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President Joe Biden is now 80 years old. He will be 82 when he campaigns for the 2024 presidency – and a clearly debilitated 86 should he be elected and fill out his second term. He has been in government for over a half-century.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and current representative from California is 83.
Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., the second-ranking Democratic House member behind Pelosi, was House majority leader until early this year. He is 83, and has been an elected official for nearly 60 years.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is 72, with 48 years in elected government.
Democratic luminary and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, Senator Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., is 89, and ailing – after 53 years as an elected official.
James Clyburn, D-S.C., is House minority whip and 82.
These are the official faces of the Democratic Party.
They came into power and maturity three decades ago during the Clinton years of 1993-1999.
Decades ago, they sometimes supported strong national defense, secure borders, gas and oil development, fully funding the police, and a few restrictions on partial-birth abortions.
Not now.
Their role has changed from that of liberals of the Clinton era to serving as the thin power-holding veneer that masks the new real Democratic Party.
The party has been changed beyond recognition by Senators Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., the so-called Squad, the Congressional Black Caucus, newly elected senators like the Georgia duo of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock – and Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Yet Biden and company are still familiar American faces.
Their final role is to acculturate the electorate to the new Democratic Party.
Its radicals are breathing down their necks to get out of the way. Yet for a while longer they still need such an ossified veneer of respectability to ease the transition to what is now essentially a socialist-European green party.
This new Democratic Party believes in defunding the police.
It supports the George-Soros-funded state and city district attorneys.
These prosecutors seek either to release violent criminals without bail or reduce their felonies to misdemeanors.
Critical legal and race theories are their creeds. So they argue that crimes have little to do with individual free will.
Criminals are not deterred by tough enforcement of the laws. Instead, “crime” reflects arbitrary constructs of a racially oppressive hierarchy.
They believe the “woke” revolution of using race and gender in lieu of a meritocracy should dominate government and corporate boardrooms.
Racial separation in graduations, dorms, and university programs are needed reparations.
Big Tech is their ally. All the better when it partners with government, especially the FBI and CIA, to suppress “misinformation” and “disinformation.”
They believe gender is socially constructed. Thus transitioning biological males can and should compete in women’s sports.
They want a Green New Deal right now, one that calls for the abolition of natural gas and oil for electricity generation and transportation.
Abortion is seen as a God-given right – even as a baby passes through the birth canal.
Climate change is their religion, trumping any concern for the viability of the middle-class suffering from inflation, high interest rates, and recession.
They want semiautomatic rifles to be banned. Concealed handgun permits should be almost impossible to obtain.
The more voters skip Election Day through mail-in balloting and early voting, the better.
There is no longer “dark money,” only useful “correct” money.
The more that Silicon Valley and Wall Street grandees quietly reroute hundreds of millions of dollars into hard-Left PACs and “nonpartisan” causes, the more the donors should expect lucrative crony-capitalist green deals and government concessions.
Much of the ideology of the new Democratic Party arose in academia, like critical race theory and modern monetary theory. The giveaway word is “theory” – a mask for any absurd doctrine that can be dressed up as a sophisticated new idea.
When Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the new Democratic minority leader in the House or Elizabeth Warren in the Senate advocate these positions, the voters recoil. That pushback is understandable, since almost none of these notions poll above 50 percent.
The role of a calcified Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein, Hoyer, or Clyburn is to reassure voters through their notoriety and apparently staid exteriors that they are hardly the sort to embrace revolution, although that is exactly what they do.
“Ol’ Joe” Biden’s old guard and the new hard Left play a game of mutual advantage.
The new majority of radical Democrats allows the old fogies to bask in the limelight until they drop – exempt from counter-revolutionary criticism or inter-party primary challenges or demands to retire.
In return, the codgers reassure the nation that old faces like theirs cannot possibly be polyester revolutionary socialists – despite their role in airbrushing and photoshopping the radical catastrophe unfolding before our eyes.
Dr.Ernesto says
How much CO2 would it add to the atmosphere if we burned DC to the ground? Asking for a friend.
