Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
After Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic comments, her fellow House Democrats refused to put forward a resolution condemning her hateful views. Instead they voted on a generic resolution against hate.
Rep. Lee Zeldin, who is Jewish, led 22 other House Republicans in voting against the cover-up resolution.
“If a Republican Member was pushing the anti-Semitism that Rep. Omar keeps peddling, this resolution would name names, and be solely, emphatically focused on anti-Semitism and that member would be removed from their committee assignments. The double standard motivating this decision by the Speaker and the moral equivalency filling this watered-down text is spineless and disgusting,” Rep. Zeldin declared.
Now there’s a new disgusting low after the Jewish Democratic Council of America released what it calls an “interactive timeline of anti-Semitism since the 2016 election” which it tries to attribute to Trump.
Included on that timeline is an item which reads, “23 Republicans voted against a resolution denouncing anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry.”
The illustration, misleadingly, features Neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, rather than Rep. Omar.
The JDCA knows better. After initially criticizing Rep. Omar, it made the decision to back away and support a meaningless resolution that failed to address anti-Semitism by a member of the House.
Now the JDCA has hit a new low by trying to smear a Jewish Republican’s decision to oppose the House Dem cover-up as support for anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazis. It’s a low point in a despicable JDCA smear.
The JDCA’s “interactive timeline” claims that “card-carrying Nazis, Holocaust deniers, a proud white supremacists (sic) ran for Congress as Republicans, many of whom were ardent supporters of Donald Trump.” The JDCA doesn’t go to the trouble of actually listing any such people or incidents.
The timeline features a photo of Arthur Jones, a Neo-Nazi who ran for Congress in Illinois. And lost.
Jones also called President Trump a “Jew-loving fool” who “surrounded himself with hordes of Jews.”
That’s the JDCA’s idea of “ardent” support.
Unlike Omar, Jones was condemned across the Republican spectrum. Republicans had previously attempted to keep him off the ballot. There was no question of any Republican support for Jones.
The JDCA must know this which is why it used Jones’ picture without actually using his name.
Then the JDCA tries to claim that Senator Josh Hawley’s reference to “cosmopolitan elites” is an anti-Semitic “dog whistle”. That’s true. The term “rootless cosmopolitan” was a popular dog whistle in the Soviet Union. The JDCA is presumably not accusing Senator Hawley of being a Stalinist. The term “cosmopolitan elites” can be found everywhere from stories in Agence France-Presse, The Economist and The Spectator to numerous academic publications and textbooks in Europe and America.
This would be embarrassing if the JDCA had any shame.
Next the JDCA turns to Miami. “On July 28, 2019, a man who shot repeatedly in the leg outside while waiting for the Mincha prayer service inside a synagogue in Miami in a targeted attack toward Jews.”
The shooter, Carlints St Louis, is African-American. It’s unlikely that he’s a Trump supporter and it’s possible that this was a gangland shooting attempt gone wrong rather than an anti-Semitic attack.
Although it’s hard to know.
What is easy to know is that the JDCA used two pictures of the attack. Not one of them shows the alleged shooter. That’s part of a pattern in which the JDCA fails to provide basic information in its timeline to protect the false narrative that it’s trying to construct at the expense of the truth.
“The following interactive timeline tracks the sharp rise of anti-Semitism and white nationalism in the United States under President Trump, starting with the election of 2016 through the present day,” the timeline introduction claims. “JDCA monitors these incidents in order to raise awareness of this growing and persistent threat facing the American Jewish community today.”
The JDCA isn’t actually monitoring these incidents. It’s mischaracterizing them.
Featuring a photo of Carlints St Louis would have revealed that anti-Semitism in America occurs across racial and political lines. But the JDCA only wants to talk about white supremacy because discussing any other form of anti-Semitism has become unacceptable within the ranks of the Democrat Party.
That’s why the “interactive timeline” never gets around to mentioning Rep. Omar or Rep. Tlaib. It does however reveal that “Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) read Mein Kampf on the House floor.” It neglects to mention that Brooks was denouncing Hitler’s technique of the ‘Big Lie’. Lying about a lie is quite a lie.
But the JDCA specializes in removing the context. Especially where the context makes it look bad.
“GOP Senator Rick Scott called the Democratic Party anti-Semitic,” the JDCA notes.
This is somehow intended to be damning for the GOP, not the Dems. But the JDCA once again neglects the context, which was Senator Scott condemning Rep. Omar and her political allies.
The JDCA’s timeline repeatedly makes the false claim that criticizing George Soros is anti-Semitic. Soros is an anti-Semitic figure who said, on video, that he feels no guilt for his actions during the Holocaust. And has repeatedly funded anti-Semitic groups and trafficked in anti-Semitic stereotypes. He’s justified anti-Semitism and has been condemned by everyone from Elie Wiesel to the ADL.
Things get more awkward from there as the JDCA claims that Rep. Tom Emmer’s criticism of George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer is anti-Semitic because “all three either identify as Jewish or have a Jewish parent.” Or a Jewish grandparent. Or they met a Jewish person at a party once.
Tom Steyer is Episcopalian.
The JDCA, once again, clearly knows this because of its awkward claim that it’s anti-Semitism if one of them happens to claim some Jewish ancestry. A category that includes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
While the JDCA was figuring out how to formulate that awkward accusation, it had nothing to say about Cortez’s meeting with anti-Semitic British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, anti-Semitism from Rep. Omar, an openly anti-Semitic candidate running in California with the endorsement of local DSA and Bernie Sanders groups or any anti-Semitism at all coming from its own side of the political spectrum.
Instead of addressing anti-Semitism on its own side of the line, the JDCA is deflecting attention from it.
Its smears of Rep. Zeldin are distasteful and dishonest. Its smears of Trump, Hawley, Emmer and others are equally so. A Jewish auxiliary organization ought to represent Jewish interests and values. Instead the JDCA blatantly lies, misleads and gaslights Jews about anti-Semitism in America today.
“We created this timeline, which tracks the sharp rise of anti-Semitism under President Trump, to help Americans understand the full enormity of the hatred targeting Jews during the Trump administration,” the JDCA claims.
What does an African-American shooter in Florida have to do with the Trump administration? For that matter, what does the rise in violent attacks on Jews in Brooklyn by African-American perpetrators, which is driving the hate crimes stats that the JDCA quotes, have to do with Donald J. Trump?
The JDCA urges Jews to fight anti-Semitism by supporting a variety of action items from illegal migration to gun control to Muslim immigration to supporting ObamaCare to fighting global warming to impeaching Trump. These are Democrat priorities that have nothing to do with fighting anti-Semitism.
After assembling its list of lies and smears, the JDCA can’t come up with one single action item for fighting anti-Semitism. Not one. Never mind anything about Israel or anything involving Jews.
There’s an old Soviet anecdote. An American and a Russian are arguing about political freedoms.
The American tells the Russian that he can march up to the White House and shout that the President of the United States is an idiot. The Russian tells the American that he can go to the Kremlin and also shout that the President of the United States is an idiot. That’s the JDCA’s battle against anti-Semitism.
The JDCA can’t stand up for Jews. It won’t fight Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitism. But it will bash Republicans.
That’s not fighting anti-Semitism. That’s being a useful idiot for anti-Semites.
Photo: JNS
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