Government shutdowns don’t work unless you have a plan. Expecting the Democrats to negotiate a solution that benefits America more than it does illegal aliens is unrealistic as long as they control the media and can protect themselves from the political fallout.
A long enough government shutdown might turn on the Democrat House. But it’s not in anyone’s interest to maintain this state of affairs.
That leaves two ways out.
One is surrender and the other is executive action. Either President Trump resolves the crisis through executive action, such as an emergency declaration, or a surrender on terrible terms will be negotiated in the Senate.
Considering the appetite in the Senate for illegal alien amnesty and the lack of appetite for ending illegal migration, that will be a bad outcome. No previous border security deals have actually secured the border. Any new deal is unlikely to do it either.
And any agreement that will build an actual wall probably won’t make it past the House, even if it goes through the Senate.
The ball is in President Trump’s court. The executive branch has the authority to protect the border and maintain national security. There is no point in expecting the House or the Senate to do it. The shutdown can end in executive action or in a surrender.
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