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This will date me, but I’m old enough to remember when comedians knew how to unite all Americans through humor instead of dividing them through mean-spirited, partisan mocking. Yes, there was political humor, but entertainers like Bob Hope knew to bring audiences together by poking fun at all politicians instead of just the Republican ones. I’m even old enough to remember when comedians valued family entertainment instead of relying heavily (or entirely) on a relentless stream of profanity to distract from their lack of wit and comedic insight. What a sadly distant world that seems now.
Today, you can count on one hand the number of big-name comedians who aren’t openly left-wing and don’t smear the other half of the country as knuckle-dragging bigots. And yet the Left can dish it out but can’t take it. Mocking their sacred cows triggers Cancel Culture outrage. For years now, some older-school comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have been complaining that young audiences, especially on woke college campuses, have become too hyper-sensitive about race, gender, politics, pronouns, and other minefields. Comedy doesn’t entertain them anymore; it offends them (you know it’s bad if college students think Seinfeld is edgy).
As an example of the kind of comedy that unfortunately does not trigger offense in younger audiences in the Western world these days, check out this unfunny anti-white revenge fantasy from woke Australia’s Bangladeshi Muslim comedian Aamer Rahman:
Aamer Rahman’s “comedy” act is a fantasy about traveling back in time to convince leaders from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America to colonize and enslave Europe. He thinks this is the only real “reverse racism.”
I’m all for provocative comedy that forces…
— Stu (@thestustustudio) June 14, 2024
Yes, he got ecstatic applause and hysterical laughter for that bit, probably mostly from self-loathing white Australians, but it could only be funny if you hold the cultural Marxist belief that throughout history white people have been uniquely oppressive, exploitative, and inherently racist, and deserve to have the tables turned on them by oppressed, exploited, subjugated brown people like Rahman. In fact, as Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield put it, Rahman’s routine wasn’t comedy; it was aspirational.
Aamer Rahman, by the way, is best-known as one-half of a comedy duo that billed themselves as Fear of a Brown Planet, with material that was focused, as you can no doubt guess, on the issues of racism, colonialism, and immigration. They were awarded Best Newcomers at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and handed a raft of TV writing gigs, because multicultural hatred for one’s adopted Western homeland pays these days, and anti-Western immigrants would rather exploit that than assimilate like old-fashioned immigrants. But like too many comedians these days, Rahman is at his core a political activist, not a funnyman. He recognizes the power of comedy to push the sort of hate and division he wants to sow in the culture he wants to undermine.
Another man who understands the political usefulness of comedy is socialist Pope Francis, who hosted over 100 comedians from 15 nations at the Vatican last Friday, apparently to “establish a link” between the Catholic Church and artists with the power to reach many millions, according to a press release. The meeting aimed to “celebrate the beauty of human diversity … [and] promote a message of peace, love and solidarity.” The intention was for the event to “be a moment of meaningful intercultural dialogue and sharing of joy and hope.”
Although fully two-thirds of the attendees were Italian, the gaggle of jokesters also included the UK’s Stephen Merchant and US celebrities such as the insufferably unfunny left-wing propagandists Whoopi Goldberg and Stephen Colbert, Obama supporter Chris Rock, progressive lesbian Tig Notaro, lifelong democrat Conan O’Brien, and man-child Jimmy Fallon, who was once forced by the Cancel Culture Crowd to apologize repeatedly for “humanizing” his Tonight Show guest Donald Trump (so now, Fallon makes sure to mock him). Not a single English-speaking comedian in attendance could be described as even centrist or non-political, much less conservative (even Jim Gaffigan, who studiously avoids politics in his standup routines, went on an anti-Trump rant in 2020, calling the MAGA icon “a traitor and a con man who doesn’t care about you… a liar, a criminal [and] a fascist who has no belief in law”). So much for “diversity” and “intercultural dialogue.” (In all fairness, there may have been right-of-center comedians present from Italy or the other countries).