David Ray says
Who cares? CO² is needed for plants anyway.
All your friend would have to do is plant MAGA & Trump signs at any place that needs torching during an AntiFa/ BLM rally.
Brad says
Government, like the public school establishment is beyond self reform. They are too big, and too self-interested.
Only way change will happen is from external shocks. Then there will be real change but not necessarily good.
Examples are hyper inflation, war and a worthless dollar.
Ugly Sid says
The government must solve the Kulak Krisis.
The Wreckers are upon us. Come on, Joe. Show us the Irish-American gumption. What would Victor McLaughlin do? [ Did you know that McLaughlin once boxed with Jack Johnson? ].
Send out federal enforcement. Round up the troublemakers, and their families, and everyone who failed to inform upon them.
Release the Kraken.
Dick Gripeman says
He was young once. But the same old Joe.
Banastre Tarleton says
The US Blue states and most of the EU have became a parody of the former Soviet Union , but it should come as no surprise as the Dem radicals are reading from similar utopian blueprints
Biden is a latter day Kalinin, insomuch, he’s merely a figurehead leader ; a sock puppet for Obama and Susan Rice who are calling the shots
David Ray says
The cheap old fart has been an empty suit his entire life.
DNC elites saw a disposable front man.
Voters saw what the courtier press packaged for them.
MAGA patriots saw him for what actually is . . . a highly insecure idiot who grew more rancid with age.
Kasandra says
Voters stupid enough to vote for these people based upon veneer rather than their policies and character deserve what they get. Unfortunately, there are enough of them to take the rest of us down as well.
rocco barbella says
Most democrat voters don’t know what their party’s policies are. They vote democrat because that’s what their grandparents and parents did. They walk in a voting booth like feeble minded sheep and blindly pull the lever for anyone with a D next to their name.
Case in point is my imbecile 75 yr old brother in law. When he found out my wife votes Republican he was taken aback and said “Marie, you aren’t a Democrat? We are from Boston. Mom and dad were Democrats. That’s what we do, we vote Democrat.” He’s been blindly voting for Democrats without any clue about their policies, and he’s been doing that for decades.
Same for my low IQ sister in law. You can’t even reason with them. Thanks goodness my wife was intelligent enough to realize you don’t blindly vote for a party without knowing their policies. She broke away politically from her family decades ago,
David Ray says
My mom did the same – went from being a “by God” Democrat to voting Republican.
The fact that she worked hard, paid taxes, was highly responsible & smart helped the transition.
THX 1138 says
You mean the fact that she was fundamentally rationally selfish helped her transition. Self-preservation, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-esteem, depend on rational self-interest, in other words rational selfishness.
“The man of authentic self-confidence is the man who relies on the judgment of his own mind. Such a man is not malleable; he may be mistaken, he may be fooled in a given instance, but he is inflexible in regard to the absolutism of reality, i.e., in seeking and demanding truth . . .
There is only one source of authentic self-confidence: reason….
Those who start by saying: “It is selfish to pursue your own wishes, you must sacrifice them to the wishes of others”—end up by saying: “It is selfish to uphold your convictions, you must sacrifice them to the convictions of others.”…
The attack on “selfishness” is an attack on man’s self-esteem; to surrender one, is to surrender the other.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
No, I think he was very clear. She worked hard and paid taxes and became a Republican.
He did not say she became a Republican by being “rationally selfish”. No one but you thinks this way.
They simply live their lives with out all the handwringing and angst you try to put everyone through.
How internally maddening it must be to be you.
Brad says
Totally agree. Brother has taken daily NY Times for 25 years.( Now says online Washington Post is a better deal).
When he talks you can easily identify the lefty BS. Also has almost NO knowledge of facts that weigh on conservatives like crime and illegal migration.
TRex says
In current times a huge contributing factor is the MSM and Democrats using Alinsky tactics to target and demonize Trump. Whether you are for or against him it can’t be overlooked how effective this tactic has been. TDS is a thing and for many is the only thing that drives them to the polls. TDS will continue to be a deciding factor in the upcoming election as well. The clarion call for Democrat LIV’s is TDS along with “extreme MAGA Republicans”. Everything else is cerebral, not emotional, and isn’t even a consideration. What a helluva way to run a country.
