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Cast your memory back to June 16, 2015, when then iconic New York City businessman Donald J. Trump rode down the escalator at Trump Tower to announce that he was running for President of the United States. Not only did the Democrats and liberal media roll their eyes, but so did the entrenched elites in the Republican establishment.
More than rolling their eyes, many openly laughed at the prospect of businessman Trump defeating seasoned politicians such as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, and Ted Cruz to win the Republican primary. Trump not only defeated them but the other ten Republican candidates in the field as well. Sixteen against one and Trump crushed them all. Said one Republican strategist about that primary: “Remember 2016: 16 of our best Republican candidates walked into a dark alley with Donald Trump and only one person emerged — and it was Trump.”
And yet, if you do an internet search for “compilation video of people laughing at the idea of Trump becoming President” – keeping in mind that far-left Google tries to bury the evidence – you will see example after example of pundits and politicians literally rolling their eyes and laughing at the prospect. All, who look petty, biased, foolish, ignorant, scared, and hate-fill almost a decade later.
Amazingly – but not the least bit surprisingly – many of those same pundits, politicians, and “Never-Trumpers” who were demonstrably proven to be ignorant haters by their embarrassingly wrong predictions regarding Trump’s chances in the Republican primary of 2016, doubled down in the general election. Once again, with eyes rolling and elitist condescending laughter, they “guaranteed” that Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton. Fortunately for our nation, the “deplorables” looked down upon by Mrs. Clinton proved those hate-filled liberal prognosticators wrong…again.
Anyone who has even a cursory understanding of the life and career of Donald Trump knows that it contains multiple instances where his goals, dreams, and aspirations were rebuffed by “experts” rolling their eyes. Experts who were proven wrong time and again by a young businessman who not only believed in himself but knew that he was fundamentally correct.
Back in 1986, Judith Kranz published a fun novel titled: “I’ll Take Manhattan.” A year later it was turned into a highly successful miniseries starring Valerie Bettinelli. A miniseries in which by then, highly successful young businessman Trump fittingly had a cameo.
Why “fittingly?” Because a decade and a half before the novel and miniseries, then early twenty-something, Queens residing Trump declared to himself: “I’ll Take Manhattan.” He meant to conquer and redefine the Manhattan skyline. Cue more rolling of the eyes by pompous real estate columnists, “experts,” local politicians, and business competitors.
Except, Trump did take Manhattan. Big time.
More than just taking it with his vision, toughness, and larger-than-life personality, many believe that Trump also “saved” Manhattan. New York City and Manhattan were falling further and further into disrepair and depression from the mid-70s until the early 80s. What started to turn it all to the better? Trump.
The iconic brand he established not only brought millions of tourists into the city but was copied by other builders anxious to have some of Trump’s success rub off on them. The flagship of the empire he built in Manhattan being Trump Tower.
Once again, when Trump first proposed building the gleaming residential and business skyscraper next to Tiffany’s on 5th Avenue, eyes rolled across the city. “No way,” they declared in unison, “that this brash young man can get the proper architect, the permits, and the zoning approvals to build such an amazing structure. It can’t and it won’t be done.”
Except…Trump got it done. More than that, Trump Tower not only came to symbolize a revitalized New York City and Manhattan but became the number one tourist attraction in the city for over twenty years. Literally millions of people from around the world came to visit Trump Tower to see its stunning lobby and six story waterfall. Why? Because Trump had made it world-famous.
What is truly noteworthy is that Trump had envisioned this world-famous skyscraper on that exact site on 5th Avenue while in his teens. He built it and much of his NYC empire while still in his 30s.
Then, he turned his eyes toward saving the country he loved. As with his first presidential run in 2016, countless “experts” and haters rolled their eyes at the prospect of Trump winning the Republican nomination and presidency in 2024. But of course, he won both.
Against all the false smears, against the faked “lawfare,” against the corrupt media, against the entrenched elites, against two assassination attempts, and against all odds, Trump was reelected to become our 47th President. Amazing.
During his inaugural address to our nation and the world on January 20th, President Trump touched on the attacks upon him and his very life: “Over the past eight years, I have been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. The journey to reclaim our Republic has not been an easy one, that I can tell you. Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and indeed to take my life…”
Thanks to divine providence or Trump’s own quick reactions, his life was spared as a bullet ripped into his ear in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024. A life that has challenged the norms and defied the “experts” and doubters for decades while rising to the top.
