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Certain trends threaten the very existence of Western nation states that we have taken for granted for the past several hundred years.
A friend once told me a story that occurred just prior to the 1967 Six Day War. Israel took a group of officers and tasked them with determining what Israel needs to do to win the upcoming war with Egypt, Syria and other Arab states. Egypt’s Nasser had been on the warpath and the only question was when hostilities would begin. The officers determined that the most important task for Israel was to wipe out Egypt’s air force. Without air cover, all of the invading armies would be open to attack. Israel determined the optimal moment to attack and preemptively wiped out Egypt’s Russian-supplied air force. The outcome was that after six days, Israel had added the Sinai peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.
If the U.S. were to take a bunch of geniuses and similarly lock them in a room and ask what the West needs to do to remain viable, it would probably make some very important observations and suggestions. Two might include the following:
The first would be to get birth rates up. One of the major drivers for bringing in large numbers of illegal aliens and causing social instability, increased crime and lower wages is because the locals are not producing enough kids. All Western countries other than Israel are well under the accepted 2.1 children per woman for the population size to remain as is. In the U.S., all of the growth in population is due to uncontrolled immigration. More people entered the U.S. via the southern border than were born in U.S. hospitals last year. Let that sink in. Governments have very few real buttons to push to make the people bring more babies into the world. Sure, they can offer tax breaks and subsidize education and other expenses. But the prospect of not sleeping for a few years and changing one’s life patterns may simply outweigh any potential handouts. Increased religiosity tends to lead to more children. Ultraorthodox Bnei Brak is one of the poorest cities in Israel and it also is home to the largest average family size in the country. The final way to get the people to make more children is to create an economic and security environment where people feel comfortable bringing more children into the world. The parents’ income can cover expenses and war and famine seem distant. The Baby Boom period included incredible post-war confidence.
Another recommendation is dealing with Islam. I remember after 9/11, there were discussions as to whether American Muslims themselves could police their brethren to prevent “radicalization” and future attacks. Based on continuing attacks by Islamic terrorists and the never-ending anti-Israel and anti-Western protests that often turn violent, the answer is no. Like most religions, Islam would appear not to be monolithic. I can attest that when we traveled to Dubai last year, we were treated with respect and kindness. Israelis are not welcome in many Muslim countries, and even the ones that do have relations with Israel are often quite unfriendly. Egypt and Jordan have never been major vacation destinations for Israelis, except for southern Sinai which has very good scuba diving. Israelis used to flock to Turkey; today, there are no flights between the countries, and their leader is Hamas’ biggest cheerleader. What will be the future of Islam and the West?
Since Islamic institutions cannot regulate their members to prevent harm to other Americans or Westerners, then the government will have to step up its game to keep its citizenry safe:
1. Eject anyone from a Muslim country who in any way violates his or her visa—from jaywalking on up.
2 Eject anyone from a Muslim country who participates in protests demanding Sharia replace the local laws and customs. Foreigners do not benefit from Constitutional protections on freedom of speech. Anyone found to support “intifada revolution” or the like should be given an expedited one-way ticket back home.
3. Local Muslim populations need to be monitored and infiltrated by law enforcement. While the U.S. has been a bastion of freedom of religion, it has never faced a religion that has expressly stated its desire to destroy the democratic nature of the Republic. No branch of Christianity or Judaism has as a plank demanding the takeover of the U.S. government and converting it into a religious theocracy run solely according to its religious tenets. Tough times require tough measures. My grandparents in New York, as alien residents, had to have their papers on them at all times. On the Sabbath, when one is generally prohibited from carrying things outdoors, my late grandfather put his documents in the band of his fedora in the event that he was stopped by a cop.
The same suggestions for the U.S. would normally apply to Europe. But Europe is lost. It’s like those few seconds when we saw the second plane approaching the World Trade Center tower. The impact had not happened yet, but everyone knew what was about to happen. Europe could eject its problematic Islamists and encourage the pursuit of traditional values. But as we see in England, the Labor government will not even allow for an investigation into the recruiting and sexual abuse of hundreds of thousands of white British girls at the hands of Pakistani men. Europe does not have the moral fortitude or belief in its own past and institutions to fight for its future. Le Pen, Reform and AfD will all come to power, but through a combination of too little/too late and EU bureaucratic hurdles, the countries will not be able to right the ship in time. I am not a prophet and I hope that I am wrong. But I think that Europe is too far gone. Look at the violence and hatred in Germany against the locals on New Year’s Eve. It will only get worse as the countries don’t have the internal fortitude to throw out trouble makers and use deadly force to end the rioting. The “right-wing” Meloni in Italy has not stopped the boats or ejected illegal aliens from her country.
