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The mass terror attacks on October 7th by Hamas against Israeli citizens is a milestone of heinous savagery––the beheading of some of 40 murdered babies, the slaughter of 1300 Israelis and 27 Americans, as well as the usual indiscriminate butchering, rape, torture, grisly videos flaunting the dead, and hostages taken to brutalize and hold for ransom. None of this is new, but the scale of the attack and the atrocities mark a dangerous escalation.
One contributing cause of this mayhem is the feckless, if not lunatic, foreign policy blunders of the Biden administration. But the last 75 years of Western foreign policy and its idealizing illusions, along with sacrifices of Israel’s security to Western national interests, have been predicates for this mass savagery.
There’s no question that actions both taken and avoided by Biden’s puppeteers enabled the terrorists and their patron and financier Iran. Our willful blindness about the Iranian Revolution and the mullahs’ religious motives reached its post-Cold War apogee in the Munich-class appeasement of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons via the Iran nuclear deal signed by Barack Obama.
Donald Trump wisely ended our participation in this dangerous “parchment barrier.” He increased sanctions on Iranian oil sales, imposed “maximum pressure” on its economy, and took out one of Iran’s most effective and dangerous terrorist bosses, Qassem al Soleimani, despite our foreign policy clerks who issued dire warnings of apocalypse in the region.
Yet for Israel, disaster didn’t happen on Trump’s watch, but on Biden’s. Biden transferred billions of dollars to Iran, and relaxed sanctions on oil sales, allowing the regime to generate $80 billion more from oil exports. He squandered our country’s prestige on groveling outreach to lure Iran back to the nuclear deal, even though the regime has serially violated its terms from the start, in addition to attacking Americans 83 times––with a U.S. military response to only four.
As a result of Biden’s cringing solicitude, Iran now has enough enriched uranium to be months away from producing nuclear weapons, and has increased its support to violent proxies and clients like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and other jihadist storm troopers. Indeed, according to The Gatestone Institute, “Iran provides roughly $100 million a year to Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and $700 million a year to Hezbollah.”
The Biden administration has desperately tried to obscure Iran’s malignant behavior and support of Hamas, all subsided by U.S. taxpayers. But as the Heritage Foundation’s Victoria Coates and Robert Greenway explained, “Absent significant training, equipment, and intelligence capabilities supplied by Iran, Hamas would never have been able to have carried out such an operation.” Moreover, “Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad told the BBC that Iran gave them a green light for the attack. The Wall Street Journal has reported that ‘according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, … Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land, and sea incursions.’”
Yet other actions taken by the Biden administration during his term have damaged our prestige and signaled that the U.S., as Osama bin Laden said, is a “weak horse.” The shameful abandonment of Afghan allies and billions in war materiel to the Taliban, who passed some of the weapons on to Hamas; the reductions in defense spending to subsidize more entitlements and “green energy” boondoggles; the politicization of the Pentagon and the service academies with “woke” regulations and propaganda that contribute to the recruitment crisis; and the suicidal net-zero carbon policies that have made gas and energy costs skyrocket––all have emboldened our and Israel’s enemies.
Equally dangerous in the current crisis are the calls by some Congressmen and other left-wing activists, many in prestigious universities, for “solidarity” with the butchers; demand for a “ceasefire” that would leave Hamas unpunished; the duplicitous warnings about Israel’s “disproportionate” response; and the indulgence of a despicable moral equivalence between Israel and its savage attackers––all these “woke” leftist displays and policies have damaged our military preparedness, and fostered a failure of civilizational nerve that incites aggression.
Yet the Biden administration’s Middle East follies are only the latest example of Western foreign policy delusions that have compromised Israel’s security since its birth. One particularly relevant to the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the “national self-determination” shibboleth encoded in the Versailles settlement. But as historian Edward Luttwak points out, “nationalism is un-Islamic . . . because any nationalism intrinsically subverts Islamic unity,” which hasn’t stopped Westerners from attributing Palestinian Arabs’ violent opposition to Israel to a lack of its own nation.
Moreover, this elevation of a Western ideal to the default political order for the whole world, was necessarily opposed to imperialism and colonialism, and such opposition became a central tenet of Western foreign policy.
In the postwar period, Islamic nations and the Soviet Union––both historically were imperial and colonial powers––weaponized imperialism and colonialism against the free West. Exploiting the “rules-based new world order” and its fetish for diplomacy and negotiation, the enemies of the West turned these terms for historical phenomena into question-begging epithets. Or as Robert Conquest put it, verbal “mind-blockers and thought-extinguishers” used “to confuse, and of course to replace, the complex and needed process of understanding with the simple and unneeded process of inflammation.”
