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For many years now I’ve been playing a rather bleak game with myself called “which European country will fall first?” Sometimes it has seemed like a very close contest indeed. In 2006, after Denmark was overwhelmed by deadly explosions of Muslim rage – not just domestically, but internationally – over nothing more than a dozen cartoons of Muhammed that were published in a newspaper, it felt as if Muslims wanted to take over that tiny country, it wouldn’t take them much longer than the six hours it took for the Nazis to conquer it in 1940. Then again, Denmark’s leaders actually stood up to Muslim pressure over those cartoons, while their Norwegian counterparts buckled under instantly. These are the same Norwegian leaders, moreover, who feel that their calling as a “peace nation” obliges them to hold friendly talks with Hamas, for example, and to kowtow to the “religion of peace” at every turn. So might Norway, one wondered, be the first Western European country that the Muslims managed to bring into the “House of Peace”?
But then there’s Sweden, which has often looked like a very likely candidate for subjugation, partly because it’s got a higher percentage of Muslim immigrants than any other country in Western Europe, and partly because the staggeringly self-righteous multiculturalism of its political elite – which for a long time did an absolutely terrific job of appeasing Muslims and silencing dissent on its extremely lax immigration policies – appeared to have set that country, quite irreversibly, on the fast track to Islamization. And what about the Netherlands, where, early on, the chillingly pusillanimous reaction of everyone from the news media to the royal family to the brutal murders of Pim Fortuyn (2002) and Theo van Gogh (2004), two highly prominent critics of Islam, didn’t bode well, to say the least. Could that little country go under first? And what of Belgium? Half Flemish and half Walloon, the Belgians already have a weak sense of national identity and, partly because the EU is based in Brussels, a tendency to think of themselves as “global citizens” – attributes that have helped make them complacent about Islamic immigration.
In France, which has been the site of several of the more dramatic acts of jihadist terror since 9/11, including the mass murder of the staff of the humor weekly Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan massacre, both in 2015 – not to mention nightly car fires, bombings, and the like – the national leaders have repeatedly talked tough about enforcing laïcité (France’s distinctive brand of secularism) and about demanding Muslim integration, but, all in all, have done very little indeed and come off, in the end, like paper tigers. Germany? Doomed by Holocaust guilt. Then there are Spain and Italy and Greece, whose beaches have, in recent years, been the scenes of D-Day-like landings of military-age North African males. What’s left? Switzerland? Admittedly, the Swiss can be tough: last month their parliament banned face veils; the results of the October 22 election suggest that they’ve curbed their enthusiasm for exotic immigrants. But is it all too little, too late?
Arguably, any of these countries is at a different but relatively late stage of a highly malignant affliction. Who’ll be first, then? Over the years I’ve changed my answer frequently. Yet since the October 7 atrocities in Israel, which led to massive pro-Hamas rallies around the Western world – both by Muslims and by their left-wing allies, including a truly terrifying number of college students – it’s hard not to view Britain as leading the pack. I’ve spent a good deal of my life in the Netherlands, where the police are notoriously low-key, but in recent days, viewing videos on X (formerly Twitter), you could see Dutch police at Schipol, the Amsterdam airport, dealing in, shall we say, a thoroughly no-nonsense way with flag-waving Hamas supporters. In Paris, police “used tear gas and water cannons to break up a pro-Palestinian rally, after the French government banned such demonstrations.” In Berlin, police – 65 of whom were injured at pro-Hamas rallies– arrested 174 protesters, and officials now talk about deporting rejected asylum-seekers (which sounds like a no-brainer, but would in fact represent a radical toughening of immigration policy).
One has the distinct impression – or is it just a desperate hope? – that for at least some of Western Europe’s governments, October 7 served as something of a wake-up call. Not that they should have needed it, to be sure: after everything that these countries have experienced as a result of mass Muslim immigration, their leaders should’ve recognized many years ago the need for radical action. Certainly some of us have been lecturing them about this issue for quite a while. But better late than never. Perhaps it took something as horrible and shocking as the spectacle of Hamas murdering 260 people at a “trance music festival” and butchering hundreds of kibbutz families to make Western European leaders politicians realize that the hostile behavior of many of the Muslims in their own countries might foreshadow similar atrocities within their own borders.
Except in Britain.
