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The Left is a religious movement. Its manic enthusiasms are fueled by the conviction that it can and will save the world. But what happens if the world does not want to be saved by the Left?
That is the dilemma of the 2024 election for believers in the ‘right side of history’.
In 2000 and 2016 leftists resorted to conspiracy theories to explain not only to us but to themselves why they did not really lose, but the 2024 election was a landslide in which not only the electoral college, but the popular vote, not only straight white men, but the entire spectrum of the electorate rejected not just Joe Biden, but his black female girl power ringer
When the Left lost the working class, it blamed the loss on racism. The factory workers and coal miners, the proletariat on whom generations of leftists had pinned their hopes for a national regeneration, were cast out for their whiteness. Henceforth, minorities would be the standard bearers for transforming the national culture and inheriting power at the dawn of the new age.
Now that virtually every minority group except black women has turned on them, what’s left?
Apart from the essays explaining why black women and ‘trans kids’ are the only virtuous minorities still out there (often written by straight white men) there isn’t a backup plan.
The problem was built into the leftist paradigm which seeks to identify and elevate oppressed groups, but the more those groups are elevated, the less need they have for the Left, and the more likely they are to object when their former patrons start wrecking all their achievements.
Everyone has something to lose and those with the most to lose are not the children of the rich trashing the system, but those near the bottom who are the most vulnerable to social chaos.
Unleashing BLM made black voters much more concerned about crime and opening the borders got former generations of California illegal aliens to wave Trump flags. The divisiveness of identity politics sounds good when it means cutting ahead in line for college admissions, job placement and other special privileges, but everyone except Ivy League grads sours on it when it means criminals and migrants overrunning their neighborhoods.
The Left campaigns on social change, but what it’s really after is revolutionary change. Social change alters the rules while revolutionary change destroys the whole system. There are a lot of takers when social change under names such as ‘equity’ is rigging the system to favor designated ‘oppressed’ groups, but far fewer of them want to stay around to watch it all burn.
But if the ‘oppressed’ groups just cash in their social change chips for a house in a nice neighborhood with two cars in the garage, how is the revolution ever going to happen?
The Left is a long way from actually losing the minority vote, but 2024 was the most urgent in a series of warnings, especially from Latinos and Asians, that they want stability and a prosperous economy a whole lot more than they want woke nonsense like ‘Latinx’ or ‘StopAsianHate’.
That’s the same message the white working class delivered during the era of the counterculture.
The working classes, of whatever race, rejecting the culture war is small surprise. The average black or Latino family has as much sympathy for drag queen story hour as the white steelworkers of another era did for hippies. A rainbow coalition encompassing racial and ethnic minorities, and the alphabet alliance of upper class fetishes, was a fantasy anywhere outside the activist echo chambers where ‘Fags for Hamas’ is an actual movement not a Gutfeld joke.
Decadent culture wars were a means to an end (much like the elevation of minorities) and were quickly stamped out in the aftermath of every successful Communist revolution. After the 2024 election, a ‘reconsideration’ of transgenderism is already underway in the movement.
The same media that spent a decade stomping on the dreams of thousands of female athletes is now willing to consider throwing transgenders overboard if they hold back the cause. As quickly as women were erased, transgenders can be erased and women brought back.
The Left can sideline the culture war, but it can’t sideline the revolution.
After replacing the white working class with minority groups, what is it going to replace minorities with? The Left is running out of potential bases to deploy into battle.
Leftist revolutions always depend on lies until the moment of turnaround occurs, but the evolution of the counterculture into the culture, the radicals working within the system to effect gradual social change while escalating the crises, put the moment of turnaround farther away.
And how can the moment of turnaround be reached if the base defects halfway into the crisis?
That is the core of the post-election crisis that has divided and consumed the Democrats. The party that emerged from the compromises that integrated the counterculture into it is unfit for either the purposes of the radicals or the liberals. The radicals have managed to alienate every base the Democrats ever had except for those elites that have already been radicalized.
The remaining moderates and liberals have kept the party from functioning as a purely revolutionary party even as its ideological culture becomes more radical from year to year. If this goes on, the Democrats would simply become the DSA, the party of Bernie, Warren and AOC, but 2024 is a warning that it would have a limited time to rule before the public turned on it.
