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The Bulwark, a site founded by ex-Republicans who hated Trump so much that they also jettisoned whatever conservatism they claimed to believe in, substacks its thinkpiece as, “The Media Still Doesn’t Get Biden Voters”, complaining that the media spends a great deal of time studying Trump voters, but not Biden voters.
Reporters don’t do safaris to “Biden Country,” seeking to understand the voters who put him in the White House. While there are pieces explaining how, for example, black women in Georgia suburbs made a big difference in the 2020 election, there’s nothing approaching the ongoing coverage of white men in Ohio diners.
In case I had a blind spot, I turned to crowdsourcing, asking on social media whether anyone knew of examples of journalists making the case for trying to understand the Biden voter. Few could think of any.
I agree that the Biden voter is every bit as much a phenomenon as the Trump voters, for opposite reasons. Where Trump voters helped form a movement, Biden voters are the absence of a movement.
There are Trump voters, conservative voters and anti-leftist voters, but there are no Biden voters. I doubt even Jill actively voted for Joe Biden. There was an Obamacare, but despite the best efforts of the White House, there’s no Bidenomics or Biden anything. People don’t vote for Biden, they voted against Trump or which Republican will end up on the ballot this time around. It’s a purely negative image.
Obama had a genuine following. Biden was ushered into office by a political machine that turned out the black vote in the south to drag him through the primaries and then by Democrats, lefties and some independents who were conditioned to believe that Trump (like every Republican running for office) represented the end of civilization and the end of mankind.
The people in pink hats screaming in the streets weren’t Biden supporters. Some of them couldn’t even name him.
Obama represented a movement while Biden is a placeholder defined in history by what he is against, not what he is for. There are no Biden voters, just people opposed to any alternative to a broken system that they’re invested in for cultural, racial, economic or other reasons.
No one votes for Biden. They just vote against the alternatives.
❝ Jordan Peterson has taken to Twitter in his criticism of the validity of Pope Francis’ Christianity . . . Never mind that Peterson is supposedly an atheist . . . and that the Popes all wear a yarmulke and all pay homage to the Hebrew god Satan at the Wailing Wall in their obeisance to the Jews . . . Peterson believes that the American Israeli Political Action Committee is the official religion of the United States government . . . which really isn’t that far off the mark . . . but, Peterson is also a Canadian and doesn’t have a kippa like the Pope does, how does he get to claim he has rabbinical authority here? Maybe it’s because he’s over at the (((Daily Wire))) with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin . . .
The Rubin Report is supposedly ‘an opponent of identity politics’, although Rubin ‘identifies with the libertardian/classical liberal wing of contemporary right-of-center political thought’. Rubin is really a Jewish homosexual activist married to another man and adopted a child, that’s his real identity . . . a ‘Jewish Pioneer of Sexual Degeneracy.’ ❞
Well, it’s not spam.
It’s not? Then what is it? Check out the SOB’s handle.
antisemitism, anti-catholicism and anti-canadianism in one comment
that’s gotta be unique
Well, you can’t blame him for the anti-Canadianism.
Although I had a good time there. British Columbia is very beautiful and whatever state that is above Lake Michigan is nice.
Thanks for leaving it up Daniel. It’s good to be reminded of what these slimeballs think. And I didn’t have to go to a site that makes me feel I need a shower afterwards.
There are more than few devout Roman Catholics who quite seriously question Bergoglio’s adherence to Catholicism. Although that’s the first time I’ve ever seen it done by talking about wearing a yarmulke when at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.
I’m under the impression that visitors there are essentially required to do so. For even though it’s not exactly entering a Temple (The Temple, as it were) it’s as close as one can get (?) and is along lines of being on par with being in synagogue (wherein all must have covering of modest sort for sake modesty & humility, I take it)
Something like that. Forgive me if I’m too much distorting things.
Speaking of begging forgiveness, could a person be forgiven for “anti-canadianism” as long as Castro’s son is still serving as Prime Minister? please? I trust Jordan Peterson (and many others) wouldn’t even have to be told to duck-dodge, whatever he (they) had to to stay out of the way.
And no, I didn’t do the pronoun thing in the last sentence above . Don’t even go there. ;>)
The pope’s yarmulke is called a zuchetto, I believe, and is worn by Catholic clergy. I think he wears it on a regular basis, but Catholics are free to correct me.
You have to wonder how his handle got past the moderator(s). I guess that putting a space after every letter was enough of an anonymizer to fool them.
Jordan Peterson is not an atheist. Someone needs to catch up. Oh wait, I get it. You’re illiterate.
That’s a very funny little mustache you have there, Herr Schicklegruber, IF that’s you’re real name!
Are you a Psuedostinian or a NAZI? Make up your mind.
uh, historically those two were allies.
Maybe that’s why the guy is confused?
Yeah, he probably swings both ways with his little four incher.
get back on your meds, little girl
Probably estrogen and hormone blockers.
I think you’re lost, Son. Stormfront is down the street.
Biden Voters slip across the Southern Border where the Democrat Registration booths are set up
Biden didn’t need voters as he himself stated. Also he stated he had the best vote fraud organization, The typical Biden voter was a phantom. No leftist “journalist” would touch this subject as it might reveal vote fraud. Sure, plenty of numbskulls voted against Republicans who they blindly hate. But not 81 million. Pullleeeze!
While I love this site, if someone doesn’t come up with a Block or Report feature in the comment system, it is getting difficult to tolerate the offensive trash comments. This article has a doozy! (its a troll or maybe we just found the one `Biden voter to analyze).
Then we can all go home and a have a beer. I know I’m not bothering to vote for Trump or Brexit or any other thing. That would be an endorsement of their farce.
You can’t vote for Trump, babe. You’re British.
But Brexit has already been voted on. You should support it, even though your government never will.
The bowel movement is considerable.
Bowel Movement Biden?
He has them in his pants, you know.
This is what you get from retardation that thinks it’s perfectly fine that the only way we can win anymore is by landslide.
Look at the photo above. That incontinent imbecile looks like he’s squeezing one out. I bet his nurse caregivers had to throw his soiled trousers away and dress him in new ones.
They don’t even drink. They’re too smart to Trump. I guess they have it all figured out.
You obviously drink. I can’t judge you though because I do too.
He did nor succeed but maybe a genius like Biden can succeed. Certainly he gas no challengers.
*has or though maybe gas
There are no Biden voters. lol. Even Dems don’t care about Biden.
The only people that still care about Biden are Trump supporters.
Do you understand? We’re not voting for you ever.
NY dulltards,(Your comment is too short—try writing a little more)
It’s like there’s so much capital still waiting in the crevices of NY.
Obviously some proviso here is that Edward Teller thought Heisenberg was his friend. Maybe Bohr knew better although obviously Teller thought he knew better,
You know how how those NSA operatives are,
Don’t forget mass vote fraud. Those are the real Beijing Biden voters.
A lot of Democrats are ashamed of Biden’s behavior. Lets face it, the American people aren’t getting what they vote for because of voter fraud.