This past Thanksgiving Day was greeted with the usual chorus of anti-American diatribes from the miserable utopians of the Left. Wealthy celebrity ingrates like Bette Midler and John Leguizamo sneered at Americans and the holiday on social media (the John Wick actor tweeted, “Happy indigenous survivor’s day! F*ck thanksgiving!”). MSNBC’s resident race-monger Joy Reid accused Republicans of wanting to portray Thanksgiving as a “simplistic fairy tale” to cover up that America was founded on “genocide.” Even the head of terrorism-linked CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, lectured Americans about “the dark history associated with this holiday” and the “unspeakable atrocities” committed against Native Americans.
But nothing sank to the depth of the Left’s perverse worldview quite like a Thanksgiving Day essay in the radical rag The Nation titled, “We’re Thankful for Our Abortions,” which declared there’s literally nothing to be grateful for in our current state of the union except the endangered freedom to abort one’s own unborn children.
The essay’s author is Nikiya Natale (preferred pronouns “she/her”), deputy director of We Testify, a group created by the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) which advocates for women who have undergone abortions. Her bio on the group’s website states that Natale’s “passion” for her work “stems from her own multiple abortion experiences.” Multiple “experiences.”
Natale claims in her Nation article that many of those who have had abortions “celebrate their experience”; some of the women themselves – We Testify “abortion storytellers” – then go on to detail their infanticides in the article and why they are “thankful” for them.
Predictably, like all social justice warriors who live in a state of ceaseless discontent over perceived historical injustices, Natale felt compelled to begin her essay by wondering “why our nation celebrates the complicated holiday of Thanksgiving at all” – “complicated” because America was “founded on the unforgivable genocide of Native Americans.”
“[T]he harsh reality is that the utter disregard for all Indigenous people in the 1800s fuels the same systems of white supremacy that dehumanize all of us today,” she charged.
Let’s pause for some fact checks: 1) The United States of America was founded not on genocide, but in the affirmation that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That this basic fact even has to be clarified shows how deeply the Left has subverted our youth through decades of anti-American historical revisionism; 2) isolated atrocities aside (and there were atrocities committed by both sides) the European colonial powers did not wage genocide against Native Americans; 3) America is demonstrably not a nation in the grip of “systems of white supremacy.” It is, however, in the grip of an irrational, anti-Western wokeness that has twisted any potential sense of gratitude in privileged young people like Nikiya Natale into perpetual grievance. They can’t set aside their Marxist obsession with imagined power struggles for even one day in November to appreciate the freedoms and abundance that previous generations of Americans have struggled and fought to grant them.
“When I look at the state of this nation, the anger piles up, and my gratitude is depleted,” she complained. In all fairness to her, I confess I feel the same sense of anger, but for completely different reasons. When I look at the state of this nation, I see it riven by a not-so-cold civil war between people who love this country despite its historical and current faults, and people like Nakiya Natale who despise this country because all they want to see are its historical and current faults.
Anyway, despite the weight of the world bearing down on her as a social justice activist, she did manage to find a modicum of gratitude — for the right to end the lives of her unborn. Natale and her fellow abortion storytellers want not only to be able to “shout their abortions” without shame or guilt; they want their “choice” to be validated, preferably celebrated, by others. They believe, as Natale puts it, that “people should be supported in whatever they decide, every time.” They want to end “abortion stigma.”
Of all the things for which Americans could be grateful – rights and freedoms which exist nowhere else in the world, our historically unprecedented material prosperity, even the simple personal pleasures of family and friends – pro-abortionists like Natale and The Nation could find nothing to “celebrate” but their “experiences” of having terminated inconvenient pregnancies. Even more tragically warped, they demand that society cheer the fact that they have made an idol of sexual liberation and sacrificed their own unborn to it.
Pro-lifers don’t want to send anyone to jail or tar-and-feather them over abortion. We don’t want to shame young women into living with corrosive guilt. We don’t want single mothers or struggling young couples to be overwhelmed by the responsibility of unplanned children. We want to create a culture of life in which the least among us are protected, and in which abortion is not viewed as a casual, go-to solution. We want to reclaim a culture which recognizes the reality that sex was biologically designed for procreation, and therefore any time you decide to engage in it for recreation, you risk creating a baby (that decision is where one should exercise one’s “choice”). We want to reclaim a culture which prioritizes intact, fruitful families. The day that comes to pass, we can all truly celebrate together.
