2022 was a banner year for UFO nuts. And for Chinese spying on America.
The Biden administration, following in the footsteps of the Carter and Clinton administrations, had an interest in flying saucers. Conspiracy theorists embraced the release of Pentagon reports about UFOs, but the real conspiracy was down to earth and hiding in plain sight.
Last month, the Director of National Intelligence released a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena”, especially those in “restricted or sensitive airspace”. The report characterized 26 reports as “Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)” and 163 as “balloon or balloon-like entities.”
We didn’t have a plague of UFOs, but a massive Chinese aerial surveillance operation. We now know that Chinese spy balloons had previously targeted Navy facilities in Guam and Hawaii.
Democrats and their media had no interest in the balloons or UAS systems showing up in sensitive airspace. And the UFO nuts they allied with gleefully dismissed “weather balloons” as a military cover-up for flying saucers. But it was the UFOs that were the real cover-up.
When a Montana resident captured the first video of the Chinese spy balloon, he first thought it was a UFO. The Biden administration, which had been aware of the balloon all along, kept it secret until videos and photos by Montana residents forced their hand. For the first time, top officials had to go on record about Chinese spy balloons and to even shoot one of them down.
That was much more awkward than talking about UFOs. Advanced alien spaceships in the sky may be a silly thing to comment on, but they don’t expose their duplicity and cowardice. Letting Communist China operate surveillance devices near our air bases, planes and ships does.
What did China think it was doing? The Communist regime is gathering information on our aircraft and ships, on our pilots and personnel, in preparation for an expected war over Taiwan. They want to know as much as they can about everything from capabilities to reaction times. While we’re stumbling into a war and wandering in a scifi haze, they’re doing everything they can to get an edge on us so that when the war happens, they can win swiftly and decisively.
Beijing just assumed that our government would go on covering it up. And that was a good bet.
The Biden administration remained committed to a cover-up until the American public found out through crowdsourced social media means. That is something that Communist China could not have counted on. Or perhaps it assumed that, like Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Biden administration had the leverage with Big Tech to suppress any story. That may be technically true, but the social media censors were late to brand it as “disinformation” or “lacks context”.
China’s drone, balloon and other surveillance operations have often been passed off as UFOs.
UFO nuts went wild over videos of strange objects swarming Navy vessels in California, there was little interest when defense reports confirmed that they were drones or the presence of a Chinese ship in the area. The bold escalation of the Chinese using drones to spy on military vessels in our own waters was much less exciting than things from outer space.
In a session last year led by Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrats railed at defense officials and demanded that the Pentagon tell them about UFOs. “You need to show us, Congress and the American public, whose imaginations you have captured, you are willing to follow the facts where they lead,” Rep. Andre Carson, an Islamist, berated defense officials. “I am looking for you to assure us today that all conclusions are on the table.”
The conclusion that the Biden administration and Democrats didn’t want to discuss was little red men, not little green ones. And you don’t need to watch X-Files reruns to figure out why. While some ‘look to the skies’, down here on earth, China and, more importantly, the companies and investors who depend on it, own much of our political system and we fund much of its economy.
Last year, Senate members and intelligence community figures expressed concern about hundreds of Chinese drones showing up in restricted airspace in D.C. The drones were being made by a Chinese military company whose products are being funded by American taxpayers.
You can see why Democrats would rather talk about cattle mutilations and probes.
We already know that when the various UFO reports involved actual objects, these were unfamiliar military craft, either our own, those of the Russians, and more recently, Chinese.
The UFO obsession, like most conspiracy theorist nonsense, wasn’t “exposing” anything, it was helping our government and the military cover up what was really going on, not in space, but right here. And the government was more than happy to play along with all the UFO stuff.
The truth was more human and more depressing. Our government had developed a variety of aircraft while lying to the public. And then it lied about the deployment of similar technologies in our airspace by our enemies to avoid exposing its own weakness. We have spent trillions on a massive defense industry whose products the government is too afraid to actually use.
America has the world’s leading military and the world’s worst military leadership. Media reports say that Biden wanted to shoot down the Chinese spy balloon but, “Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley insisted that such a move would put civilians at risk.” This may be White House or media spin, but it’s also entirely plausible.
Contrary to the liberal stereotype of top defense officials as gung-ho warmongers in movies like Dr. Strangelove, top generals are much more likely to dissuade presidents from military action. Gen. Milley’s phone calls with China, which shocked many conservatives, were not an aberration. Top defense officials have taken on diplomatic roles, reaching out to foreign enemies to provide personal assurances and “defuse” tensions in ways far outside their mission.
Long before Russiagate, military action to take out Iran’s nuclear program by the Bush administration was sidelined by Chairman Mike Mullen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff along with a false National Intelligence Estimate which claimed that Iran wasn’t working on nukes.