These smears have indeed inflamed the Arab-Israeli conflict for more than 75 years. First, as Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ronald Reagan’s UN Ambassador put it, the PLO and the UN “created a people where there was none; a claim where there was none. Now the PLO is seeking to create a state where there already is one.” By exploiting the “imperialism” and “colonialism” slurs, the PLO turned “national self-determination” into the Trojan Horse for the Arab Palestinians’ eliminationist aims, a ruse accepted by the West.
And these charges of “imperialism” and “colonialism” have been used not just by the Palestinian Arabs, but by their leftist sponsors in the West who demonize Israel as a “colonialist” power that created its state on the “stolen Arab homeland.” Thus the “Zionist imperialist stooges,” the “settler colonists” and their “apartheid” state, have thwarted the Arab Palestinian homeland they “occupy” as over time they have reduce the territory that rightfully belongs to “Palestinians.”
Yet despite the serial failures of the “land for peace” and “two-state solution” clichés, these mantras continue to be chanted by Western foreign policy mavens, who for decades have serially pressured Israel to make more and more concessions. But that solution is based on an illusion, for it assumes that a critical mass of Palestinian Arabs really just want their own state, even though an Arab state had been offered to this tiny subset of the Arab peoples in 1948, or could have been established before 1967, when the “West Bank” was illegally occupied by Jordan, or when five subsequent offers of a state were made by Israel––all of which were turned down.
As for surrendering “land for peace,” Israelis are suffering a mass terrorist attack today because they evacuated Gaza in 2005, which soon fell under the power of the genocidal Hamas. “Land for peace” had become “land for terrorist murder” long before the current slaughter, the largest toll of dead Jews since the Holocaust.
Next, this failure of the West has been empowered by the central fallacy of its delusionary foreign policy: that conflicts among peoples with diverse beliefs, faiths, traditions, political institutions, customs, mores, values, histories, and even war-making can be resolved through “diplomatic outreach and engagement.” Robert Conquest also pointed out the danger of such an illusion: “It is easy enough to fall into the trap of thinking that others think, within reason, like ourselves. But this trap is precisely the error that must be avoided in foreign affairs.”
And this is the fatal error of our foreign policy regarding Israel and its enemies. Western arrogance since the Versailles settlement has assumed that the whole world wants to become Westerners. This assumption lay behind Woodrow Wilson’s championing of national self-determination, and his promoting democratic institutions with their “norms” such as honoring other nations’ boundaries, or keeping one’s word given during negotiations and confirmed by signing treaties––a “norm” that all nations, by the way, have not always honored.
Hence the long dismal record of “diplomatic engagement,” “shuttle diplomacy,” “roadmaps,” “summits,” and “agreements” like the 1993 Oslo Accords, a dismal failure that quickly lead to the terrorist attacks of the Second Intifada, which killed 1000 Israelis. Our “special envoys” and diplomats mistakenly take it for granted that enough Palestinian Arabs truly want “two lands living side by side in peace,” rather than follow their faith’s command that any land conquered by Muslims remains Islamic forever, and that jihad must be waged until it is restored to the Islamic ummah. Israel, then, from that religious perspective is “occupied” land that violent jihad must liberate.
Naïve or duplicitous Westerners, of course, dismiss this obvious fact as an “Islamophobic” slur, despite decades of Palestinian Arabs telling us that “diplomatic engagement” and “agreements” are mere tactics sanctioned by Islam for buying time until force will achieve Islam’s doctrinal obligations. For example, Executive Council of the PLO member Zouhair Muhsin after the Six-Day War in 1967 said, “Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.” Diplomacy, negotiation, and ceasefires, then, are tactics, as are terrorism and atrocities.
Foreign policy idealism has not been the only way the West has endangered Israel’s security. National interests, such as securing petroleum products from Arab nations, have trumped the loyalty owed to a Western ally and only democracy in a geopolitically critical region. Post-Holocaust anti-Semitism, disguised as anti-Zionism, has flourished, corrupted the UN, and influenced some nations’ foreign policies, especially in leftist parties and countries with large disgruntled Muslim immigrant populations. Hence the public protests and rallies here and in Europe support and celebrate Hamas’ butchery, employing eliminationist rhetoric such as “from the river to the sea,” short-hand for “wiping Israel off the map,” as Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed in 2005.
