Back in 2016 and 2020 when some were predicting a Trump victory in New York, I was telling people that it was structurally impossible. This was no longer Giuliani’s New York City. The demographic changes were too profound to make that possible.
Lee Zeldin was a great candidate and his campaign may have helped Republicans take the House, but his numbers in New York City were always going to be deeply constrained by the completely toxic urban woke politics, which served as a dam, the way cities always do, for Republicans. Despite Orthodox Jews and Asians rallying to vote for him, he lost. And if you want to understand why, consider these ballot measures passing by Soviet election numbers.
Voters in New York City easily approved three ballot measures proposed by leaders of the city’s Racial Justice Commission.
Residents of the nation’s largest city voted to create a new racial-equity bureaucracy that will include a chief equity officer, following the advice of the commission that was created last year by former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The first proposal residents passed will add a preamble to the city charter that acknowledges the city has a “grave” history of “injustices and atrocities,” while declaring the city will be “just and equitable city for all” and that “diversity is our strength.” The measure passed with 72.3% of the vote, according to the unofficial results from the city’s Board of Elections.
Another proposal, which passed with 69.8% of the vote, approved the amendment of the city charter to establish an Office of Racial Equity that will be headed by a chief equity officer. The newly created office will be tasked with a racial-equity commission that will guide the city’s racial justice priorities and require all city agencies to produce a racial-equity plan every two years.
The third proposal, which passed with 81% of the vote, requires the city to establish a cost of living metric that will “provide a clearer picture of the racial wealth gap” in New York City, which will “guide the City’s decisions as it develops and administers programs and services.”
These 70-80% numbers reflect that the Giuliani electorate, the white working class, has mostly disappeared from New York City outside Staten Island. Brooklyn and Queens, once white working-class strongholds, are overrun by third world immigrants. Between the white lefties who dominate parts of Manhattan, immigrants and minorities, the balance of power you saw in New York City movies of the 80s has shifted comprehensively.
And part of it can be attributed to Guiliani’s success in cleaning up New York City. The city became prosperous, safe and a party center. Much as conservatives are warning about the exodus into Texas, that happened to the city.
Forget a conservative electorate here. Between the Jihadist and hipster and gang neighborhoods, the enclaves and the wokes, there isn’t a significant electorate in New York City that doesn’t hate America.
And I say this as a nearly lifelong and heartbroken New Yorker.
Thanks Daniel, analysis that is so right-on that it is hard to comment.
Except for my standard rant, where did the white working class go? Like Timothy Leary said, they dropped out, dropped out of the game, since it was rigged against them.
Take your body before they do and run.
The destructive state measures that ultimately produced the Great Depression began long before Franklyn Delano Roosevelt came to power. and the stupidest mistake of the Hoover administration (1929-1933) was the Smoot-Hawley Act, passed in June 1930. It added to the Fordney-McCumber Act of 1922, which had already caused American agriculture to plummet during the previous decade. The Smoot-Hawley Act, the most protectionist legislation in American history, virtually closed borders to foreign goods and sparked a vicious international trade war.
Professor Barry Poulson explains the scope of this law: “The law increased customs tariffs on the full panoply of taxable goods; for example, the average rate increased from 20% to 34% on agricultural products; from 36% to 47% on wines, spirits and beverages, from 50% to 60% on wool and on woolly manufactured articles In all, 887 tariffs were suddenly increased and the law lengthened the list of taxable goods to 3218 articles. -Hawley Act was that it set several tariffs at a specific amount of money rather than a percentage of the price.As prices fell by half or even more during the Great Depression, the effective rate of these tariffs doubled, increasing protection granted under the law. (Barry W. Poulson, Economic History of the United States, New York, Macmillan, 1981, p. 508)
President Herbert Hoover is erroneously presented as a staunch defender of the free market in history textbooks, but he endorsed so many costly and absurd laws that one of Franklin Roosevelt’s top advisers later claimed that “virtually all of the New Deal has been extrapolated from programs put in place by Hoover”.
Quotes frome “Great Myths of the Great Depression” / Lawrence W. Reed :
My quotes have been translated by me from French to English. I did not take them directly from the original text, which I have just found.