Mullen instead spent his time urging the Bush administration to maintain a dialogue with Iran.
While no one in the military should welcome a war, a perverse culture among the top brass has come to see presidents as dangerous amateurs who should be prevented from starting them.
Why is the military brass doing this? Because they can’t fight and don’t intend to even try.
After the Cold War, the political generals edged out the few warfighters and settled in to build long careers of attending D.C. cocktail parties before getting jobs with defense contractors. The peacetime generals spend a lot of money but have no idea how to actually win a war. After 9/11, much as after Pearl Harbor, they should have been cleared out and replaced with fighters. Instead, the political brass dug in even deeper and remade the military in their own image.
That’s why the military has been steadily losing every war game to China. It’s why Afghanistan and Iraq were prolonged exercises in trendy theories and appeasement that killed thousands. A war with China would be a much more catastrophic disaster and lead to a serious reckoning. That, and not the loss of many of our pilots and ships, is why they’re desperate to prevent it.
It is in this spirit that not only the White House and top Democrats, but military brass were willing to put up with close Chinese surveillance, even when it risks costing thousands of lives and losing a war, to avoid escalating tensions with Communist China. The appeasement is coming out of the Pentagon. And it amounts to a national security crisis and a preemptive surrender.
The conspiracy theories have it exactly backward. The real threat isn’t coming from outer space, but from across the water. The military isn’t trying to start a war, it’s frantically trying to stop one. And if that means passing off Chinese spy gear as UFO’s, it’ll be far from the first time.
Every year, Kecksburg, Pennsylvania holds a UFO festival. The effort by a small town to attract attention dates back to a day in 1965 when Americans saw a fireball in the sky that eventually landed in the area. The authorities closed off the area and claimed that there was nothing there. Local UFO fanatics spent decades obsessed with government conspiracy about alien landings.
50 years later, the government revealed that it had been a Soviet satellite or spacecraft.
“Plan nine from Outer space “
Agenda 2030 from Turtle Bay NYC.
Robot monster is far worse. 😉
Can Mr. Greenfield, or anyone else, provide a source for the last paragraph/sentence?
it’s a tangled story, but either their satellite or spacecraft or ours
The only story I found said on the Kecksburg 50th anniversary said it “probably” was an Air Force spy satellite.
It looks like China has been doing this for a while now, thanks for the heads up Daniel. I’m a little more concerned about the millions of Chinese people who have spread around the world, how many are awaiting instructions from their communist masters?
“ The Communist regime is gathering information on our aircraft and ships, on our pilots and personnel”
It also created the injections for the virus it created along with the World pHarma Organisation.
How many of the Chinese spies around the world are actually loyal? Treason goes both ways.
The problem is the willing defectors of the CCP Mafia would be handing themselves over to American and Western CCP sympathizers and they probably know it, so would they risk their lives to defect from the CCP gangsters under those conditions?
How many potential CCP or Iranian defectors have been sabotaged by the likes of Obama and his ilk in the US government leaking information back to the CCP or Iran about those potential defectors? If Obama and Hillary and their ilk in the US government have sabotaged, betrayed, and sent to their deaths American patriots then surely they’ve sabotaged, betrayed, and sent to their deaths potential CCP and Iranian defectors.
You think about nothing way too much from the lotus flower.
Thanks Mo. The ChiComs can punish the family members still in China of the Chinese in USA, if they don’t spy on USA. Or otherwise carry out tasks assigned by the ChiComs.
My Mom took me to flying saucer conventions at the Student Union Building on the Berkeley Campus when I was a kid back in the 1950s. She was a devout believer, as were a lot of her friends, so I have been following that issue ever since. But I never found one bit of solid evidence that they exist. My favorite tangent is tricks of perception, which can explain a lot of it. Then there is hypnosis, guided imagery, conspiracy theory. The government often encourages conspiracy theories in order to mislead.
Could be a good thing, if they did exist, they might well be predators. The notion of a “Great White Brotherhood” protecting us, or an intergalactic council watching over us, are other delusional belief systems.
Bill and Ted might disagree.
Of course they “exist” — that is not and never has been the issue! What are they is the question …
The best explanation as to why highly advanced E.T.s are NOT visiting planet Earth can be found in that wonderful, little, gem of a book written by mathematician John Allen Paulos “Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy And Its Consequences” on page 43, “EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE, YES; VISITORS IN UFOS, NO”.
The book is a wonderful, delightful, quick read. I recommend that little gem of a book all the time. Its available for free in PDF online.
“Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy And Its Consequences” – John Allen Paulos
You really just can’t help yourself can you. Once again the article is not about you or your arch nemesis….accepted legitimate religion.
You are a pathetic whiner.
