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Contrary to what liberals think, it’s not impossible for Latinos or any minority to be racist or a Neo-Nazi. The Nazis had a wide base of support in the Muslim world, Africa and Latin America. That included Jose Vasconcelos, the ‘Mexican’ politician and thinker who created the term La Raza Cosmica, which gave us the La Raza movement and its accompanying nationalism, and who propagandized for Nazi Germany.
(The Nazis were not racist in the KKK sense, they hated what they considered mixed and inferior races, but they did not consider black people or Asians to be on that list, they did place Jews, gypsies and to some degree Slavic peoples there. But they also were not consistent except, like the Left, in saying whatever was convenient. Thus the Japanese became an Aryan people.)
It’s also possible that Mauricio Garcia was an enthusiast of the Third Reich, but his death toll certainly doesn’t point to any kind of clear racist agenda.
The dead include Daniela and Sofia Mendoza, an 11 and 8 year old girl, their mother was seriously wounded, but still alive.
It includes a Korean family, an Indian woman and a white security guard.
In woke parlance, the victims were very diverse, although none of the dead are black and Jews, an obvious target of a Neo-Nazi weren’t even an issue (that I know of) and it’s not as if the Allen mall would be an ideal target zone.
It’s still possible that Garcia was obsessed with Nazis in a cosplay kind of sense the way some school shooters, including the Columbine bunch, were. That’s not the same as an ideological Nazism. There are people who enjoy the Nazis as avatars of death. If the Garcia materials turn out to be true, that seems like it was his thing. He wasn’t admiring Mengele because he thought the Nazis had some good ideas, but because he wanted to kill a whole bunch of people, and the Nazis have become shorthand for evil, a kind of political satanism.
Maybe Garcia did have races he wanted to go after, but if so the list of the dead shows no pattern. And that’s something that the media ought to address… if it were at all honest.
Mr Greenfield, I don’t think you’re right about the Nazi beliefs and actions on blacks. Maybe officially and not uniformly but in practice and the basic zeitgeist there was hatred towards blacks and mostly condescension because they were not the primary lightening rod that Jews were.
Nazis showed this in many different ways as did Hitler. Hitler often enough displayed pure hatred and venom in his writings towards blacks basically with little room for any way to frame it other than wholly pejorative. Ape level sub-humans.. A particular target were the babies left the troops stationed from African French colonies in the Ruhr. He often talked about the horror of the race mixing as did Goebbels and fear of “Americanization” of Germany and its culture.
I’m not saying the Nazis didn’t view blacks as an inferior race, this was however different than degenerate races that had to be exterminated right away
eventually, had the Nazis won, they probably would have declared some black populations degenerate and began the usual process, for the moment though they were trying to recruit Africans to help them fight England, France, etc…
the same would have likely happened to most of the planet
the Nazis were still vehemently opposed to racial intermixing and would have had the usual European disdain for black people, it just wasn’t their policy at the time
had they won in Europe, defeated America, Russia, taken Africa, we would have seen their intentions evolve into a likely genocide of Africans as well
Latinos are not a race but an ethnic group. Argentina and Uruguay are whiter than the USA or Canada. The white Cubans call themselves “Gallegos” as if they’re only Cubans by accident of birth but are going back to Galicia, Spain any day now, and you won’t see them encouraging their children to marry black Cubans.
In any case Hitler and his Nazis would have been right at home ruling over the Aztecs and the Incas because death and human sacrifice are more central to Nazism than racism. To this day Mexican culture has a bizarre fascination and celebration of death, “El Dia De Los Muertos”.
A kind of collective insanity took over the German people. They didn’t have enough manpower to conquer the world. One could see it even in WW1, after the initial successes of the Ludendorff Offensive in WW1 they were talking about World Domination, even some of the leading intellectuals. I saw it also in General Max von Hoffmann’s writing, he said the German people didn’t understand how big the world was.
It’ the same with the Chicoms now. They’re grandiose idiots. They can’t achieve it. No force can.
Thanks Jeff, good point.
I think that was the way I perceived it also. The Nazi hate for blacks was just as ugly, a near universal core value and the stereotypes, conventional wisdom for blacks. Ok so they were obsessed and fixated on the Jews, Roma and Slavs. and not threatened by blacks so it was a matter of not enough time to act on all the hates they had or constant severity..
It needs to be said Communists need ways to motivate their useful idiots and Germans had contact and prior prejudices with Jews. It was only a matter of time after the Nazis ran out of Jews and started cohabitating with blacks, that they would start exterminating them. Blacks would also have to be no longer convenient or useful to the Nazis for blacks to get a turn on the genocide wheel. Thank you for the distinction as to how they thought and why a different priority. for degenerate races meant the levels of practiced racism and danger involved were different. Thought wise, Nazis were about as racist as humanly possible towards blacks.
Appreciated the reply
The Germans did a pretty good job of committing genocide German West Africa (Namibia) in 1904. It was the very first genocide of the 20th century, the Century of Genocide in my own parlance.
Not that Hitler wasn’t outgoing or charismatic or able to switch from his rants if he found a person useful and present this dichotomy of hate versus admiration, just that hatred of Jews was the most effective motivator of Germans. A black student from the US visiting Germany found himself in the same building as Hitler and was summoned by Hitler to talk. He couldn’t help being afraid, but when he got there Hitler was effusive and warm and complimentary on the subject matter of his thesis, to paraphrase, the history, outlook for German colonization of Africa The student was happy and surprised by the meeting and conversation but as it was ending Hitler complimented the student how he spoke nearly perfect German and the reason for this was blacks were good at mimicry like animals. The student left realizing Hitler’s depth of bigotry towards blacks. Eventually the Nazis adopted the student’s thesis as their own policy for colonization of Africa or at least borrowed heavily from it..
Can you shed any more light on the nuance of what you are talking about? Is it just how the argument is being framed? I found the perspective interesting, maybe there is something I can read.
Paul Berman’s THE FLIGHT OF THE INTELLECTUALS goes into the Nazis’ collaboration with people-of-color Muslims.
From a review of the book (at “An important player in the story he tells is the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, an active and important collaborator with both the Nazi war machine and the Nazi’s ‘final solution’ for the Jews, and a close intimate of [Hassan] al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood…essentially an unindicted Nazi war criminal.”
The Nazis even thought of promoting Hitler to Muslims as the the 12th Imam—”Mohammed ibn Hasan, the 12th in the line of imams who were descendants of the prophet Mohammed”(from—who many Muslims believe will return in a sort of Second Coming to save the world.
Mauricio Garcia was mentally ill. Full stop.