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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Civilized nations have spent generations trying to convince themselves that the primary religious and national impulses of the Muslim world come down to more than conquest and mass murder.
The horrors of the past few years in Afghanistan and Israel both came down to the mistaken belief that you could negotiate and reach an agreement with Jihadist movements.
Both D.C. and Jerusalem had become enchanted with diplomatic initiatives to the Muslim world, from the Abraham Accords to two years of relative peace with Hamas, politicians, generals and diplomats were convinced that they had finally unlocked the secret of coexistence.
But there’s no perpetual motion machine, no diet that lets you eat what you want and no coexistence with an ideology that is built on conquering and destroying all outsiders.
Individually, contextually and circumstantially coexistence is possible. But not in the long run.
How long that long run is depends not on building relationships, but showing strength. Civilized people treat coexistence as a means of developing bonds but the other side uses periods of coexistence to test for weaknesses. Coexistence on their side is a wholly insincere facade, no matter how authentic it may appear, that gathers information to be used when the attack comes.
Israeli Kibbutz residents thought that they were building relationships with day laborers from Gaza. They chatted about life, their kids and their various hardships. Then those same laborers returned to kill, rape and abduct them. But that is how that was always going to end.
That is how it will end for us with the millions of immigrants that we have taken into our nations.
It is a fundamental error to view Hamas as an “extremist” group. It is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood whose political parties rule a number of Muslim countries. Its political organizations also dominate Muslim communities in America and Europe. Most of Al Qaeda’s leaders were also members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The myth of a split between political Islam and militant Islam, between moderate and extreme Islamic movements was always just that.
As Erdogan, the brutal Islamist tyrant who became the poster boy for moderate Islam said, “Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing.” He has since, despite previous claims of turning more moderate and rebuilding relationships, renewed his support for Hamas, and threatened western nations with a Jihad against the “crusaders”.
The trouble with all the dreams of coexistence is that Islam is Jihad and Jihad is Islam. The most fundamental external expression of Islam is a drive to conquer the entire world, not in some uncertain ‘end of days’ future, but here, now and in the present. The difference between the so-called moderates and extremists comes down to quibbling over when and how that conquest is to begin, where it is to be implemented and who is to take charge of it.
But the actual conquest is an ongoing project. Every Islamic war, whether against Muslims or non-Muslims, is waged as part of an agenda of global conquest. Muslim civil wars are waged between different factions under the banner of Islamic leadership. And the purpose of Islamic leadership is to impose Islamic law in its lands and then invade other lands to impose the same brutal theocratic repression there.
The Jihad is the defining force of Islamic political and religious life. Much as with Communism, coexistence with it is impossible. It was impossible to coexist with members of a movement that believed in conquering and subjugating everyone under the red flag and the little red book. Individually you could chat with a Communist or help them with their groceries, but the ideology doomed any long term relationship with someone who wanted you dead or as a slave.
This was a difficult lesson that we never learned during the Cold War. Is it any wonder that we’re incapable of grasping this concept now when our civilization’s future is once again on the line?
The Cold War was fought on the optimistic premise that everyone wanted the same things we did, and that once we taught them to want them, they would adopt our means of getting them. Convince Communists that color TVs were fun and they become democratic capitalists. What sounded like a good argument to us has failed in every country that it’s been tried, except those that, like Japan and Germany, were originally democratic and capitalist. Instead we convinced China that it should make and sell us the TVs and use the money to build up its military, and convinced the Muslim world to move here, kill us and take the TVs.
We are not the world and the world is not us. Not all religions, cultures and countries are alike. Most have things that they believe in every bit as strongly as our fanciful belief that all people are basically good and that if we could just get them in a room, we would agree on most things. That’s what we did with multiculturalism and it’s why we now have violent riots every few years because we don’t agree on basic things like what we want out of life or how we treat each other.
That’s why we should not delude ourselves into thinking that the Jihad is a fringe, the misbehavior of a tiny minority, and that even that tiny minority doesn’t really buy into it. Every religion and movement has its hypocrites, but the belief that the world must be purified by Islam is as sincerely held by the majority of its believers as by those who fought for Communism. That is the religious impulse, more than any other, at the heart of Islam and its promise to Muslims.
