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Last year 70,000 Americans lost their lives to Communist China’s genocidal fentanyl offensive. To put that into perspective, we have already lost more innocent Americans to China’s unconventional warfare than we lost soldiers to Hitler in the entire course of World War II. Similarly, if one were to consider the 1,000,000 American deaths caused by COVID19, a biological weapon made in China’s military lab in Wuhan, one would begin to get an idea of the scope of China’s unconventional warfare efforts to bring America to its knees.
If one were to add the complicity of the Biden White House in insuring that there were no consequences to China’s acts of war, no diplomatic demarche, no withdrawal even of most favored nation trading status, no presidential warning of dire consequences should these biological attacks continue, one would begin to grasp the seriousness of the war China is waging against us with the complicity of a treasonous president.
The formative event shaping China’s modern strategic perspectives was the first Opium War (1839-1842) initiated by the British. Britain’s war aim was to force open China’s borders to the opium trade. Britain’s strategy of undermining China’s social cohesion by ramping up the flood of dangerous drugs was successful. Britain won the war, leading to what the Chinese refer to as “a century of humiliation” and the beginning of China’s modern strategic thinking.
First among these strategic perspectives was a dictum from China’s legendary author of The Art of War, Sun Tzu. “The Supreme Art of War” wrote Sun, “is to win a war without fighting.” There is no mystery in the fact that China has been waging such a war for a long time now, while the US Government has remained long-suffering, silent, and supine. While Biden has fiddled and Rome has burned, Americans have watched helplessly as our youth have been poisoned and the drug trade has eaten away at the foundations of civil society. While the guardians of our national security have averted their eyes, no one has documented more articulately the casualties and structure of this war than investigative journalist Peter Schweizer in his volumes Blood Money and Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.
On the day of Biden’s inauguration in 2020, the new president issued the first of 94 executive orders which would open America’s borders to drug traffickers, sex slavers, rapists, spies, common criminals, and terrorists. Biden’s executive orders were illegal and unconstitutional. The president does not have the authority to change immigration policy. He is the chief executive. His authority is to enforce the law. He has no authority to change the law, which is the prerogative of the legislative branch. Following Biden’s destruction of America’s borders, ten million unvetted aliens invaded the country illegally. Over 140,000 were military-age Chinese nationals whose migration was facilitated by the dictatorship in Beijing. Thousands more were nationals from America’s enemies: Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Islamic Middle East.
This mass invasion of more than ten million unvetted aliens from 160 nations poses difficulties in assessing their character, motives and potential impact. What percentage are honest migrants looking for economic opportunities, or refugees seeking asylum from persecution? Are they violent criminals posing a threat to innocent others? Fortunately, the Trump administration made an effort to find out. In 2018, the General Accountability Office made a study of illegal aliens locked up in US prisons and jails during the years 2011-2015 when the rate of influx was dramatically lower than during the Biden years. The results were disturbing. Even at that time, one in five US prison inmates was a criminal alien.
Specifically, the GAO study found that in the years 2011-15, there were more than 730,000 criminal aliens in US or state prisons and local jails. Because of Biden’s “Catch and Release” policies, the 730,000 accounted for 4.9 million arrests and 7.5 million crimes. Their offenses included more than 1 million drug crimes, as well as roughly 500,000 assaults, 133,800 sex offenses, 24,200 kidnappings, 33,300 homicide-related events, and 1,500 terrorism-related crimes.
In terms of destabilizing a society and bringing it to its knees, that’s a pretty good start. When one considers that our Commander-in-Chief is on the payrolls of our enemies, and actively taking bribes to advance their interests, it’s even better.
Successful COIN Strategies
The third is the “import and dilute” strategy. Shortly after Mao took power, China annexed Tibet by claiming it had once belonged to “greater” China, even though Tibet has almost no native Han people. In 1950, China’s million-man army conquered the mountain kingdom in what it now calls the “peaceful liberation of Tibet.”12 Buddhist nuns were raped, unarmed monks slaughtered, and temples looted. In the years to follow, China imported millions of Han Chinese, making Tibetans a minority in their own homeland and easier to subdue. In 2006, China opened a bullet train into Tibet, literally accelerating the process. Operating at 16,627 feet, it’s the world’s highest speed train, and the Chinese had to order custom locomotives to operate in the thin air. Diluting the native population with your own smothers potential insurgencies.
McFate, Sean. The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder (Kindle Locations 1431-1437). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
This is a known strategy for destabilising a country, and preventing anyone from resisting.
What they are doing to us has a name!
Well, the good news is the pussy “Han” Chinese can’t survive the high altitude in Tibet and die by the Chink-load.
Dearborn, Michigan is the hotbed of anti American sentiment. “Death to America” was the latest rally chant yesterday (?). Biden’s traitorous non enforcement of immigration law is preceded by several administrations bringing in “Chaldeans” (Iraqi slugs now over running Dearborn).
Somebody fact check me and please tell me I’m terribly misinformed, That would be best for our nation..
