Last week, a bombshell intelligence report on the origins of COVID-19 was released by House Republicans with the explosive discovery that the United States government funded genetic manipulation of coronaviruses, not only at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but at a Chinese Military research facility.
While the U.S. routinely, and rightly, lectures China on being more transparent and cooperating more on the COVID investigation, we don’t expect much. Admitting mistakes or failure under a totalitarian regime often has terminal consequences.
But we do expect much more in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We expect that the intelligence community works for the democratic republic. Much ballyhoo has been broadcast about “threats to our democracy,” but having an intelligence community that refuses requests from Congress makes January 6th look like a Piker’s ball.
Despite repeated attempts, the U.S. Intelligence community refuses to reveal the names of scientific experts they employed to look at the Chinese gain of function experiments. Why is this important? Well, one so-called scientific expert is Peter Daszak, who also is bag man for carrying NIH cash to Wuhan. Daszak is the very definition of conflict of interest. If he’s one of the experts, you can understand why the CIA might be doing a little CYA.
It never ceases to amaze me that real news, news concerning the deaths of over 6 million COVID victims is ignored and sloughed over while we are treated to ad nauseum reports of the “day democracy died.”
House Republicans have released a document which reveals the U.S. government funded a Chinese Military Research Institute where a coronavirus scientist and general by the name of Zhou Yusen announced February 24,2020 that he’d already developed a COVID vaccine.
Vanity Fair published that three scientists they consulted felt that General Zhou would have had to have the genetic sequence in November to possibly develop a vaccine so fast. The official date China admitted to knowing the COVID sequence was Jan. 11, 2020.
We know that at least two Wuhan labs have published experiments where they insert furin cleavage sites into coronaviruses. The furin cleavage site allows the coronavirus to infect human cells. When COVID was sequenced, scientists discovered it to be the first SARS-like coronavirus to have a furin cleavage site.
House Republicans, including Intel Chair Mike Turner, have told the Director of National Intelligence that they will withhold funds if the Intel community doesn’t come clean. This story isn’t over and neither is the story of the COVID cover up.
The million Americans who died during the pandemic deserve better.
A glimpse of the operation of The Beast. To read about the east read Revelation 13
A glimpse into the operation of the Beast. To read about the Beast read Revelation 13.
Fauci is the most overpaid, unaccomplished fool who lied under oath.
The only actual thing he pulled off was to help bring about what Jane Fonda called “God’s gift to the DNC”. It helped Democrats make sure a crisis didn’t go to waste: screw over a robust economy, rig an election, all to get the bad orange man out.
The courtier press rewarded the smug little prick Fauci by also making him the most overrated burocrat in history.
And overpaid. Let’s not forget he is the highest paid government employee in the country.
Seeing Fauci as a “an unaccomplished fool” is a grave mistake. He is paid well because he does a good job of carrying out our government’s inimical purposes for us. He has performed admirably with great intelligence – NOT foolishness.
Any uncovering of the layers of his responsibilities and complicities reveal an unwavering pursuit of our collective destruction. He works hand-in-glove with our globalist enemies and NEVER steps out of line. Never. His remuneration from salary, kickbacks and investments show a consistent picture of his treason. His huge salary was peanuts compared to the other incomes and benefits.
If memory serves, his wife served on an ethics board charged with review and approval of his support for China and others. The gain-of-function research was justified by the stated desire to innovate vaccines against man-made viruses – classic cloak-and-dagger ploy. It consistently puts forth benevolent reasons (for your health and safety!) to conceal the true intent (to kill and destroy you who oppose the New World Order and my place in it!).
Fauci is a Traitor
The “unaccomplished” that I spoke of was referring to anything beneficial.
His big goal was to cure AIDS. He failed.
He doesn’t practice medicine. He spreads his bullshit instead. (Your correct in assessing his dark deeds mission accomplished.)
Ben Carson on the other hand earned his pay: separating conjoined twins at the head, etc.
His surprising the pampered fool B. Hussein at an Easter lunch prayer by speaking some hard truths was icing on the cake.
(Jug-eared Barry was expecting Carson to be a bitter America-hating leftist. Oops!)
One Doctor in our area stated that there are 12 different viruses active in our locality in Pennsylvania. My wife and I have been fighting one – at least one – virus off for 2 weeks and is worse than Covid. I had Covid a year ago and this is worse in most ways.
The question is – why so many virus’s floating around and are there labs still developing them? Also- is the US government funding it?
This should answer your questions:
And overpaid. Let’s not forget he is the highest paid government employee in the country.
I did exactly the opposite of all of the expert advice, didn’t excessively wash my hands, no mask, no tests, no shots, no boosters and most importantly no sickness . This is the longest I have ever gone without a cold or cough. Probably just a coincidence but true none the less.
Me too, and all the “news” in this article was considered a conspiracy theory for the last THREE years.
Tell us something we don’t know.
Like when will someone hang for their offenses?
This is the coverup of coverups.
This is the hub of ALL of the madness we are experiencing right now. All spokes of the wheel lead to back to the lie of CV19.
A plandemic of death is mushrooming / exploding all around us.
Media….. crickets
DC….. crickets
Medicine…. crickets
Pharma….. crickets
Fully 1/2 of the country…. crickets
Truly mind boggling!
Bombshell report? Anyone with a brain and some reading knew about that. Why did it take until last weak? ahh it’s the Central Idiocy Agency.
Here’s more that the report didn’t cover, and it’s free (not a dime from the billions poured into the Idiotic Community):
If anyone in the government is interested, I’ve even got a whole much more on that: http://bit.ly/research2000
Some not transcribed yer.
When I saw this headline I wanted to Throw Up. Why would the U.S. be paying to help out the Chinese? They are a Bigger Enemy to us now than the Soviet Union ever was.
I can imagine the conversation in Beijing . . .
[Staff dude] President Xi; some fool is helping fund our bio-warfare from the U.S.! He sending us millions, so we’re off and running!
[President Xi] Oh, come on. Quit kidding around. Not even the liberal idiots over there would be stupid enough to fund us!
Seriously. How are we really funding this?
Nothing will happen to anyone invloved. Congress is toothless. The GOP leadership is worse than useless, they’re all compromised. Mitch made his millions from his wife’s chinese shipping conglomerate, subsidized by the CCP. They’re all grifters, liars, cheats, thieves, adulterers, drug addicts or alchoholics and half are pedophiles. I hold out no illusion that any of the chest beating will amouont to anything other than bad tv. Every supending bill is theft, and every other bill is a constraint on our rights.
Biden the Democrat, Globalists and Traitor to America would life in prison be too easy for him and his cabinet?
All of our institutions are corrupt, infiltrated, or outright enemies of the US governmentand the people. it is quickly becoming apparent that there may be only one way to clean up the mess.
Some Heads”Need To Roll”,BigTime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Communist state of mainland China has infected all the different nations of the world with the plague of the coronavirus.
Then Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden attempted to hide that terrible reality for the American public.
They are both totally despicable.
Communist China gave the people of all the different nations of the world the coronavirus. In other words, Red China is responsible for infecting so many people with COVID -19 along with the suffering and death which is part of it.
Furthermore, two appropriate terms for the coronavirus would be the “China virus” of the “Wuhan virus.”
If this isn’t bad enough Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci have worked with Red China in an effort to hide the awful truth from all the people.
Not just government funding and corruption funds the Chinese military but US consumer spending on Chinese products
But this economy is so money hungry we sell our souls for bargain price
Circus and bread
Just when you think Old Joe and his merry gang of morons cant get worse… and boom… It does..