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The state of Louisiana took a giant step forward recently towards decency, honor, and the virtuous Republic our Founding Fathers established, and which is so needed if America is going to survive. Louisiana required public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments. To no one’s surprise, the Left went catatonic. But then, the Left knows nothing about true American history or what the Constitution actually means.
Our Founding Fathers would be astounded at how the document they wrote as the “supreme law of the land” is mishandled today. And the Left’s abhorrence of religion would be a major area of their astonishment. “Our Constitution was made ONLY for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other” (John Adams). And, of course, this is why the atheistic Left hates it (the Constitution) and our Founding Fathers so much.
OK, Lefty, please tell us how YOU propose to stop murder, theft, adultery, lying, etc.. Through pagan nihilism?
We’ve tried it the Left’s way. We let them kick God out of the public schools about 60 years ago, and practice their hedonistic experiment in subjective morality, licentious “freedom,” “live and let live” nihilism. We gave them control of education and morality, and the results are now clearly manifest. It isn’t a pretty picture to anybody except those who want decadence and a totalitarian government. In other words, to Democrats.
Look at American cities now—the big ones, governed by Democrats. Those no-God, Democratic Party-run hellholes are flooded with murder, theft, and crime, and have thousands of people sleeping and defecating on their streets. This is precisely what the Left wants—to create social chaos so that more government will be needed. If people are taught self-control and moral excellence, they won’t require much government. That was the idea of our Founding Fathers—limited government for religious and virtuous people who take care of themselves, thus they don’t need a tyrannical government like Leftism always produces. How soon we forget history. Or rather, how soon we let the Left change it because they hate what our Founders did and what they established.
The country has drifted so far away from the divine wisdom of history that we no longer know what a man and a woman are or what marriage is. We are ruining the lives of countless children by mutilating them for the sybaritic gratification of self-indulgent, pleasure-worshiping profligates who have the White House and Democratic Party in their back pockets. We have a President who couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it. Even “science”—the idol of the God-denying Left—can’t be trusted any more: man-made climate change, Covid source, vaccines, transgender lies. How far down can things go? How could teaching children the Ten Commandments possibly make it WORSE? Do these Leftists honestly believe our Founding Fathers would argue that their Constitution prohibits a state from posting the Ten Commandments on classroom walls? That is utterly ludicrous, absolute nonsense, unqualified stupidity, the worst possible historical scholarship imaginable. What in the world is wrong with these people?
Well, I know exactly what’s wrong with them. They are pure evil, atheistic, Marxist, totalitarian Leftists who believe that only THEY can create a moral system that humanity should live by. And, for the last 100 years, all over the world, that moral system has said, “If you don’t believe what we tell you to believe if you don’t accept OUR moral standards, then we’re going to kill you. Or throw you in the gulag. Or put you in prison if you are a praying 70-year-old grandmother who happens to believe that human life begins at conception. We will ram our ideology down your throats and you better like it.” These people don’t believe in God, so they make it up as they go along. And when given enough power, Washington, DC, and current Democratic-governed American metropolises are the result. Or, worse yet, California.
We’ve let the Left, not God, make the rules for the past 60 years. And the country is on the brink of unmitigated disaster because of it.
But the country has a serious problem, and it’s not just horrible Leftist scholarship. More and more Americans are coming to love wallowing with pigs in the mire. This system the Left has created out of an unscientific, hedonistic chimera suits barbarians perfectly—those people who are too lazy to practice self-control, who believe they have a right to steal, murder, commit adultery (and other sexual licentiousness), who care nothing about parenthood (honoring their father and mother), who covet and plot to obtain other people’s belongings, and to whom telling the truth means absolutely nothing. In other words, people who worship no higher god than themselves. This current America is exactly what they want. And their name is Legion– or, better, Democrat.
Don’t you DARE teach children to obey their parents, not to steal, murder, commit adultery, lie, or—the worst thing of all—that they should worship God? The leftist government will tell them what they can and cannot do, what they will be allowed to do, what they must believe and practice, and woe unto anyone—like 70-year-old grandmothers—who doesn’t do what the Leftist elite commands. Don’t you DARE obey God? You must obey the US!
That’s the Left. That’s the Democratic Party. People who believe in something higher than government are the greatest threat to their totalitarian system. Fathers and mothers are dangerous because they might teach something that the Leftists don’t want children to learn. Shhh! Don’t tell parents we’re grooming their kids to be deviants and to believe what WE want them to believe. Let them find out when it’s too late. WE’LL raise the children, thank you. “It takes a village,” remember?
Pure, 100% evil. Enough of it!
Hail, Louisiana! Let’s hope many other states follow suit and in a hurry.
Since the Demon-Rats have violated all 10 or them and the Seven Deadly Sins as well
Duncan says
Excellent insightful article. Please consider replacing “catatonic” in paragraph 1 with “apoplectic.”