When it comes to Israel, too often the West has been the opposite of a true ally: No worse friend, no better enemy, one whose hands are stained with Israel’s blood. If anything good can come from these atrocities, one hopes it will be a Western return to foreign policy realism, and taking seriously those who proclaim they want to kill us.
If we in the West don’t awaken from our idealistic “new world order” slumbers, Jeanne Kirkpatrick’s prophecy may come true: “But having succeeded so well over the years in its campaign to delegitimize Israel, the PLO might yet also succeed in bringing the campaign to a triumphant conclusion, with consequences for the Jewish state that would be nothing short of catastrophic.”
The complacency of getting used to rockets being launched into your pause de rigueur is also what set this tragedy up.
The Israelis had the moral right to wipe these scum far from their borders, but for some idiotic reason their leftist counterparts thought appeasement via “land for peace” would work great (in spite of it’s proven failure all the previous times.)
Here in the States, we have leftist students rallying for the monsters. Each & every one should be catapulted from our borders.
Unfortunately too many dumbshit Presidents from Bush41 to Sleepy Joe shipped in 100s of 1000s of islamists & set ’em up to do what they do – cash in & take over. (Dearborn, Michigan & Little Mogadishu have metastasized beyond saving.)
Not to worry. Sleepy’s handlers are keeping the streets clear of any MAGA they can find – one 6:am door kicked in at a time.
If Israel isn’t finally for itself–for a change–no one else will be.
The WEF, et al, has some advice for Israel “You will own nothing, and be happy”.
The WEF need to be obliterated after HAMAS.
One huge problem for them (Israel) is Biden advisors are with the PM right now as we speak to keep them from doing what they should do.
A true understanding of the anti-Israel mindset and current media propaganda will not be attained unless we look at the Biblical and archeological evidence for historical Israel. Also, leaving G-d out of the picture leads to complete blindness. The Temple stood in Israel, G-d’s presence was manifest there, and His command to Abraham to worship Him on the Temple Mount, Mount Moriah, has been ignored. There should be no argument about this. There are remains of the Temples still on the Mount today, or should be, unless the Muslims have destroyed those. Regardless, enough of these remains have been studied and saved by archeologists
The problem with this correct approach is that the UN completely rejects any biblical argument, only the religions of peace and corruption are used by them.
Yet many Muslim leaders expect us to give credence to Mohammed’s “night journey” to some “farthest mosque” on a flying horse to buttress their claim to Jerusalem. Uh, no. And the horse was allegedly tethered to the Western Wall, so the Wall itself is Muslim. Sorry. We shouldn’t be buying that one either.
After my doctorate in national security, I’ve decided to go into the hotdog business. I’m done with the darkness….
And, they reject the archeological facts.
Cathy, you reveal the crucial piece. And Taylor saying “Israel must be for Israel” is also powerfully true.
Culture, government and politics are all religious. Neutrality seems like an innocent truth, but it is a dangerous and destructive lie. Israel is a covenant people, whose purpose is to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5-6. The Lord is her King and her only hope – not gentiles or their nations. Israel’s faithfulness to Him is key to her safety and blessing. We must all pray for Israel’s redemption!
We in the U.S. are at risk because our relationship with Israel is treacherous, and the U.S. has not been faithful, either! Ultimately, Israel’s faithfulness to the Lord will determine her safety. The same goes for us.
“Culture, government and politics are all religious.”
They are philosophical, based on a philosophy, the five major branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and esthetics.
“Religion is an early form of philosophy, … the first attempts to explain the universe, to give a coherent frame of reference to man’s life and a code of moral values, were made by religion, before men graduated or developed enough to have philosophy….
Philosophy is the science that studies the fundamental aspects of the nature of existence. The task of philosophy is to provide man with a comprehensive view of life. This view serves as a base, a frame of reference, for all his actions, mental or physical, psychological or existential. This view tells him the nature of the universe with which he has to deal (metaphysics); the means by which he is to deal with it, i.e., the means of acquiring knowledge (epistemology); the standards by which he is to choose his goals and values, in regard to his own life and character (ethics)—and in regard to society (politics); the means of concretizing this view is given to him by esthetics…
Man came into his own in Greece, some two-and-a-half thousand years ago. The birth of philosophy marked his adulthood; not the content of any particular system of philosophy, but deeper: the concept of philosophy—the realization that a comprehensive view of existence is to be reached by man’s mind.