Yes, Britain, the country of Magna Carta, the country with the Mother of Parliaments, the country that taught us how to think about freedom. And the country, alas, where politicians, police, judiciary, and prison officials worked together in the most unscrupulous fashion to try to destroy Tommy Robinson, a man who did done more than anyone else to publicize the evil of Muslim rape gangs. The country that banned from its shores serious authors like Robert Spencer for writing candidly about Islam even as it gave safe haven to imams who called for the murder of infidels. The country that has harassed, arrested, and even imprisoned ordinary citizens – hundreds or even thousands of them, reportedly – for stating plain and simple facts about Islam on social media. The country whose MPs, after the jihadist murder of one of their own, David Amess, in 2021, were quick to pretend that the problem wasn’t Islam but social media. From Britain’s chronic coddling of Islam, you’d think that it hadn’t had its share of terrorist atrocities, from the London bombings of July 7, 2005, which claimed 56 lives, to the Manchester Arena bombing of May 22, 2017, in which 22 people died. You’d think, moreover, that Britain hadn’t also been the site of all those Muslim gang rapes of young infidel women, whose number has been in the thousands – probably tens of thousands.
And yet, poking around online since October 7, one fears increasingly that Britain will be the first to go. It’s not just that the pro-Hamas demonstrations in London on the last couple of weekends were so large – so, after all, were those in Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, and elsewhere. No, what’s really been dismaying is the behavior of the British police. Yes, we already knew that they’ve been brainwashed for years, turned from noble servants of the law and public order – protecting innocent citizens and capturing criminals – into Orwellian enforcers of the twisted postmodern ideology that divides human beings into members of victim groups and oppressors. They’ll give a pass to Muslim rapists, but this month they arrested actor Laurence Fox for complaining about surveillance cameras and in August seven cops dragged a 16-year-old autistic girl out of her home in Leeds for saying that one of them looked like her lesbian grandmother. (She was guilty, you see, of a “homophobic public order offense.”)
It’s all been pretty disturbing. But it’s gotten worse since October 7. On Saturday the 21st, 100,000 people took part in a pro-Hamas rally in central London, but only ten were arrested, most of whom were let go. One video of the rally showed a protester climbing scaffolding outside a building, reportedly to set off flares – an action that was illegal on more than one count – while, according to the Telegraph, “at least six police officers looked on from the ground.” When the protester climbed down, the cops greeted him amiably and returned to him the Palestinian flag he had apparently handed to them for safekeeping during his little adventure. Another video showed a crowd calling for “jihad” in response to a rant by a member of the terrorist group Hizb ut-Tahrir; when citizens complained about police inaction in this matter, the Metropolitan Police replied with a social-media post claiming that although the public may associate the word “jihad” with terrorism, the police “have specialist counter- terrorism officers” who know better. In the year 2023, what could be more obvious evidence of top police officials’ contempt for the ordinary Brit’s intelligence? In yet another video, while Hamas supporters waved Palestinian and Hamas flags in the background, police officers could be seen threatening a pair of Brits who’d dared to show up with an English flag – the implication being that it, not those appalling flags in the background, might be construed as a symbol of prejudice. In no Western European country – except maybe Germany? – are people who display the country’s own flag so vilified.
For years, imams in Britain have gotten away with a brand of violent rhetoric that might land their continental counterparts in hot water. Even in the wake of October 7, this hasn’t changed. On October 20, an imam at a Manchester mosque prayed for the “mujahideen” to be protected “from the usurping Jews”; another imam, in East London, prayed to Allah to “scatter” the “cursed” Jews and infidels “and destroy their houses and homes, bring them down and punish them.” Even after October 7, local UK governments that pour millions in taxpayer cash into such mosques have maintained friendly relations with them, treating them, as always, as if they were model members of the community. The other day, ITV News gave time to a woman named Latifa Abouchakra so she could accuse Brits of anti-Muslim prejudice; it soon turned out that she worked for Iranian state TV and could be seen on video gloating over Hamas’s massacres. (“Nothing will ever be able to take back this moment of triumph!”) And while even some CNN hosts have shown a degree of empathy for Israelis during this terrible time, their BBC counterparts have doubled down on their reflexive tendency to side with the Palestinians, in several cases leading Israeli interviewees to respond with righteous fury to their ugly, ignorant lines of questioning. On Tuesday night, Darren Grimes of GB News tweeted: “There is yet another ‘March for Palestine’ this weekend. Is Britain nothing more than a soapbox for Hamas sympathisers?…How long must Britain, and its Jews, tolerate this?” How long indeed?