Like Clinton and Obama Biden feeds the Dragon offering it all of America for pallets of Campaign Cash for him and his son Hunter
What a wise man, is David Horowitz.. so grateful for your liberty…I pray to God that your voice is still heard as long as you live and beyond….you are a great blessing to millions of Americans who love their country…support him…buy his books and donate if you can
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― attributed to Abraham Lincoln
“If America perishes, it will perish by intellectual default. There is no diabolical conspiracy to destroy it: no conspiracy could be big enough and strong enough . . . . As to the communist conspirators in the service of Soviet Russia, they are the best illustration of victory by default: their successes are handed to them by the concessions of their victims….
When men share the same basic premise, it is the most consistent ones who win. So long as men accept the altruist morality, they will not be able to stop the advance of communism. The altruist morality is Soviet Russia’s best and only weapon…
What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value.
Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice—which means; self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction—which means: the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good.
Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether you should or should not give a dime to a beggar. That is not the issue. The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime. The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you. The issue is whether the need of others is the first mortgage on your life and the moral purpose of your existence. The issue is whether man is to be regarded as a sacrificial animal. Any man of self-esteem will answer: “No.” Altruism says: “Yes.” – Ayn Rand
Same old annoying Randism, just a different day. What is this….the 1000th time you have posted this stupid video from yesteryear?
If the message didn’t work when she was alive and nagging at us, why would it work because you have taken up the Objectivist “cross”?
Do us a favor…..find something worthwhile in your life in your final days, like needlework or sewing. At least you can show us something that is truly yours instead of the recycled ramblings of a psychopath
If it sounds like a jerk and writes like a jerk than it must be a jerk. You are a jerk. Maybe an aspiring Marxist-Leninist as well, but Das Kapital is as far over your head as the Fountainhead..
I am assuming that was meant for THX?
Well he’s certainly a fanatic. Winston Churchill defined a fanatic as someone who won’t change their mind and won’t change the subject. Seems to me that fits.
And won’t change his underwear.
Yes, attributed to Abraham Lincoln. And last year the president of El Salvador (yes, that nation, El Salvador) voiced his opinion that agreed wholeheartedly with Lincoln’s 165 year old assessment.
Nayib Bukele said, paraphrasing, ‘for such a great nation to fall so quickly, it must be being taken down from within.’ Imagine, someone from outside America reaching such a c0nclusion by observation. It is most unfortunate our (corrupt and evil) media is on the side of those who destruct.
Nayib is cool. He threw every MS-13 gang scumbag he could find into a prison he built just for them. And they don’t get pampered there.
“The Objectivist ethics holds that human good does not require human sacrifices and cannot be achieved by the sacrifice of anyone to anyone. It holds that the rational interests of men do not clash—that there is no conflict of interests among men who do not desire the unearned, who do not make sacrifices nor accept them, who deal with one another as traders, giving value for value.” – Ayn Rand
“Virginia Democrats are backing a bill that would extend taxpayer-paid healthcare to illegal immigrants. Not surprisingly, Republicans are objecting to the bill, but they won’t challenge the morality that underlies it–altruism. One state Senator said,
They want to grant illegal immigrants driver’s licenses that are valid for up to eight years. Now, they’re also working to divert limited resources from low-income Virginians to pay for healthcare for illegal immigrants.
The Senator believes that it is acceptable for taxpayers to pay for the healthcare of low-income Virginians, but not the healthcare of illegal immigrants. In other words, it’s proper for Virginians to rob their neighbors, but it’s not acceptable for those damn immigrants to do so. It doesn’t occur to the Senator that robbery is wrong, no matter who commits it. And the reason for his oversight is that he accepts altruism—service to others—as a moral ideal.
So long as one embraces altruism as a moral ideal, one is morally disarmed in opposing such bills. Altruism declares that we are our brother’s keeper, that we must place the welfare and interests of others before our own. The Senator doesn’t challenge this premise. He just resents the fact that more brothers are flocking to Virginia.
In this particular case, Virginia Democrats are more consistent than their Republican counterparts. And that has been the downfall of Republicans for decades. They have consistently tried to defend the free market while embracing altruism. But altruism and the free market are polar opposites.” – Brian Phillips
“The Free-Market vs. The Morality of Altruism” – by Brian Phillips
Because I get my main ideas about life from losers like Brian Philips (who?) and even bigger losers like you.
Altruism to an Objecty is like racism is to the average moronic progressive. Obsessive, annoying, overused, and ultimately inconsequential.
The more you cry wolf the less anyone cares.
Commie welfare dependent.
There are better arguments than that used against altruism.
Regardless, inane reasoning matters not now.
If the Dems finagle the next election as they did in 2020 and 2022, it will be a very long time before the GOP is able to win another election. Thanks in part by the feckless, noncritical thinking of the GOP.
Normal people read “1984” and shudder or look at the social credit surveillance state that China has built and recoil. Democrats look at these as instruction manuals.