Robert Hagedorn says
I wonder how much of this same type of awareness and discussion was present in Germany in 1931? And what about Rome in 400?
Jason P says
In Germany good people did nothing as the Hitler took over. Now seemly good people are front running the totalitarian take over.
George Mallory says
The intellectual corruption, VDH, is not about age. It is about truth. I used to have huge respect for you but as you endorsed Trump and have NEVER admitted his serious failings and never-ending worship of self service, I find it hard to accept anything that you write. You need to move on from your love affair with Trump. His running is the worst thing for our country and the best thing for Biden!
Tortoise Herder says
The stupidity and immaturity of this comment are far worse than anything VDH has done. I’ve become significantly less pleased with Trump has he keeps stumbling and engaging in petty seating conflicts while the Republic founders, but if you think that his running is the worst thing for the Republic next to things like the coordinated, nakedly political, and utterly dishonest “51 Intel experts” vrooming Hunter Biden’s laptop under the carpet or the systematic voter manipulation in places like Maricopa, than YOU have completely lost all sense of perspective and deserve no respect.
Also VDH has criticized Trump’s follies plenty, he just usually does not emphasize it as much because he views them as lesser problems. As well he should.
You’re engaging in magical thinking and it shows. I am not opposed to dumping Trump per se, but if you think Trump is the most lethal or useful tool the Left has you simply have not been paying attention and assume we aren’t either.
rocco barbella says
Great troll job.
TK says
Mask on Biden?
Tank Array says
Come on VDH—these people have been Marxists since the 1930s. The only thing that has changed is that they now control all of the levers of power, they are emboldened enough to take the mask off, which they have been dying to do for decades and decades.
Anne says
It is so obvious how power and greed corrupts. Most politicians are not civili servants, to the people, they switched the rolls where the people serve them and their need for power, they have become lovers of themselves in every way,
Jello says
My brother is a long time communist organizer on the left coast. Believe me, the American Democrat party is far from being a European Socialist party. They are a combination of “perpetual revolution” Trotskyists (which is the ideology of By Any Means Necessary, larping as Antifa) and Marxist-Maoists (the ideology of the Liberation Road Socialists, larping as BLM). The so-called Democrat Socialists who wail about “our democracy” are a hard core Communists, mostly expressing a Marxist-Maoist ideology. Maoism is the only thing left of Stalinism and given China’s expansion on the world stage, it is the most prominent form of Communism today. The only thing ostensibly “democratic” about DSA is their belief that Communism can be brought to America through the ballot box. Just as it was in Venezuela. Of course, that ballot box will be stuffed, and the election machines will be rigged to select the correct Communist candidate. The politicians on both sides, as well as teh unions and the teachers will all help to speed our demise.
Jello says
Oh, as far as good ‘ole Joe being the stalwart face of political normalcy, I will pass on something that my communist organizer brother told me long ago. I can’t prove that it’s true, but the facts all seem to point to it.. He said that Joe Biden won his initial election in 1973 because a KGB front group named the Council for a Livable World, recruited, financed and trained him. The Council was created in 1962 by Leo Szilard, a Hungarian physicist who pioneered nuclear weapons research.
Szilard worked on the Manhattan Project. He was called out as a spy who passed nuclear secrets in a 1994 book by ex-KGB officer Pavel Sudoplatov. The FBI never investigated the matter and cleared Szilard immediately. Of course, Bill Clinton was president then, so no surprise there. Sudoplatov accused Szilard, Bohr, Fermi and Oppenheimer of passing nuclear secrets, and magically, the Soviets were able to replicate the American nuclear bomb shortly afterward.
The Council for a LIvable World specialized in recruiting unknown senate and congressional candidates from small states who would push their agenda of de-nurcleaizing and de-weaponizing America. Both Biden and Obama were recruited by the Council, and they are now the largest political recruiting firm in D.C.