Almost everything that has followed from the woke mass hysteria gripping the nation since 2020 has proved disastrous.
Wokeism destroys meritocracy in favor of forced equality of result – history’s prescription for civilizational decline.
If we continue with the woke hiring of administrators, air traffic controllers, ground crews, pilots, and rail workers, there will be even more news of disasters and near-miss airline crashes.
Wokeness demands a McCarthyite suppression of free expression. No wonder a woke FBI recently hired out social media censors to suppress stories it deemed unhelpful.
Soviet-style, wokeism mandates strict ideological party-line narratives under the cover of “science.” No wonder a woke government lied that requiring vaccines would prevent both infection and infectiousness.
Woke substitutes race for class in its eternal neo-Marxist quest to divide permanently the nation along racial lines, between victims and victimizers.
Yet wokeism recently has embarrassed itself as never before.
Take the COVID pandemic.
The Department of Energy has joined the FBI and is now attributing the origins of the pandemic to a leak of a likely engineered virus from the top-security virology lab in Wuhan, China.
Wokesters had long suppressed that reality, demonizing any who rejected its orthodox lies and spoke a larger truth: A dystopic China is not our global partner in greening the planet. Criticizing Stalinist China is not “racist.” China is not building a progressive society that is a model for others.
The ongoing environmental catastrophe in East Palestine, Ohio, following the train derailment revealed more woke moral bankruptcy.
Ostensibly the ensuing toxic spill and noxious plume have poisoned a poor and working-class small town. It should have galvanized the old Democratic Party that once voiced loud support for all green causes and championed the lower American classes.
But woke ended all that – substituting racial chauvinism for class concerns and ideology for genuine worry over the environment.
Woke dogma mandates that pollution and poverty are no longer concerns – if they affect the white poor who are stereotyped collectively as privileged victimizers.
Wokesters insisted that California is the greatest casualty of “climate change” defined as permanent drought.
Purported climate change required radical new bureaucratic rules and antidemocratic mandates over irrigation supplies, ground water, and contracted water deliveries from public reservoirs.
But then it rained. And it snowed. And it became terribly cold in supposedly scorching California. Southern California is blanketed in snow.
Even so, for much of this cold, wet winter, state officials continued to claim the man-made drought was in full force. But finally, the most recent frigid, wet weather strangled the woke drought – and with it the credibility of our climate change Cassandras.
Americans sympathize with Ukraine’s plight as Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to destroy its autonomy. But woke brooked no deviation from the party line that Ukraine’s Volodomyr Zelenskyy is a saint, while Russia is near bankrupt due to sanctions, and doomed to lose the war.
Accordingly, the United States was obligated to give Ukraine a veritable blank check given Kyiv’s commitment to freedom. Zelenskyy’s team now even talks of a victorious Ukrainian armored counteroffensive into Moscow’s Red Square.
This week, however, we are learning the Russian economy is nearly as strong now as it was before the war. It has mobilized 700,000 troops to ensure that eastern Ukraine becomes a Verdun-like killing field where tens of thousands more will be ground up.
Ukraine bars dissidents and maintains a government media monopoly. And the more President Joe Biden promises another $2-3 billion in biweekly aid, the more Zelenskyy acts as if it is a pittance given what supposedly stingy Americans should be capable of supplying.
Meanwhile, at home, new woke protocols mandate race as essential rather than incidental to the human experience. Supposedly such fixations will heal racial wounds.
Under the new reparatory and compensatory diversity, equity, and inclusion rules, those deemed non-white were to be hired and admitted to colleges in greater numbers than their demographics. Even the old mandated proportional representation quotas were no longer enough.
But racial chauvinism, nonstop talk of reparations, and the new campus segregation have not resulted in better racial relations.
Polls show that there are greater racial tensions than ever before.
Data on interracial and hate crimes show even sharper racial disproportionalities. The incidence of both Black violent criminal perpetrators and Black crime victims are near historical highs.
Woke policies of no cash bail, downgrading felonies, and no jail time only spiked violent lawlessness.
Our elite universities are now fully woke. Almost weekly an embarrassing story further erodes their credibility and reputation.
Ridiculous lists of taboo words are issued on woke campuses, barring incendiary words like “American” and “immigrant.”
Bragging of segregated dorms, graduations, and safe spaces recalls Jim Crow, not woke racial utopias.
Grades and standards are deemed counterrevolutionary, even as incompetent graduates increasingly fail to impress employers.