Hence, the Grifter Joe administration blurting their praise for Trudeau freezing & seizing the financial bank accounts & semi trucks of patriotic Canadians.
As the truckers didn’t burn, loot, vandalize, or even litter, their protest actually was peaceful, festive & light-hearted.
Ceasar Trudeau was not amused.
DON’T WORRY DH, the IRS/DOJ/FBI are vigorously looking into the Biden’s and countries that are Blackmailing that entire family. Really… no really.
“The MSM, FBI, and DOJ look at Trump under an Electron Microscope while they look at the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden’s, and Democrats, with a BACKWARDS HUBBLE TELESCOPE!” SC
At last someone has acknowledged what we all knew. COVID was a bioweapons attack, an act of war against our country. There was no “lab leak”. COVID was released deliberately. That is what enabled the Democrats purchased by China to steal the presidency. Lincoln was wrong about this. We are not dying of suicide, An external enemy, all be it with a working 5th column inside the gate, is destroying us in the dead on night while the people’s backs are turned.
China has been at war with the US for as long as I can remember but yet most of the American ruling class elites and their political sycophants under most circumstances cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that fact. Their love of money trumps (no pun intended!) their love of country and the American people?
Our borders are wide open and the the ruling elites are rubbing their hands and licking their chops over the amount of money they’re going to make because of the illegal invasion of America. As long as they can make a nice profit before America is completely destroyed, that’s fine with them.
After all, they have their own “private security (e.g., the FBI, Homeland Security, etc.) and the laws serve their interests, not the interests of the American people.
Think not? Then explain the two systems of justice in America? One for the ruling class elites and one for everyone else.
Bottoms line: the ruling class elites and their bought & paid for politicians don’t give two sh*ts about America or the American people.
Quite true …..
The ruling elites in America are destroying America with impunity.
America’s ruling and financial elites just do not care to preserve and protect America and US citizens.
The woke DEI depraved psychopathic leftist democrat party are making war on America and US citizens.
Enough already
Even more so, they’re more than prepared for a nuclear war. Many wealthy elites have been busy over the last building deep under ground bunkers, However, few Americans are aware of it because it’s not covered in the nightly MSM news.
It slipped a few moths back that Mark Zuckerberg was planning on building a multi-million dollar under ground bunker but the story was quickly suppressed in the MSM. You have to wonder: what does he know or has learned that compels him to do this? Is he the only billionaire who has done or is doing this? The short answer is no.
The ultimate goal of the global entities is to reduce the world’s total population to below 1 billion people. NBC warfare is a means to that end.
The Hawaiian people know. They are planning to make him pay for his crimes if he has to take refuge in it one day. They know what he has done. It didn’t escape their notice that the Maui wildfires ran right up to the properties of rich elites but failed to damage any of them, while the people were prevented from escaping.
David Horowitz wrote the following truth …….
“Following Biden’s destruction of America’s borders, ten million unvetted aliens invaded the country illegally. Over 140,000 were military-age Chinese nationals whose migration was facilitated by the dictatorship in Beijing. Thousands more were nationals from America’s enemies: Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Islamic Middle East.”
However, I am very disappointed that David Horowitz did not include Mexico as an enemy of America and US citizens.
Mexico and China are manufacturing the fentanyl in Mexico and Mexico is distributing the drugs into America.
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured and distributed drugs.
Mexico is encouraging, facilitating, and actually responsible for implementing the INVASION of America by hordes of millions of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border into America.
David Horowitz should have included Mexico as an enemy of America and US citizens.
Mexico as well as China is making war against America and US citizens, and are murdering 100,000 US citizens every year..
This truth must be recognized, and action taken against Mexico as well as China to stop these aggressions against America and US citizens.
This is the truth.
While your assertions are certainly true and accurate, Mexico are merely recent recruits of China thus the focus on China remains valid.
Hopefully a new far more intelligent and patriotic administration will move to close the wide open border nad begin to deport the invaders then present.
Who knows what China has offered Lopez Obrador.
One thing for sure, Obrador’s replacement (Claudia Sheinaum) was selected by Obrador in order to continue that policy with China.
America is on the cusp of returning to shootouts at the OK corral. Right now the crazies are in Michigan and Minnesota, and there seems to be little response from the little folks. I suspect that tune will change when it reaches the Great Plains.
Perhaps some of our vax happy big pharma companies could get to work on a vaccination that targets opioid receptors (though they would also have to develop an alternative to fentanyl for legitimate uses such as palliative care).
The real question everyone should be asking is this, “Will the United States correct all the mistakes it has made over the last fifty year?” Second, “When do they plan to start.” My answer is when the country finally collapses and even then the chances for success are small.
no need to fret over any outside source destroying america . america is doing just fine destroying itself . which is what the founding fathers predicted . add to that , GOD [ the biblical one ] will put the final nail in americas coffin . it has now sealed its fate supporting hamas and all islamic terrorists .