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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Wednesday marked twenty years since the fateful day that a fourteen-year-old girl in the seaside English resort town of Blackpool went missing; Charlene Downes was never seen again, and authorities believe she was murdered. As the ghastly story of what happened to her unfolded, it became appallingly clear that she was only one of thousands of British girls who had suffered a least some of the terrible ordeal she went through before she was killed. Yet even now that two decades have passed, Britain still hasn’t fully faced what happened to Charlene and the other victims or taken any serious steps to prevent what happened to them from happening to any young girl ever again.
The National Pulse reportedWednesday that Charlene Downes “disappeared after falling victim to Muslim groomers in the seaside resort of Blackpool.” Two owners of a Blackpool kebab shop, Iyad Albattikhi and Mohammed Raveshi, were put on trial for her murder, but Charlene’s grieving family would receive no justice: neither Albattikhi nor Raveshi nor anyone else was ever convicted of murdering Charlene. Her brother was the only person ever convicted in connection with the case: he assaulted Albattikhi after recordings surfaced showing him “saying she had been ‘chopped up’ and her body had ‘gone in the kebabs.’”
As if all that weren’t bad enough, on Thursday, The Publica added more piquant details: “the cases against them were dropped after police were accused of having handled the investigation ‘unprofessionally.’ The men were ultimately paid over $420,000 USD each in compensation.”
Yet as horrific as it was in every detail, Charlene’s case was only one of many similar cases. The Publica added that “during the investigation into Downes’ murder, it was discovered that up to 60 girls in their early teens had been groomed and sexually abused by men in the town.”
That was just in Blackpool; investigators have found that gangs made up overwhelmingly of Pakistani Muslim men victimized over a thousand girls in the town of Telford, and 1,400 in the town of Rotherham. And this “grooming gang” activity, as it came to be known, went on all over Britain; there could be tens of thousands of victims — or even more than that.
Yet hardly any of the perpetrators were prosecuted: “Earlier this year, GB News reporter Charlie Petersreleased a documentary on the grooming gang phenomenon, revealing that in the years between 1997 and 2017, 1 in every 1,700 Pakistani men in the country were prosecuted for their participation in such gangs. In some cities, the figure was as high as 1 in 73.”
Why did so many of these suspected pedophile rapists escape prosecution? Because British police and other authorities were terrified of being called “racist” or “Islamophobic.”
The author of one report on the activity of these rape gangs noted that there was “a great deal of evidence that there was a nervousness about race in Telford and Wellington in particular, bordering on a reluctance to investigate crimes committed by what was described as the ‘Asian’ community.” In Rotherham, “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
In 2017, Sarah Champion, a Labour MP from Rotherham and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, wrote: “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.” For stating that obvious fact, Labour expelled her from the Shadow Cabinet, and she faced a firestorm of criticism.
Few in Britain have dared state the truth as forthrightly as she did, yet she actually only got closer to the problem. This is not and never was fundamentally a racial problem; it was and is a religious one. Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction.
One English survivor of a rape gang has said that her rapists would quote the Qur’an to her and believed that Islam justified their actions. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).
The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful” (33:59). The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused and that such abuse would be justified.
But no one, and I mean no one, wants to face those facts in the UK today. The Publica notes that this year, “a number of Brits banded together to call on the Government to mark November 1 as a date to remember all the victims of grooming gangs across the country.”
But British authorities will never do justice to those victims until they fully discuss what happened and why. They’re not even close to doing that because it would involve confronting many within the Muslim community, and British officials are clearly intimidated by that community. So the same fear of “racism” that consigned tens of thousands of British girls to their fate is still very much in play.
Charlene Downes deserves better. So do all the other victims, living and dead. It’s long past time for British authorities to recover some spine. Stiff upper lip, lads. Get to work.
Cut off the dicks and balls of all the perpetrators… Do it in public.
Sell tickets and use the proceeds to fund the victims’ families and monies to lobby for loss of citizenship and deportation.