Someday wokeism will disappear because it is inherently nihilistic and cannibalistic.
But in the meantime, Americans should end it now before it ends America first.
Mo de Profit says
“ The Department of Energy has joined the FBI and is now attributing the origins of the pandemic to a leak of a likely engineered virus from the top-security virology lab in Wuhan, China.”
Which we all knew three years ago.
The convid injections were known to be dangerous for women two years ago, my daughter chose not to have it because she had learned about it.
The lockdown response was known to be wrong three years ago.
We knew masks weren’t working three years ago.
We knew children were not affected by convid three years ago.
We knew that the PCR tests were not reliable three years ago.
We knew that everything the global government did was wrong three years ago.
But the World pHarma Organisation is today trying to get governments to allow it to take over our healthcare if they create another virus in one of their many labs.
Mike B says
It seems every day we edge closer and closer to the truth. The left is desperate to deny China was the source of covid because it was a deliberate “leak”, a bioweapon to get rid of Trump who held CCP feet to the fire. And, even worse, was the REAL collusion–with Democrats who were very much in on it. Wait and see.
Steven Brizel says
Wokeism and DEII are a American Marxism in theory and practice
James Keir Baughman, Author/Publisher. says
Let’s use the REAL word. It is COMMUNISM. Not Marxism!
Onzeur Trante says
Reparations to blacks, DEI officers on college campuses, WHO in charge of America’s healthcare during pandemics in the future, teachers trampling parents’ rights over sex education in the classroom, billions and billions to Ukraine “until it’s over”, and so on. No matter where one looks there is insanity lurking in the corner and Americans generally complacent about it. It should come as no surprise if Biden gets re-elected. Then one can rest assured that the battle is over and America lost.
Dr2xFour says
Here is the problem / solution.
Unzip your pants
If you see a penis with balls attached you are a man
If you see a penis with no balls attached you are the problem.
Men without balls… that is the problem.
Find our balls…. problem(s) solved!
Ugly Sid says
The Left throws itself behind the MAGA effort:
sumsrent says
The Holy Bible warns us how things will continually get worse… where even families will turn on each other…
LAS says
I’m thinking that liberalism CAUSES mental illness…it teaches that there is no reality. Isn’t that part of mental illness…..not “getting” reality
James Keir Baughman, Author/Publisher. says
Famous radio program host Michael Savage already wrote that book. It’s called “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. Check it out.
Partisan R. says
They are void of rationalism and live in a world of emotionalism, with an inability to process truth. This applies only to the useful idiots and not the demonic True Believers, who know exactly what they’re doing.
Robert Hagedorn says
Next year at the end of the second presidential debate the Republican candidate, hopefully a patriot, should say the following:
“When you vote ask yourself this question: Do I want to live in an insane asylum controlled by the asylum inmates, or do I want to live in a normal world governed by sane people? If you want to live in an insane asylum then vote Democrat. If you want to live in a normal safe world vote Republican.”
After delivering this message, the candidate should just turn around and quickly walk off the stage. It is assumed the candidate will have already educated the viewers as to exactly what “woke” means in all its ramifications.
Jim says
History seems to show that Golden Ages do not last. Sooner or later their innate contradictions lead to a decline. So, the Golden Age of democracy in Athens was less than a century long. The great Eastern Roman Empire lasted for a millennium and then fell victim to barbarians. The British Empire lasted a century or so. It all seems to have an expiration date. Perhaps US money should also carry an expiration date. Spend before date. I suppose the problem is that the forces that led to the Golden Age cease to operate because of the very conditions of the perfect society, and then comes the decline and fall. The parents grow up poor and struggle to become prosperous. Their children grow up affluent and do not have the drive to struggle. They would rather coast on the family assets, and so they never succeed as much as their parents. Goodby America.
TRex says
The problem is what the children do with the money they didn’t earn and the time they’ve been afforded by not having to work for it.. The universities have exploited this situation by inculcating the young and naïve by teaching them the philosophy of a lazy bum who lived off the generosity of others. The result is a generation of young people lacking in real world experience but infused with an ideology that fails to take reality into consideration. To every socialist/communist who thinks they’ve got it figured out I say, YOU GO FIRST. You “donate” your material wealth, your creature comforts and your idle time to “the cause” and until you take that first step you are full of sh*t.
eli hauser says
Progressives destroy everything. Every time. Its what they do.
Judith says
LBJ’s reparation was The Great Society. We already gave.