Each religion has elements that make it exceptional. What makes Islam exceptional is not the collection of beliefs, scriptures and rituals often cribbed from Judaism and Christianity, but what it offers that these religions do not, an imminent redemption of the world achieved not in the distant future, but in the present day through the violent actions of its followers. That, and not borrowed scripture and ritual, is what allowed Islam to defeat Jews and Christians.
Western nations view this as ancient history while Muslims see it as an enduring struggle. That is why they talk, as Erdogan does, about “crusaders” and taunt the Jews with the massacre of Khaybar by Mohammed’s bandits. Convinced that history can never repeat itself, we dismiss the idea that it’s relevant or that the people we are dealing with are serious about bringing it back.
Civilized people are shocked by the horrors that ISIS, Boko Haram or Hamas perpetrate because they refuse to learn history or to see how it might be relevant to current events. It’s fashionable to draw a line, whether it’s 5 minutes ago or in 1967, and begin the clock from there. Why is this happening, they wonder, as if this had not been the longstanding practice of Islamic armies to behead fallen enemies, mutilate bodies or to rape women for over a thousand years. They assume without a shred of evidence that such practices must have been abolished.
What we are experiencing is not a reaction to anything we did. It has nothing to do with our views on a ‘Palestinian’ state, whether we draw Mohammed or welcome refugees. The Jihad is the founding religious impulse of Islam with over a thousand years of history behind it. The Jihad not only predates the United States of America and the rebirth of Israel, but dates back to a name when pagan kings ruled the various parts of England. It predates colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, globalism, the dollar, WWI and the Carter administration.
The Jihad made Islam possible. It is also what gives it meaning. It is the precarious reality that colors all relationships with the Muslim world. We have learned to ignore it at our own risk. And every time we unsee it, people die. They die by the dozens, the hundreds and the thousands. And the killing and the dying happen because we mistake what is at best a Cold War for a rich relationship. We think that we are building bridges when we’re really welcoming invaders.
To survive, we need to see all the things that we’ve been unseeing. We have to recognize that these horrors are not aberrations, they are the norm. It’s the pleasantries and periods of coexistence that are the aberration. It’s not a problem we can negotiate away. It’s not solvable by spreading democracy or building up trade relationships. The only reason we weren’t living with these horrors on an everyday basis is that the Western world became too powerful to have our coastlines and ships raided for slaves as used to be common practice in the past.
What the Muslim world and it leftist allies call “imperialism” and “colonialism” meant that kidnapped European women stopped showing up in the harems of the Ottoman Caliphate and European children as slaves in his armies. It also meant that the Jews were able to rebuild their country and, briefly, Christians in the region were also able to freely lift their heads again. We forgot that we had become strong to stop ourselves from falling victim to the endless Jihad. And our sons and daughters came to sympathize with former enemies who would rape and kill them.
Now we have made ourselves weak and the horrors are returning. We struggle to coexist with those who want to kill us. And then we wonder why they keep killing us. There’s our answer.
Coexistence is death, resistance is life. Until we learn to stop coexisting with our killers, they will go on killing us. All else is an illusion. A fantasy that we keep feeding ourselves. There is no moderate Islam because there is no moderate Jihad. And there is no moderate Jihad because there is no moderate way to conquer and enslave non-Muslims. Islam is a state of perpetual war. To know Islam is to never know peace. We coexist with Islam and so we are at war.
PBS News hours Nov 7, 2023
(Nick Shifrin formerly at Al Jihadzeera)
Mick Shiftin:
If Israel can kill one Hamas commanders and take out one tunnel and for example know that a hundred civilians, can be killed, would you take that shot?
Mark Regev:
Well, first of all we don’t know that a hundred civilians were killed. OK let’s be clear, I saw some of those pictures and they look like men of military age, and as you know Hamas terrorists don’t wear uniform. We have to understand that.
It’s also has to be said, all the information coming out of Gaza is supplied by the Hamas controlled ministry of health and they’re given out Hamas’s numbers and they have to be taken with a grain of salt.
And I even dare say that even the pictures that are coming out of Gaza are controlled by Hamas and we haven’t seen, I must say, I challenge you, of a single Hamas fighter killed by Israeli airstrikes, no, they are only showing you pictures of civilians, are we to assume that we are only killing civilians which is obviously illogical, or is Hamas managing to control the pictures.