And outlaw the printing ands possession of the dirty filthy book
Keep Tommy Robinson in your prayers.
Thank you for this Robert, I was obviously aware of the Muslim rape cowardice but I wasn’t aware of the poor little Blackpool girl.
Sadly, you have described the British justice system, Muslims rape and kill innocent little girls, but the victims family get convicted. The criminal gets compensation.
The police in the uk are all like this now, like the national socialists in Germany all older policemen have been retired and replaced by idealistic young people who need a university degree to be able to work in the police force.
Young white boys that hate their own skin—-sad.
The Brits will never know peace until they come to grips with the fact that they have willingly let Satan into their midst.
Racism and Islamophobia? Really?
Know peace, No Islam.
No peace, Know Islam.
The person who called Islam the Religion of Peace must have been dropped on their head at one time
Islam has accomplished what no one since 1066 has managed to do; not Napoleon … not Hitler. Islam has invaded and conquered Britain. The British people should know that they are inviting more of such criminality by doing nothing.
If the police won’t, the people themselves should take up the burden.
It’s already here as It’s happening in almost every western country. The same ghouls who condone or promote every conceivable perversion imaginable along with the gleefully killing the unborn, are protecting or promoting this sadistic and demonic death cult called islam.
“Islam has accomplished what no one since 1066 has managed to do; not Napoleon … not Hitler. Islam has invaded and conquered Britain.”
I’d argue Henry Tudor at Boswith and William of Orange in 1688 count, since both involved armed invasion and occupation. And the latter even did it overwhelmingly with foreign troops that forced all English units to evacuate London.
But while I admit I am something of a Ricardian at heart, both men were far FAR better than this lot, medieval warlord and autocrat on one hand and Dutch popinjay on the other. And William can arguably be said to have freed Britain from Stuart tyranny. And indeed, studying the hubris of the current British ruling class reminds me a lot of James II’s tyranny and nonsense.
And the Islamic Global Jihad continues apace.. and England will be subsumed into the Islamic state that will rise out of the conquered England.. Rape, slaughter, chaos and war will finally be an end to England. They will not remember their history for Islam has a history to cover the situation.
And what a glorious history it was.
Today Scotland has a First Minister who is a muslim born in Glasgow and who stood in front of the Scottish Parliament a few years ago and complained there were too many white people in powerful positions across Scotland so muslims are not just grabbing power in England but also in Scotland.
The History of Britain is not for England alone as most of the Great Ships that Sailed The Oceans Waves were built in Scotland.
The majority of the offenders come from Pakistani Kashmir., and most have relatives in grooming gangs.
The best way to help the victims is to frame the problem as “the Pakistani Mafia”, which would not single out Muslims. It’s essential to get these people deported or behind bars.
And above all, not house girls in care where there are lots of Pakistanis!
The long term problem is Islam, but there are several thousand men in crime families who need to be dealt with asap.
I wish some believers in natural law would take care of issues themselves.
UK takes the lead in the European Islamopandering derby.
England has become a mere shadow of itself and given the path they are on will cease to exist as a Western nation in the near future. While they are currently “subjects” of a pretend monarchy they will soon find themselves subject to a cult that will treat them far worse than any king or queen ever did. It’s hard to watch and should be an example to all the other Western nations that invite and welcome in the personification of their demise.
Daniel Pipes nailed what was happening with his 6 “P” analysis of that grooming scandal.
Politicians, police, professors, publishees, persecutors and priests are all on board lest the bigger victim be diversity They all were involved in the coverup, and all have doubled down on the belief since then.
It is the same tendency that provides bail for BLM rioters and lets Hamas run roughshod over college campuses, yet gives the ‘Proud Boys” twenty years in prison or being on a cell phone during the storming of Congress..
“Whiteness is evil and goodness is the central feature of BIPOC melanin”.
That is literally what the dominant culture teaches us now, and the rape of thousand of teenage girls in Britain mean nothing to the DEI ghouls.
And where are all the pheminists now?
Yea, exactly.