Here’s another of the men whom Biden left behind to extract a black lesbian pothead who hates America because she embodies his rotten base.
A teacher from Oakmont who’s been detained in Russia for more than a year remains in custody.
This summer, Butler native Marc Fogel was sentenced to 14 years in a maximum security prison after he was caught with 17 grams of medical marijuana for a spine condition.
The U.S. State Department had previously asked Russia to release American citizen Fogel on humanitarian grounds. Prior to that request, a group of nine bipartisan senators called on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to immediately designate Fogel as “wrongfully detained.”
Not a priority. If Marc wants to become one, he needs to claim that he changed gender, learn to play basketball and jeer the national anthem.
He’d still have to overcome the handicap of “being assigned white at birth”.
Fogel, 61, was arrested in August 2021 for possessing 17 grams of what he said was medical marijuana. The former history teacher, like Griner, was arrested in Moscow when the pot was found in his luggage.
Fogel was sentenced to 14 years in prison in June — just over a month before Griner was handed a nine-year sentence.
“Have there have been any similar efforts regarding [the release of] American Marc Fogel, who was also in Russia, also arrested on marijuana charges? How is his case different — or why [are] the actions for Marc Fogel different than these?” asked NPR journalist Franco Ordoñez.
“We take seriously our responsibility to assist US citizens abroad and are monitoring the situation. Any specifics on Marc Fogel or any others, I would refer you to the State Department for additional information on those specific cases,” Jean-Pierre said.
“Every case is different. Every case, there are different ways that I can talk about them. So I don’t want to get ahead of that. So I would refer you to the State Department.”
“But you do see a difference between Griner’s case and Fogel’s case?” Ordoñez pressed.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that sometimes we’re not able to talk about that particular individual … There are reasons for that — for their own security, for their own privacy,” Jean-Pierre said.
Later, Daily Mail reporter Geoff Earle said “he’s doing a 14-year sentence for less than an ounce of pot. Would you say he’s been wrongfully detained?”
“I can’t speak to any individual’s specific case at this time. I would refer you to the State Department. Everyone has a different classification … But we want Americans to know that their safety and security is among our highest priorities,” Jean-Pierre said.
It is different. Marc isn’t a leftist celebrity who checks all the identity politics boxes.
Notice how little you’ve heard about him. Or about all the other Americans in Russian prisons. According to Russian authorities earlier this year, there were 17 Americans in Russian prisons.
Unfortunately, they’re all the wrong race, sexuality or gender. And they’re not celebrities.
This dirty deal is a reminder that the Biden administration is racist, and does everything for people who fit its identity politics criteria while doing nothing for those who don’t.
Was Griner targeted in order to spring Viktor Bout?
I wouldn’t be surprised
they knew what Biden’s base would care about
it’s why they focused on Whelan when Trump was in office, that didn’t work
they found their demographic with Griner, she’s got it all
Griner wasn’t “targeted”, she was arrested with dope in her luggage because she’s a moron and doesn’t understand that smuggling drugs into Russia is illegal. Russia was applying their law equally and fairly. The Biden crime syndicate then went into overdrive reacting to their woke liberal lunatic base and gave Griner special treatment above all other US citizens held in Russian custody, and gave up our most valuable Russian asset to get her back. It’s completely insane, unfair, inequitable, and unjustifiable. But, why would we expect anything less of Biden Inc?
Russia will utilize the merchant of death
biden has never made a ” good or proper ” decision in his miserable pathetic life, doing so in this instance would spoil his prefect record.
As for biden being the worst president in our history. biden is not resting on his legacy he is still working on it.
To think this POS is going to want a presidential library make me want to puke, obama’s belongs where it is, in Shitcago
What a moronic thinking. You have to connect Obama with everything bad in America
Obangi IS everything bad with America.
In North Lawndale yes not along the waterfront public areas at Jackson Park.
She is not a she….she is a he….watch the video of Brandon aka Brittney on the flight home….it couldn’t take its hormone pills in prison. This is what we got back….a 7 foot Pete Davidson
lgbt pedo-$ matters.
In general, Russia – like its Soviet Precursor and other hostage-taking nations like Iran- focus on gathering as many Americans and other Westerners as they can in jail when they want, storing them up for a future deal. They will happily contrive cases if they feel they have to, but sometimes that just involves arresting people who legitimately broke the law and hitting them with sentences (justified or inflated). Griner seems like a petty crook over-charged in order to be a bargaining chip.