Nick Shifrin:
But but…the report women and children dying .I… I only have about 30 seconds….I..I…
All casualties in this war, including collateral, are caused by Hamas, Iran, and Islam itself.
Israel and the USA need to feel nor assume any guilt whatsoever.
Since being a teenager in the 60’s, and being from Bradford, Yorkshire, I had, and have since, considerable exposure to Islam. I do not regard it as a religion, but as an evil Satanic cult. Having done time in the British Armed Forces, when they were British, and served in a shooting war in Aden, I feel no better about them. I emigrated ahead of Britain joining the EU, smart move! I know reside in Peace in Tasmania, approx 8,000 Moslems on the Island, of a population of 520,000. Mainly centred in the South, around Hobart, 1 Mosque for the Island, more than enough. It probably won’t prevail, but at 74, I’ll see my days out in Peace.
Should be read in every university by professors who have the courage to relay the truth. The truth shall prevail. You stated it accurately brought light to a dark situation. Unless this portion of the truth gets out to more readers who cannot make heads or tails of what’s happening the near future will be bleak.
all your followers should forward this email to friends, children and grandchildren.
Brilliantly stated and concisely powerful.
Even by the standards of most of Greenfield’s essays, this piece is uncommonly insightful. The author sounds the tocsin loud and clear. Is anyone out there listening? Will the West finally realize that this is the truth, and that we are in a fight for our civilization? This is not just us and our children and little grandchildren, it is our ancestors and everything that began at Mt. Sinai 3300 years ago and grew into Western civilization. It is our glorious past and potentially even more glorious future. Or we can, in the words of Ronald Reagan, condemn our children to a thousand years of darkness. Except that the darkness will never end, not after a thousand years or ten thousand. Western civilization, that exquisite construct of Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome, is delicate. Short of a large series of miracles it could never be rebuilt, especially by people who have spent their lives enslaved by Islam.
Judaism prepared the ground for Christianity, and both, prepared the ground for Islam and Marxism. Marxism is religion disguised as rational science.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam come from the middle east, they are eastern not western in geographical origin. And they are philosophically eastern in their religious mysticism and unreason.
Western civilization, the reason-based, reality-based, observation-based, logic-based, science-based, aspects of Western civilization do not come from eastern Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
They come from the Pagan Ancient Greek Aristotle. The ancient Jews fought tooth and nail against the reason and logic-based philosophy of Aristotle. They fought tooth and nail against Hellenization.
“For Aristotle, the good life is one of personal self-fulfillment. Man should enjoy the values of this world. Using his mind to the fullest, each man should work to achieve his own happiness here on earth. And in the process he should be conscious of his own value. Pride, writes Aristotle—a rational pride in oneself and in one’s moral character—is, when it is earned, the “crown of the virtues.”
A proud man does not negate his own identity. He does not sink selflessly into the community. He is not a promising subject for the Platonic state….
Aristotle is the champion of this world, the champion of nature, as against the supernaturalism of Plato…. The physical world, in his view, is not a shadowy projection controlled by a divine dimension, but an autonomous, self-sufficient realm. It is an orderly, intelligible, natural realm, open to the mind of man.
In such a universe, knowledge cannot be acquired by special revelations from another dimension; there is no place for ineffable intuitions of the beyond. Repudiating the mystical elements in Plato’s epistemology, Aristotle is the father of logic and the champion of reason as man’s only means of knowledge. Knowledge, he holds, must be based on and derived from the data of sense experience; it must be formulated in terms of objectively defined concepts; it must be validated by a process of logic….
There is no future for the world except through a rebirth of the Aristotelian approach to philosophy. This would require an Aristotelian affirmation of the reality of existence, of the sovereignty of reason, of life on earth—and of the splendor of man.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America”
I don’t think I have ever seen a person who is so self involved and stupid as you.
Christianity prepared the ground for this. And Christianity prepared the ground for that. And Christianity is really an eastern religion. And the Greeks and Aristotle are way cool and better than everything we have ever known. As if repeating your Big Lie and pushing Peikoff’s Ominous parallel on everyone will fix what Hamas is doing worldwide at this point.