“In the midst of so much gloomy news, immersed as we are in many social and even personal emergencies, you have the power to spread peace and smiles,” Francis lauded the comedians. It’s true, they do have that power, but that’s not what they use it for; too often they use it to marginalize and demonize the “deplorables” on the other side of the political aisle and to get affirmation from their showbiz elite peers.
“You unite people, because laughter is contagious,” Francis continued. “Remember this,” he added. “When you manage to bring intelligent smiles to the lips of even a single spectator, you also make God smile.”
It’s hard to imagine that the likes of pro-abortion promoter Whoopi Goldberg puts a smile on God’s lips, but this is the same Pope who doesn’t seem to believe in Original Sin, who backs the Alphabet Agenda, and who demands that the already over-burdened West throw open its borders and embrace all the world’s migrants and refugees.
While the Pope, misguided though he is, seemed to want to harness the messaging power of celebrity comics for what he believes is the Good, left-wingers of a more totalitarian stance also understand its potential for subversion – and they fear it.
Totalitarian powers-that-be don’t appreciate subversive humor. As an example, check out the restrictions required of the participants in a forthcoming political humor event in Communist Cuba. The event, according to the Cuban Culture Ministry, will feature “the fight against neofascism” as its central theme and will welcome participants from 24 countries, who will compete with 225 “political humor” works over the course of two weeks, ending June 28.
So far, so good. Who isn’t against neofascism? (I’m joking; lots of people these days are pro-fascist). But Cuban cartoonist Arístides Hernández, one of the event’s organizers, stated last week that “there are limits to humor in relation to the historical figures of the Revolution and the formative concepts of Cuban national identity; there will be room for social criticism and satire as long as those points are not touched upon in a disrespectful or degrading manner.”
Put more bluntly: no jokes may be made at the expense of the regime. This is par for the course under totalitarianism. There is a scene from the brilliant 2007 movie The Lives of Others, set in East Germany prior to the fall of the Berlin wall, which captures the state’s vulnerability to mockery. In one chilling scene, a Party official overhears an oblivious young soldier beginning to tell friends a joke at the expense of the Party Chairman. When the soldier realizes a Party superior is eavesdropping, he blanches in fear, but the official feigns amusement and encourages him to finish the joke. The punch line ridicules not only the Chairman but the rigid oppression of the system itself. The official then sternly demands to know the soldier’s name and department, warning him, “I don’t have to tell you what this means for your career. You were deriding the Party. That’s incitement, and likely just the tip of the iceberg. I will report this to the Minister.” Under totalitarianism, mockery threatens the Party as surely as armed insurrection does – perhaps even more so, because a revolution can be crushed by military might, but ridicule is a more insidious, elusive, and subversive threat.
Democrats have held the reins of cultural power now for over fifty years. Taking Machiavellian strategist and Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky’s dictum “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon” to heart, they have weaponized comedy against their political opponents everywhere from the late-night talk show scene to daytime TV’s The View to Saturday Night Live.
But beginning with President Trump, who understood how to use their own tactics against the Left, they became the ones helplessly exposed by the spotlight of mockery, and now the cultural tide is turning. Witness, for example, the success of the right-leaning (but not rigidly so) satire site Babylon Bee. The Left is now personally experiencing the truth of Alinsky’s observation about ridicule, that “There is no defense” against it. “It’s irrational. It’s infuriating.”
Totalitarianism, like comedy, is serious business; but unlike comedy, totalitarianism doesn’t work if everyone’s laughing.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
There once was a fag from Khartoum
Who invited a dyke to his room
They argued all night
About who has the right
To do what, and with which, and to whom
There once was a Muslim named Alice
Who used dynamite as a phallus
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
And asshole ten miles south of Dallas
Oh, that’s a good one! 🙂
Each part will vote in November.
The Goolag Archipelago describes fear of mockery as one of the worst crimes against the Soviets.
That coloured Aussie was quite good, historically dumb because it wasn’t for hundreds and hundreds of years it was for decades not centuries and if the aborigines were smart enough at the time they would have done the very thing that he’s joking about.