In 1940, facing a totalitarian enemy that had conquered most of the European continent, Winston Churchill famously promised that his people would “go on to the end,” fighting “on the beaches” and “in the fields and in the streets,” and would “never surrender.” What the hell has happened since then? While even the useless, buffoonish mayor of New York, Eric Adams, responded to October 7 with a powerful pro-Israeli speech, London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, clung to the usual mantra: “Diversity is our greatest strength.” Why? Why, for the matter, does London have a mayor named Sadiq Khan? Yes, you can find evidence all over Western Europe of appeasement of Islam. But the Brits have made it an art form, silencing patriots while letting the imams spout hate and letting rape gangs run wild for decades. What made all those firm British backbones melt? Is it British Empire guilt? Is it all about class – in other words, does Islamic perfidy matter less to the patricians because its victims are mostly proles? Or does it all go back to the preposterous romantic Arabism of the Victorian Era and afterwards, as personified by Lawrence of Arabia?
These questions seemed connected to another: why, while people on the continent are at least capable of uttering the word “Islam” when discussing a crime, do the Brits insist, in such circumstances, on using the ridiculous euphemism “Asian”? Why did William Shawcross, in an otherwise surprisingly candid counterterrorism report filed earlier this year at the behest of the Home Secretary, insist on distinguishing a benign Islam from a malignant “Islamism”? (“Islamism as an ideology,” he declared, absurdly, “is not the same as Islam as a faith.”) Then there’s Konstantin Kisin, whom I admire, and who this week, in a 2200-word essay about the impact of Hamas’s savagery on bien pensant Westerners, made some admirable points about the perils of utopianism and the rank irrationality of a woke ideology whose delusions about the brotherhood of all “oppressed” groups makes possible the existence of groups like “Queers for Palestine.”
But guess which words were missing from Kisin’s article? Yes: “Islam” and “Muslim.” Dare I suggest that the first step toward wisdom about the events of October 7 – and toward an action plan to prevent similar disasters in Europe, if, indeed, that ship hasn’t already sailed – is recognizing that it’s all about the religion of peace? You’d think that connecting the dots from 9/11 to 7/7 and so on, all the way up to October 7, would be easy enough – but it’s impossible if you insist on removing Islam from the picture. This, alas, is what too many Western European authorities, even after October 7, seem intent on doing. And nowhere does this wilful denial about the nature of the enemy within seem more ubiquitous, more powerful, and hence more colossally self-destructive than on Shakespeare’s scepter’d isle.
David Ray says
There are too many occasions that have marked our (that is to say our politicians) long march to surrender.
I count the first one to be that which came from Bush43.
In the wake of 9/11, instead of nailing our borders shut tight, he left ’em alone.
We needed a fortress; he made sure our borders remained a sieve.
He set the tone. The religion that viciously attacked us was to be sucked up to as a religion-of-peace.
His pusillanimous response wasn’t exactly a rallying call to victory.
It was submission to win a “Miss Congeniality” contest, and enforced as such in the rules of engagement.
Before 911, the work for our destruction was laid by Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Act of 1965. (English speaking white Christians need not apply, so as to make place for the 3rd world – just not in Martha’s Vineyard.)
THX 1138 says
The American welfare state began with FDR’s New Deal in the 1930s when America was 90% white and Christian.
The welfare state is the beginning of full-blown socialism and globalism.
So please tell me if English speaking, white Christianity is the antidote to socialism-globalism, why did an America that was 90% white and Christian vote for FDR four times.
Intrepid says
Perhaps because there was a depression with massive unemployment and bank failures for the first 8 years and then a world war. It had nothing to do with Christianity, moron.
People were concerned with feeding their families and basically surviving. I am not saying that the New Deal fixed anything. It didn’t.
Hillsdale Professor Burton Folsom’s, in his new book New Deal or Raw Deal he stated”
“On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!””
Then came the war, and the end of the New Deal and America went back to work and went to war.
Or did you forget that, Mr. Objectivist? If Roosevelt has been an Objectivist we would have lost the war.
In the real world there is simply no room for Objectivism. Only in your dreams.
Richardhard Hassett says
Communism was established in the USA in 1919 in Chicago and FDR and friends legalized it in the 1934, as outlined in Diana West’s book ” American Betrayal”. The “Great Depression” was a pre planned event, to usher in the Socialist agenda and advance the destruction of the Constitutional Republic of America. That we can now see in it’s near fatal end..