As if the war will stop if we all just sit down and read the world’s biggest doorstop, Atlas Shrugged.
You are a simple-minded repetitive idiot.
I’ve been studying Aristotle since 1963. Thx covering himself in a cloak of Aristotle really bugs me.
It’s all he knows or wants to know. And he is very smug about it. I always tell him this:
“Greek philosophy, your foundation and bedrock of the rational and scientific beginnings and aspects of Western Civilization, folded like a cheap suit in the face of the spread of Christianity, which absorbed the teachings of your pagan heroes. Your heroes worshiped many Gods. So what is your problem with God? Without Christianity Greek history would resemble those ruins that everyone takes selfies at. Without Christianity no one would remember or care about the Greeks or their fragile democracy.”
Clear and logical based on the senses and observation
Too bad depraved and psychopathological Islam cannot grasp Aristotle.
That being the case, it seems that Islam should be treated no differently than German Nazism and
Japanese militarism was treated in WW II.
The 1400 year scourge of Islamic depravity and psychopathology must somehow be eliminated.
The ground of all human unhappiness was prepared by Adam and Eve, when Eve decided to be the first person to prepare the ground for every cult, including Objectivism, and disbelieve God.
Religion is hard-wired into us. You are the most religiously fervent poster on FPM. That your fervor is wedded to aggressive ignorance and intolerance for what you do not understand or intentionally mischaracterize reflects poorly upon you and your ideas.
He has no ideas. Just mindless propaganda
Thank you. I’m just an old ignorable crank.
You have bona fides and a readership.
Fill them in partner. Pull no punches and maybe the gullible public will appreciate the downside of leading with our civilizational chin.
You’re witty, bracing and know where things stand. And always a pleasure to have in this comments section.
We all have the readership of those who pay attention..
This article demonstrates the wisdom of the divine law that requires capital punishment for those who serve alien gods.
I dunno – I came to HIM by a rather unconventional route. I’d rather not be punished for it.
Do not despair. Although our sins do not exempt us from their consequences, the Lord is very merciful.
In our redemption, God can turn our most horrible sin into a means to exhibit His fathomless grace. Many of his precious saints were murderers, among whom are Moses, Samuel and David. Homosexuals, adulterers, swindlers, adulterers, liars, thieves – no problem for the boundless mercy of our God.
Be comforted that you are in good company, the very best being the Lord Jesus Christ, who made your for Himself, and knows you better than you know yourself, and gave Himself so that you might become the righteousness of God.
There is no moderate ISLAM. To engage in jihad is not extremism. It is to practice Islam as it is written Its central tenets preached in every mosque around the world require the slaughter of all infidels who refuse to submit. Whether every Muslim believes this or not, actively goes out and commits jihad or applauds it (openly or silently), or disapproves (silently since to vocally disapprove is to be an infidel and warrant retribution), is not the point.
Unless and until there is some sort of Islamic reformation or Vatican II and those sections of the Koran and Hadith are repudiated, this will not only not end, but be ramped up.
There cannot be a reformation of Islam. To change Islam would require the repudiation of the Qur’an which is the work of “the perfect man,” the messenger of Allah. To repudiate or reject any of it is, in Islam, apostasy and blasphemy which are punishable by death. So good luck with the Islamic reform thing.
Islam == Depravity
Islam itself is the very definition of Depravity and Psychopathology.
Nothing else.
Too many American Jewish organizations made the mistake of thinking that there were a group of moderate Moslems when in fact they all support Jihad in one form or another
Too many Jews are atheistic and liberal. Even in Israel!
No, in Israel a Jewish atheist is different. Most often it’s someone who understands that God is there, but they are “boycotting” Him because of some personal event where they feel He let them down.
At times like this, in a fight for national survival, many tend to turn back to Him in some fashion – “just in case” He really does hear.
Right now their response is, “Well, our relatives and friends are risking their lives as soldiers… so praying a Psalm can’t hurt.”
And we Israelis who do believe in Him accept that, as I believe God does. All they need to see is one answered prayer.
There are two types of Islamofascists- those that commit jihad and those that support jihad. Both are war criminals and must be treated the same.