The conflict between the gradualists and the revolutionaries played out in the Biden-Harris administration with revolutionaries out to break the country in control of policy and pragmatists in control of the campaign so that it was at odds with itself from the very beginning. Revolutionaries would wreck the economy to seize power, not to win an election, and pragmatists would bolster the economy to win elections while expanding the welfare state.
Instead a radical agenda and a pragmatic campaign led to a historic defeat for the Democrats.
The best American leftists could hope for was not the USSR or Communist China, but a shaky Latin American banana republic, and more likely would have to settle for a mediocre European social democracy spiraling into further decline every year. But Americans aren’t Russians, Chinese, Latin Americans (yet) or Europeans (anymore) and have different expectations.
To get to the USSR or China, leftists would have to show more ability to execute a violent revolution after a major crisis. Once upon a time liberals had persuaded their leftist offspring that this was unnecessary because America would willingly be transformed.
Americans would willingly bow to the right side of history. Didn’t Obama’s victory prove it?
Much as the myth of the fall of Camelot justified leftist radicalism and violence, Trump’s first victory undid the myth of Obamalot and ushered in a new wave of radicalism and terror. But if Trump’s first victory was Nixon, his second victory is Reagan: a growing national consensus that is immune to the old tools of the counterculture because it is not a reaction, but a realignment.
After the 2024 election, the idea that America was redeemable seems far fetched to leftists. Didn’t nearly every group choose Trump? What is there about America to be redeemed? And if Americans are innately on the wrong side of history, then a violent takeover is the only way.
And yet even revolutionary leftists don’t appear especially emboldened after the 2024 election. The violent riots have been mostly notable by their absence. Even revolutionaries need a base to work with and the election outcome hammered home to them that they don’t have one.
The Left has rejected America before only to come crawling back. Moving to Canada, or touring the third world to incite revolutions, are not realistic options. But to come back, the Left must once again delude itself about what Americans want. And about what they don’t want.
Politics is the art of illusion and delusion. Activists and officials lie to the people, but they also lie to themselves. Defeats come out of nowhere because they refuse to recognize that what most people want is not ideology, but a better life, and the politicians are usually standing in the way.
The right side of history is Marxist nonsense filtered through unitarianism: a messianic vision of ideological inevitability that is ever doomed to crash into the realities of human nature.
The Left wants to rule, but it also wants to be wanted by the people and by some larger immanent force that it does not quite dare to recognize as a higher power, that is on its side and advancing its righteous aims. After Election Day, its faith is shaken, not in its own theories, but in the American public and in the idea that a right side of history will ever come to America.
And yet it must believe. So it will find a way to believe in transforming America once again.
Ron Kelmell says
Leftists rejected? Not so fast, Skippy! An element of Marxist thought is superiority that refuses to believe the mind set to be wrong. Human nature always rebels against its authoritarianism. The left can’t imagine anyone not bowing to them even though it never survives without deception at first and a gun to the peoples’ heads at the last.
The so called battle for the soul of America is just beginning.
For proof of the above, move to Vietnam, Cuba, China, etc. for a couple of years and see how your personal ethical liberty holds up.
Yes, there will always be that stubborn few. Today I heard by chance Jordan Peterson wisely suggest that the worst thing we can do with psychopaths is put them together with each other which he was saying is a thing wrong with our prison system.
Trouble with all these stubborn lefties whole will believe to the death is they love trouble and will create it just for breakfast.
Elizabeth says
Reports: China/Iran/Qatar fund education to indoctrinate youth with Marxist/Socialist/Communist ideology. Biden left Classified documents at Biden Center. Gained millions to advance China/CCP in U.S. industries/energy/land by 19 strategic military bases & 2,000 products. Harris/Biden advanced China’s energy dominance in solar panels/66% EV’s & 85% batteries. China dominates in tech. Iran/China/Russia also linked resources. U.S. will need to be more alert than ever. China owns 50,000 acres by Ft. Liberty base, N. C. CCP Elite owns 130,000 TX. border acres by AFB. People to read the Bible/Biblical Revelation & be ready to pray/preach or die in a moment’s notice.