Philosophy is the goal toward which religion was only a helplessly blind groping. The grandeur, the reverence, the exalted purity, the austere dedication to the pursuit of truth, which are commonly associated with religion, should properly belong to the field of philosophy. Aristotle lived up to it and, in part, so did Plato, Aquinas, Spinoza—but how many others? It is earlier than we think.
If you observe that ever since Hume and Kant (mainly Kant, because Hume was merely the Bertrand Russell of his time) philosophy has been striving to prove that man’s mind is impotent, that there’s no such thing as reality and we wouldn’t be able to perceive it if there were—you will realize the magnitude of the treason involved.” – Ayn Rand
Philosophy is a science that studies the nature of existence? Really? The nature of existence is decidedly unscientific. It is completely subject to non-scientific methods of speculation. Where is the lab with the bunson burners that cause a scientific reaction when heat is applied to determine the nature of existence?
So can we add “scientist” to the jobs of philosopher and intellectual you have assigned to yourself?
Frauds like you will say anything to puff yourself up.
Your religion is objectivism. It is your non-negotiable and dominates your thinking. Calling it “philosophy” does not remove its religious nature.
You, along with the article writers, should think about providing a Kindle link.
Correction: our relationship with Christ; John 14:6.
Not only has the US not been faithful, the US via Biden and his nursing staff have gifted HAMA $billions with $158million gifted directly to them a mere couple of weeks ago.
“attacking Americans 83 times”
This typifies the government approach to evaluating their performance, which excludes the real important measures, or denies any wrongdoing.
Biden is a crazy man who can’t even put on his shoes, period. Obama is the evil force, the real serious Jew hater who loves the whispers put into his ear by Iranian Valerie Jarret, his closest confident for years.
Obama’s sweet words hypnotized millions, (still does!) while our enemies gathered to kill Jews and Americans at every chance!
Crazy? Recall those Germans who worked the ovens in WWII then went home to celebrate Christmas with their families.
When Islamic terrorists perpetrated a massacre at Fort Hood, Texas, The Great Narcissist Barack Hussein Osama called it “workplace violence”. When Jews were murdered at a kosher supermarket in Paris he called it a “random attack on some folks who wanted to eat at a deli”- erasing the antisemitic intent that inspired the act. He made the words “Islamic extremism” and “Islamic terrorism” verboten at the White House. This is someone who has all sorts of unsavory, anti American and antisemitic connections- Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, unrepentent Weather Underground terrorists, pedophile priest (and Hamas supporter) Father Michael Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan and of course Jeremiah Wright. Compared to Barack Hussein Osama, Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson was a model of patriotism, transparency and philosemitism. If “there were no scandals in my administration” it is because Barack Hussein Osama so corrupted the political process and benefited from an idolatrous fourth estate.
Killing unborn babies has far surpassed this described tragedy.
In a Nation void of conscience.
Exactly right,well-paid.
Perpetual hatred of Israel does enable the rulers of Gaza to perpetually control all of the expressed thinking of the people who they rule. If Israel went away, the average person of Gaza would be no more free, prosperous or happy than ever.
Want evidence? Israel DID go away from Gaza in 2006. Gaza was plunged into deeper misery soon thereafter and has stayed that way. Many in Gaza very well know this and dare not say it, Punishments are severe there.
Thug oligarchy is very comfortable only for the thugs, they will not readily give up their power.
The Hamas leaders do not have to defeat Israel, but they DO have to keep the people of Gaza defeated in order to continue their power there.
So I opine.
This is the first column I have read that correctly attributes the war against Israel to the Islamic waqf. As the article describes it, that doctrine commands “that any land conquered by Muslims remains Islamic forever, and that jihad must be waged until it is restored to the Islamic ummah.” That is why Islam absurdly even today claims Spain (“Andalisia”) for Islam, history to the contrary notwithstanding. It is not about restoring a “Palestinian state.” There never has been such a state. The whole concept was created by the KGB when the USSR was promoting “wars of national liberation” and needed a (fictitious) Palestinian national identity to “liberate.” Yet, this important Islamic doctrine, in which Israel is Muslim territory because Islam once stole it from the Jews, is almost never mentioned. Thank you Mr. Thornton.