None of these female idiots should EVER be allowed to vote
These women must have used sperm donors prior to obtaining their abortions. Can’t believe any real male would consider sexual relations with any of them.
These women are “celebrating” infanticide. A year ago, I didn’t even believe in Satan. My, how quickly things change.
The worship of unbridled sexuality is the idol worship of our times
I have a slightly different take on abortion. Abortion should be MANDATED for Democrats beginning in the 54th trimester should the fetus sign a Democrat Party registration card, which would be indicative that there is no viable or cogent life, and immediately aborted. I have thought about this and cannot see any downside.
National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF)
At least they are honest enough to name themselves after their main objective – MONEY
Capitalist pigs.
The important points about an establishment dominated by woke-idiots who spew the narrative of our being a genocidal nation, built by oppressive capitalism, that needs to eradicate whiteness … is lost by the obsession with progressives having abortion.
The progressives now control virtually all education and media. You’d expect them to be celebration Thanksgiving over their victory. Of course, perpetual revolution is the only means to maintain their power … as Communists long realized.
Focus, Mark, focus. We, the living, our losing sovereignty over our lives and family and you worry about progressives having fewer children.
“.. are losing sovereignty …” I hate this not being able to edit but I’ll get used to it.
Anyone reading it would understand what you meant, but thanks for the edit anyway! It will be nice when we can put them into the original text.
Abortion is evil. Being proud and glorifying your “multiple” abortions is truly evil to the max. God have mercy on their souls. They’re gonna need it.
I’m surprised that any of those lovely ladies (?) could find a man desperate enough to cohabit enough with them to impregnate them. Have none of them ever heard about birth control or pregnancy prevention? Isn’t birth control cheaper and safer than an abortion?
And isn’t it more than a little ironic that they are all making the “heart” sign with their hands? I thought abortion was about stopping the heart.
Oh, it’s only a clump of cells, not a beating heart at six weeks or even at nine months (sarc). But anyone who has ever had a sonogram early in her pregnancy, say at six weeks, and has seen that miraculous light flashing, showing a beating heart, knows otherwise.
Beer does strange things to male eyesight.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder?
The infamous beer goggles. There’s a hilarious Scottish sobriety test video out there.
I wonder if any of them will ever have children. Some probably but many probably will not. They won’t won’t know the joy & the frustration children bring to one’s life. I was an abortion absolutist & realized as I got older it was a selfish position. These women are going to be angry & resentful all their lives. Sad.
I wonder how many times they can have their womb scraped or vacuumed before a fertilized egg will no longer attach. I’ve heard it can cause problems with carrying a child, so at some point they’ll be demanding we pay for their fertility clinic visits and procedures
These women already have children. They have just chosen to murder each of the children before the child was born. And now they want to command our celebration of the murders.
When they’re seventy they will share a tiny apartment in a trendy neighborhood with six cats. Isn’t that all anyone needs?
Abortion has always been an odd choice to make into a sacrament, but sacrament it is, at least for the modern Left.
The left harnessing abortion and sexuality, primary drive of young people, to achieve political power.
He isn’t the first. Remember Hugh Hefner? A former “bunny” said “he was the devil.” Ever see a tattoo on a 16-year-old girl? Green or Pink hair? Nose piercing? But yes, the left is harnessing abortion and sex to get political power. This is Lord of the Flies stuff. God help us all.
The National Network of Abortion Funds isn’t the only organization that “advocates” for women after abortions. Every pro-life organization does the same, and they do it without advocating for abortion itself; that would defeat the purpose. Abortion creates overpowering guilt and bottomless despair. Only the most psychopathological individuals genuinely feel like celebration.That’s why some people double down, triple down, quadruple down on their abortion ideology by having ever more abortions. It helps reinforce the delusion that abortion is a “right” and not an act of murder; murder of the most vulnerable and innocent.
The deeper they dig into that abyss … the harder it will be to crawl out of it.
They’re godless. When you hate God then anything is possible..
If they don’t believe in God, they aren’t held accountable for all their wrongdoing. But the reality is, THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, BECAUSE GOD SEES EVERYTHING.
