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I’m not a small guy, but I’m not excessively large, either. I’m 6 feet, 1 inch tall, and weigh about 190 pounds. Big, but not monstrous. But I’m big enough to beat up most 10-year-olds.
I suspect if I were to pick a fight with a 10-year-old boy, I could win. I could knock him to the ground, kick him, stomp on him awhile, leave him moaning in pain, and then prance around, my arms raised in victory, glorying in my “achievement” of slaughtering somebody half my size. Wouldn’t I be wonderful?
Since I am physically superior to nearly every 10-year-old boy in the world, I imagine there aren’t many people who would think I had accomplished something noteworthy by KOing a child. In fact, any decent person (and even most Democrats) would be repulsed by my actions, and I would probably (rightfully) be arrested. It isn’t manly to beat up a 10-year-old child. Men don’t do things like that, not real men. Not men who have pride in who, and what, they are, who understand their nature, who realize that men are stronger than children, and to beat up a child is a despicable act of shame for any so-called “man.” If I did it, it wouldn’t change the fact that I am a male, but I hope nobody would call me a “man.”
The Bible calls women the “weaker vessel” (I Peter 3:7). By this it means nothing but physical strength. Females are certainly not “weaker” than males in intelligence, spiritual abilities, morality, wisdom or any other mental or cognitive aptitude. And it’s not that women are lacking in physical fortitude; birthing a child requires tremendous strength, courage, and determination, something males have no clue about but probably wouldn’t want to endure. No, women are not “weaker” than men except in raw physical ability.
So, most females are not as physically capable as most males. That’s just a simple fact of nature. I’m not going to waste words proving it. Women are wonderful creatures, but most are not as physically proficient as most males. They cannot run as fast, swim as quickly, lift as much weight, hit a baseball as far, move as dexterously on a basketball court, hit a tennis ball as hard, punch with as much power—females do not have the physical gifts God (or even evolution) gave to males. Women have their gifts, some perhaps superior to men. But equal physical skill isn’t among them.
And so—back to my introduction—if a 6 foot 1 inch, 190 pound male were to beat up a 5 foot 2 inch, 90 pound boy, he would have absolutely nothing to boast of. It would be repulsive, even if he called himself a “child.” “I’m not a man, I’m just a bigger child, a little older than this 10-year-old. So, I want to fight 10-year-olds.” Who would accept that? I doubt even “Lia” Thomas would.
But when a male, who by nature is physically superior to every true woman competing, wins against those women, he is celebrated as if he has done something magnificent—as long as he calls himself a “woman”. He gets to raise his arms in victory, dance his dance, act like he is proud of himself for doing something amazing. And the world celebrates his “accomplishment.”
All because he SAYS he is a woman. Without one iota of physical proof, indeed, against all physical proof. Just say, “I am a woman,” and he becomes one. And he can gain victory after victory against female athletes who have sacrificed so much to train as diligently as possible, but can never be as physically capable as he is simply because nature (God) didn’t make them that way.
He isn’t a woman. He’s a male, but not a MAN.
A true man becomes such by his just achievements. He has pride—sometimes maybe too much—but he takes satisfaction in what he has done. And indeed, every true man finds fulfillment and joy in life through his accomplishments. He works hard to overcome odds and become successful. Like starting a business. Increasing his wages as his skills improve, becoming a husband and father, buying a home, providing for and protecting his family—yes, even the “weaker vessel” he married. A real MAN has pride and glories in his noteworthy successes against obstacles THAT ARE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN HIMSELF!! I can take pride when I do that. That’s manhood.
But such a man gains no glory in beating up 10-year-olds. Or in winning swimming or foot races against women. There is no excellence in that. No MAN would ever be proud of defeating women and children. Or even wanting to compete against them. And any society that does glorify such tragedies is a sick, warped, degenerating society that should have no pride in itself, either, and should hang its head in shame.