If they paid her to hurt America and help free a Russian asset, would anything have changed? If Biden was the one looking for an opportunity, would anything have changed? This seems more like a case of buying a Hunter Biden photo, America could have easily asked for the other detained civilan Americans to be released for a guns dealer.
It feels more like a set up than an accident Putin exploited. It could be those or something else. I trust Putin as much as Biden.
Who is the more cunning? Putin or Biden? ….enough said.
KJP replied yesterday that Griner is an “inspiration,” is she revealing she was maybe behind priortizing her?
No… just one homo-negress admiring another.
What is the antonym of Inspiration? Disgust is much more the appropriate response.
Praying every day for the destruction of the democratic party. LGBFJB!
Eliminate the deomcRATic party and you eleminate 95% of this nation’s problems.
It should have been illegalized in 1865.
More like 100%.
She will get millions on a book deal.
But her ‘fan bar’s is illiterate
Have to be crazy to travel to Russia (that’s just my perspective, others braver than myself may differ 🙂
True. Russia is not safe. Arrests can be made on any pretext. There is no free speech anywhere. It does not even require an actual crime to be arrested in such places.
The problem is not with the beauty of the Russian landscape or the generosity and erudition of her people, like the current administration under Biden’s consortium it is the governmental vice grip. that is an issue.
Bradley Griner should have left the pot at home.
Back where she can get on the floytanyl again without having to take chances on smuggling.
I am not confused about my gender but am confused about individual discussed here and their pronoun.. Just sayin’
I don’t much care but I happened to glance at a picture of a man (shirtless!) and that’s a “she.?”
I suppose I will just need to go to reeducation camp.
Their pronouns should be “Frigging Perverted Freaks”.
Whatever it is, that smirk is unnerving.
Is it yet another proof that some black racists are Biden’s puppet masters?
Bathhouse Barry the Kenyan and Suzie Rice.
It is treason to aid and abet an enemy State and that is, in my opinion, what the Biden Administration just did, An enemy combatant for a civilian is not in the interests of the U.S.
Russian commercial about immigrating to America. Very funny:
Is nyet funny !
Just the damn truth.
Where did my Old America go ?
It would be funny if it were not so true. The fact that the USA the greatest country on the planet is turning into a sewage tank where woke insanity rules is no joke. The video is exactly how low the USA has sunk. Wasnt the blood shed in the civil war well over a century ago supposed to put an end to the rot that is now infecting many Americans? And Canada has also eagerly embraced the same sewage. Until both Trudeau and Biden are removed from office , it will only get worse. China and Russia are both very grateful for the assistance offered by the USA and Canada to destroy themselves from within.
They will never be removed. They own the entire voting apparatus.
Forever and ever!
Funny how he grew a beard in prison and everybody still call him a woman
Where is our von Stauffenberg?
Thank the liberal propagandists media for yet another forced political blunder by a corrupt career politician (Joe Biden in this case)!
A quick review of the liberal American media including social media let the Russians know that Biden was under increasing pressure to get Griner released. This little tidbit of information increased Griner’s value immensely. Making he-she far more valuable a bargaining chip for the Russians than he-she really is.
The Russians know Biden is an unpopular embattled corrupt career politician looking for any “political win” he can get. So Biden gave Russia a truly valuable asset who can greatly help their Ukraine war effort not to mention the agenda of America hating terrorists world wide and what did America get in return? One America hating pot-head D-list washed up basketball player. Biden and his minions are touting this as a victory! For Russia it sure is, for America not so much?
I hope a fierce, hyper-violent civil war breaks out very soon. Only thing that will fix this country.
Briner has been a disgrace to our country and should be shunned not celebrated.
What a disgrace and slap in the face to those who volunteer to serve this country even to the point of putting themselves in harms way if necessary. Senile little girl fondling Joe Biden swaps a Russian arms dealer for an American hating good-for-nothing pos basketball player who does nothing for the good of this country, just because she/he/it is a black lesbian and leaves a Marine behind in Russia. What a pathetic nation we have become under the non-leadership of the crook Joe Biden and the slimy DemocRATs.
This adminsitration is full of criminals and that’s why they love their criminals!
Do we have enough Russian Nationals in Jail to trade for all the Americans in Russian jails? It seems like the Merchant of death was at least a 2 maybe three for one trade along with some draft picks