Yair Lapid, while leading as Israel interim Prime Minister, declared a few months ago at the UN podium that he was in favor of the two-state solution: one next to the other, Israel and Palestine in peace.
Why not adopt this revolutionary solution in European states that are suffering from an uninterrupted migratory invasion of Muslims? A quick question for our Western friends: who among you would like to have Arab-Palestinians as your neighbors?
The idea of putting the two-state solution back on the negotiating table is aimed above all at the naive and gullible Israeli Left, because it is impossible to implement. It is also the desire of Israeli Arabs who already form an antagonistic element in the Israeli government with unscrupulous Jewish deputies who yearn for their votes.
It’s not without reason that, since the deadly Oslo agreements, this solution has not been implemented despite the West and the U.S.’s ridiculous and tenacious insistence. No one can impose peace when one of the parties is fundamentally against it. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
First of all, for all those who still believe in this chimera, there is no Palestinian entity capable of executing this solution and creating a normal, functioning state structure. The non-existent Palestinian people are, in large part, nothing more than a vulgar collection of small groups of terrorists, who hold in their iron claws the few Arabs originating from all the neighboring countries and whom the Russian KGB has baptized “Palestinian people”.
Then, there is a basically insoluble geographical problem. Israel can never accept the suicidal 1948 armistice lines — the so-called green line that leaves a distance of only 39 km between Nablus and Netanya, not to mention other cities whose distance from Palestinian villages is maybe two or three kilometers.
We must also take into consideration the very nature of said Palestinian people, a significant number of whom are radical, Islamist, anti-Semitic, barbaric, unscrupulous, and lazy individuals who use their co-religionists as human shields, in Gaza and/or in Judea and Samaria.
For Israel to survive as an independent Jewish state it is necessary to carry out an exchange of population — which the Palestinians will reject, and the reason is simple: they flow like tributaries into all areas of the State of Israel, which they reward by vandalizing it and assassinating its innocent civilians, whether within their country or in one of the Palestinian villages adjoining Israel. (There is a real tangle of roads which allows the Palestinians to commit such crimes with impunity. We have witnessed the lynching of travelers who had the misfortune of taking the wrong route.)
The danger Israelis encounter in their daily life is due to Palestinians’ infiltration into major Israeli cities. But it is also due to a viral collaboration of Israeli Arabs with their Palestinian brothers.
The cantor of a two-state solution, Yair Lapid would take us back into a trap, an ignominy resulting from a virulent lack of scruples, conscience, and integrity.
Israel is already mired up to its neck in a swamp of Arab-Palestinians holding Israeli identity cards, for which they have neither respect nor love, but which they use to enjoy the benefits of democracy while fighting in all ways to undermine Jewish state foundations.
The great danger in this dead end is that Israel ultimately risks becoming a bi-national state.
The only solution for Israel to survive as a Jewish state is to separate from the Palestinians, whether in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, or within Israel. The burgeoning Palestinian demography is a challenge that no one can counter. The West suffers the consequences of its open borders and diversity, and Israel is no exception.
I leave you with a burning question: why create a so-called Jewish state if it is to be a state for everyone? Because this is what the Israeli Left seeks to impose on all those who believe they are Jews and have won a homeland of their own at the cost of their children’s blood, as opposed to those who are Jewish in name only.
Patriotism and nationality have gone astray. For Israel, there can only be the Jews or the Arabs.
Therese Zrihen-Dvir is an Israeli-Canadian citizen who was born in Morocco and now lives in Israel. She has published over 20 books in 3 languages – French, English and Hebrew – and she speaks five languages.
Forgive my ignorance but there’s already a two state solution, Israel and Jordan?
Thats the 100 yr old failed 2 state solution experiment.
Now they want to repeat the same experiment and tell us to expect a different result.
Insanity is repeating same thing over and over again and expecting different results
The Jordanians hate the palestinians. The Jordanians already kicked the so called palestinians out of Jordan because of their disruptive behavior.
“So called” Palestinians? This is simply Denial,a convenient and other name for Genocide.