I saw stuff when I quit drinking, I wouldn’t see it when I was asleep but I would see it when I opened my eyes. It was fucked up. Nobody should have to go through that shtit I saw stuff that I knew wasn’t true.
I saw little demons dancing and prancing around. It was fucked up.
cand take it. But nobbody sheould go throuough tht sht.
Yeah, there are a lot of people out on the streets in that condition. One has to be careful out there.
The surveillance balloon got shot down only after the damage was done, and due to Beijing failing to rush an extra thick envelope to Hunter.
During a brief moment of lucidity, Sleepy made a phone call.
“Hey Xi. This time, we’ve been made, so either air-express an extra payment to Hunter, or I’ll have to shoot it down!”
(Unfortunately, the retard then started dozing off during his briefings, and required constant reminders of that balloon thing – allowing it to finish it’s task. Oops.)
The current military leadership is is worse than it was before Pearl Harbor thanks to the purge of real military leases by Obama
The Clintons played their part too.
Two simple facts.
1. The universe is so large that the existence of other intelligent life forms is almost a certainty
2. The distances are so great that the likelihood we we encounter them is zero.
ALL. reports of UFOs are BS.
I have to agree with you. Take for example our closest galaxy, Andromeda at 2.537 million light years away. Even if beings there could travel at the speed of light (check Einstein for this) it would take 2.537 million years for them to get here and 2.537 MM to send a message back home, and another 2.537 MM years to get an answer back. So many generations would pass, galaxies would continue to move farther and farther apart (check red shift for that), suns would burn out, turn into red giants or white dwarfs, and what would happen to civilizations after all that times?
Star Treck ig a fun, intertestung and entertaining series on TV and Movies, but the universe doesn’t support it.
Yes, statistically the universe is so vast that virtually anything is possible. That said, until we have a better sense of how intelligent life on earth came into being, it may be widely replicable or not. Theory is one thing, reality is another.
And yes, assuming physics holds up, the distances and times are impossible. And that even assumes that they would want to encounter us or that we would want to chat with something two miles long that lives inside a gas giant.
Imagine outer space super advanced intelligent beings with brains so big they have bubble heads getting a load of Nancy Pelosi and still wanting to stop here?
I can’t.
And if they ever did, it could be an “it’s a cook book!” moment.
(I know my classic TV!)
Just one other little thing…….The chinese were controlling the balloon—-how?
Using a radio frequency—signal—of coarse.
Can a radio frequency be jammed—-of coarse.
So if ”we” were not going to shoot it down–why not at least jam the freq so the chinese could not control it?
Why hasnt the ”press” asked this question? Hmmmm
If the control frequencies were “jammed” by the US or anyone else, it may very well cause the offending blimp to crash over land, or, the RF jamming might activate some other function (such as a bomb) whose presence is unknown. The safest thing is to splash the blimp over water, which should have been done over the Pacific. The author’s points about the current occupant being compromised by chicoms nicely explains why they waited 3 days to pop the blimp. I concur with his assessment.
that is the question. Why allow the blimp to travel all the way across the US before shooting it down? Add to that they didn’t have a plan to recover the hardware on board. Why not? another question; did the Biden “think tank” just get another infusion of cash from the CCP?
That took a pretty big jump on your part to come up with those scenarios.
So here is another one for you to jump through….Did you hear anything about the US military
jamming the signal/photos/information that the balloon was sending back to china?
How about capturing that signal and deciphering the intelligence?
If it had been done, the White House would have bragged on it. So dont say it happened and they just dont want china to know.
China won big.
CHINA DOESN’T NEED SPY BALLOONS… there are plenty of American Traitors that will find out anything they need to know for free… just for the cause.
Just look at last week’s vote CONDEMNING “THE HORRORS OF SOCIALISM” where Democrat leaders were in support of it even though they later voted with the Condemnation majority.
The resolution states that “socialist ideology necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships.” Its specific condemnations of the horrors of socialism focus primarily on the brutal communist regimes of 20th century authoritarians like Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong.
EIGHTY DEMOCRATS voted for Socialism which is really Communism. The CPUSA: “SOCIALISM USA.” COMMUNISTS WANTING SOCIALISM? Sounds the same to me but Communism is a bad word.
Surely, more Democrats supported it but couldn’t come out of the Communist Closet as they are true hardcore Communists, and really, the only ones left in the world.
Add COLLEGE PROFESSORS, media, Hollywood, city/state/national leaders who will gather any intel the Chi-Coms, and any other enemy, needs. TRAITORS ALL!
Cash is king. It would probably make you puke to actually know how many traitors there are among us. From the WH down.
And then the people that took The Oath to defend the Constitution who never would while aiding and abetting the enemy! Would Omar? Obama? John Brennan, a Muslim/Communist and Obama’s CIA head who surely was supposed to conduct operations against Muslims but was surely aiding them instead on orders from Obama!