The U.S. can still change course. It will have to remove Muslims who wish to make the U.S. a Sharia state, and it will have to monitor Muslim citizens and institutions. There is no alternative. It does not sound very American to have the FBI putting listening devices in American mosques or educational institutions. But burying 3,000 citizens killed by Islamic terrorists does not sound very American either. It’s either one or the other.
Islamic supremacism will not change. Just last week, Recep Erdogan said that Jerusalem still belongs to Turkey because it was part of the Ottoman Empire so many years ago. As long as there are Islamic supremacists, then there will be violence to gain control of the West. Either we can fight it or we had better start learning the Koran.
Sobering truth! The US must wake up before it is too late. The clock is ticking and our time is running out!
Good thought Beth, but it is the voters that need to wake up but they cannot think beyond the MSM, believe me, I live in CA where everybody that I happen to come in contact with, vocally dreads Jan 20th!.
The best way to reclaim our country is to stop all Muslims from emigrating here, deport the ones already here, and arrest and prosecute all politicians who support taking in the Muslims who claim asylum. Obama and Biden, are you listening.
Finally expel all congressmen/women who are Muslim, or sympathize with Muslims, from Congress.
Folks, there is a storm coming. Everyone should read Townhall contributor Kurt Schlichter’s book called “The Attack”. In this book he details a possible coordinated jihad attack in the U.S. over three days by small groups of armed Muslims and cosplaying white wannabe terrorists, first against businesses, second against Americans in their homes, and finally against infrastructure. The attacks take place mostly in the unarmed blue state cities and suburbs. The jihadis do not want to be confronted by armed Americans
Kurt Schlichter said it best in his TownHall articles:
townhall com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/25/america-is-going-to-be-targeted-for-a-massive-terrorist-attack-will-you-be-ready-n2636901
So sick of the “This is not Islam” lie that routinely comes out of the posteriors of the Government, morons like Obama and Biden and Leftists in general.
Bottom line, buy guns and ammo in the areas of the country where you still can. You guys who live in blue cities and blue states, MOVE NOW! You are sitting ducks. Democrats want you unarmed.
American can increase its population by receiving non-Muslim Europeans who are not willing to live under Islamic rule. Europe is indeed lost to Islam, everywhere to the west of Poland and in Scandinavia.
Sweden and Norway have been lost to Islam. Maybe not Finland and Denmark.
When Denmark’s queen passes, the country will probably pass along with her. From what I have read, she seems to be the last remaining block of common sense that temporarily preserves.
Europe has a block of steadfast holdouts–Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and to a great extant, Finland. In the above nations, only very highly vetted Muslims are considered for immigration.
Yes increase birth rates. The biggest problem? “Empowered” women. Feminism is the curse killing the West. Stop funding universities that bash men.
We have to deport just the Muslims who want a Shariah state? In their hearts they are all ok with it. It’s like we just want to stop non radicalised pyro maniacs! A lapsed Muslim is like a lapsed terrorist. Stop all muslim immigration and aggressively deport the ones here now. Those who helped us in the Mid East can stay but go on the assumption that their mosque teaches Jihad and be ready to shut it down in a nano second.
Resist Islamopandering.
…this article is exactly right…my personal observation over many years as a law-enforcement officer during the 60’s-80’s noted a shift of non-American population movements by the Federal Government to replace main-line American families…and since then there has been an explosion of ‘immigrants’ racing through the borders non-stop…many of these ‘immigrants’ are sent here to destroy our foundational laws and principals using our own fabricated laws to protect ‘rightful migration’…these unsavory abusers of public trust also often get appointed and/or supported by our own duly elected officials and also helped by certain non-profit so-called religious organizations with free housing, food, cell phones, vehicles and free debit cards…even the Federal Government gives these border jumpers free airfare to any place in the USA with the promise they will be protected by the local citizens that are being ‘replaced’…SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP…He is our only hope at this time of crises…God Save America !