Certainly,and I mean no disrespect for the Jewish People,a People with a horrific legacy of suffering and contribution to Modernity, the God Standard for Genocide has to be the Jewish holocaust,followed by the Christian Armenian and Tutsi Genocides. However,the definition has evolved,so I use it here to describe the Palestinian NAKBA,where the European and Regional Diaspora,ie Jews,were the victimizers of another innocent,vulnerable People,ie Palestinian Catholics,other Christians,and non-Jews.
So,the charge of Genocide stands,here,in the modern day and historical context of the Nakba.
So,carry on your narrative of Denial and Victim-Blaming,you are in the evil company of the Turks and Neo-Nazi deniers of their own Genocides, Just sayin’.
Yes. So called palestinians. They are a Russian invention and have never existed throughout all of history. Genocide? a genocide last some 80 years? Give me a break. Sad, pathetic arabs in their 5th generation of being homeless and relying on the generosity of the west. Name another “people” who have been refugees for 80 years…
Your post,Phil,is one of DENIAL, not unlike the Denial we see from the Neo-Nazi crowd,or even the Turks,who deny the Armenian Genocide.
“Name another “people” who have been refugees for 80 years”
The answer,if not a simple one, is “Jews”,Phil. The idea of “Next year in Jerusalem”, after some two thousand years,suggests that de facto status after the Jews own Displacement and Ethnic Cleansing at the hands of another Occupier and Colonizer,the Romans.
Just sayin’.
Hmmm. I wonder if “the charge of Genocide stands” as well as you think.
The PA census authority says there were 1.4 million of them in 1948… and by 2009 they posted the number 3.9 million.
In 2017 the UN counted 4.9 million just in the territories of PA-Gaza-East JLM.
As of 2022 the PA put that number at a touch OVER 5 MILLION.
And the Worldometer has today’s number (March 2023) — 5.4 MILLION.
A funny kind of “genocide”, dontcha think?
No, in point of fact most “Jordanians” identify as Palestinians. The country is ruled by a royal family originally from the Hejaz (modern Saudi Arabia), thereafter exiled to Iraq, and thence to “Trans-jordan,” lopped off of the original “British Mandate for Palestine.” Despite efforts by the monarchy to dilute the population with refugees forced out of Syria and elsewhere, the population remains 70% Palestinian.
Israel helped the monarchs to suppress a revolt led by Yasser Arafat’s PLO in 1971, and the immediate consequence was that after being involved in Israel’s first two wars for survival, the Kingdom of Jordan finally stayed out of the fighting in 1973. In light of recent developments, though, perhaps Israel’s decision to ally with the monarchy (supported by a small Bedouin minority in Jordan), should be reassessed. The IDF fears doing this because they fear instability.
I agrée. I went to Jordan and all the Palestinians I met there had Jordanian passport. So yes that’s where they belong.
“I went to Jordan and all the Palestinians I met there had Jordanian passport. So yes that’s where they belong.”
Right.And all those Jews that hold American,Canadian,Russian,Ethiopian and western passports go back to where they or, their parents, or their Grand parents,came from. Fair’s fair,eh? Just sayin’.
And maybe startung with you since I bekieve tou are one of those fual citizens. As you said “Fair is fair, eh?”
The first step in any such ‘solution’ is the ‘final solution’ of Jews living in the so-called ‘West Bank’. It is a given that ‘Palestine’ must be, as the Nazis put it, ‘Judenfrei’. Meanwhile, 16% of the citizens of Israel are Arabs.
Absolutely. Unfortunately, no one dares tell the truth. Palestinians mainly populate Jordan. They only need to go there.
The original plan was Israel for the Jews and Jordan for the Arabs. So it still should be. From the River to the Sea, Israel must remain free.
“The original plan was Israel for the Jews and Jordan for the Arabs”
Lines on a map,decided by European Occupiers and Colonizers,as well as European and American Jews. So long as we’re clear. Just sayin’.
The hoax Israel signed for without thinking what will take place 5 minutes after signing it and has carried on for decades to believe this hoax and the price, thounsads of Isrelis murdered for the hoax’s cause. ~ NuritG
Israel amazes me. If any people could “go wolverine,” it is Israel.