Bill Klozik says
Well said, Ron. I was a professional journalist back in the mid-60’s to mid-70’s (when journalism was much more honest and an actual profession!). I served in the U.S. Army honorably as an Information Specialist, went to West Germany for a year and even wrote and edited for the Stars and Stripes. Our country America has changed into such a chaotic state since then that it’s amazing we still survive! Thank God for Trump, a billionaire who doesn’t HAVE to serve this country and I’m GLAD he is! God help us against the idiots like Pelosi, AOC, Schumer, Biden & his Cult Family, totally unqualified K. Harris and Barack Hussain Obama (the most treasonous usurper to the oval office in our history)!!!
Spurwing Plover says
The Leftists crave Power Total Power over everyone and when compared Mouse-E-Dung was far worse then Hitler when it came to Mass Murder says
Brilliant analysis once again. There is never a permanent victory against the Left. All you can do is fight them, or be permanently californicated.
Rob A says
And therein lies the problem. We engage them in endless futile debates and do nothing of any substance that forces them to consider the consequences of their actions. As a result, the left has no reason to fear the opposition and thus confidently press on with their agenda.
Stated another way: we’re in a war with the left that words alone will not win. The fate of this country cannot be allowed to be decided by an intellectual debate with people who seek to destroy America and everything it stands for via legislating the pillars of the US Constitution out of existence and liberty & freedom along with it.
Blood, sweat and tears and eternal vigilance is the price of liberty & freedom. How many Americans today are willing to pay that price?
We must. It is the cost of freedom. T. Jefferson said it so well. Eternal vigilance.
I fear we are a generation (at least my Mom was one) who expect things to become perfect if we just … What?
Bad guys are a reality in real life. We must protect ourselves and our life.
Barry Spinello says
Putnam: “…the professed long range political aim of the two major social forces of the day, which at once unite and divide mankind, Marxism and Christianity, is precisely the same. All Christians as well as Marxists must believe in communism as an article of faith. (and both finding it much harder to reach than they expected). They differ only in the tactics they regard essential to achieving it. Linkage of Syntax, Oct 3, 1966 pg. 54.
DIFFERENT TACTICS: Marxists use brute force to change minds: the hammer and sickle. Christians rely on the Cross: a personal and painful inner struggle for truth.
Matt Tarango says
Yes. With the threat of hell to back it up with. And a Big Brother in the Sky recording everyone one our sinful thoughts, which the Bible tells us is as bad as acting upon them. But that’s later, after life. The left want to follow this example here, on earth.
Tionico says
All Christians as well as Marxists must believe in communism as an article of faith.
WHAT are you TALKING about? Not in your most perverted dreams……
Marxism/communism is a system that takes over and dictates to the individual what they may/mayn’t do, have, own, use.
Christianity, as in persuing Jesus, is nothing o the sort.
Yes, in the early days o the church many regarded their own things as not their own, choosing rather to share what they had with they who had need. But this was driven by the INDIVIDUAL and not by any authority or outside demands imposed on anyone. but entirely the individual decision o the one n question.
Get a bible and then turn to the Book o Acts. I think its somewhere around Chapter 4, the story o Annanias and Saphira, two members in the early church in Jerusalem.
They decided to sell a piece o property which they OWNED. They then brought some o the money thus gained and put it into the bucket to be used to help those in need. They were speciically asked i that amount was the ull price they got or i, and said yes that’s the ull pice, we are giving it ALL. Both dropped dead…. no one touched them but the Lord Himsel. Beore that happened, they were asked why they LIED to the Holy Spirit. . “When that land was yours, was it not in YOUR cintrl? AND when you sold it was the price not YOURS to do with as you pleased? (they would have been OK keeping ALL the sum as their own, or given hal, a tenth, ninety percent… but they LIED to make themselves seem better” they they are. THAT was their crime, not withholding part o the sale and giving a part.
Search all you want, you will NEVER discover any incident in marxism/communism that even remotely resembles this one. Neither o these systems give any liberty to the individual to decide all on their own how to deal with their possessions, talents, abilities, time… that is the sovereign priviledge belonging to everyone. Hah, even our government decides what we WILL surrender out o our own treasure, and when we must surrender it.
Vic says
I think you’ve lost the plot here. Think he was saying ‘know your enemy’. While M/C are huge problems in America be careful of the ‘friendlies’ who call themselves muslim. They are slithering right up beside the commies pretending to be fellow travellers. Did you not see the photo of Que-mala with 100 muslims who have infiltrated the halls of congress. That should have shocked you. Satan is having a field day! Eternal Vigilance. Until Christ returns satan rules the earth. And we’ve got work to do.