Shame on you, Joe Biden. Shame on you, ESPN. Shame on you, America. For not protecting the physically weaker vessel against crybabies who are male, but not MEN. Who cringe and flee from meeting the equal or superior challenges of life that a true MAN faces and attempts to conquer. Who are too cowardly to compete against their own kind, so they disgrace themselves by competing against the physically inferior. These pathetic excuses of humanity aren’t even good for women because, even though she may be physically weaker than man, no woman would degrade herself by preening over defeating someone far frailer than herself. A grown woman beating up a 10-year-old child is no better than a grown man doing it. And no decent woman would glory in it, either.
I would never fight a child. I would be ashamed of myself for doing it. Any genuine man would. Any true woman would, too. Transgenders certainly aren’t MEN. And they make lousy women, too.
When one of these craven cowards says, “I’m not a man!”, that is the only thing he says I whole-heartedly agree with.
Lydia Whitson says
They are eunuchs.
John Fender says
I think “Lia” still has HIS equipment. He is a cheater and maybe delusional. Or maybe just a cheater.
whirlwinder says
There has been no character that has been built into this weenie by his parents.
Dr2xFour says
Maybe? Therein lies the problem
The real “MEN” saying “maybe” he’s delusional.
“Maybe he’s cheater”
No maybe to it my friend.
He is sick mentally and a cheat and most importantly a coward.
Until we say so with conviction we are as guilty in these mind games as him.
We are a nation of men without balls.
Surrendered them without a fight.
There is much rolling over in the graves of the MEN that came before us.
James Stagg says
Nope. Eunuchs were castrated.
Lightbringer says
They should be. Rumors of this William Thomas creature walking around the locker room naked and swinging his equipment ought to be a signal for the women he is insulting: Make him a eunuch.
Aimee says
Okay – but what is causing this trans thing? There is some social contagion and autism link.
I remember an article about how fish were becoming hermaphrodites from birth control in their lake – that was over a decade ago. There was a man on British tele saying he was gay when he took his psych meds. Everything we eat is sealed in plastic, and what bodily systems do pesticides work on. We get all our appliances and a lot of our food additives and medications from a country that wants to take over the world. And is there any non west producer country that actually likes the USA or the west?
It is a complex issue, and we are in trouble. I have a feeling only a Noah existential reset is enough to fix the problems – and let me tell you, I’d rather live with disgusting weirdos in women’s bathrooms than die.
Peter says
Mental illness used to be treated. Now it is celebrated. Satan is using every tool in the box to derail civilization.
Chad says
What’s causing this “Trans thing?” you ask. Women. Specifically, White women. White women whose husbands aren’t keeping them under control. Behind each freak tranny kid is an affirming mother and some drugs.
You wanted the right to vote. You wanted feminism. And now, here we are.
IBoat says
It’s their soy boy play things………..
Anne-Marie says
Huh? What’s the right to vote got anything to do with deranged mothers who “affirms” their child’s gender? This is false argument based on absolutely nothing except your obviously misogynistic attitude towards women.
FD says
Look into the damage vegetable oils are causing to our bodies. The exhibit estrogenic properties, in addition to many other harms. They were promoted for decades as “low fat/cholesterol” but are immeasurably more harmful than traditional fats.
red byrd says
God in his Word is not going to totally destroy cities or flood the Earth to rid us of these sinful/sicko/perverts and supporters. In Romans1 vs 17-32 God lets us know that these practicioners are “reprobates” who are worth of Death. He has removed their offer of Heaven and Eternal Life with him from those perverts and say their supporters will receive the same punishment. a terrible thing to lose your Salvation for supporting mentally ill reprobates?
Kynarion Hellenis says
But there is always hope while they breathe in and out. Remember, “….and such were some of you.” 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11
There is no special sin. Every sin removes us from God by infinite distance, and that distance is covered in only one way. Through Jesus the Messiah in His perfect life, atoning death, glorious resurrection in power and ascension to the throne of God there is reconciliation, healing and life eternal.
IBoat says
Go check yourself in NUTCASE!!!!!!!!!
Kynarion Hellenis says
The autism link is due to that cohort’s frequency struggle with social skills.