Read the two state solution in the book Freedom at Midnight. They tried in India and the result was slaughter and total displacement of people caught up in this insanity. They begged Mountbatten to return and restore order. Idealistic problem solving which leads to compounding the problems. But the do good initiators do not care about the results. They have moved on to other fantasies.
There are about 50 Muslim majority countries which often discriminate against non-Muslims. Why cannot the Muslims who live near Israel move to these states, which already practice their faith? How many Jewish states are there for Jews to move to? And the states that Jews moved to after WW II are often becoming so Islamized that it is not safe for them there anymore. Often the move to Israel or some other country with low Muslim presence, There is enough Islam around the world, enough is enough.
A stupid question that is deserving of a stupid answer. I’m sure there are any number of posters here who could come up with the answer. Just sayin’.
The justification for the recreation of an Apartheid Zionist Israel at the expense of another innocent,vulnerable People,the Palestinian People,which includes Catholic and other Christian and non-Jewish Palestinians, being that there were/are 50 Muslim majority non-Jewish states and no Jewish majority states,has no basis in law, precedent, nor morality. The modern history of the recreation is really one of Occupation and Colonization,at first by Christian European Powers,and latterly by the European, Jewish diaspora. While the Regional Jewish diaspora contributed tens,maybe hundreds, of thousands of to the occupation of the Palestinian Homeland,for all,and our, intents and purposes,Yiddish speaking European Jews were the focus of Zionist intent.
“And the states that Jews moved to after WW II are often becoming so Islamized that it is not safe for them there anymore.”
This is hardly true,Jim.Take America,as a sanctuary for Jews,whether holocaust survivors or not.I suspect if we look at the numbers more Jews have been killed by White Christians than Muslims.
Now, if 911 is included in the numbers,my charge may be inaccurate. Even then,911 was aimed more at White Christians than any other ethnic community. And really,I suspect more Jews have been killed by Zionist Wars against their Arab neighbors than elsewhere,and even today many Jews are killed by terror and non-terror attacks in Apartheid Zionist Israel,aka Occupied Palestine.
Judea and Samaria Area
Anything but a Two State Solution means a single State or variant for the Peoples between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,which includes Palestinian Christians and non-Jews,and Israeli Jews.This was the case before the recreation of an Apartheid,Zionist Israel by the European,and Regional,Jewish diaspora,with the complicity of the European Masters,and America.
Anything less,or more, than a Two State Solution could satisfy the Jews on Judea and Samaria, Area,the Palestinian Christians on Bethlehem,and the Palestinian non-Jews on Jerusalem.This might be enough to bring all parties and stakeholders to the table, with Fundamentalist Muslims and Jews and Christian Zionists having their own table at the back. Just sayin’..
Whether Palestinian is a made up people, or not, the fact remains they were still people who have lived in that area for 1,500 yrs.
Yes, many hate Jews, but again, it doesn’t matter whether Palestinians were really Arabs,Jordanians, Ottomans, a member of a tribe or clan, Muslims, they lived in and had profound religious, historical, sentimental ties to that land for centuries known as Palestine and the Holy Land.
The Jews of Europe do not have any genetic ties whatsoever to Israel. They are a European people who fled Europe due to rampant antisemitism. They are not indigenous to the Middle East.
In addition, according to Orthodox religious Jews it is heretical and sacrilegious arguing only a return to Eretz Israel can only be hastened by God: not man.
I totally disagree with the comment: “The only solution for Israel to survive as a Jewish state is to separate from the Palestinians, whether in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, or within Israel” The only solution is Israel first declared its sovereignty from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. They nulls and voids and Oslo Accords and the Ramallah entity and then start discussing a “Palestinian” state in Jordan, Gaza, or anywhere else these sub humans want to infest.
“these sub humans want to infest.”
FPM should ban you for this post.It speaks volumes to their editorial policy. Other members should condemn your post,and separate themselves from it. This is dehumanizing hate hate speech that would make a Nazi proud,and would not be tolerated elsewhere.