I’ve seen it Even with an atheist it was 6 months of heavy drinking, guilt and depression that still comes back years later. For almost four years she kept a shrine in a drawer with some things she had already bought for the baby, the pregnancy test, ultrasounds and other mementos of the pregnancy. She would cry over it every now and then until she finally put it in storage. or threw it away.
How absolutely horrible! Given her level of remorse, I hope that her sins are forgiven and that she eventually meets her baby in heaven, where she can treasure its beautiful soul.
Morlock smiles for abortion at any point (and after birth), and deems it an act for love to have a party.
What a movement that has reached this point.
Jerome Corsi has stated that research out of India and China points out higher breast cancer rates among women having abortions.
If that photo is a gathering of people who have had, and are Thankful for abortions, then I too am thankful. They have done the world a great service.
Yes. And I wonder if these heart symbols they are making are then shown crushed or torn apart.
I can understand if these women aren’t Christians and they kill their baby. I vehemently disagree, but I can understand because they have no conscious. They are more concerned with their spin class, or getting laid on a Saturday night by a stranger than raising a child.. However, don’t tell me you’re a Christian. You’re not. You can’t be a Catholic/Christian and be a liberal, or have abortions on demand. Sorry, but that’s not the way it works.
Jeremiah 1:5 “before I formed you in the womb I knew you: Before you were born I set you apart”
Luke 1:41 “And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,”
You can’t call yourself a member of any Judeo-Christian religion if you accept abortion for any reason other than saving the mother’s life. Sorry, but “this isn’t a good time for me to have a baby” is not an excuse. If it’s not a good time to have a baby, it’s not a good time to have sex. And if a woman does something stupid and gets pregnant, she ought to give the baby up for adoption by a loving family rather than killing it.
Judgment Day will come for everyone given life and a soul when they die. Taking an
innocent life no matter what stage of development is murder. Jesus said “as you do to
the least of these you do to me.” Sadly, Hell will be the final estate for those who demand
the freedom to destroy the innocent, is it due to stupidity or ignorance, may be due
to and evil heart and eternal punishment is the result. The answer is a return to morality.
If you have done this repent and ask for forgiveness, God is just to forgive but just
do not be suckered in by evil.
So do they go Vegan to oppose so called Animal Abuse do they block traffic or pour out Milk on the floors and try and force their Plant Based garbage on us all over this Climate Change load of Malarkey and so the have abortion while wearing Save the Polar bears T-Shirt? or one of those Antifur jerks
Hey Leftists, let’s hear it for Indiginous Person-Style Abortions i.e, an Owl Claw on a Birch Stick !
These women lack self control but get fulfilment by controlling the death of a helpless child in the womb. That’s nothing to celebrate. That’s to be mourned.
“We don’t want to shame young women into living with corrosive guilt.”
Speak for yourself.
Personally, I believe that guilt and shame are powerful motivators for positive change.
You cannot seek forgiveness for sins unless you first acknowledge your guilt.
Any woman that has ever aborted her child for any reason (except for an ectopic pregnancy), is guilty of murder. Full stop, end of story. The law of man may not hold her responsible, but the law of man can be changed with the stroke of a pen. The law of God, on the other hand, is immutable and unchanging.
From the look of these porkers, I think they’d be better off being “grateful” for not eating a box of Krispy Kreme donuts in one sitting. Captain Ahab, please pick up the courtesy phone. . . !
At the bottom of WE TESTIFY’s page:
“Does We Testify perform or help pay for abortions?
“Unfortunately, We Testify does not have the capacity to fund abortions. We have many resources to help you get an abortion on our site. You can find your local abortion fund here or your local clinic here.”
From near the top:
“To borrow from the disability justice movement, there should be nothing about us without us. We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for.”
I’m trying to justify these two being together.
ABORTION and HOMOSEXUALITY are an abomination to God. The fools are worshipping these affronts to God as idols, and God is not going to allow idols to survive much longer. HEBREWS 12:26 says: At the End of the Age, God has warned that He will shake the earth and the heavens, that everything will be changed as a great shaking occurs. EVERY OFFENSIVE THING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED BY GOD WILL BE SHAKEN LOOSE AND REMOVED FROM ITS PLACE. EVERY NATION WILL BE SHAKEN…NOT ONE WILL ESCAPE THIS MOMENTOUS SHIFTING,