Germany and Japan were forced to change their ways at the point of bayonets and decades of occupation and being stomped to the ground. Islamofascism is going to take a lot more than that to end their cult of raises, supremacy and genocide
You have a clear-eyed way of seeing things.
We DO make a difference between those who do evil, those who support evil, and those who are silent when good requires we speak. But you rightly point out it is ALL THE SAME in purpose, so all should share in the consequences.
No truer words ever spoken. The US is in for a nightmare unless mass deportations begin.
The political and cultural and corporate and financial elite believe that they can remain immune and aloof
from the apocalypse that is coming to America and the West … an Apocalypse that they created.
“Then those same laborers returned to kill, rape and abduct them. But that is how that was always going to end.
That is how it will end for us with the millions of immigrants that we have taken into our nations.”
Truer words, Daniel……
Is it any wonder why the Left wants to disarm us. Hamas will start in the unarmed blue cities, because they are cowards. If you can, leave and move to a gun friendly state. Apparently Hamas is starting to attack Jews in California. I saw the story in Western Journal
Do not ever give up your guns. I keep several staged with extra mags around the house. I carry everywhere.
Keep a sharp eye.
Why did the Israelis grant 21,000 work permits to the Muslims? The answer is the moral code of altruism which demands pity and mercy for the undeserving. “You are your brother’s keeper”, “Love your enemy”, “Turn the other cheek”, “Judge not that ye shall not be judged”, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”.
Who made it possible for corrupt Ilhan Omar and her corrupt family to invade America?
The suicidal Christian altruism of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. All of the major American Christian churches are receiving millions upon millions upon millions of tax-payer dollars to aid and abet the destruction of America through illegal and unvetted immigration. All in the name of Christian “compassion”, charity, altruism, and self-sacrifice.
We have met the enemy; the enemy is self-sacrificing us.
“After fleeing my home country of Somalia I lived in a refugee camp in Kenya for four years before seeking hope and opportunity in the United States, and it was thanks to the support of LIRS that I and my family found a home in the United States,” the Democratic lawmaker said.
Omar is just one of the lawmakers, religious leaders and former refugees who stressed the importance of restoring the United States’ long-standing commitment to resettling refugees Thursday on a virtual panel hosted by LIRS, one of nine agencies contracted with the U.S. government to do resettlement work.”
If we all just got rid of Lutheranism and the rest of Christianity everything would be hunky dory.
The Muslims would just pick up and go home right. And we wouldn’t have to worry about those Jews anymore either. Just a wonderful world of Objectivists everywhere, lecturing and hectoring us to talk about reason.
I wonder how many more times are you going to insult us with this beyond stupid post, as if you are somehow changing the world.
How did you get to be so lazy and stupid? Do you ever have an answer for anything besides your puffed up half baked theories.
God save us from the Fascist atheist Leftists like you.
Yes, but if we could just understand what Randism means you wouldn’t need any weapons. Lol
Objectivism unequivocally, in no uncertain terms, explicitly and clearly, defends the right of self-defense. For Objectivism self-defense is a moral imperative of rational selfishness and self-preservation.
Not so with Christianity.
“Turn the other cheek”, “Love your enemy”, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”, “You are your brother’s keeper”, “Judge not that ye shall not be judged”, that comes from Christianity, not Objectivism.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Love for Enemies
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” – Matthew 5 38-48
Proof that Randians like Muslims would force Christians (and Jews) to give up their beliefs.
Cherry-picking Scripture seems to be a hobby for you.
Christ affirmed the right of self-defense: Lk. 11:21; Mt. 12:29. Lk. 27:36, OT: Nehemiah 4:16-18.
CONTEXT: The Beatitudes, given at the beginning of Jesus’ earthly mission, and which you like to twist out of context, was given to his apostles and disciples to equip them for ministry. Jesus intends to prepare them to meet people like you, who would hate and resist them. Like their Father in heaven, they are to be patient with evil men and do good even to the wicked.
CONTEXT: At the end of His ministry, just before His crucifixion, Jesus tells His disciples to sell their cloaks and buy swords. Read Luke 22: 35 et. seq.
You cannot build a doctrine upon only one passage of scripture. That is the very definition of “scripture twisting.” Your clunky use of scripture to twist passages outside of their context betrays your slavish devotion to evil.
