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Letters like this count on two things.
1. Decency
2. Public outrage
The former is a non-starter. Biden’s decency is entirely in the imagination of his media apologists. The real Biden, the one we see pop up in unscripted moments, is a corrupt political hack with no regard for anyone else. This is the same guy who dismissed the Afghanistan disaster as having happened a few days ago, who offered a ‘no comment’ response to the Maui wildfires and who stole money from 9/11 families to give to the Taliban.
And the second would have been effective a decade ago. Today hardly anyone cares about the September 11 attacks. And I don’t just mean on the Left. Front Page has been about the only site to run any coverage of Biden’s dirty move that took money from 9/11 families and gave it to the Taliban. And there isn’t much coverage of what’s happening with the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed plea deal. Just as we were about the only ones to document the list of Al Qaeda terrorists released by Biden.
Most people don’t care. That’s the hard reality here. We can hope that decency will prevail and that the public outrage will be heard, but for now this story is hardly even being covered.
More than 2,000 family members of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks urged President Biden Monday to oppose any plea agreement with five alleged Al Qaeda bigs behind the atrocity, including purported mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM).
Last week, multiple outlets reported the Pentagon had sent letters to victims’ families informing them that plea deals are being considered for the five suspects, who have been held in the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba since 2006.
“The pain is all the worse as we learn from the [Pentagon], practically on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary, in a form letter that it is proposing a deal with terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that will prevent a public trial and will continue to keep the information provided to his legal team … secret and hidden,” the family members wrote in a letter to Biden.
Under the proposed deal, the Pentagon letter said, the Gitmo five would “accept criminal responsibility for their actions and plead guilty … in exchange for not receiving the death penalty,” according to CBS News.
“You are our President and we ask that you prioritize the interests of the victims of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks over those of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or other terrorists; that you not bow to the demands of any embarrassed government officials willing to sacrifice transparency,” Monday’s letter continued.
Biden’s their president. Or America’s president. But then again, who is? Who actually gives a damn?
Long before Ukraine or Russia, much of our political class had sold out to the Saudis and the Qataris. Who in politics on either side isn’t on the take from them? Or from various foreign interests? It would have to be someone so low down the totem pole that he hasn’t even been solicited.
The Biden administration is claiming that it has no say in this deal despite the fact that Obama and now Biden have been maniacally obsessed with closing Gitmo and releasing its terrorists to such a degree that Obama forced out one Secretary of Defense and tried to sideline another to get more terrorists freed.
This plea deal is about that. And unless there’s a whole lot more public outrage, it will go forward.
Look at the fur pelt on Luigi’s shoulders and back. Was his dad a goat, or some type of lower hominid?
My girlfriend commented on my chest hair because she’s black and I’m the first white guy she’s been with, but if I had a fur carpet like shiekh Luigi, she wouldn’t want anything to do with me. It’s bestial.
I remember thinking at the time, too bad that John Belushi was no longer with us. He could have made a wonderful Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Yeah, too bad about those eight balls or whatever they were. I think John Belushi was talented and funny. He would have made a good parody of sheikh Luigi.
We still have Jim, though. 🙂
I mean at least Al Qaeda is up front about their objective.
Why do you hate Trumps so much? He was a great President and a good ally to the UK. Look how f’ed up the world is now because he’s gone, and how much better things were when he was around. FOR MOST ALL OF US.
So they kind of go on blowing the heads off aspiring female football stars because the fact is football stars are kind of retarded.
Osama’s family aspires to the notion one day they will create Western prosperity. It’s the same deal.
He unfortunately doesn’t have to answer any of your questions. Because your questions are unfortunately mute.
Never fought for anything except their American version of nothing.
Thousands of 9/11 family members can ask Biden not to do what they already know he’s going to do.
Make no Bargains with any Terrorists it only encourages them to do it again locking them up and throwing away the key is better
That’s Joe Biden, people being maimed and killed has no effect on him. Biden just doesn’t care, he puts on the illusion of concern and walks off into the bushes tripping over freshly mowed grass.
The real reason for this is to avoid a trial where facts about 9/11 would come out and embarrass the Bush/Obama/Biden Administrations and possibly incriminate the Saudis.
I have almost no words to express my complete disgust with this man and his cackling VP. This is just further evidence, not that more is needed that Joe Biden never has had the needs or wishes of the American people in mind.