Western foreign policy delusions that the Arab-Israeli conflict has been
about ‘national self-determination’ is the most salient point in this excellent
article. One needs only to look at the collapsed southern U.S. border with
its invading hordes of military-age men – listen to rants against nationalism
by such world figures as France’s Macron and even by the Pope to cite a few
examples – to realize that the West is against ‘national self-determination’
and is for a borderless world.
But they keep the idea of Palestinians yearning for their own nation state
front and center in people’s minds via the corrupt Communist-controlled
international mainstream media. Even though many offers of such a state
have been offered to and rejected by Palestinians – and Muslims eschew
nationalism of any kind.
That Palestinian so-called victims want their own states is one of human
history’s greatest hoaxes – propped up by the globalist Communists’
goal AND Islam’s goal to impose their tyranny – not just on Israel – but on
the whole world.
As per usual, the US seems to have armed both sides. A dead broke country like America has no business funding foreign nations nor should it allow immigration. Both disastrous moves have to stop and mass deportations must begin.
Israeli citizens should be asking a lot of questions of their military and their government about how they allowed this to happen– Especially when given a giant heads up by Egypt. Anyone with intuition and reason will see the similarities with 9/11– another disaster Moussad knew about in advance.
We know the globalist want ww3 to take the US out as a superpower. They had to take anti war Trump out to do it. Once Biden got it, they started smuggling us taxpayer funded weapons through Ukraine. Now the average American young person is expected to go to war for Isreal. Good luck getting that to happen.
“national self-determination” shibboleth encoded in the Versailles settlement. But as historian Edward Luttwak points out, “nationalism is un-Islamic . . . because any nationalism intrinsically subverts Islamic unity,”
It is not nationalism that intrinsically subverts Islamic unity but INDIVIDUALISM, individual rights, and private property rights that subvert Islam. In other words, it is Laissez-Faire Capitalism that subverts the brutal collectivism and mysticism of Islam.
Israel, though it has strong elements of socialism in it, is a nation whose political system and culture essentially respects the individual and individual rights. There are nations that do not respect individual rights but reject them and crush them, nations like China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.
Even under Islam there would be nations, but nations dedicated to crushing the individual.
The crucial problem is not Islam but that the West, the West that respected and upheld the sanctity, sovereignty, and inalienability of individual rights, has been collapsing for over a hundred years into altruist, self-sacrificial, collectivism. The same altruist, self-sacrificial, collectivism at the core of Islam.
For collectivism of any stripe the individual must be sacrificed to the whole, to society, race, tribe, King, Fuhrer, Allah, Ummah, theocracy, etc.
For collectivism the individual is nothing, the collective is all.
I knew you couldn’t complete a screed without mentioning ALTRUISM…..your go to excuse for not doing anything.
Under the collectivist Objectivism mindset I guess you are nothing, as I have said all along. As much as any Islamic terrorist is nothing.
“The right of “the self-determination of nations” applies only to free societies or to societies seeking to establish freedom; it does not apply to dictatorships. Just as an individual’s right of free action does not include the “right” to commit crimes (that is, to violate the rights of others), so the right of a nation to determine its own form of government does not include the right to establish a slave society (that is, to legalize the enslavement of some men by others). There is no such thing as “the right to enslave.” A nation can do it, just as a man can become a criminal—but neither can do it by right.
It does not matter, in this context, whether a nation was enslaved by force, like Soviet Russia, or by vote, like Nazi Germany. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). Whether a slave society was conquered or chose to be enslaved, it can claim no national rights and no recognition of such “rights” by civilized countries—just as a mob of gangsters cannot demand a recognition of its “rights” and a legal equality with an industrial concern or a university, on the ground that the gangsters chose by unanimous vote to engage in that particular kind of group activity.
Dictatorship nations are outlaws. Any free nation had the right to invade Nazi Germany and, today, has the right to invade Soviet Russia, Cuba or any other slave pen. Whether a free nation chooses to do so or not is a matter of its own self-interest, not of respect for the non-existent “rights” of gang rulers. It is not a free nation’s duty to liberate other nations at the price of self-sacrifice, but a free nation has the right to do it, when and if it so chooses….
A nation that violates the rights of its own citizens cannot claim any rights whatsoever. In the issue of rights, as in all moral issues, there can be no double standard. A nation ruled by brute physical force is not a nation, but a horde—whether it is led by Attila, Genghis Khan, Hitler, Khrushchev or Castro. What rights could Attila claim and on what grounds?” – Ayn Rand
Please God, not another pointless lecture from our resident female scold by proxy, the one the only Ayn Rand, who always has something to whine about. TLDR.