The only solution for a people to succeed in a constructive self respecting society is when good well intended people join together to live as well educated and believing Roman Catholics. As that was the core belief that created the High Middle Ages, started during the Roman Empire and survived the Dark Ages. Then catapulted Europe on a journey to greatness., starting with the New France. Unfortunately that was undermined by the Enlightenment and Protestant Revolution, which has diverted humanity to the current state of self hatred ,child butchery and human degenerate self lusting..
PS , Pre Vatican II Orthodox Catholic Faith , not the current false Multi Religions .Apostasy..
David Ray says
His platform didn’t state “socialism”. He lied.
I do not expect Utopia from white English speaking Christians. I do expect, and receive civil order from it (as it’s history demonstrates).
Even Jesse Jackson once said if a group of black youths were approaching him, he’d be nervous.
If a group of white Christians from a Bible study approached, he’d relax.
(I’m sure he wishes he could take that observation back.)
Michael says
My advice to all nations: is to shore up your own sovereignty and dependency factors. Also, to my America, protect your allies (and reevaluate future ties…), but, your citizens come first. Lastly, American citizenship comes before Israeli citizenship (including dual citizenship), and vice versa. My personal opinion, is that no one should serve in a nation state capacity that has dual citizenship, along with loyalty and conflicts of interests.
Carolyn says
Do you really think it wasn’t all part of the plan? Dick Cheney hiding out in a bunker 1 hour before the planes crashed into the towers, the defense industry getting their useless foreign wars to cash in on, flooding America with Muslims and other immigrants that nobody asked for or wanted… idiot soldiers go fight random Muslims overseas then leave the weapons behind, so ka-ching, ka-ching– now we need more weapons to send around the world to our enemies and to arm both sides in our various proxy wars.
TRex says
In a recent interview Mitch McConnell said the quiet part out loud. He had no problem financing or arming foreign wars (and most likely starting them in the first place) because, in the case of supplying military equipment, we have the opportunity to upgrade and/or replace our own arsenals. Most of the money, he said, is spent in 38 states where those districts design and built the weapons of war. Eisenhower warned us of the military/industrial complex. McConnell wholeheartedly endorsed it. It’s not hard to see who is directing our foreign policy and who benefits the most from it.
VOWG says
Even before Bush. England had an empire and that empire allowed all citizens access to the home country. You want to go back, then that is where you go.
Richardhard Hassett says
The English forced Apostasy by Elizabeth I to Protestantism, was the end of its raise to greatness , as it reduced individuals to subjects / objects and gave the East India company total monopoly of its International trade. and control to create its Empire..
Only the Constitutional Republic of America has the recipe for civilized order if the American people can clean up their house.t.
Andrew Blackadder says
England never had an Empire, however Britain most certainly had an Empire as they managed that due to the great Ships that sailed the Oceans waves and those Ships were mostly built in Scotland and NOT England.
sharon graham says
And how many years later did we feel obliged to elect a Muslim President?
Mark Dunn says
Thanks for this article. The stereotype is, we average Americanos, are ignorant and completely uninterested in the rest of the world. This is not always true, but I am happy to report my little patch of earth (Oklahoma) is a relative sea of normal, in a world gone mad. I think the Sooners football talk show just came on the radio, bye now.
Cat says
Some focus on football while others perish and the world burns. Thats just human nature. Hamas are beasts and the rest of us are guilty too if only of smug apathy
Another great article, Mr. Bawer.
Carolyn says
This October 7th makes me realize how much Hamas is not America’s business. Nor is Israel who was unable to defend its own citizens for 6 hours in the most militarized border in the world. We have given them everything the American taxpayer has got and they dropped the ball completely. No more funds for them until they can play nice and get their act together (& until the broke US has a major budget surlpus– then we can consider it). Until then, the US needs to be ASKING for foreign aid, not giving it. There are hundreds of countries who owe us.
Mark Dunn says
Our government (U.S.A.) probably helped the terrorists, if not directly, then through gross incompetence.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
It is documented that Biden allowed, even encouraged, a few $billion to Iran and to Hamas soon after lying through his Oath of Office. Two weeks prior to Oct 7, it is documented he gifted directly $millions to Hamas in Gaza. At minimum Valerie and Victoria are likely behind this treason, for sure there are others too.