CowboyUp says
Marxism is force. The only time Jesus used force was when He ran the money changers out of His Father’s house. That’s where ‘Jesus was a marxist,’ falls flat on its’ face.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“The right side of history” is one of the most irritating phrases the left has come up with, cramming several false premises into one short phrase.
On the other hand, it gives a never-ending opportunity for criticism by conservatives.
But the phrase is so disrespectful to legitimate historians, who are honestly trying to reveal the truth, for the benefit of others.
Rob A says
History is written by winners, not losers. History is littered with losers who ended up as mere footnotes in the annals of history and are largely forgotten.
CowboyUp says
There has to be a right and wrong side of history for marxists. That’s how they ‘unburden ‘ themselves from what was, and cancel what they wish of the past. Their targets judged by marxists’ modern sensibilities, not by the norms and standards of the time.
Mo de Profit says
There are ZERO oppressed minorities in the west, apart from normal white family members.
Rob A says
They’re about as oppressed as a 5-year old brat who throws a tantrum over being told no. And like 5-year old brats, they need to be smacked on the butt and told to shut up, go sit down and be quiet or…. Don’t make me take my belt off!!
Annie45 says
There was a movement in the 1970s that no worker is better than anyone
else. I saw this implemented in a county office I worked in on Long Island.
The monthly meeting of the professionals now included typists, file clerks
and stenographers. The more skilled workers would discuss their issues
while the clerical staff would sit silently with no input whatsoever. I was a
27 year old steno and felt that although we were being made to feel
“included”, the whole thing seemed stupid. The office was run by a Black
director who was very keen on civil rights. A hit song on the radio at the
time was The Love Train. In my subsequent 42 years of remaining in the
work force, I never saw this again.
But what I did see several times was a resentment of lower level workers,
especially ones who did physical work, towards professionals whom they
felt had it a lot easier. The stress of complex mental work is not easily
grasped by lower level workers. Most people probably think the CEO or
CFO of a mega corporation has perks and wealth and has it – undeservedly –
One wonders if the Left could ever tap into that resentment to pit workers
against “intelligentsia” workers – in order to form a new base of oppressed
versus oppressors. They’ve already made math and science something to
be suspicious of – so why not segue somehow into a societal suspicion of
professionals. The Left has been working on ideas like this since the civil
rights era – in fact, since the ink was drying on our founding documents,
And they will never stop.
Gordon says
I am already suspicious of such people if you are talking about the CEOs, human resource managers, administrators, and the bulk of the “certified” workforce who implemented or willingly and slavishly complied with ESG/CRT/DEI, vax mandates. masks and every other idiotic Kung Flu restriction. What a bunch of assholes.
Annie45 says
Gordon – Twenty years ago it would have been considered
lunacy for American society to accept fully intact males
competing with normal women in beauty pageants. But
Miss Nevada USA and Miss Maryland USA – who both
went on to compete in the Miss USA pageant – are such
males AKA transgender women. The Left’s relentless
determination to destroy societal norms – and usher in
their version of dictatorial utopia – is capable of anything.
The Left hates bosses or people who run things and
hates intellectuals or people such as scholars, creators
and journalists. So who knows what abomination they’re
capable of doing about that – of figuring out how they
could pit us all against each other from such hatred.
As to your gripe about the jab, I have a close friend who
works for New York State who was forced to take the
vaccine or lose his job and with it, his pension rights and
health benefits.
Tionico says
quote: who knows what abomination they’re
capable of doing about that – of figuring out how they
could pit us all against each other from such hatred.”
Tht can only happen when ONE THING happens.. WE LET IT.
The inormation on the WooPhlew was out there.. I ound it, and I have no access to anything you all on here don’t. When they began to MANDAE it as a condition o employment, etc, I remembered the Nurenberg Cinvention, somewhere around the early 1950’s, which imposes certain signicant restrictions upon mandating medical treatment, and preserves the INDIVIDUAL right to decline any treatment or any reason, or no reason at all.