Europe has only two choices left:
1. Boxcars
2. Burquas
If the Euros cannot choose option 1, they WILL end up with option 2.
I would add another condition. No Muslim can be a member of Congress. The Muslims we already have in Congress have made it clear that their allegiance is to Islam above all else, and US law takes a second place to Sharia.
Good article. It makes perfect sense to do what the author lays out. Liberal leftist woke America hating members of government should be put on notice (Tlaib and Omar come to mind). The House needs to get on with writing the necessary legislation now and grow a thick skin for the backlash that will come. One need only look at the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, etc. to see what the future holds if we do nothing.
The next big war for the western nations will be the expulsion of all Muslims and the destruction of Islam .
The West cannot exist along side of Islam. It is complete incompatibility . Islam must be destroyed world wide.
A look at the past history of Islam condemns it.
Islam and its Muslim believers must go.
There are moderate Muslims. There is no moderate Islam.
Once the emotional tide starts to move on that body of believers, a moderate Muslim who elects not to flow with the tide is treated the same as Christian, a Jew or any other “Infidel”. History and the Quaran have made this clear.
Let’s not commit suicide. Even better accept that the Jews are the chosen people of God, and that Jesus is the Messiah.
There are some who are all ready catching on to the plans of the UN/Globalists and they don’t want any so called Refugees
“There is an old Arab fable about a camel who seeks refuge in a tent during a sandstorm. The camel convinces the owner of the tent to let him put his nose inside for shelter, but soon after he manages to get his entire body inside, pushing out the owner and taking over the space. The tent collapsed into a thin layer of canvas draped over the huge animal’s back. The man sat, shivering, wide-eyed, realizing too late what happened. Now finding himself outside in the bitter wind, he realized he should have never allowed the camel to stick its nose in the tent.”
How many more camels can fit inside OUR tent before some people realize the tent is in danger of collapsing?
Those Muslim terrorists jihad attacks in the different cities and towns in different countries of Europe is terrible Likewise, those rioting violent despicable vile heinous vile raping Muslim migrants in the nation of Western nations may serve as an example of Islamic misogyny. As revealed by a scholar of Islam “Women in Islam are considered unclean , deemed inferior ever to dirt.” [1] Therefore, since even Muslim girls and women in Islamic countries have little to no basic human rights ,how much less do the Muslim males have for females who aren’t Muslims.
Muslim ungratefulness and unthankfulness for letting them enter the different nations of Europe to live. This this further exposes the Muslim’s Islamic arrogant contempt for people who are Westerners and Western civilization, Western laws.
This Muslim violence may be yet better explained by one of the fables of Aesop which is entitled THE FARMER AND THE VIPER. So here it is “Once in ancient Greece there was a farmer outside on a very cold winter day walking in if field to make sure that everything is in order and as it should be. The farmer came upon a half-froze viper about to die from the bitter cold. The kind yet foolish farmer took pity on the viper and in an action of kindness put it his is vest jacket to warms and up and thus save its life. The viper warned up revived and then bit farmer through the vest jacket. So the kind but foolish farmer died a slow painful death in awful agony because he felt sorry of the viper and saved it life. The point to this fable is the no amount of kindness will change and vicious and evil nature.
So it is with those Muslim migrants who were allowed to enter European countries to live . Those violent migrants who are Muslims will not be impress and change because kindness of Westerners. This is because those violent Muslims have that ungrateful dangerous viper nature because of their venomous and violent religion which is Islam.
[1] THEY MUST BE STOPPED by Brigitte Gabriel, pages ,172.
Statistics show that 91% of terrorist attacks that occurs in Europeans countries are Islamic.
The sad and tragic reality of jihad-minded Muslims migrants who live in the France and the other nations of continental Europe who engage in Islamic suicide/homicide bombings attacks is for a large part, the outcome the extreme brainwashing that is performed in Islamic mind programming centers, which are mosques and madrasas.
In those jihad mind control places students are thoroughly indoctrinated into the jihadist mindset of committing murderous bombing attacks in the jihad for the advancement of Islam. As Islam’s “holy book,” the Quran instructs in 9:111. , for example, “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain they kill and are killed.” Therefore, those who come out of those Quran based mind programming centers .mosque and madrasas, are so terribly harmed and damaged that they are literally, as it has be rightfully called, “dangerous to self and others.” This results in jihad suicide /homicide attack in which those jihadists who commit such murderous actions are so very deluded that they think of that jihad mass murders as “martyrdom operations.” This is Islamic delusion of the most heinous and malicious kind.