Well “Indians” from the sub-continent and Abos are all white so……….
I have an “olive” complexion and get so dark I look purple if I spend a lot of time in the sun. Am I a “brown” person? Shit. I’m white as fuck. My maternal side of the family is close to 100% British, and Nordic British at that. Who knows who my dad’s side was fucking, though. I haven’t taken a genetic test, I just know the results of the one a maternal aunt took. My birth name is Rininger, so for all I know I’m half a Jew boy. Not that I give a fuck about my lineage.
Mockery is very powerful, though. I’ve been saying that for years. It makes the people you mock held in contempt and puts them on the defensive, which is a losing attitude. Alinsky was an evil genius in the class of Lenin.
We should mock lefties relentlessly. Just go Nick DePaolo on their asses.
Given that both Thomas More and Martin Luther were agreed that the devil cannot bear to be mocked, perhaps the presence of humourlessness should be spiritually diagnostic.
THEIR SMILES ARE SCARY and this fake pOPE is smiling with them BUT:
“BEWARE of the Person with the Never-Ending Smile, for when you turn your back, they show their FANGED TEETH!” sc
“ISN’T IT IRONIC that Leftist Vampires, who always Cringe at the site of a CRUCIFIX… LOVE THIS pOPE?” sc
Late night humor and the end of the day laughter that put a smile on your face while nodding off to sleep from of day chaos, IS OVER! The days of Johnny Carson, a man who did make fun of everyone, and loved to go after Reagan, especially daddy Bush, ARE OVER. (I see re-runs on my free TV, no cable.) The Tonight Band who played REAL MUSIC and who didn’t lead off the night with, “HEY! HEY! HEY!”, and then played the same six songs going to break. (I was in the NM Symphony and we played with Doc Severson, Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillispie, Dave Brubeck, Steve and Edie, WHEN MUSIC WAS MUSIC and I always wonder how it went from that to cRAP!)
These men in the photo are not funny but scary because they connect with audiences who are the same kind. Stephen Colbert really has Trump Derangement Syndrome turning him into a full-blown psychotic! SNL is pure HATE. ALL OF THESE SHOWS used to promote division, hate, and only psychotics laugh at them!
BUT THEN YOU HAVE THIS pOPE WHO LAUGHS WITH THEM! Pope John Paul II warned us of these Marxist priests, especially in Central America and Liberation Theology. NOW WE HAVE A MARXIST pOPE who practices Liberation Theology! Then we had a MARXIST PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA who practices BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY and is the leader of The Black Supremacist Movement! (I wrote the Fanged Teeth quote for him, Michelle, Hillary, Ellen, and added Kamala! THEY ARE EVIL and yet admired by this pOPE!)
psalm ch. 2 v4 ” he who sits in the heavens shall laugh., the LORD shall hold them in derision . then he shall speak to them in His wrath , and distress them in his deep displeasure . ” hebrews ch. 10 v31 ” it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God .” everyone dies eventually , some sooner than they would like some later than they could hope , but everyone will die . then comes the judgement . if repentance is not forthcoming and that includes the pope who is not saved then hell awaits , and that folks is no laughing matter .
The only thing the satanic catholic fake church is interested in doing is…
Uniting everyone under the islamic Antichrist Beast System…
What is the difference between islam and catholicism? <<< Nothing…
close but no horseshoe ringer
Acerbic fool Kathy Griffin, who posed with a severed head od Donald Trump, is having to beg on-line for people to buy tickets to her stand ups.
Note that a rodeo clown was banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. (He had also worn Reagan & Bush masks, but as conservatives aren’t shallow, vindictive, drama-queens, no complaints were ever made.)
As the lackluster Griffin is looking worse & worse due to lung & throat cancer, her having to trawl for tickets might become mute.
(2nd throat surgery may end her ability to speak. She’s now reaping “it real”.)