Had 50% Americans making the decision to take the shot or not had read that Convention and made their decision to roll up their sleeves or keep them down on that basis?
or that matter suppose that same precent simply had educted themselves on the shot and te disease isel, and made their decision based on that? The nation would have ground to a clacking and scraping and cruching halt in lee=ss than two weeks.Masks? Ten minute’s research would have had every mug in the nation smiling back all day long, nothing covering. up that mug with the Blue Nappie. WHO read the ollowup in the Nordic Princess cruise liner in Tokyp Harbour, that the chinese virus broke out and all the press in the world declared it would be a ghost ship within two weeks, all but a small handul dead? And who kept up with the story to see what REALLY happened? Once she was towed o to a deserted crner o the Bay and lay to her anchor, all was orgotten. I read the ollowup report… easily available, i memory serves aright only three died.. and they were old and in poor health with co-morbidities. The other three thousand were healthy.
What dierence would it have made had hal the American workorce, when given the choice to take the shot or not work, would have said That’s OK and walked out the door?
I could go on, but those who haven;t gotten it yet won’t so I’ll sppare the rest o you.
Herb says
You would carry a lot more weight if your message were properly written. Leaving letters out and misspellings leave your message making no sense.
Vis says
Yes, the administrative state! The pencilneck with the rule book.
THX 1138 says
“Love Train” was a great song. Don Cornelius is smiling at ya.
Rob A says
That’s an interesting observation. Before retiring, I was an engineer manager in corporate management and before that a principle design engineer. I deeply appreciated and respected the people below me because my success depended on their success.
Suffice it to say, given where I started from in life, I never acquired the habit of looking down on people simply because they were less educated or made less money than me or has less material possessions than me. Perhaps it’s because I never saw the utility of being an educated pompous asshole. My sh*t stinks just like anyone else’s so what makes me any better?
Hannah Katz says
Hoping Old Joe does not get any ideas about martial law from South Korea. The left’s way of negating the election and later handing power over to VP Harris.
Tionico says
Like everything else, Dopey Joey is never he originator in any o hese schemes. Anythihg he would squeee out o his pie hole would originate with da kinyun.
But even were they to pull that one out o the Ole Rabbit’s Hat, those “in charge” would still be subject to the Commander in Chie ‘s authority, which on 20th January will be Donald Trump.
Madame DeFarge says
The basis of the lefts’ continuing appeal are the ranks of the socially ostracized group in high school. They never forget the “shame.” It actually can be a great springboard for life if you ignore it.
Their ranks are always refilled and they will always be a hemorrhoid in life. The occasional societal acceptance of one of their positions gives them enough power to rule but it does not last. The people they need to swell the ranks grow away from them and a period of being left in the desert beckons. We are there today.
Steve Chavez says
“WHEN THE WALL FELL, we cheered, they cried! When the Twins fell, we cried, they cheered!” SC Who are “they”?
When Communism fell, “THEY”, our own American Communists, 90% of them hiding in the Democratic Party, were the only HARDCORE COMMIES left in the World. Since Vietnam, they have aided and abetted all our enemies and even siding with, getting directions from, and even funded, BY THE SOVIET KGB!
NOW THOSE COMMUNISTS, hiding in the Democratic Party Closet, are openly coming out without fear of being outed. But, the new label is PROGRESSIVE. The word Communist is a bad word, even a C-Word, unspoken, taboo, then using Socialism which is Communist-lite.
MILLIONS ARE FOLLOWING COMMUNIST-LED PROTESTS. There is ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The Revolutionary Communist Party, The Democratic Socialists of America, and The MOTHER-OF-ALL-COMMUNIST GROUPS… THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA! All groups have organized and sponsored the modern groups starting with OCCUPY WALL STREET, labeled the leaderless organization but directed by members of the CPUSA and Code Pink, who also directed United for Peace and Justice, U.S. to Gaza, which was organizing flotillas to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza, and who aided and abetted terrorist groups in Iraq.
AS AN OBSERVER OF PROTESTS SINCE 1986, yesterday’s protesters held their signs, rarely chanted with rhymes, “No Contra Aid!” Today’s protesters are PSYCHOTICS! They scream with blood dripping off of their Fanged Teeth. They are very violent. They have evil eyes. AND IN THEIR WARPED, AND BRAINWASHED MINDS, THEY THINK THEY ARE SAVING THE WORLD, and the good one, “to save our Democracy.”
