon, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Let’s go, Brandon, Rachel Maddow, John Brennan, Adam Schiff, Comey, Clinton, Barr, Durham, and every judge or J6 committee member or political fool out there using any and all platforms, lettered agencies to control narratives so that Americans began spying on each other, and good scientists, and others were canceled…Those on the left kept their jobs while they slandered everything not vaccinated, white, Jewish, Asian, non-LGBTQ, and soon they’re coming for the Hispanic people. It’s disgusting what these :children”, teens and adults have been led to believe whether through school indoctrinating or liberal indoctrination by affiliation. They should be afraid. I hope they are. Will it change? I better not hold my breath.
Edie Boudreau says
I consider Elon Musk a legendary hero for not only spending $40 billion for our First Amendment, but also disregarding his own safety by exposing the corruption of Twitter and our formerly revered FBI, CIA, DOJ, the Democratic Party, RINOs, and the Biden Administration. They all commited crimes against our Constitution. It is time that they pay the price!
Zdena says
I clapping for finally discovering the truth with the facts, 👌 from Prague, Czech Republic!!! Thank you Elon 🥰, be careful, your enemies are powerful, and very dangerous!
Spurwing Plover says
Their so afraid that Twitter is about to let the cat out of the Bag and expose their little secrets to the American People