There one was a devil in hell
wanted to kill all
Working only on the spirit level
Convinced many his way is best
And brought down billions of YHVH’s Creation
Who won’t join us in eternity!
Jewish Limerick Leprechaun
Remember the hippie flower children
What happened to them?
They needed to survive
Living off the grid ain’t fun
Being stoned for life
Is not sustainable
Now they are senior citizens
And bitch and moan about life
Except the ones who vote MAGA
Life is a nightmare
Unless you figure ot the required
To figure out and overcome problems and obstacles
“No” means “Yes” to entrepreneurs
Stepping back to regroup
And going about the goal
Until yet another success is met.
This is what is going to become
Of the hypersensitive
And blaming others for their lack of success
When they never even tried
Like it was supposed to be handed to them.
Most will be like the old hippies
Bitching and moaning and blaming others for their lot in life
For their life and making complaining an art in their senior citizen years
While only a few see the light and follow it
And see how others did it is the formula for success in life!
Been There Done That Leprechaun
Since we can’t go back and edit our comments, I stand on my ‘can’t spell werth beins’ and my blood type is not only thing about me that is type-O
There once was a devil in hell
wanted to kill all
Working only on the spirit level
Convinced many his way is best
And brought down billions of YHVH’s Creation
Who won’t join us in eternity!
Jewish Limerick Leprechaun
Front Page has algorithms not Al Gore rhythms, since this is an article on comedy, that when I type in or lozrfr-zatan it immediately excludes it when I Submit. I don’t think it”s lozrfr-zatan as I coined the term, it’s using the that sees it as some kind of code and immediately eliminates it.
I see the same thing when I include MINDSETS with ..
Let’s see when I click submit on this comment.
This is my comment sans :
There once was a devil in hell
lozrfr-zatan wanted to kill all
Working only on the spirit level
Convinced many his way is best
And brought down billions of YHVH’s Creation
Who won’t join us in eternity!
Jewish Limerick Leprechaun
Yup. I was correct
The pope went to Gaza to support Muslim terrorists by calling them “innocent victims” and demand an “immediate cease-fire”.
One of the slower-witted of the Muslims espied his mitre, mistook it for a yarmulke, pulled a gun, and Shot Him!
The pope didn’t die immediately, so the gathering herd of excitable Muslims stripped him and castrated him!!
I offer this story as an example of a joke which splits an audience…
MY people ( Jewish conservatives for justice ) think the story is funny; as an imagined example of poetic justice.~
YOU? — and YOURS ???
But hadn’t he already had that procedure?
I am not a terribly good Catholic. But, I do recognize the Devil when he is standing in front of me. He is not “my Pope.”
It occurs to me that Islam is the other group that cannot tolerate humour – I recall a certain episode featuring cartoons of Mohammed. The irony of the comedian who recommended that non-whites should have colonised whites is, of course, that the move to do that started in the 7th century and continues to this day – it is just that it targeted anyone who wasn’t Muslim, not just white non-Muslims.
Who do you think founded the United Nations?! Satan did
Three of my favorites: (sorry so late)
— “We have the best politicians in Washington that money can buy.” Will Rogers
— “The secret to eternal youth is arrested development.” Alice Roosevelt Longworth
— “I get the missiles to go up. Where they come down is not my department.” Tom Lehrer’ on Wernher von Braun
As Caucasians are around 11% of the Worlds population then I as a European demand my civil rights as a minority.
This wee ”brown” dude is not funny as he forgets that ARABS used Europeans as Slaves, as well as Africans, and if it was not for Europeans colonizing whatever shithole his heritage came from then he would have had zero possibility of standing on Stage talking shit..
But then morons like this guy are often confused about the lessons of History and the various Races around the World that all they can do is put an entire Race of people down that helped him, allowed him, to be the person he is..
Ya cant fix this kind of stupid.
Put the fear of God back into the heart of the American man.
I’ve seen it. I’ve done it. It works.
It’s simple. The more one sweats, the less one bleeds.