HOW DID THEY GET THAT WAY? They are the products of their own grandparents, parents, who protested for Communists during the Cold War, and teachers who have taken over every school, and every university promoting every Leftist cause. THEIR MISSION: RECRUIT THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS and we see them in Hollywood, the MSM, Big Tech, city/state/national leaders, filled Congress and the White House which then appoints the same Communists to head all department which conspired in a coup attempt against a sitting President, went after a former President, who just became the next President. Their Fanged Teeth are Showing! They want blood!
sumsrent says
Communism is dead… America helped to stomp out communism…
What appears to be communism is actually Islamofascism…
THX 1138 says
What difference does it make? A brutal dictatorship is a brutal dictatorship, is a brutal dictatorship.
sumsrent says
It makes a huge difference…
Islamofascism is a totalitarian government cloaked in a religion… which even dictates how a person even wipes their arse…
America helped stomp out communism in order to make room for Islamofascism…
Nowadays… it’s which side is the world on? Shiite or Sunni?
1) The Globalists and the Muslims are working together…
2) Muslims believe democracy is short lived. Duh…
3) The Globalists are duping the masses into believing Democracy is being introduced around the world as a good thing.
4) The Muslims are happy to take on Democracy… in secret>>> only for a period long enough to bring in Sharia Law.
5) The masses are duped into believing that Americas Democracy is what the Muslims want, when Muslims consider America the Great Satan… and half of the American citizens in the USA hate America… go figure…
6) satanic Islam is an antichrist totalitarian government… perfect for controlling the masses in a one world economic system… smaller government because the people take matters into their own hands. They have the satanic Quran as their source of justice.
Rob A says
For what it’s worth:
It’s the difference between bullsh*t and horsesh*t. The difference being which asshole it came out of. No matter how you sort it or stack it or whatever, in the end, it’s just a pile of sh*t!
Intrepid says
With all of the Endtimes B.S. you spew, you couldn’t find the right side of history with two hands and flashlight.
When your raptrib finally comes all they will find of you is a clown clutching a Koran and yelling about all the allahs in American Churches
sumsrent says
Ahh… back to the old “flashlight” joke… <<< it's gotten old Intrepid…
Until you can refute what I say… you don't have a Bisexual leg to stand on… <<< Now that's funny…
Of course… I hope that when the "Raptrib" comes… I'm doing exactly that…
If you consider doing the work of the Lord… "Clown" work… you need help…
Andrew says
The left doesn’t do cope. Cpoe is for suckas. They seize power. The current right, not on the gifting gravy train anyway, has no real fight to them. Oh, and don’t look now, but remember that election a month ago? Yeah….well California just got done counting and wouldn’t you know but they managed to flip four, count ’em, four house seats! Glory be! It’s a miracle. Republicans now have a one seat majority in the house. Next they’re going after all the reformers. Gaetz. He gone. Pete is now circling the drain. Kash is being set up as we speak for a frame job. Tulsi will be next and then RFK. I can play out at least half a dozen scenarios that keeps Trump from inauguration day on top of that.. So while it’s great to zoom out to the hundred thousand foot level and ponder how good times are for the “right”, you don’t win a thing until you get the guy to Jan 20 Then what are. you left with.? Maybe it all works out and the Communist is unsuccessful with all of their dastardly schemes. Or are we left with a cabinet full of Barrs and Sessions, RINO warmongers and turn coats in the house and senate, executive orders that that are over in four years followed by turbo election cheating. Is Joe getting ready to hand out more pre emptive pardons like Oprah handing out cars back to zygote? It’s not over by any means just because of one election. Do you really understand who and what you are dealing with here?
Gabrielle says
And on a positive note…
Rob A says
Yes but what are we going to do about? I’ll tell you: nothing. The left does what it does because people are afraid to do anything of meaningful consequences to them. That further emboldens the left to keep doing what they’re doing and ignore the jeers from the peanut gallery.
And dare I ask: who’s going to stop them? Voting hasn’t and the opposition (re: republican party) lacks the huevos to confront the left mano a mano.
sumsrent says
That’s what I’m saying…
The islamic loving Luciferian Globalists of America are helping, aiding and funding satanic islam’s expansion across this globe.
