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Chairman Mao, the unspoken hero of our garbage ruling caste, understood that power flows from the barrel of a gun, and it’s not unreasonable to wonder whether the institutions in America that carry guns – law enforcement and the military – and who are supposed to protect us will turn those guns on us if commanded to by the ruling elite.
Stop wondering.
Their answer is that to a greater extent than those of us who grew up in America, when it was a free country before it became our present crypto-leftist tyranny, want to admit, they will. Right now, they are hiding news that undermines their rule. They are censoring opponents. They are locking up political dissidents. And eventually, when the current junta feels truly threatened by the emerging backlash from patriotic citizens, too many of these alleged protectors will kill for their masters – and I mean more than just the occasional and totally unpunished massacres of unapproved dissidents like at Waco and Ruby Ridge.
Pretty harsh? It is harsh, but it’s not wrong. Explain why that is the red line they suddenly stop at when they have blasted through the red lines of lying, of censorship, and of framing the opposition using a two-tier justice system. “Yeah, those things are fine, but we won’t go all the way. Oh no, never.” Where’s the guardrail that is going to block the trend that is now sending SWAT teams out to bust people for praying at abortion clinics from accelerating into actually using those big, scary assault rifles?
Remember, we’re not just political opponents. We’re monsters, not even human, and dehumanization is the first step toward murder. In their hideous propaganda – memorably delivered by that brain-dead corrupt husk on TV against that ominous red and black background – we are extremists, terrorists, enemies of democracies and – regardless of our skin tone – “white supremacists.”
What do you do with people who pose such a perilous peril? Their civilian catspaws have the answer. They kill them on the streets in riots over dead thugs, at a congressional softball game, in a Christian school. And when that doesn’t snuff out the embers of freedom, who can argue that the elite will hesitate to use the organized forces of the government to do it” Sorry kids, but the logic of their hate and desperate grasping at power leads to blood, ours. And the leftists would cheer our governmental deaths as just and necessary and beautiful just as they did those amateur atrocities.
Remember Ashli Babbitt? Remember how they delighted in her murder? Remember how her killer is free and unpunished?
We thought we could rely on the members of these institutions to refuse the commands of their leaders if those leaders turned them upon the citizens. We properly hanged Nazis for “just obeying orders” and established a personal responsibility not to be a cog in the gears of tyranny. But look at our law enforcement agencies today. Look at the disgraced FBI, an organization that differs from the Stasi only in that many of its members are fatter. They share the communist secret police’s leftism and the delight spying on and framing citizens. The agents have accepted pursuing political opponents, framing a president, and all manner of lies and deceptions, and we know they accept it all because they don’t resign. A few whistleblowers have come forward, but the vast majority have stayed at their posts, participating indirectly or even directly in the oppression that is the hallmark of this modern Ministry of Truth. We can only hope that those few good apples don’t contaminate the barrel full of bad ones.
Why do they do it? Human weakness. Most have invested in their shabby careers. Most are eying pensions. They go along. They follow orders. And if you think that, given the order and the chance, they will not pull a trigger for the ruling class, well, I have a burnt patch of Texas dirt to sell you. Cheap.
Some will do it eagerly. Some will just do it to keep their jobs. But they will do it, and they will try to justify it to themselves. They will high five each other telling themselves how they are protecting democracy by capping people who dare exercise it. Get it through your heads – this is the result of years of selective hiring and grooming and making clear that you must conform or be cast out. They have built an organization that will protect the ruling class against any threat to its hegemony, and if that means threatening you or framing you or even killing you, they will do it.
Tell me I’m wrong, but support that position with evidence and not cliches like “The vast majority are dedicated to doing their important work defending our country.” Yeah, like defending us from the threat of borderline mental defectives their informers convince to LARP at revolution, or maybe busting granny for taking a Rotunda selfie. Again, the trend line is toward the worst case scenario and there is nothing in the way to stop its downward plunge, except maybe nominating and electing Ron DeSantis instead of a Democrat or some sissy Republican who desperately wants it to be 2005 again so s/he can pretend that federal law enforcement is not today a determined enemy of liberty.
But the FBI is a law enforcement organization and it functions only when the criminal justice system – which is equally a farce on multiple levels – is itself sort of functioning. If that charade collapses, out comes the military. Remember all the collective panty-wetting at the New York Times when Senator Tom Cotton wrote an op-ed suggesting Trump use the troops to crush the communist BLM/Antifa rioting? That will last about a second when the threat to the ruling elite’s hold on power is people like you. Then they will eagerly unleash their dogs of war.