Brad says
Start by eating only organic food and avoid the hormone destroying foods (soy)
stop vaccines that are not needed – generally cleanup your diet and alot of things will go back to normal.
Cherry says
Look at how many baby formulas are soy-based. Makes one wonder how this is affecting testosterone.
Franko says
Fermented soy is very healthy.
tcb221 says
The vast majority are not trans.
They want some advantage because they can’t win without competing against females.
They want increased social standing by being different or part of some group that is being given increased status because of what they are.
This is a result of the everyone wins generation when they figure out that no, they are not special and no, they don’t actually win just because.
Their parents were raised that they were special and found out that they aren’t, so they want to be special through their children.
Why work at accomplishment when you can just “declare” that you are special and society gives you elevated special status and perks?
MK says
Here’s a solution
We create the Sissy league for all these mentally ill transtesticals. That way everybody’s happy. Im all about solutions.
Lightbringer says
Good. But what happens to them when the world inevitably turns against them? What happens to them when we finally go belly-up and let the Chinese or the Muslims take over, a takeover that they and their ilk have hastened? Remember that even if they only used drugs and no surgery, they have made unalterable changes to their bodies and are not fish, nor fowl, nor good red meat, but something utterly outside of the human experience. The majority of the world look at them, and as a result at the United States, with disgust and revulsion. Listen to what India’s Prime Minister Modi has to say. Listen to what President Putin of Russia has to say. And most of all, listen very hard to what Emperor Xi of China is not saying.
Mo de Profit says
Quite right, they are NOT men, I prefer to call them narcissistic cowards.
ronb39339 says
left leaning people seem to be prone to many mental illnesses. most of the homosexual people i’ve ever known have a few visible mental issues. A man who denies his manhood is definitely mentally ill, & i have no doubt that swimmer boy is constantly taking either head meds or psychiatric counseling.
I can thank God that i am in a conservative location surrounded by conservative people.
Tom says
And they will always have a prostrate to deal with!
Mark Dunn says
I agree with author these preening peacocks are certainly not Biblical men. A Bibical man is honors God, is honest, protects the weak, is clean in thought and word, and so on. If only we had a civic organization to teach these principles to young boys. Oh wait we had one, and it was called The Boy Scouts of America.
Rumplestiltskin says
If leala has a pair, they should be cut off, so that he really become a , a, a… Well, he won’t be a woman, but he will be a Eunuch ! Those who are in charge of making the determinations of what goes on in the swimming world, should be stripped of their position and title because obviously they have no flippin idea that men and woman are different.
We need to put a stop to this tranny WOKE INSANITY and insist on the firing of any and all who push it through their actions or through media. STOP GIVING THEM COVERAGE AND THIS SHIT WILL STOP !!!
Lightbringer says
Perhaps there are women on the swim team who would oblige Mr. Thomas and make him a eunuch. And he wouldn’t have to pay a doctor to do it!
Old Fogey says
CunTee says
Freaks, they are called freaks
Rev. Mark Churley says
There is much I agree with in this article, and in the comments. So I keep asking myself, “what would Christ do?”
Because Christ has the ability to see into people’s hearts, He knows people’s inner nature. He would promote good will and know the exact way to pull someone back in. In addition to rules and regulations, He always emphasized the purposes of law and that they were made to serve us and not us to serve them.
We lack the skillful means of The Christ, so we have to work harder and it takes longer to make good things happen. Socially, traditionalists need to craft a model to define how transgendered individuals are to participate in our civilization. Remember, our Lord was socializing with the ‘unclean,’ and had women students and benefactors, as well as hated tax collectors in His retinue. Today, transgendered persons are like the ‘unclean.’
We must also strive to make an accurate discernment of each transgendered person as a person. We can see with our own eyes that many have multiple emotional problems and issues in the mind. I suggest this discernment because I can also see with my own eyes that many seem to be well-functioning and successful people of good will.
The works of people of good will are the essence of Christian civilization.
But at the same time, we must recognize the injury to women by transgendered biologically males competing in their sports.