Those that could do anything are way too stupid to understand the End Times and how were headed into the satanic islamic Antichrist Beast Economic System. They want the NWO… controlled by satanic Islamofascism…
It’s all Biblical Prophecy… and the best we can do is share the Gospel of Salvation so everyone can be Raptured at the end of the Tribulation.
Intrepid says
Have a nice Rap/Trib, loser.
Personally I don’t see much sharing coming from you. Just a lot of self indulgent hot air and Antichrist Beast Economic System B.S.
sumsrent says
KISS… “Keep it simple stupid”
With that being said… you can take a look at what I’ve responded to Tionico…
And then… you can try to figure what’s being said… and respond yourself… which we know you can’t do… because your interpretation of Scripture is using a fake church to “chase tail”…
In other words… since you didn’t even know what the Tribulation was, at one time… you most certainly can’t keep up with everything else… and… Christianity is a joke to you… allah worshiper…
My advice… try reading the Bible… try studying it especially…
Tionico says
That tribulation lasted rm shortly ater Nero’s death up until Roman generals and their armies destroyed the Temple and the rest o Jerusalem Inerestingly enough, that time period is.. exactly “a time, twi times, and hal a time”.
To urther poke holes in your end times balloon, remember when Jesus’ disciples, on being told about “all these things must come to pass” responded asking “when will these things be?” Jeses responded “all these things SHALL take place beore THIS GENERATION passes away”. 42 years or so is the length o one generation. He spoke those words in 30 AD the week prior to His death. . Count the years….. 40 years puts it to AD 70. WHEN did Rome destroy the Temple in Jerusalem? About May or so AD 70. My ingers make that “one generation” since Jesus spoke those words.
NOW go back and reread the very irst ew sentences in Revelation…WHY did John write that book? To tell about some things “that will SOON come to pass”. Sure, “soon” does not have much o an indication o time…. but that Greek word we render “soon” means “at the door”, “at hand”. VERY quickly, and so.. certainly NOT two thousand years and counting.
All this is based on the Scripture,and also in Roman and Jewish records on the time period which are extensive and nearly universally held to be accurate. English ranslations o all are readily available online at no cost. to amuse and amaze and instruct you.
You’re welcome. .
sumsrent says
Well… the problem with your theory is… what happens after the Tribulation?
1) The Day of the Lord
2) The Wrath of God is poured out… where the earth is melted… 2nd Peter 3:10
3) The 1,000 year Millennium… where satan is bound and Christ Jesus reigns…
Surely you don’t think this world is under Christ Jesus’s 1,000 year reign… when it’s been 2,000 years?
Additionally… where do you get the idea that a generation is 42 years? From pagan, secular teaching? Since life was set by God at 120 years. Where Moses died exactly 120 years to the day.
Matthew 24:34, Jesus says, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place,” referring to the end times events he was discussing; essentially meaning that the people alive when certain signs begin will see the fulfillment of those signs before they die.
What are those “things”? <<< All of those things mentioned in the 24th chapter… including Israel coming back into existence.
Sorry… you've been duped.
Tionico says
Where in the scripture (chapter and verse, not :somewhere”) is this “antichrist beast” described? Antichrist is not even mentioned in the Revelation. Beast is, and plainly named as Nero Caesar. who just by a stroke o mighty bad luck died in Aoril 68AD.
And the Book o Revelation auto-dates when you read it. Remember the bi about the woman sitting on seven hills? There is ONLY ONE place on earth known by that name, city that sits on seven hills, and that’s ROme. The Book tells us sraigh up the seven crowns are seven kings.. then says “uvve are not” (they were, but are now gone), one IS (he is ruling at the then=present time) and the one who comes next ater him won’t rule or long (he ruled less than six months). Learn the names o the Roman Caesars… starting with Julius, Nero is the sixth. Thus Revelation was written during the rule o Nero Caesar. Who just “haopens” to be the Beast… remember, the number o the Beast is the number o “a man”. And since Nero was the one ruling currently, that;s when the book was written. During his reign.