Jason P says
Madison argued against teaching religion in public schools. See his “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments.”
John Adams saw the foundational ethos of the nation on both religion and Cicero. The quote we love so much comes from a speech that doesn’t talk about religion but the civic virtues of Cicero. Adams idolized Cicero and modeled his life on his.
You can get your religion at church but it is Cicero is no where to be found. This is what we are missing. This is why we lost our purpose, i.e. to establish a self-reliant liberal order protecting the fruit of the virtues of “industry and frugality” (as Ben Franklin constantly preached) by insuring property rights.
MuggsSpongedice says
10 Commandments nor the Bible nor G-D and Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah is religion. It is fact. It is science. Humans made religion out of science rather than teaching this is the way of life.
Jason P says
Religion is faith … the belief despite evidence.
Reformers, such as Aquinas, argued that reason & the Christian religion don’t contradict but if so that is an accident. If what you take without evidence turns out to be right when evidence is considered, you are lucky.
Nevertheless Aquinas will well worth reading. He starts by asking the right question.
Mo de Profit says
The leftist elites will implement Marxism again but they will do it right this time.
MuggsSpongedice says
10 Commandments nor the Bible nor G-D and Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah is religion. It is fact. It is science. Humans made religion out of science rather than teaching this is the way of life.
1962 the evil hating Madlyn Murry O’Hare successfully took her remove 10 Commandments from the classroom case to the Supreme Court. I recall looking at the 10 Commandments as a boy above the chalkboard and like other children, mostly boys, the 10 Commandments literally scared the hell outta me. That’s good right? Little kids can be hellions and to scare the hell out of them with G-D’S Laws is a good thing. Not to terrorize them like jihad religions and religions that become dogma and make no sense and take a person nowhere except on a merry-go-round. These basic rules, morals, standards, ethics found in the 10 Commandments set a foundation which is why they belong in the classroom and courthouse. 10 Commandments don’t teach religion, but teach fact. and common sense. 10 Commandments belong in Congress that is for sure. If majority of those sell outs elected to CONgrASS saw the 10 Commandments in Congress floor and entering the building, they would ignite, melt, scream and run out the building or do what most do who see that YHVH and Yeshua are the only answer, get down and repent and pray. and be guided by YHVH’S Light and Truth!
Shai Ben-Tekoa says
Yes, by all means post the Ten Commandments in schools but honesty requires they be labelled “The Christian Version” because it is different from the Jewish.
The graphic posted here, I assume, is a Christian version because the Jewish Ten begin with “I am G-d, your Lord, Who took you of the land of Egypt” which is absent here. And, btw, is evidence the Ten Commandments were directed exclusively to the Israelites. No gentile nation was enslaved in Egypt and liberated. This first commandment does not apply to them.
Judaism also believes G-d gave gentiles Seven Commandments called the Noachide Laws, five of which are virtually identical to five of the Jewish ten.
The KJV version does begin properly with the above identification of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the Liberator, though commonly here and throughout the Christian version it mistranslates the Name of G-d as “the Lord,” which is a title, not a name, and uses “God” when it should use the “Lord.”
The Christian version also mistranslates “Thou shall not kill,” when Hebrew, just like English, has the word “murder” and says in the original “Thou shall not murder.”
Moreover, there are two versions of the Ten, the first in Exodus 20, the second in Deuteronomy 5, and they are different because the first are the direct words of the Almighty delivered at Mt. Sinai in the year 1273 BCE, and the second is Moses forty years later not contradicting the first but elaborating on them.
Siddi Nasrani says
Then of course you have the Catholic 10 Commandments which are different ?
(1)I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
(2)Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
(1)I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
(2)Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; And showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments.
(1)Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
(2)Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
aquasticky says
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Intrepid says
Posting the Ten C’s is almost the same as holding a cross up to a vampire. After all, aren’t the Democrats and Atheists akin to Vampires?
RS says
Deception is the Era in which we live now, a strong sign of the Last Days. God Himself engraved His will for the people on two tablets of stone. (THE BREATH OF GOD’S WORD SPOKEN TO MOSES. ) The first group of commandments laid out the rules to protect the harmony between God and people; the second group was designed to maintain respect between people. It was vital to the stability of the forming tribal nation that everyone act in a trustworthy manner.
Selfishness risked the community’s survival. The set of rules, the Ten Commandments, are the code to live by that was given by God directly to Moses on Mount Sinai on Holy Ground. This was one of the greatest things to happen in Human History.
One of the main reasons Jesus prophesied about the End Times was to protect us from false teaching. In Matthew 24:4-5, He warned, “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, “I am the christ and will deceive many. We live in a day when deception is very common, AN EVERY DAY OCCURRENCE NOW.
Jesus said in John 16:1. “These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble.” Knowing what the Bible says about the future protects us from being deceived.