Redneck Rabbi says
It is a decline in morality. The Bible prohibits this sort of behavior. It also predicts that in the last days things will get turned upside down. People calling evil good and good evil. And here we are.
John C says
They are selfish mentally ill losers.
Chaylon says
When the Bible says that women are the weaker sex, it is NOT suggesting physical strength. The author is wrong here.
Mark Dunn says
I think you need reread that part of the essay?
grayjohn says
Sub Human pseudo women, or failed males.
Spurwing Plover says
Making all boys into Ballet Dancers who would rather wear pink and hug trees
Lightbringer says
Forgive me, but I have known many male ballet dancers. Some were gay, some hated women, some loved women, and some were straight and REALLY loved women and, being surrounded by them all day, couldn’t stay away from them, causing problems in their marriages. In the last category one sees some amazingly macho performers, very manly, but even some of the queer ones are good enough actors to make a lass’s heart flutter at his appearance. Take a look at Baryshnikov in “The Corsair” variations (I forget which act; it’s not a ballet that is performed often in the US so I don’t know it too well). If that isn’t manly, I don’t know what is. And since I have never met Mr. Baryshnikov and have no idea what sort of creature he is, I cannot assert anything about his personal life and do not care. He was a really great dancer.
Lightbringer says
And by the way, one of the world’s greatest athletes. Prove me wrong.
Brown Wolf says
Cowards like Thomas are too weak to make it as men, so they pretend to be women. That’s the only way they feel good about themselves.
Maha says
“…when a male, who by nature is physically superior to every true woman competing, wins against those women, he is celebrated as if he has done something magnificent—as long as he calls himself a “woman”.
Nobody in their right mind would celebrate this. But politicians on the Left, and gender dysphorics do.
Lightbringer says
“Tic-tok influencers”, whatever they are, celebrate it too. And somehow that is important.
Callmelennie says
An example closer to the actual disparity would be a benchwarmer on a good high school varsity football team who then identifies as a eight grader and gets to play on the local Pop Warner team
And of course, he’ll be the Player of the Year. And if some 13 year old kids get brutalized and injured so that Mr Benchwarmer can feel succesful, well, suck it up, buttercup. What are you, bigoted?
10ffgrid says
Males in the U.S.A. that pretend to be women are almost EXCLUSIVELY democrat.
Greebo says
NO ONE is transgender when they have their original genitalia, they are simply cross-dressers. Do not allow them to obfuscate the issue with false terms!
Retaining one’s original genitalia demonstrates a serious lack of commitment to actually becoming transgender AND a high likelihood that they are only seeking opportunities to enter girls’ & women’s’ areas to prey upon them. The large percentage of rapes by these men confirms this. NO one should be allowed access to women’s private areas if they have male genitalia.
It is unconscionable to place women & girls in danger of being attacked just to support the fantasies of a minuscule number of men who need professional treatment instead of encouragement in wasting their lives in fantasies.
In men’s sports larger & stronger athletes must compete with others in their class. Women’s sports should have categories as well apparently.
It is preposterous to allow a SINGLE man to DESTROY the ability of ALL women to compete in sports & to allow people with penises to endanger women & girls in their private areas. It is also preposterous to value the feelings of a single deluded person over the feelings of most healthy people.
Lightbringer says
Hear, hear! The only solution is to relieve these creatures of their terribly burdensome original equipment. Maybe the girls in the locker room or women’s restroom can help him out. All it takes is a couple to hold him down and one with a sharp knife and a steady hand.
Andrew Blackadder says
Biological females are standing up to protect biological men who think they are women while attacking actual biological women who speak up to protect biological girls in their various Sporting events.
Planet Earth has shifted slightly off its Axis.
Where are the ”feminists” standing up for females these days and I mean the ones that scream about misogyny and patriarchy 24/7/365 ?.
Robert Hagedorn says
For a boy to grow into a normal man he must identify with his father, or at least some man, who should be living in the home with the boy.. Otherwise, he identifies with the only available adult he knows–his mother. If he identifies with his mother, one need not be a psychoanalyst to foresee the results.
Spurwing Plover says
We used to call them Sissies