But tell me Mr. Newly Hatched War Monger, are you going to be there on the frontlines? After all, even Mommy says it’s OK to invade another country, but only if you ignore the whole self-sacrifice thingy.
If I may quote you yet again:
*I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country. I recognize a moral responsibility to my freedom and liberty and the freedom and liberty of those I love.* — THX
I guess we won’t be seeing you on the front lines anytime soon, will we.
Policies make a difference which is all too obvious. Anyone voting for anti-Israel, anti-American policies from the left, and especially funding Israel’s enemies are going to suffer the consequences right along with the rest of us. Don’t think they are exempt. Satan and his agents of destruction attack everything God loves, because Jerusalem plays a role in the plan of God and God’s enemy….Satan has launched an all out spiritual war, and physical war, against Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
Nothing is new under the sun, this isn’t the first time or last time man and nations will attempt to separate what God has knit together. Satan tries to deceive the whole world into believing Jerusalem does not belong to the God of Israel.
Please, all those who say Islam doesn’t behead people, go read the Koran about holy wars. Islam wants to exterminate any race but their own…..and they start with babies to stop the line of the Jewish people. They are Satanic and evil.
Secret Christians? And probably there were secret atheists and Zoroastrians, Buddhists, who knows what else.
This is very interesting can you direct me to a book or articles that documents this phenomenon? The phenomenon of Tanzimat allowing secretly apostate Muslims to come out of the closet?
The same must have been true with Judaism and Christianity, many secret agnostics or outright atheists who had to stay in the closet for fear of persecution, although the process of being able to come out of the closet took many centuries.
Spinoza was persecuted for his heresy, some say that he was actually a secret atheist, but framed his philosophy in a way that would avoid offending the believers and bringing more persecution upon him.
“But in Spinoza’s ‘God, or Nature’, nature plays the determining role. Why then was it necessary to introduce the name of ‘God’ at all? Perhaps it was just to speak his message in words which would be listened to by his contemporaries. This message – deduced by Leibniz – was only ever that “there is no happiness other than the tranquillity of a life here below content with its own lot” (Two Sects of Naturalists, 1680).
For Spinoza, speaking the language of theism was overall the only available route towards obtaining an audience; and what the most vigilant among this audience heard, piercing as they did through Spinoza’s merely nominal references to God, was the deepest of all atheisms. It was an atheism which sought to argue not only for the non-existence of a personal God, but for the fault of statesmen in having made a world where belief in God was necessary for human happiness.” – Kenneth Novis
Wow, two idiots arguing with each other….Chcuo and you. I’ll get the popcorn.
Who do YOU think funds Hamas? Besides, of course, you through your taxes? Soros. And Zuckerberg. And MILLIONS of other Jews across the West!
those aren’t Jews;
they are progressives.
Just like Hitler. and the Nazis who were united with Islam……blame the Jews for every problem. Thats how the holocaust happened. Soros and Zuckerberg aren’t Jews in any sense of the word….they are globalists who side with the communists who have destroyed so many civilizations.
Oh yeah, for sure.
In particular, Obama and Biden now have given them $billions of US taxpayer dollars. The fool pos Biden set aside the Abraham Accords coordinated by Trump and then gave the killer coordinators some $7oo,000,000+. A couple weeks for the recent attack, Biden gifted HAMA another several $millions. Where is the GOP criticism on his providing terrorist funding?
I think your headline writer meant “Jewish blood” rather than Israeli. That’s what it’s really about with the less than humans.
JOSEPH MASSAD, former ’80s UNM student and radical this commenter knows. He was a product of Gerry Bradley, head of the NM Marxist Educators for Socialist Action and NM Peace Council an affiliate of the WORLD PEACE COUNCIL run by the Soviet KGB. His fellow classmate, Ahmad Assed is President of the Islamic Center of NM who held a protest in support Hamas on Nov. 19, 2012 and is the unofficial student advisor for the Muslim Student Association at UNM.
ON DAVID HOROWITZ’ “TEN MOST RADICAL PROFESSORS!” Massad kicked out a Jewish student out of his class. Actions were taken against Massad, a slap on the wrist, AND TWO WEEKS LATER, GIVEN TENURE!
Why don’t anyone just tell the truth this is just a big false flag to hide the evil of the one world order
Also, you’re forgetting the Syrian connection.
No, The USA leads the West, or it used to.
The blood is on our hands b/c we do not lead, and do not have a competent leader.