Mark Dunn says
I’ve watched hours of Israeli TV and YouTube commentary, and I’ve read dozens of articles, don’t you reckon people aught to take a break. ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.’
TruthLaser says
Scotland and Ireland belong on the game card.
David Ray says
Unfortunately, the fact that muslim pedophiles took over Rotterham, means as this spreads, it’ll inevitably find it’s way North. (Bobbies looked the other way – unconcerned with child rape. They went after native Brits that dared to point it out.)
We know it could spread, because Scotland & Ireland have the same leftist enablers in power there also.
Craig Austin says
You are forgetting Justines Canada, already gone!
TruthLaser says
Justin Trudeau is one of the office holders in various nations trained by Klaus Schwab. He was a prime trainee overqualified with chronic Castroenteritis,
Miranda Rose Smith says
Dear Mr. Bawer: You yourself speak of “the Palestinians.” You’ve been taken in by propaganda. Why not point out that the now-so-called “Palestinians” are historically, culturally, and limguistically ARABS? In living memory, everyone called them that. When the state of Israel wad founded, hundreds of thousands of JEWS were PALESTINIANS. It said so, right on their birth vertificates.
The whole UK is under the threat of Invasion and supported by the UN/CFR/Globalists but first they created the EU replaced this Coins and Currency with the Euros and opened their gates as part of the plans by the Globalists/CFR and they want to do the same with America erase our Borders with Mexico and Canada and create the North American(Soviet)Union this is the real meaning of the founding of the UN
Mo de Profit says
Britain has already fallen to the global elites.
Every single city apart from York and Bristol is now overwhelmed by Islamic invaders.
The police are all young men and women who have been brainwashed into believing that all white people are oppressing the “minorities” like the national socialists all the older policemen have been retired.
The only time you will see a police officer on the street is when they wander in their diverse weirdo groups into McDonald’s for their burgers and coffee because they don’t know how to boil a kettle.
There was a fight in my town recently where a woman was badly injured and the police were called but ‘held back’ until it was safe to intervene.
As Bruce points out though, say the wrong words on fakebook and they’ll come down like a ton of bricks.
Britain is lost.
Banastre Tarleton says
The empowerment of women and resulting pernicious influence is a major part of our downfall as women lack wisdom, have very poor judgement are are a menace to national security in a crisis ; In fact the entire EU nanny state is female in nature , making decisions based on their emotions … If women ruled the world, then this is what it would look like
The Eve of Battle says
“Britain is lost.”
Agree 100% ….. it was my first thought as I read the first news coverage out of the UK regarding the Pro-Hamas street demonstrations. Britain has finally fallen.
Richardhard Hassett says
England was lost when the Globalist “British” took control after the battle of Waterloo, when they bought up the Stock Market, pennies on the pound., when first messengers said the French were winning early in the day..
The English voted to leave the EU , the British wanted to stay..
WHO owns the “Bank of England” ???????
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Soon England will be so in name only.
Siddi Nasrani says
Agreed, here is a video of our useless Police Force.
THX 1138 says
If anyone is truly interested in understanding what is happening to America and the West I suggest they read Leonard Peikoff’s books “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America” and “The D.I.M. Hypothesis: Why the Lights of the West are Going Out”.
The West has been collapsing into a new dark age of unreason for 240 years ever since Immanuel Kant published his attack on reason, “The Critique of Pure Reason”, in 1781.
Soviet communism and Hitlerian Nazism were two manifestations of this collapse. After these two eruptions the patient got better but the underlying chronic disease was never cured and today we are experiencing a new eruption.
It might be too late to save the West from a new dark age of unreason. The only solution is to introduce a new philosophy of reason at the universities. That philosophy is Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Philosophers only influence minorities. For Kant”s ideas to spread and influence large numbers of people, he must have been playing a tune that many people liked to dance to.
Mo de Profit says
Philosophers would persuade more people if they were able to translate their philosophy into concrete practical thinking but they are unable to do anything other than theorise.
Mark Dunn says
Back in the 1930’s Wittgenstein retired, and took up gardening, because he, Wittgenstein, said that there is nothing else to know. There is your typical Godless philosopher, he becomes an utter fool.