It doesn’t mean let your enemies kill you Mr. Smuggy.
Christianity was never a suicide pact with God. Tell your stupid post to Charles Martel and King Sobieski, two of the main guys who helped to save western civilization.
“And there is no moderate Jihad because there is no moderate way to
conquer and enslave non-Muslims.” Totally true.
While other totalitarian systems have come and gone through history’s
centuries – Islam has endured. Because its murderous domination
masks as a religion – serving a god and a purpose in life. Its fully
fleshed out political system – Sharia Law – always seems secondary
when it is really primary in practicing the religion.
When Muslims hear “Allahu Akbar” – it reverberates with joy through
their being. The most innocuous among them are religious fanatics.
For any Muslims who seek to defy the mental stunting and tyranny
from that religious/political immersion – it means their death if they do.
And then there is Islam’s appeal to those who want unearned
superiority over others. That need in so many people to lord it over
others – that domineering need responsible for all the tyrannies
throughout all of time up to present day. And a most deadly sin in
Man yet never identified by the sages of old.
It is not a stretch to realize that the fanaticism inherent in Islam will
spawn fanatical – and anything but moderate – jihadists.
After 1400 years the West still does not comprehend the depravity and psychopathology at the core of
Islam itself..
If the West does not come to its senses soon regarding Islam, then there will be hell to pay.
Agreed. And I say bring it.
“Instead we convinced China that it should make and sell us the TVs and use the money to build up its military, and convinced the Muslim world to move here, kill us and take the TVs.” Stellar! The ignorance, gullibility, unwillingness to face reality, and delusion are just killing the West. By way of example, whoever thought that admitting millions of people from a medieval Islamic death cult into Europe would have a good end should be in mental institutions, if we still had any. Do they know nothing about the doctrines of Islam or its history? Apparently not. Still, they admitted them in the name of “multiculturalism.” Even Angela Merkel said multiculturalism hasn’t a decade ago and still they continue to bring these people in. There simply is no cure for stupid, or cultural suicidality.
Correction: “Even Angela Merkel said multiculturalism hasn’t worked a decade ago and still they continue to bring these people in.”
The media keeps this kind of thing low.
A video of Palestinians abusing the naked body of a young woman they’ve murdered.
These are sicko people. But it’s the Israeli’s fault they’re that way, right? :-\
Wait! There’s more!
Brave Palestinian militants hauling a Paly father out of his home from his family to go fight the Israelis. He’s probably been killed by now. Note- I first called them Palestinian fighters and changed it to militants. They’re not fighters, they’re cowards, forcing a father with a family to do their fighting for them. They’re sick.
Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already !!!
The depraved psychopathic Saudi Royal Family is the center of Islamic insane hate-filled brainwashing and
The Saudi Royal Family is just as responsible for the depravity and psychopathology and murder as Hamas is.
The Saudi Royal Family is the enemy of America and the West.
As always, I am impressed with your insights & talent for expressing them. Thank you, Mr. Greenfield!
When the enemy wears no uniform, any they hide among can be terrorists.
The old saw holds true. “Extremist” Muslims want to saw your head off. Moderate Muslims want extremist Muslims to saw your head off.
There is the violent and deadly jihad and there is the sly and insidious jihad. Each striving for the same Islam goal In either case there is no “moderate jihad.”
Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the collective and worship Allah or have your head chopped off.
Maybe you. Definitely not me.
The ”moderate” muslim will hold the feet of the Infidel while the ”radical” muslim cuts off his head.
So considering the slaughter and conquest of the lands from Istanbul to Kabul would those Of The Left think of that as colonialism or conquering, maybe settlers?.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Mohammed ordered his followers to kill or convert all infidels. And for the next 1400 or so years to this day Muslims have been conquering, plundering and raping the infidels. They may call it jihad, but their intentions are clear and all infidels — Jews, Christians and atheists — are targets.
Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates may strive to present a patina of civilization but have no doubt that their wealth funds jihad around the world. It is in their genes by now.
Until Western democracies stop torturing babies to death in the womb for profit and purpose, we don’t stand a chance against Muslim antagonists because our protection, vitality, and posterity come from a God dependent morality founded on the sanctity of human life from conception.