This may be, somewhat, explained by the narrative from the fable of Aesop which is entitled THE SCORPION AND THE FROG So “Once upon a time there was a scorpion who really wanted to get to the other side of the river, but he could not swim. Therefore, the scorpion begged a frog to carry him on his back across the river. The kind but foolish frog agreed and then half-way across the river the scorpion stung the frog. In shock and horror the dying frog asks the scorpion “Why did you sting me since this means that we both are going to die” The scorpion replied “The reason that I stung you even though we both will now die is because that just what a scorpion, by nature, does.”
In conclusion, just as that scorpion in the fable had proven himself by the dangerous and deadly, to self and others, because of his nature. The violent and murderous jihadists of Islam are as that scorpion, dangerous so self and other because they is their nature because they have been thought programmed in the ways of the violent and murdering jihad of Islam. As always stated above ,this is the sad and tragic reality of Islamic terrorism in today’s world.
“Kill unbelievers wherever
you may find them.” -Koran
But, but, I was told that Islam is a religion of peace ?
…. thank you, ‘FRONT PAGE’…many of the so-called conservative web sites eventually cave in from the pressure that the Marxist-Socialist-Progressive-Liberal-Fascist Liberal-Left…sure do hope you don’t become a victim of trying to appease those who suck the life-blood out of ‘Truth’…the Democrats…
WRONG. You fight it BY learning the Qur’an. Once people understand the Qur’an, Islam and the nature of its followers, then all answers will follow.
“Learn about Islam. That is the most important thing for people to do. Learn who it is that you are not.” – Samuel Lurie
Islam 101
Start by reading 11 pages marked starting from the middle of page 4 thru page 14. The entire paper is 47 pages.
Read also “A recent comment is as follows.”
An HONEST conversation about ISLAM
Jew Exposes Arab Muslim Beliefs From the Inside. Moriel Bareli on The Caroline Glick Show
US Hezbollah Policy is Based on Complete Fantasy. Here’s How | The Caroline Glick Show
What Is AMALEK? Rebecca Bar Sef ;Nice conclusion at 28:15
23 years after Islam’s thunderous knock on the West’s door on 9/11 and our leaders STILL haven’t done their homework to discover what Churchill knew and wrote about Islam. Devout Muslims cannot become good western citizens because their belief system teaches that their religious law sharia trumps any manmade law and that includes western constitutions.
Instead of curtailing migration to the West, instead of diverting Muslims to the 57 countries already following Islamic religious law, our feckless officials have welcomed millions of Muslims whose prime loyalty is to the umma, the world wide Muslim community that respects no borders and is intent on recreating a new caliphate, Devout Muslims are SUPREMACIST, enjoined to work in multiple ways toward “returning” non-Muslim territory to their god allah. They call non-Muslim areas Dar al Harb or Land of War and they war with bombs, guns, knives, trucks, lawfare, censorship, draining western Welfare for even polygamous families, popping out kids like Pez dispensers, enforcing tenets of sharia religious law like no criticism or even drawing of Mohammed, demanding halal food in campus cafeterias, no piggy banks allowed in banks or Teddy bears named Mohammed – from the most heinous to the most frivolous they leave no stone unturned in their ceaseless proselytizing.
DEI/Wokeism/Forced Transgender Indoctrination are tools the Left and their Islamic friendsis use to their advantage. The difference is that those on the Left are too stupid to realize that if/when Islam takes over that they will be targeted. Particularly the educated, journalists, gays, transgenders, slackers, druggies, etc. will be ‘removed’ permanently from society first, with millions of others to follow.
Any of these clown authors here or commenters ever actuslly READ anything in their exitences???
The SUSSMANN INDICTMENT from Team Durham detailed the Deep State capture of government agencies! (And that was some time ago!)
Yes, Dan Greenfield believes in the WARREN COMMISSION REPORT —- anyone besides myself ever read all 26 volumes of that pile of filthy drivel???
Comments here read like Rubesville —- Islam and Communism are NEVER to be tolerated!!!