Mark Dunn says
I thought I was responding to Mo de Profit. I know nothing of Kant, and I didn’t mean to respond to the post about his ideas. Mo de Profit, is that like Mo is a Prophet? Nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Wittgenstein. One of the hardest philosophers to understand, for me at least The only thing I can remember was that if you use a ladder to climb up onto the roof, once you’re on the roof you no longer need the ladder 🙂
THX 1138 says
Miranda! You’re amazing! What perceptiveness! I could kiss you! What you say is absolutely true!
Immanuel Kant was/is in fact playing an ancient tune in its purest form.
“The man who . . . closed the door of philosophy to reason, was Immanuel Kant. . . .
Kant’s expressly stated purpose was to save the morality of self-abnegation and self-sacrifice. He knew that it could not survive without a mystic base—and what it had to be saved from was reason.” – Ayn Rand
“One of Kant’s major goals was to save religion (including the essence of religious morality) from the onslaughts of science. His system represents a massive effort to raise the principles of Platonism, in a somewhat altered form, once again to a position of commanding authority over Western culture.” – Leonard Peikoff
Intrepid says
I think Kant succeeded. Rand did not.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Thank you! You made my day.
You say Kant believed that the morality of self abnegation and self sacrifice had to be saved from reason. Did he mean that sensible, reasonable rational people, with a few exceptions, like Mchael Servetus, don’t sacrifice thselves?
THX 1138 says
Yes, Miranda, Kant argues that if you derive any kind of personal benefit from any of your actions it does not constitute a sacrifice and therefore your action is not moral by the standard of altruism.
“The arch-advocate of “duty” is Immanuel Kant; he went so much farther than other theorists that they seem innocently benevolent by comparison. “Duty,” he holds, is the only standard of virtue; but virtue is not its own reward: if a reward is involved, it is no longer virtue. The only moral motivation, he holds, is devotion to duty for duty’s sake; only an action motivated exclusively by such devotion is a moral action (i.e., an action performed without any concern for “inclination” [desire] or self-interest).
“It is a duty to preserve one’s life, and moreover everyone has a direct inclination to do so. But for that reason the often anxious care which most men take of it has no intrinsic worth, and the maxim of doing so has no moral import. They preserve their lives according to duty, but not from duty. But if adversities and hopeless sorrow completely take away the relish for life, if an unfortunate man, strong in soul, is indignant rather than despondent or dejected over his fate and wishes for death, and yet preserves his life without loving it and from neither inclination nor fear but from duty—then his maxim has a moral import” (Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, ed. R. P. Wolff, New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 1969, pp. 16–17).” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
Oh no….not “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America” again. So who’s going to introduce this new philosophy, which is really an old failed philosophy from the ’50s?
Ya see T., no one is truly interested in understanding what is happening in America and the West, from your failed perspective. So we read the book and then what. We all get jobs at universities and teach the Objectivist philosophy?
Why don’t you stop telling us what to do, how to think, lecturing us each day like you are some sort of professor, and get off your idealistic Lotus Flower and get that job you keep telling us to get. So, once again I will post my research for your job search:
Here’s what I found:
You don’t have a lot of options. I would suggest applying to all of them….mainly to get you out of our hair. You could meet people (the horror!!) and actually be challenged on your “ideas”
And the Atlas Society actually has a Disqus comment board where you can engage with fellow Lotus flower people.
Something tells me you won’t do a thing, because you are a lazy, do nothing Lotus Flower person.
Intrepid says
Giving me your usual down vote doesn’t change anything about the failure of Objectivism. You don’t have the stones to take me on directly.
Annie45 says
It was stunning back in 2015 to watch all those young Muslim men
march into Germany without being stopped. At the time, it was
shocking. A column of military-aged Muslims as far as the eye
could see. Who organized that and why didn’t Germany stop
In a mere 8 years, the Muslim migration has spread unimpeded
across Europe. In less than a decade, EU acceptance of Muslim
migration – and its attendant soaring crimes, rapes, intimidation
and Jihad attacks – has people thinking that things are so bad
they’re wondering which European nation will fall to Islam first.
Europeans are punished if they identify Islam as the culprit. Of
course they are. In a planned destruction of a whole civilization
such as this – the global communists will crack the whip if their
plans are challenged.
Only 8 years. As the global communists in power in America allow
an overrun of their country by a predominance of young foreign
men – where will the U,S, be in another 8 years? Like their soon to
be Islamic counterparts – in an unrecognizable and tyrannical place.