— “Students today are often given a skewed account of the Great Depression of 1929-1941 that condemns free-market capitalism as the cause of, and promotes government intervention as the solution to, the economic hardships of the era. In this essay based on a popular lecture, Foundation for Economic Education President Lawrence W. Reed debunks the conventional view and traces the central role that poor government policy played in fostering this legendary catastrophe.” – Lawrence W. Reed GREAT MYTHS OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION
Just maybe, your accusation is senseless, divisive and totally in character for a segment of Trump’s following, because he does this stuff, too, whenever he’s in a tight spot.
Well, that was nasty of you to say. I note the smallest minds and weakest men pile on President Trump and his supporters now as a personal punching bag.
Its senseless and highly divisive of you.
Get a mirror.
idk if your deleted comment was somehow offensive. But, I do agree that the questions you say you asked are at least germane. And a rather divisive, senseless dig at President Trump and his supporters is present below. 🤷🏻♀️
It is had hard truth, but nevertheless a truth being expressed here. It’s an increasingly truth about ever more American cities, and this is all not likely to change at anything in the future we might hope to see. As for me, I am near enough St. Louis for my comfort. But – no nearer as these once great American cities will keep sinking into the growing madness (and darkness) of the left’s rule. The state of Illinois voted very largely Republican, but not Chicago and those other metro areas of the state. In this America – it’s not right that makes right, but it is the herd under their slave masters.
Slave masters indeed. The habitual hatred (or fondness) of one class for another makes them slaves. The focus should be upon the good of the nation in general, and those principles allowing their own people to prosper, which will, in turn, prosper the nation.
George Washington, in his farewell address, warned of this slavish hatred or fondness as between nations, but it applies to people groups, especially when they function within the nation as warring mini nations.
“We, the soldiers of The National Liberation Front of America, in the name of the workers and all the oppressed of this imperialist country, have struck a fatal blow to the fascist police state.”
But never fear Sky News Oz has the lowdown on how the Republican party needs to de-Trump itself to be successful because Oz is all about successfully selling out to China.
World leaders.
Sky News, they give news from the sky? Where’s Flash Gordon?
Also Oz is not the country that once defeated Japan in Burmese jungles. Very much not. Not at all. I don’t know what they are but they’re something.
lol, good one. I often think about that. Like the Australian volunteers for the Boer War (“unmounted men preferred” 🙂
On the other hand Trump doesn’t drink or smoke and there is something seriously wrong with someone who prides himself on not drinking while remaining such a blaggart. He is the picture of slightly overweight innoculated health and health apparently is super key.
So key to everything we’re doing as a nation.
Wow, the admiration is strong.
No more watching Monty Python, it’s in real life now.
It was a better country when people smoked like chimneys and put people on the moon to be frank.
Yeah, I often remember a party my parents gave for the neighborhood back in the 1950s. What an awesome group of hard-working individuals we had in that neighborhood. Anyway, back then at parties open trays of cigarettes were put out for the guests to partake (mostly unfiltered Camels). My friend snuck away with some, so we 5-year olds went down to our beach hideout to smoke some. Lol, we didn’t know you were supposed to inhale, so we filled our cheeks with smoke and quickly blew it back out 🙂
My friend’s parents gave classier parties for the Berkeley professors and such in the neighborhood, my friend always used to come away from those with a supply of Benson and Hedges cigarettes 😉
Now what is it? Some sort of NASA paradigm?
Counting how many extra days we can accumulate in our worthless lives with good behaviour.
No exercise in pointless masculinity would be pointlessly complete without
Sabine Hossenfelder so here she is. with Ja, Ja da’s goed als goed en recht
Well, lack of testosterone makes men less interested in women, which women complain about a lot. So they prefer imported Islamic males who are more aggressive.
Who can you trust if they’ve never had a drink? Get out of here Trump.
The arrival of the end of masculinity has been way exaggerated if not misconstrued according to Sabine Hossenfelder but never worry pals. Just avoid the life shortening drink.
Neutralise bad effects on your precious body from these 7 things
So precious you should be able to kick ass except not exactly
F’n sickening and pathetic.
The Left is to be admired for their commitment to thoroughness.
They leave behind only desolation. Nothing else.
Five years my senior.
Slightly more talented.
If anyone thinks The USA has election. Either s/he is a dreamer or s/he is a dumb as a rock. After two years of disastrous Marxist regime how anyone in the right mind think people voted for the same illegitimate regime. 2022 election proved once and for all American elections are no different than USSR shame elections.