” the Ramallah entity and then start discussing a “Palestinian” state in Jordan, Gaza, or anywhere else these sub humans want to infest.”
Just wondering if you are the same person on FB who identifies as:
“An opinionated journalist. Residing in Los Angeles, California, USA ”
I only ask because I have come across very few people who refer to another ethnic with such vile hatred. I’ve fought in a dirty little civil war in Rhodesia,and worked in a Federal Prison for over 30years here in Canada,,so I have met all kinds,but few as disturbing as you. Yours is the language of evil.I can’t get over that you would attach your name,if it is your name,to such an unconscionably hateful ethnic slur. Shame on you. I can’t get over that FPM would not delete post and ban you. Shame of FPM. I can’t get over that no one else has put a “thumbs down” for your post. Shame on them.
I have read some of the posts on Nurit Greenger’s Facebook.page, see following,talks about “infestings”,,in a different context.: We don’t know,and have no way of knowing,if the Nurit Greenger here is the Nurit Greenger on Facebook.I will message the Nurit Greenger on FB and show her the post in case she doesn’t know,but cares. I will also make sure the Admin of FPM is aware of this post.
The country that fought the Nazis is infested with these Nazis and their cohorts Jew haters Muslims, Leftists and even self-loathing Jews.
Those “Palestinian” leaders with their insincere deceptive ter talks for a “two-state solution” are employing what is the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya . Which is the Islamic dogma that lying and deception are good things to do as long as it’s done for the cause of the advancement of Islam. The insidious scheme is part of the stealth jihad .Otherwise known as “Islamic Gradualism.”
This sly and something subtle strategy of disingenuous speech, lying deception of achieving the goal of all the land of Israel a war ploy that will be a disaster if the heads of the State of Israel are foolish enough to agree to divide the land of Israel with Muslim /Arabs ,the “Palestinians.” For if such a “peace dialogue” results in a divided land, the outcome will literally be murder. For “Palestinian” leader will allow the jihadists use that land as a base to launch murderous rocket attacks in to Israel. As for example, Hamas of Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Such false hopes for peace which are based on the foundation of lies are nothing new when it comes to Israel. For example, the Bible in Psalm 55:20, 21. Reads “Such men do violence to those at peace with them and break their promised word; their speech is smoother the butter but their thoughts are of war.” [N.E.B.]
Joe Biden says that he’s “a Christian” but he denies that Jews prayers at Judaism’s holiest site is appropriate, is Biden so very ignorant and outright stupid that he doesn’t know that Jesus Himself was a Jew ? Maybe Biden does know that but being a godless and wicked man doesn’t’ care.
Likewise Biden keeps on pushing for a for a division of the land State of Israel , which is so false called “the two state” solution.
That fool idea contradicts the Wisdom of Jesus Who taught that “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” Mark 3:24. [N.E.B.]
A “two state solution” is out of the question. .This is because a “two state solution” not really a “solution” but an Islamic ploy of deception , a smokescreen and hoax and a fraud.
For example those Hamas rocket attacks in to Israel from Gaza reveals that even the idea of some people of dividing Jerusalem as well as other parts of the State of Israel between the Jewish people of the Muslim/ Arabs is nothing but folly. To engage the madness of such “talks” is a hoax and a farce .This is because in the so called “negotiations” between the heads of the Jewish nation of Israel and the leaders of the “Palestinians” the Muslim /Arabs the “Palestinian” leaders will speak the truth only when in happens to fit their agenda. The rest of the time the will be speaking half-truths and outright lies. For their goal is to obtain all of the land of the State of Israel. Even in it takes much time and it means getting the land piece by piece. Therefore, those “peace talks” are a hoax.
Joe Biden reveals his total lack of wisdom about the State of Israel when he said that “We still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer.” Biden had by saying that fool statement has shown what an ignorant man he actually is. On that other hand ,maybe he’s just evil.
For Biden backs and supports the awful scheme to divide the State of Israel into two. Meaning the so called “two state solution” is not really a valid idea and not a genuine solution. It will definitely not stop this awful Israeli –Muslim land conflict.