Mark Dunn says
Perplexing that our overlords want war, poverty, and lawlessness.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
In 8-years? – If the Dems win and dominate, the influence of Mexican cartels will spread and their influence will grow geometrically making large cities much worse for safe living and raising a family, human trafficking will grow along with the availability of destructive drug culture; If the GOP wins and dominates, depending on whom is in the Oval Office, the decline will lessen only since so many local offices are dominated by leftism, and after that term the decline will return with a higher probability of worsening and leading to final obscurity.
Curt Koenig says
We are watching the creation Englastan! And the Brits are letting it happen.
It will happen here unless we take real steps to
stop it.
Brian Ozzy says
Melanie Phillips wrote the excellent book “Londonistan” years ago warning of the islamic demise of London. Now with that slimy little Khan creep as Mayor the deed is unbelievably completed. What has happened to the stoical Englishmen that showed such resolutiuon and courage during WW2?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Bruce! I remember when they proposed building the Chunnel, I argued against it, as making it too easy for outsiders to get in the country.
Vince says
Crazed Muslims are the main reason we packed up and moved to Canada. I was born in Luton, Bedfordshire. I remember enjoying my childhood, but then the immigrant flood began.
My mother put up with it for a few years. But when that crazy Muslim pounded on our door, demanding we get rid of our dog, or she would make sure it was killed within days. That was the last straw.
Always loved England, but would never, ever return. The country is done for, destroyed.
Banastre Tarleton says
Toy Boy Trudeau is importing many musilms
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Sorry to learn that. But thank you for sharing your information.
England, the mother of so many great ideas and culture. I won’t mention the Beatles. 🙂
It is remarkable how so many civilizations have risen, declined, then died.
Clearly, we are in our end times. Hopefully, the next rise will not be led by those psychos we recently witnessed dropping into Israel. It does appear the Far East will not be as open to suicidal acceptance of psychotic outsiders as we have been because of our lack of critical thinking.
Brian Ozzy says
Moving to Canada is a perfect example of the old saying “jumping from the frying pan into the fire”. Good luck with that. Trudeau is destroying Canada nearly as fast as the senile ol’ Joe is destroying America.
Tex the Mockingbird says
And just like those Antifa scumball’s they hide their faces
Brian Ozzy says
Wonderful prose that concisely sums up the perfidious nature of islam Bruce and all the quisling countries that for some extraordinary reason coddle this barbarous sect. Islam is not compatible with Western society and till muslims are all expelled to the 28 or so countries they have already stolen, there wil;l never be peace. But as you say, unbelievably, there are now many more countries willingly lining up to become a part of dar al-islam.
Shadow Merchant says
Democrats are responsible for this in our country, just as British Labour and other left wing parties in Europe are responsible for the chaos in those countries.
For decades they have been buggering and aborting and boss-girl wine-aunting themselves into demographic decline. If the US borders had not been flung wide open for the past half century, the Democrats would now be outnumbered 4 to 1 by Republicans.
They are so crazed for power, and so hell-bent on their degenerate lifestyles, that they perceive the dismantling of Western Civilization as a fair trade to prevent this.
I still believe that there is a day coming when there will be a “preference cascade”, and the indigenous people of Europe and their counterparts in the US will decide that this absurd, supine surrender of all our most cherished values will cease, by any means necessary. The invasion will be reversed, perhaps quite rapidly. But if we don’t extend that determination to the leftist traitors in our midst, the corrosion and rot will never be permanently extirpated.
Andrew Blackadder says
Bruce I have also wondered which European Nation will be the first to fall to an islamic madman and I see that by birth country of Scotland has a musilm as First Minister, similar to a Prime Minister and he stood in front of the Scottish Parliament a few years ago and said there were too many white people in the Scottish Government and now those same Scots are taking their orders from him.
In Belgium there is a legal political party called The Islam party that openly declares their objective is to turn Belgium into an islamic Nation and that sharia will be the Law of The Land for everybody.
So it is a toss up which European nation will completely fall to islam, but Im going with either Sweden,Belgium, France, UK…
I live far far away from Europe and the Western World… Thankfully.
Joh says
Law and Order is a carefully crafted illusion, dependant on exclusive control of the means of coercion. Incremental change does not necessarily mean the maintenance of conservatism where changing demographics constitute the mirage. Not too surprising that maintaining the illusion in Blighty means consideration of the coercive potential of new stakeholders as some would say.
Ron Wasserman says
Since most readers are likely exhausted from the perspicacious comments, mine will be short: PAGING ENOCH POWELL!