So, will our military kill American citizens to suppress opposition to the junta’s rule? The leadership will certainly do it without hesitation. Again, the leadership has been carefully selected and groomed to accept that order if and when the time comes. Milley is clear that he thinks the greatest threat to America is other Americans. Oh, the brass hasn’t won a war in thirty years, and the Chinese are laughing at us in Mandarin as the Navy’s pride flag-waving ships run into each other on the open seas, but they have plenty of time to root out “extremists” in the ranks. And by “extremist,” they mean people like you – the very folks who traditionally serve in our military. Conservative. Patriotic. Cognizant of which bathroom to use. Those people, the enemy of the ruling caste. They have been largely pushed out of the senior ranks, and those that remain keep their heads down counting down to retirement. And few new ones are flowing in – the woke military can’t meet its recruiting goals.
Now, right-wing anarchist imp Michael Malice recently posited that: “The conservatives joking about how ‘woke’ the military supposedly is becoming should realize that it would be far easier for the Federal government to use a ‘woke’ military against them and their families.” This is true, but so is the fact that it will be – hell, it already is – a bad military. Our disastrously-led forces lost to a bunch of mountain tribesmen. Do you imagine their performance fighting ticked-off fellow Americans, who do not want arms and many of whom got military training back when we had a real military, will be better?
His concern also overlooks another key point – the wokeness is in the senior ranks, where your commitments to the fascist ideology that is DEI signals that you are down with the struggle and therefore trustworthy for advancement. These senior leaders, like their FBI counterparts, have an investment in the institution. But all is not lost. The regular joes and middle-level leaders, though shedding many of the patriots that once filled the ranks, are less inclined to that nonsense since they have less of an investment. Most are doing a single hitch; they have no pension to protect. These are the folks who would be expected to do the dirty work, and the dirty work would largely be atrocities committed upon their own people. If it got ugly, we could expect significant desertions and some level of non-compliance, even mutiny. Whole formations in National Guard units, which work for state governors, might resist intact. And it can be fixed quickly with a real leader who clears out the Pentagon deadwood.
But let’s not overlook the fact that a lot of troops would still obey such an order, even if it meant suppressing their fellow citizens. There is a cheery notion to consider, though. The military and law enforcement can put maybe 3,000,000 people on the streets, and a lot of them are support and logistics.
There are about 150,00,000 patriots. If it all goes to hell – and, sadly, the trash who run our institutions are dumb and evil enough to make it all go to hell – I still like freedom’s odds.
The same thing happened in 1930s Germany. Careerists joined the party to further their careers.
That might explain why the military is so hot to recruit foreign immigrants who might not have as many qualms about taking on the “evil white man” civilians that are trying to reign in illegal immigration.
And explain the millions of mostly military age men allowed to enter illegally. They are likely the new storm troopers in addition to antifa and blm.
Ignorance personified. The military forced Hitler to purge the SA which sought to replace the military. The military never became completely Nazified, hence the SS, a political military force. Many of the top leaders of the Wehrmacht resisted the Nazis actively, amny passively, and finally in 1944 they attempted a coup, having failed to do so in 1939 during the Czech crisis due to the failure of the West to support them.
Ever since the PACE exams were eliminated the pollicization of the Federal government has proceeded at an accelerating pace. First the DOJ and Federal law enforcement, then the intelligence and finally the military. This is how police states develop. And the sheeple allowed it lulled by the sewer dwellers like Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden, and especially LBJ, but remember FDR and Wilson were masters of this.
One correction: The German military didn’t FORCE Hitler to purge the SA. The SS and AH agreed to purge the SA on the semi-flimsy reed of disloyalty. That’s how AH eliminated the man he thought was his rival for power – Ernst Roehm. The ‘Night of Long Knives’ commenced June 30, 1934.
Sorry, its clear that the price the military charged for their loyalty was the elimination of the SA, and this has been documented in various sources that are the gold standard of Hitler’s regime. The SS carried out the purge simply because the military never saw them as a threat, as their title Security Detail demonstrated they were a small group of probably mo more than 200 rather than the tens of thousands of SA members. Roehm was never a serious rival to Hitler, but Hitler saw him as a source of compromise of his p0wer and an obstacle to his dominance of the military, which served as a state within the state.
That’s true, but in the late summer or early fall of 1934, they had little or no choice. Still, many joined willingly.