That said, here is my prediction regarding President Trump, one that the remaining delusional Trump-haters will immediately “roll their eyes” over. When we once again have non-biased, honest historians back on our airwaves – keeping in mind that most of those you see today are deeply and unethically in the tank for the Democrats and the entrenched elites – Donald J. Trump will be recognized and celebrated as the “Greatest President in the history of our country.” Period.
The scribbler of this article is out of his mind. Trump will most likely be remembered for being the only presidential candidate who instigated a riot after he lost in Wash. D.C. got over one hundred cops injured and a number of people dead. All over his lie of an election being stolen.
It must be some kind of hypnotism that Trump has over gullible people.
Johnny the Butt is back with his usual TDS on full display. Can we have that list of the one hundred injured cops. I won’t hold my breath. Can we have that list of the “Number of people” that are dead, besides Ashley Babbitt at the hands of a disturbed Capital Hill Cop. Still not holding my breath.
Maybe you should have been more vocal before November 5th. Because, right now, anti–Trump obsessives are the only idiots who will take you seriously. The main thing is few care what you have to say.
Of course you’re not gullible are you, Johnny the Butt. Can you see the trajectory of where your pile of downvotes is going.
Hey I know……..how about a 3rd impeachment.
Trump is a great president, but not as great as Washington and Lincoln
We’ll see. He’s in the running, though. That’s for sure.
Greatness really can’t be measured for at least a couple of decades. Trump is definitely on the right track.
Trump’s not close to the great presidents. Surprisingly, even presidents like McKinley or Fillmore, have done amazing things just because they were the “right thing to do”. They also navigated the full contact nature of politics, which Trump failed miserably at his first term.
If Trump fails to send back all of the illegals that xhiden allowed to invade the country, he will be an abject failure who got slapped around and used in his first term and then allowed the endgame in the country’s destruction. It doesn’t matter what else he does.
He has started deporting criminal illegals. I know, redundant, but why hasn’t he ramped up against all illegals?
Colin, dare I point out that Lincoln did not tack abolition onto his platform until nearly halfway through the Civil War. Check out the timeline. The tactic was so successful that many Confederate abolitionists switched sides.
Guess what, Johnny the Butt. Donald J Trump is also your president, as well as mine. Get over it, or go wallow in you Rachel Maddow, Liz Cheney world.
It is untrue that Pres T incited the riot. He specifically urged his audience to protest peacefully. The “insurrection” (the only one in history to be unarmed!) we now know from evidence was fabricated by the vicious treasonous hysterical Dems led by that boil on our democracy, Pelosi and the propaganda media. The kangaroo special committee (from whc that corrupt fiend Pelosi summarily removed Rep Jordan and another tough Republican) destroyed the evidence and the egregious Cheney suborned perjury of a witness. The acceptance of biden’s corrupt preemptive pardon by members and staff proves their guilt. (A 1915 Supreme Court decision held that such acceptance is an admission of guilt.) ABC, perhaps the most blatantly dishonest of the networks, edited out Trump’s call for peaceful protest in a broadcast last year on its This Week Sunday “news” program..
LOL…….. Mate I think your TDS has gone terminal. Sad! RIP………..
Johnny stop drinking the Kool-Aid. It’s laced with LSD
People seem perplexed by Trump’s love of America. As a businessman, he knows that he wouldn’t be able to have the success he’s had if it wasn’t for the freedom in this country. And as a businessman, he also knows that there are government roadblocks that businesses have to deal with, which could be done away with to insure more success. Problems can be solved by those with the vision to see what can be accomplished for the future.
—And something that most people don’t realize is that Trump was born on June 16, 1946, which was Flag Day in the first summer of peace after the war. Every year on his birthday, flags were flying, parades were being held, and everyone was celebrating America as he was celebrating his birthday; they went hand in hand. No wonder he feels such a close connection to this country and celebrates it every chance he gets. His very being has been tied to this country and its flag since the beginning of his life. There is no mystery to Trump’s love of America.
Hear, hear Douglas Mackinnon! Your praise of the visionary President Trump is on the money.
The only thing the author “forgot” was that Trump also won the 2020 election. There isn’t any doubt about that.
Trumps reelection proves that the American People have totally lost all trust in The M.S. Gutter Level Sewer Dwelling M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and with the NYT’s and CNN leads the way