Now Jesus predicted a alling away, (the jewish rulers and priests who had pressed to kill Jesus was the start on that….) next comes persecution… .. 42 months. That started in October 64, when Nero had Rome burned and was taking kack over that, so he blamed it on the christians, and commenced to persecute them, murdering hundreds, sometimes thousand per day. I ended when he was orced to suicide himseel in April o 68. Count the months.. go ahead. Next came the tribulation…. learn the dierence between persecution and tribulation. Not the same. tha began shortly ater Nero’s death, as he was somewhat successul in keeping the lid on the political turmoil in Israel during his reign, but obviously could not once he was dead.
sumsrent says
You ask… “Where in the scripture (chapter and verse, not :somewhere”) is this “antichrist beast” described?”
Scripture portrays the antichrist as an intellectual genius Dan. 7 v.8; an outstanding orator Dan. 7 v.20; a military leader without parallel in human history Dan. 7 v.23; a shrewd calculating and manipulating politician Dan 8 v.25; 11 v.21; and the ultimate religious charlatan 2 Thess. 2 v.4; The angel briefly reviews the detailed description of him given in Rev. 13 verses 1 -10.
The Antichrist is called the Assyrian, Prince of Tyre, King of Babylon, Pharaoh of Egypt, Gog. The KJV in Isaiah calls this master, Lucifer. In other versions he’s the Shining One, Son of the dawn. In Hebrew he’s Helel Ben Shacker… In Arabic that’s Crescent Moon and Morning Star (symbols of Islam).”
Note: “The horn” in Daniel 7:21 refers to the Antichrist, just as “the dragon” does in Revelation 13:4, and in both scriptures he makes war with God’s Saints, and overcomes them.
The Antichrist is also referred to as the “Son of Perdition”…
2th 2:1-3 “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”
Your thinking that Rome is the only city that sits on 7 hills is wrong…
Just some tidbits:
Istanbul (Turkey)… once known as Constantinople…
Is the only city that sits on two continents… (Asia and Europe)
Was once the capital of both Rome and the Islamic Ottoman Empire
Is known as “The City on the Seven Hills”
So… no… your interpretation that Rome is the only city that sits on seven hills wrong…
But let’s look at that scripture…
Rev 19:9-10
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
This is referring to Daniels Statue… the five fallen… previous empires… the “One Is”… is the Roman Empire…
Again… you been duped… and are confused…
TRex says
Well said. It’s delusional to think the leftists are going to take their ball and go home after losing one presidential election. There’s more than one lever to pull on Capital Hill and popular sentiment isn’t a motivating factor for career politicians and those who feed them. Most (politicians) know the voting public doesn’t do its homework and whatever measures they take to maintain the status quo will be forgotten by 2028. Resistance is expected from the left but few voters will understand, or care, why their Republican Congress critter sided with the left against the Trump agenda. Yes, we won a battle but continue to lose the war. Until voters realize it’s the ground troops that need replaced it doesn’t matter who is leading the charge.
pie says
“you aint black” according to the left, not a single black person in america has the qualifications to claim themselves black. even the fake black people have a hard time keeping up. i have seen some white people who have set the black standard. with that kind of logic, the left has lost any hope of relevance and cemented their future in true racism. think we will soon see anyone who still clings to the left mantra will be treated as the racist they are. good riddance to bad rubbish. do not forget, not one lefty came out and criticized the biden comments of “you aint black”.
Chief says
Excellent analysis!
Nan says
Socialism sucks. So does Communism.
We must. It is the cost of freedom. T. Jefferson said it so well. Eternal vigilance.
I fear we are a generation (at least my Mom was one) who expect things to become perfect if we just … What?
Bad guys are a reality in real life. We must protect ourselves and our life.
H. Jones says
Keep it simple: Leftism is an ideology – Conservatism is not.
Therein lies the challenge.
Charles says
Has the Left ever succeeded in any country by creating better conditions, improving the economy, raising income, a more harmonious life for all, increased freedoms ! I can’t think of a single example !
Ray Michlig says
I do not think Pierre Truedunce wants the rable rousing American left in Canada. He will treat them like truckers, take their money, lock them up, or kick them out.
I for one, will not be crossing the border to the north for vacations, cruises, skiing, fishing until the totalitarian regime is all removed out of office.
You folks in Canada had enough yet? Check with France, see if they have any old rusty guillotines kicking around for rebuilding eh?
Bill Klozik says
AMEN, Ron!!! And fight we will. One day, we’ll have justice when the justice department starts putting the correct people in jail and NOT the innocent ones!!! I want ACCOUNTABILITY!!!