3,000,000 in the military with 4,500,000 arms vs. 150,000,000 patriots with 440,000,000 arms.
Just sayin!
Not sure if it’s true but I recall reading somewhere that in WW II a Japanese General suggested an invasion of America. Another General who had lived in the US said, no, there is an American with a gun behind every blade of grass.
Why does Joe want your guns?
Their bombs are bigger…
That didn’t help much in Afghanistan though, did it? Guerrilla warfare is very tricky to fight.
Afghanistan was just another “invade and invite” plan that made a lot of people in the military industrial complex wealthier.
With their fellow Americans, it will be traditional warfare requiring our complete and total elimination or unconditional surrender.
I think a better comparison would be the fate of the Indians during the Indian Wars, although given the treatment of the defeated by Marxists, the Indians got off very, very lightly.
Case in point: Vietnam.
t was Yamato who studied and served as an attache in Washington. He made two telling observations and opposed war with the USA.
He said “behind every blade of grass in America there is a rifleman.” And he also observed, in a widely misquoted and misunderstood quote, that in order to beast the USA, “peace would have to be dictated in front of the White House.” In other worlds, something Japan could never do.
Brandon wants your guns because militaries have such a fantastic record of success against armed civilians-Boer War which the British won by utilizing concentration camps, Afghanistan on innumerable occasions; Our War of Independence; Napoleons triumphs in the peninsula; Japan’s conquest of China’; even the Yankees incredibly successful occupation of Missouri during the Civil War.
And for the idiots who trot out the nuclear bombs and air force argument, its amazing how well those arguments our victorious politicians in the Middle east, King George in America, or DeGaulle in his triumph in Algeria. And my all time favorite the Anglo-British crushing Nasser at the Suez with his mighty collection of camels; WWI surplus pop guns and superb army of crack Arabs.
Freedom will ultimately crush our repressive garbage elites; no doubt about it. The alternative is unthinkable. Never in all of human history has a ruling order been sustained by LGBTQ posturing and other such Sodomite fanfare.
Freedom doesn’t crush anything; freedom is a meaningless bit of bumper-sticker jargon without people willing to accept the consequences of exercising it. Don’t be naive. This is going to be a very hard ride, but if freedom – the simple ability to say “Man and Woman and nothing in between” without being attacked by the howling banshees of the idiot Mob – means anything, then, well, gird your loins.
Best Col. Schlichter column ever.
He writes with such a visceral style. My favorite was the one he wrote on June 12th about Biden being a pervert. His words:
“Crying about hypocrisy has gotten boring, and to display shock over the double standards betrays a tiresome naïveté, as if we somehow believe that there’s some sort of rule out there that compels consistency, objectivity, and fairness. We know there’s none of that. Facts and truth are irrelevant to the situation. There is only power, which means we’ve got to get power and use it to crush the left. They’ll cry. They’ll complain. They’ll tell us it’s against our conservative principles to fight our enemies, and our proper response is to laugh at them. And to keep crushing them.”
A man after my own heart.
Agree with every word said. American’s should form religious and patriotic organizations modeled on the Haganah, Palmach, and Irgun of the Yishuv in British Mandate- Palestine.
Nothing yet was mentioned of the IRS buying incredible amounts of guns and ammunition. Are we to supposed to believe that 87000 bow-tied tax accountants are simply going to enforce tax laws, or is something more sinister taking place.
Its not just the IRS, the Dept of Interior, Dept of Labor, NOA, the Dept of Education-but then have you seen the junior high students in East St Louis, Jersey City, Jackson and Flint?
they thought afghanistan was bad? how many troops do they think they will need to occupy and control california? what about texas? i don’t think anyone who is seriously considering turning the military against america has thought it through completely
Col. Schlichter knocked one out of the park. Some of the best analysis and commentary I have seen in some time. A very heads up crowd. My concern is I believe that the 2024 election will be short circuited by one means or another, it may not happen at all. Historically the Left never cedes power without a fight. They can’t pull another 2020 and expect it to be tolerated, let alone believed. Do they really want a civil war ? Messy things whose conclusions are uncertain. The Left likes to control both sides of the equation by subterfuge assuring their idea of a happy ending. They might just wait for all the pterodactyls to expire while they train up legions of junior Bolsheviki in the nation’s schools to take their place. Or they might be terrified of Trumps specter just enough to want to pull out all the stops and go for the throat before the largest percentage of the sheep wake up and really give them a nightmare.