Spot on article!
Start deporting the Muslims from the Jewish state.
Let the world wail!
“I leave you with a burning question: why create a so-called Jewish state if it is to be a state for everyone? Because this is what the Israeli Left seeks to impose on all those who believe they are Jews and have won a homeland of their own at the cost of their children’s blood, as opposed to those who are Jewish in name only.”
I have one correction.The writer claims the “Jews have won a homeland at the cost of their, (Jewish), children’s blood”
The above should read, “Jews have recreated an Apartheid Zionist Israel at the expense of the Palestinian People,and the Palestinian boys and girls.
Utter nonsense. There is no “palestinian” people and there never has been. The British censuses of the late 19th century show the Holy Land to have been largely empty, save for Jews and a handful of Bedouins. The arabs (from Arabia, not Israel) who are there now came after the San Remo Conference and Balfour Declaration from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Lebanon in search of jobs they knew would exist in a modern, prosperous Israel. The “palestinians” are a 1960s creation of Soviet Russia’s KGB. No mention of them prior to that. Arafat was an Egyptian, and the nephew of Hitler’s pal, the Mufti, who gave Hitler the idea of the yellow stars and the Final Solution. The “Jews of Europe” share the same ancestral homeland, Eretz Yisrael, with Mizrahi Jews, and the same genetics. BTW, it was the Romans who began calling Judea “palestine” (philistine) as a way to dispossess the Holy Land from the Jewish People. Outside of that, it bears no connection to any arab nation or to islam, which didn’t come about until the 7th century CE, long after the Romans renamed it.
The Jews of Europe DO NOT share the same ancestral homeland as others who are indigenous to that area. The Jews of Europe are European and have been in Europe for thousands of years. Share the same genetics? Not quite. Modern DNA testing shows, particularly along the matrilineal line, that the Jews of Europe have more DNA closely related to the pre historic indigenous people of Europe than the Levant.
Further, arguing there is no such thing as “Palestinians” is a dishonest argument. It doesn’t matter whether Palestinians were really Arabs, Jordanians, Ottomans, a member of a tribe or clan, Muslims, they lived in and had profound religious, historical, sentimental ties to that land for centuries known as Palestine and the Holy Land. They weren’t just magically dropped from the sky and landed in Palestine.
Lastly, here’s a quote for you: “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.” — Zahir Muhsein, PLO executive committee member…
There is already two state solution and it has been in place since The San Remo conference in 1920. It is called Jordan and Israel. When the spoils of WWI were divided 80% of Palestine mandate went to the made up Hashemite kingdom and the 20% were allocated to Jewish population of the time. Sadly people like Yair Lapid who are too stupid to lead Israel into the abyss has no knowledge of 3500 years of Jewish history or the last 100+ years of world of politics. Israel has to come up clean and reject the nonsensical imaginary Palestinian statehood/people-hood. The so-called Palestinians -which in time time The Jews were the Palestinians- are nothing more than Arabs living in Israeli territory. No different The Arabs living in Jordan or Lebanon or Syrya.
I will hasten to add that it’s not quite true that Palestinian demography in itself is an insurmountable challenge for Israel. At present, Israel would have a 69% Jewish majority even if it annexed the entirety of Judea and Samaria. And the country has a growing Jewish population, with the highest birthrates in the Western world. The issue of extending sovereignty to the entire territory of Judea and Samaria presents other difficulties. The population is restive and violent, and current laws are inadequate to deal with the threats of terrorism. There is also another challenge that I will prefer not to spell out in detail, but it involves considering the second-order effects. It would not be a binational state by necessity, unless there were to be a series of subsequent, catastrophic events. But the size of the Arab minority would jump considerably. The immediate challenge would be law enforcement.
Pursuing a de facto State policy of Zionism and/or Apartheid is by necessity,and (in)human nature,fraught with necessary evils.At the very least,it leads,those holding power, having to chose between two evils.
The analogy,here,is a two-horse team leading a wagon where the horses are not hitched together,but hitched to the wagon.Hold on!