Operation Cassandra that Obama shut down!
Several achieved speeds that are completely impossible with any tech I’ve heard of. Considering many of the best ones come from China, I generally expect them to be explained away.
Nobody involved with it wants to set up robot pirate stations to catch them, so I figure if they’re not putting money where their mouths are they must be saying it for money.
It’s OK folks. now that the ChiComs have gotten all the info they need from hovering over out military bases it’s OK to shoot it down. And China gets to pretend how outraged they are. It’s a win-win.
It overflew Alaska. Alaska is sparsely settled. No shootdown. It overflew Montana. Montana is sparsely settled. No shootdown. This is inexplicable unless it takes our military and political leadership forever to make simple decisions in which case we are royally screwed.
Of course it takes them forever and they try to make the safe decisions on foreign policy while making risky ones on domestic policy.
Ban gas stoves? They’re on it. Take on China, sorry we’re in a meeting.
Banning gas stoves furthers the march to totalitarianism, taking down CCP gangster balloons hinders the march.
I doubt if you will do anything to hinder the Chicoms. That would take effort and sacrifice.
After all this is your credo:
*I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country. I recognize a moral responsibility to my freedom and liberty and the freedom and liberty of those I love.*
The only reason that Joe Biden finally allowed the US military to do its job and obliterate that spy Balloon isn’t because he cares about American or her people. It’s because Biden still has the conceited fantasy that he will run for reelection in 2024 and if he permits the American forces to take action and destroy that Communist spy balloon , Biden feels that will impress the American voting public that he is “strong President” and “deserves” to be reelected.
That’s exactly it.
Except it’s not a fantasy. The DNC just rigged the midterms for him with its primary schedule and everyone is getting out of his way.
One thing I don’t understand. From what the TV News has said, that balloon was shot down with a Sidewinder Missile. So the most powerful nation on earth used an antiaircraft missile to pop a balloon.
Question: Wouldn’t that destructive a device have destroyed much of the recoverable information contained there, not to mention a 65,000 foot drop into a 7 mile stretch of ocean? Looks like Joe didn’t want to discover that much.
Someone might have come up with a creative way to capture the balloon, but there’s not much creativity in D.C. or the military brass.
Besides they wanted a show, they don’t care about recovering data.
It’s more likely the data was being transmitted in real time. The CCP probably flipped Sleepy Joe a couple extra bucks to let the wreckage sink to the bottom of the ocean after they gave him the OK to shoot it down.
I have seen UFO’s myself and Weather Balloons as well but this is something very different from the rest of it all and the results of sell our nations Top Secrets to China by politicians. Bill Clinton did
So what are you going to do about it. Become a war hawk?
Svengoolie will be showing, Killer Clowns from Outer Space this Saturday evening. I don’t doubt that they are really from Washington, too!
I believe the UFO obsession by the media and the government has been a created plan all along to hide the comings and goings of other nations spying on the US, especially under Obama and Biden. You can bet nothing good will come from all this, just like everything else that is upside down in this administration.
When a conspiracy theory has wide government and media support and promotion, it’s not exposing anything, it’s the cover-up. Like the JFK assassination.
As I have said, governmental UFO agencies are a scam – just a cover for secretive governmental programs or operations.
Pseudo “president” Joe Biden completely refused ,until just recently, to shoot down that spy balloon sent from Communist China because Biden doesn’t want to displease his master ,who is the President/tyrant of Red China , XI Jinping. Biden is the puppet of that dictator of mainland China who is likewise the puppet master of weak and treacherous horrible old Joe.
For Biden is nothing but a tool and stooge as well lap dog of Jinping and will do anything he wants him to do or not do, as have the US Air Force shoot down that surveillance balloon.
For a number of sinister reasons, such as he admires the socialism / Communist ideology of mainland China.
Biden must also like the tyrannical oppressor of Communist China against its citizens since he absolutely is copying Red China’s imprisonment system of that regime’s tyrant Xi Jinping who has political prisoners who are held in cruel cells and treated terrible and denied their basis human rights.
For that Joe Biden has political prisoners from January 6, 2021, who are held in cruel cells and treated terrible and denied their basic human rights.
Another sinister reason that Biden will do nothing to help victims of Red China is because he is so horribly corrupt that he willingly accepts bribes from Xi Jinping and other high ranking members of the ruling Communist party of China.
About that last point ,the Bible reads ” The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
Proverbs 17:23. [N. I. V.]
Good One, and such is the reality.
Proverbs 18:5 It is not good to be partial to the wicked, and so deprive the innocent of justice. 6. The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating. 7. The mouths of fools are their undoing and their lips are a snare to their lives.